package org.newdawn.slick.geom; import org.newdawn.slick.util.FastTrig; /** * A two dimensional vector * * @author Kevin Glass */ public strictfp class Vector2f { /** The x component of this vector */ public float x; /** The y component of this vector */ public float y; /** * Create an empty vector */ public Vector2f() { } /** * Create a vector based on the contents of a coordinate array * * @param coords The coordinates array, index 0 = x, index 1 = y */ public Vector2f(float[] coords) { x = coords[0]; y = coords[1]; } /** * Create a new vector based on an angle * * @param theta The angle of the vector in degrees */ public Vector2f(double theta) { x = 1; y = 0; setTheta(theta); } /** * Calculate the components of the vectors based on a angle * * @param theta The angle to calculate the components from (in degrees) */ public void setTheta(double theta) { // Next lines are to prevent numbers like -1.8369701E-16 // when working with negative numbers if ((theta < -360) || (theta > 360)) { theta = theta % 360; } if (theta < 0) { theta = 360 + theta; } double oldTheta = getTheta(); if ((theta < -360) || (theta > 360)) { oldTheta = oldTheta % 360; } if (theta < 0) { oldTheta = 360 + oldTheta; } float len = length(); x = len * (float) FastTrig.cos(StrictMath.toRadians(theta)); y = len * (float) FastTrig.sin(StrictMath.toRadians(theta)); // x = x / (float) FastTrig.cos(StrictMath.toRadians(oldTheta)) // * (float) FastTrig.cos(StrictMath.toRadians(theta)); // y = x / (float) FastTrig.sin(StrictMath.toRadians(oldTheta)) // * (float) FastTrig.sin(StrictMath.toRadians(theta)); } /** * Adjust this vector by a given angle * * @param theta * The angle to adjust the angle by (in degrees) * @return This vector - useful for chaining operations * */ public Vector2f add(double theta) { setTheta(getTheta() + theta); return this; } /** * Adjust this vector by a given angle * * @param theta The angle to adjust the angle by (in degrees) * @return This vector - useful for chaining operations */ public Vector2f sub(double theta) { setTheta(getTheta() - theta); return this; } /** * Get the angle this vector is at * * @return The angle this vector is at (in degrees) */ public double getTheta() { double theta = StrictMath.toDegrees(StrictMath.atan2(y, x)); if ((theta < -360) || (theta > 360)) { theta = theta % 360; } if (theta < 0) { theta = 360 + theta; } return theta; } /** * Get the x component * * @return The x component */ public float getX() { return x; } /** * Get the y component * * @return The y component */ public float getY() { return y; } /** * Create a new vector based on another * * @param other The other vector to copy into this one */ public Vector2f(Vector2f other) { this(other.getX(),other.getY()); } /** * Create a new vector * * @param x The x component to assign * @param y The y component to assign */ public Vector2f(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * Set the value of this vector * * @param other The values to set into the vector */ public void set(Vector2f other) { set(other.getX(),other.getY()); } /** * Dot this vector against another * * @param other The other vector dot agianst * @return The dot product of the two vectors */ public float dot(Vector2f other) { return (x * other.getX()) + (y * other.getY()); } /** * Set the values in this vector * * @param x The x component to set * @param y The y component to set * @return This vector - useful for chaining operations */ public Vector2f set(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; } /** * A vector perpendicular to this vector. * * @return a vector perpendicular to this vector */ public Vector2f getPerpendicular() { return new Vector2f(-y, x); } /** * Set the values in this vector * * @param pt The pair of values to set into the vector * @return This vector - useful for chaining operations */ public Vector2f set(float[] pt) { return set(pt[0], pt[1]); } /** * Negate this vector * * @return A copy of this vector negated */ public Vector2f negate() { return new Vector2f(-x, -y); } /** * Negate this vector without creating a new copy * * @return This vector - useful for chaning operations */ public Vector2f negateLocal() { x = -x; y = -y; return this; } /** * Add a vector to this vector * * @param v The vector to add * @return This vector - useful for chaning operations */ public Vector2f add(Vector2f v) { x += v.getX(); y += v.getY(); return this; } /** * Subtract a vector from this vector * * @param v The vector subtract * @return This vector - useful for chaining operations */ public Vector2f sub(Vector2f v) { x -= v.getX(); y -= v.getY(); return this; } /** * Scale this vector by a value * * @param a The value to scale this vector by * @return This vector - useful for chaining operations */ public Vector2f scale(float a) { x *= a; y *= a; return this; } /** * Normalise the vector * * @return This vector - useful for chaning operations */ public Vector2f normalise() { float l = length(); if (l == 0) { return this; } x /= l; y /= l; return this; } /** * The normal of the vector * * @return A unit vector with the same direction as the vector */ public Vector2f getNormal() { Vector2f cp = copy(); cp.normalise(); return cp; } /** * The length of the vector squared * * @return The length of the vector squared */ public float lengthSquared() { return (x * x) + (y * y); } /** * Get the length of this vector * * @return The length of this vector */ public float length() { return (float) Math.sqrt(lengthSquared()); } /** * Project this vector onto another * * @param b The vector to project onto * @param result The projected vector */ public void projectOntoUnit(Vector2f b, Vector2f result) { float dp =; result.x = dp * b.getX(); result.y = dp * b.getY(); } /** * Return a copy of this vector * * @return The new instance that copies this vector */ public Vector2f copy() { return new Vector2f(x,y); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return "[Vector2f "+x+","+y+" ("+length()+")]"; } /** * Get the distance from this point to another * * @param other The other point we're measuring to * @return The distance to the other point */ public float distance(Vector2f other) { return (float) Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(other)); } /** * Get the distance from this point to another, squared. This * can sometimes be used in place of distance and avoids the * additional sqrt. * * @param other The other point we're measuring to * @return The distance to the other point squared */ public float distanceSquared(Vector2f other) { float dx = other.getX() - getX(); float dy = other.getY() - getY(); return (float) (dx*dx)+(dy*dy); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { return 997 * ((int)x) ^ 991 * ((int)y); //large primes! } /** * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof Vector2f) { Vector2f o = ((Vector2f) other); return (o.x == x) && (o.y == y); } return false; } }