package org.newdawn.slick.geom; /** * A collection of triangles * * @author kevin */ public interface Triangulator { /** * Get a count of the number of triangles produced * * @return The number of triangles produced */ public int getTriangleCount(); /** * Get a point on a specified generated triangle * * @param tri The index of the triangle to interegate * @param i The index of the point within the triangle to retrieve * (0 - 2) * @return The x,y coordinate pair for the point */ public float[] getTrianglePoint(int tri, int i); /** * Add a point that forms part of the outer polygon * * @param x The x coordinate of the point * @param y The y coordiante of the point */ public void addPolyPoint(float x, float y); /** * Start a hole in the polygon */ public void startHole(); /** * Run the triangulation * * @return True if successful */ public boolean triangulate(); }