package org.newdawn.slick; /** * Description of classes that respond to mouse related input events * * @author kevin */ public interface MouseListener extends ControlledInputReciever { /** * Notification that the mouse wheel position was updated * * @param change The amount of the wheel has moved */ public abstract void mouseWheelMoved(int change); /** * Notification that a mouse button was clicked. Due to double click * handling the single click may be delayed slightly. For absolute notification * of single clicks use mousePressed(). * * To be absolute this method should only be used when considering double clicks * * @param button The index of the button (starting at 0) * @param x The x position of the mouse when the button was pressed * @param y The y position of the mouse when the button was pressed * @param clickCount The number of times the button was clicked */ public abstract void mouseClicked(int button, int x, int y, int clickCount); /** * Notification that a mouse button was pressed * * @param button The index of the button (starting at 0) * @param x The x position of the mouse when the button was pressed * @param y The y position of the mouse when the button was pressed */ public abstract void mousePressed(int button, int x, int y); /** * Notification that a mouse button was released * * @param button The index of the button (starting at 0) * @param x The x position of the mouse when the button was released * @param y The y position of the mouse when the button was released */ public abstract void mouseReleased(int button, int x, int y); /** * Notification that mouse cursor was moved * * @param oldx The old x position of the mouse * @param oldy The old y position of the mouse * @param newx The new x position of the mouse * @param newy The new y position of the mouse */ public abstract void mouseMoved(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy); /** * Notification that mouse cursor was dragged * * @param oldx The old x position of the mouse * @param oldy The old y position of the mouse * @param newx The new x position of the mouse * @param newy The new y position of the mouse */ public abstract void mouseDragged(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy); }