package org.newdawn.slick.geom; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * A set of utilities to play with geometry * * @author kevin */ public class GeomUtil { /** The tolerance for determining changes and steps */ public float EPSILON = 0.0001f; /** The tolerance for determining direction change */ public float EDGE_SCALE = 1f; /** The maximum number of points returned by an operation - prevents full lockups */ public int MAX_POINTS = 10000; /** The listener to notify of operations */ public GeomUtilListener listener; /** * Subtract one shape from another - note this is experimental and doesn't * currently handle islands * * @param target The target to be subtracted from * @param missing The shape to subtract * @return The newly created shapes */ public Shape[] subtract(Shape target, Shape missing) { target = target.transform(new Transform()); missing = missing.transform(new Transform()); int count = 0; for (int i=0;i<target.getPointCount();i++) { if (missing.contains(target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { count++; } } if (count == target.getPointCount()) { return new Shape[0]; } if (!target.intersects(missing)) { return new Shape[] {target}; } int found = 0; for (int i=0;i<missing.getPointCount();i++) { if (target.contains(missing.getPoint(i)[0], missing.getPoint(i)[1])) { if (!onPath(target, missing.getPoint(i)[0], missing.getPoint(i)[1])) { found++; } } } for (int i=0;i<target.getPointCount();i++) { if (missing.contains(target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { if (!onPath(missing, target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { found++; } } } if (found < 1) { return new Shape[] {target}; } return combine(target, missing, true); } /** * Check if the given point is on the path * * @param path The path to check * @param x The x coordinate of the point to check * @param y The y coordiante of teh point to check * @return True if the point is on the path */ private boolean onPath(Shape path, float x, float y) { for (int i=0;i<path.getPointCount()+1;i++) { int n = rationalPoint(path, i+1); Line line = getLine(path, rationalPoint(path, i), n); if (line.distance(new Vector2f(x,y)) < EPSILON*100) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Set the listener to be notified of geometry based operations * * @param listener The listener to be notified of geometry based operations */ public void setListener(GeomUtilListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } /** * Join to shapes together. Note that the shapes must be touching * for this method to work. * * @param target The target shape to union with * @param other The additional shape to union * @return The newly created shapes */ public Shape[] union(Shape target, Shape other) { target = target.transform(new Transform()); other = other.transform(new Transform()); if (!target.intersects(other)) { return new Shape[] {target, other}; } // handle the case where intersects is true but really we're talking // about edge points boolean touches = false; int buttCount = 0; for (int i=0;i<target.getPointCount();i++) { if (other.contains(target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { if (!other.hasVertex(target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { touches = true; break; } } if (other.hasVertex(target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { buttCount++; } } for (int i=0;i<other.getPointCount();i++) { if (target.contains(other.getPoint(i)[0], other.getPoint(i)[1])) { if (!target.hasVertex(other.getPoint(i)[0], other.getPoint(i)[1])) { touches = true; break; } } } if ((!touches) && (buttCount < 2)) { return new Shape[] {target, other}; } // so they are definitely touching, consider the union return combine(target, other, false); } /** * Perform the combination * * @param target The target shape we're updating * @param other The other shape in the operation * @param subtract True if it's a subtract operation, otherwise it's union * @return The set of shapes produced */ private Shape[] combine(Shape target, Shape other, boolean subtract) { if (subtract) { ArrayList shapes = new ArrayList(); ArrayList used = new ArrayList(); // remove any points that are contianed in the shape we're removing, these // are implicitly used for (int i=0;i<target.getPointCount();i++) { float[] point = target.getPoint(i); if (other.contains(point[0], point[1])) { used.add(new Vector2f(point[0], point[1])); if (listener != null) { listener.pointExcluded(point[0], point[1]); } } } for (int i=0;i<target.getPointCount();i++) { float[] point = target.getPoint(i); Vector2f pt = new Vector2f(point[0], point[1]); if (!used.contains(pt)) { Shape result = combineSingle(target, other, true, i); shapes.add(result); for (int j=0;j<result.getPointCount();j++) { float[] kpoint = result.getPoint(j); Vector2f kpt = new Vector2f(kpoint[0], kpoint[1]); used.add(kpt); } } } return (Shape[]) shapes.toArray(new Shape[0]); } else { for (int i=0;i<target.getPointCount();i++) { if (!other.contains(target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { if (!other.hasVertex(target.getPoint(i)[0], target.getPoint(i)[1])) { Shape shape = combineSingle(target, other, false, i); return new Shape[] {shape}; } } } return new Shape[] {other}; } } /** * Combine two shapes * * @param target The target shape * @param missing The second shape to apply * @param subtract True if we should subtract missing from target, otherwise union * @param start The point to start at * @return The newly created shape */ private Shape combineSingle(Shape target, Shape missing, boolean subtract, int start) { Shape current = target; Shape other = missing; int point = start; int dir = 1; Polygon poly = new Polygon(); boolean first = true; int loop = 0; // while we've not reached the same point float px = current.getPoint(point)[0]; float py = current.getPoint(point)[1]; while (!poly.hasVertex(px, py) || (first) || (current != target)) { first = false; loop++; if (loop > MAX_POINTS) { break; } // add the current point to the result shape poly.addPoint(px,py); if (listener != null) { listener.pointUsed(px,py); } // if the line between the current point and the next one intersect the // other shape work out where on the other shape and start traversing it's // path instead Line line = getLine(current, px, py, rationalPoint(current, point+dir)); HitResult hit = intersect(other, line); if (hit != null) { Line hitLine = hit.line; Vector2f pt =; px = pt.x; py = pt.y; if (listener != null) { listener.pointIntersected(px,py); } if (other.hasVertex(px, py)) { point = other.indexOf(pt.x,pt.y); dir = 1; px = pt.x; py = pt.y; Shape temp = current; current = other; other = temp; continue; } float dx = hitLine.getDX() / hitLine.length(); float dy = hitLine.getDY() / hitLine.length(); dx *= EDGE_SCALE; dy *= EDGE_SCALE; if (current.contains(pt.x + dx, pt.y + dy)) { // the point is the next one, we need to take the first and traverse // the path backwards if (subtract) { if (current == missing) { point = hit.p2; dir = -1; } else { point = hit.p1; dir = 1; } } else { if (current == target) { point = hit.p2; dir = -1; } else { point = hit.p2; dir = -1; } } // swap the shapes over, we'll traverse the other one Shape temp = current; current = other; other = temp; } else if (current.contains(pt.x - dx, pt.y - dy)) { if (subtract) { if (current == target) { point = hit.p2; dir = -1; } else { point = hit.p1; dir = 1; } } else { if (current == missing) { point = hit.p1; dir = 1; } else { point = hit.p1; dir = 1; } } // swap the shapes over, we'll traverse the other one Shape temp = current; current = other; other = temp; } else { // give up if (subtract) { break; } else { point = hit.p1; dir = 1; Shape temp = current; current = other; other = temp; point = rationalPoint(current, point+dir); px = current.getPoint(point)[0]; py = current.getPoint(point)[1]; } } } else { // otherwise just move to the next point in the current shape point = rationalPoint(current, point+dir); px = current.getPoint(point)[0]; py = current.getPoint(point)[1]; } } poly.addPoint(px,py); if (listener != null) { listener.pointUsed(px,py); } return poly; } /** * Intersect a line with a shape * * @param shape The shape to compare * @param line The line to intersect against the shape * @return The result describing the intersection or null if none */ public HitResult intersect(Shape shape, Line line) { float distance = Float.MAX_VALUE; HitResult hit = null; for (int i=0;i<shape.getPointCount();i++) { int next = rationalPoint(shape, i+1); Line local = getLine(shape, i, next); Vector2f pt = line.intersect(local, true); if (pt != null) { float newDis = pt.distance(line.getStart()); if ((newDis < distance) && (newDis > EPSILON)) { hit = new HitResult(); = pt; hit.line = local; hit.p1 = i; hit.p2 = next; distance = newDis; } } } return hit; } /** * Rationalise a point in terms of a given shape * * @param shape The shape * @param p The index of the point * @return The index that is rational for the shape */ public static int rationalPoint(Shape shape, int p) { while (p < 0) { p += shape.getPointCount(); } while (p >= shape.getPointCount()) { p -= shape.getPointCount(); } return p; } /** * Get a line between two points in a shape * * @param shape The shape * @param s The index of the start point * @param e The index of the end point * @return The line between the two points */ public Line getLine(Shape shape, int s, int e) { float[] start = shape.getPoint(s); float[] end = shape.getPoint(e); Line line = new Line(start[0],start[1],end[0],end[1]); return line; } /** * Get a line between two points in a shape * * @param shape The shape * @param sx The x coordinate of the start point * @param sy The y coordinate of the start point * @param e The index of the end point * @return The line between the two points */ public Line getLine(Shape shape, float sx, float sy, int e) { float[] end = shape.getPoint(e); Line line = new Line(sx,sy,end[0],end[1]); return line; } /** * A lightweigtht description of a intersection between a shape and * line. */ public class HitResult { /** The line on the target shape that intersected */ public Line line; /** The index of the first point on the target shape that forms the line */ public int p1; /** The index of the second point on the target shape that forms the line */ public int p2; /** The position of the intersection */ public Vector2f pt; } }