package org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding.heuristics.ClosestHeuristic; /** * A path finder implementation that uses the AStar heuristic based algorithm * to determine a path. * * @author Kevin Glass */ public class AStarPathFinder implements PathFinder, PathFindingContext { /** The set of nodes that have been searched through */ private ArrayList closed = new ArrayList(); /** The set of nodes that we do not yet consider fully searched */ private PriorityList open = new PriorityList(); /** The map being searched */ private TileBasedMap map; /** The maximum depth of search we're willing to accept before giving up */ private int maxSearchDistance; /** The complete set of nodes across the map */ private Node[][] nodes; /** True if we allow diaganol movement */ private boolean allowDiagMovement; /** The heuristic we're applying to determine which nodes to search first */ private AStarHeuristic heuristic; /** The node we're currently searching from */ private Node current; /** The mover going through the path */ private Mover mover; /** The x coordinate of the source tile we're moving from */ private int sourceX; /** The y coordinate of the source tile we're moving from */ private int sourceY; /** The distance searched so far */ private int distance; /** * Create a path finder with the default heuristic - closest to target. * * @param map The map to be searched * @param maxSearchDistance The maximum depth we'll search before giving up * @param allowDiagMovement True if the search should try diaganol movement */ public AStarPathFinder(TileBasedMap map, int maxSearchDistance, boolean allowDiagMovement) { this(map, maxSearchDistance, allowDiagMovement, new ClosestHeuristic()); } /** * Create a path finder * * @param heuristic The heuristic used to determine the search order of the map * @param map The map to be searched * @param maxSearchDistance The maximum depth we'll search before giving up * @param allowDiagMovement True if the search should try diaganol movement */ public AStarPathFinder(TileBasedMap map, int maxSearchDistance, boolean allowDiagMovement, AStarHeuristic heuristic) { this.heuristic = heuristic; = map; this.maxSearchDistance = maxSearchDistance; this.allowDiagMovement = allowDiagMovement; nodes = new Node[map.getWidthInTiles()][map.getHeightInTiles()]; for (int x=0;x<map.getWidthInTiles();x++) { for (int y=0;y<map.getHeightInTiles();y++) { nodes[x][y] = new Node(x,y); } } } /** * @see PathFinder#findPath(Mover, int, int, int, int) */ public Path findPath(Mover mover, int sx, int sy, int tx, int ty) { current = null; // easy first check, if the destination is blocked, we can't get there this.mover = mover; this.sourceX = tx; this.sourceY = ty; this.distance = 0; if (map.blocked(this, tx, ty)) { return null; } for (int x=0;x<map.getWidthInTiles();x++) { for (int y=0;y<map.getHeightInTiles();y++) { nodes[x][y].reset(); } } // initial state for A*. The closed group is empty. Only the starting // tile is in the open list and it's cost is zero, i.e. we're already there nodes[sx][sy].cost = 0; nodes[sx][sy].depth = 0; closed.clear(); open.clear(); addToOpen(nodes[sx][sy]); nodes[tx][ty].parent = null; // while we haven't found the goal and haven't exceeded our max search depth int maxDepth = 0; while ((maxDepth < maxSearchDistance) && (open.size() != 0)) { // pull out the first node in our open list, this is determined to // be the most likely to be the next step based on our heuristic int lx = sx; int ly = sy; if (current != null) { lx = current.x; ly = current.y; } current = getFirstInOpen(); distance = current.depth; if (current == nodes[tx][ty]) { if (isValidLocation(mover,lx,ly,tx,ty)) { break; } } removeFromOpen(current); addToClosed(current); // search through all the neighbours of the current node evaluating // them as next steps for (int x=-1;x<2;x++) { for (int y=-1;y<2;y++) { // not a neighbour, its the current tile if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) { continue; } // if we're not allowing diaganol movement then only // one of x or y can be set if (!allowDiagMovement) { if ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) { continue; } } // determine the location of the neighbour and evaluate it int xp = x + current.x; int yp = y + current.y; if (isValidLocation(mover,current.x,current.y,xp,yp)) { // the cost to get to this node is cost the current plus the movement // cost to reach this node. Note that the heursitic value is only used // in the sorted open list float nextStepCost = current.cost + getMovementCost(mover, current.x, current.y, xp, yp); Node neighbour = nodes[xp][yp]; map.pathFinderVisited(xp, yp); // if the new cost we've determined for this node is lower than // it has been previously makes sure the node hasn't been discarded. We've // determined that there might have been a better path to get to // this node so it needs to be re-evaluated if (nextStepCost < neighbour.cost) { if (inOpenList(neighbour)) { removeFromOpen(neighbour); } if (inClosedList(neighbour)) { removeFromClosed(neighbour); } } // if the node hasn't already been processed and discarded then // reset it's cost to our current cost and add it as a next possible // step (i.e. to the open list) if (!inOpenList(neighbour) && !(inClosedList(neighbour))) { neighbour.cost = nextStepCost; neighbour.heuristic = getHeuristicCost(mover, xp, yp, tx, ty); maxDepth = Math.max(maxDepth, neighbour.setParent(current)); addToOpen(neighbour); } } } } } // since we've got an empty open list or we've run out of search // there was no path. Just return null if (nodes[tx][ty].parent == null) { return null; } // At this point we've definitely found a path so we can uses the parent // references of the nodes to find out way from the target location back // to the start recording the nodes on the way. Path path = new Path(); Node target = nodes[tx][ty]; while (target != nodes[sx][sy]) { path.prependStep(target.x, target.y); target = target.parent; } path.prependStep(sx,sy); // thats it, we have our path return path; } /** * Get the X coordinate of the node currently being evaluated * * @return The X coordinate of the node currently being evaluated */ public int getCurrentX() { if (current == null) { return -1; } return current.x; } /** * Get the Y coordinate of the node currently being evaluated * * @return The Y coordinate of the node currently being evaluated */ public int getCurrentY() { if (current == null) { return -1; } return current.y; } /** * Get the first element from the open list. This is the next * one to be searched. * * @return The first element in the open list */ protected Node getFirstInOpen() { return (Node) open.first(); } /** * Add a node to the open list * * @param node The node to be added to the open list */ protected void addToOpen(Node node) { node.setOpen(true); open.add(node); } /** * Check if a node is in the open list * * @param node The node to check for * @return True if the node given is in the open list */ protected boolean inOpenList(Node node) { return node.isOpen(); } /** * Remove a node from the open list * * @param node The node to remove from the open list */ protected void removeFromOpen(Node node) { node.setOpen(false); open.remove(node); } /** * Add a node to the closed list * * @param node The node to add to the closed list */ protected void addToClosed(Node node) { node.setClosed(true); closed.add(node); } /** * Check if the node supplied is in the closed list * * @param node The node to search for * @return True if the node specified is in the closed list */ protected boolean inClosedList(Node node) { return node.isClosed(); } /** * Remove a node from the closed list * * @param node The node to remove from the closed list */ protected void removeFromClosed(Node node) { node.setClosed(false); closed.remove(node); } /** * Check if a given location is valid for the supplied mover * * @param mover The mover that would hold a given location * @param sx The starting x coordinate * @param sy The starting y coordinate * @param x The x coordinate of the location to check * @param y The y coordinate of the location to check * @return True if the location is valid for the given mover */ protected boolean isValidLocation(Mover mover, int sx, int sy, int x, int y) { boolean invalid = (x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= map.getWidthInTiles()) || (y >= map.getHeightInTiles()); if ((!invalid) && ((sx != x) || (sy != y))) { this.mover = mover; this.sourceX = sx; this.sourceY = sy; invalid = map.blocked(this, x, y); } return !invalid; } /** * Get the cost to move through a given location * * @param mover The entity that is being moved * @param sx The x coordinate of the tile whose cost is being determined * @param sy The y coordiante of the tile whose cost is being determined * @param tx The x coordinate of the target location * @param ty The y coordinate of the target location * @return The cost of movement through the given tile */ public float getMovementCost(Mover mover, int sx, int sy, int tx, int ty) { this.mover = mover; this.sourceX = sx; this.sourceY = sy; return map.getCost(this, tx, ty); } /** * Get the heuristic cost for the given location. This determines in which * order the locations are processed. * * @param mover The entity that is being moved * @param x The x coordinate of the tile whose cost is being determined * @param y The y coordiante of the tile whose cost is being determined * @param tx The x coordinate of the target location * @param ty The y coordinate of the target location * @return The heuristic cost assigned to the tile */ public float getHeuristicCost(Mover mover, int x, int y, int tx, int ty) { return heuristic.getCost(map, mover, x, y, tx, ty); } /** * A list that sorts any element provided into the list * * @author kevin */ private class PriorityList { /** The list of elements */ private List list = new LinkedList(); /** * Retrieve the first element from the list * * @return The first element from the list */ public Object first() { return list.get(0); } /** * Empty the list */ public void clear() { list.clear(); } /** * Add an element to the list - causes sorting * * @param o The element to add */ public void add(Object o) { // float the new entry for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++) { if (((Comparable) list.get(i)).compareTo(o) > 0) { list.add(i, o); break; } } if (!list.contains(o)) { list.add(o); } //Collections.sort(list); } /** * Remove an element from the list * * @param o The element to remove */ public void remove(Object o) { list.remove(o); } /** * Get the number of elements in the list * * @return The number of element in the list */ public int size() { return list.size(); } /** * Check if an element is in the list * * @param o The element to search for * @return True if the element is in the list */ public boolean contains(Object o) { return list.contains(o); } public String toString() { String temp = "{"; for (int i=0;i<size();i++) { temp += list.get(i).toString()+","; } temp += "}"; return temp; } } /** * A single node in the search graph */ private class Node implements Comparable { /** The x coordinate of the node */ private int x; /** The y coordinate of the node */ private int y; /** The path cost for this node */ private float cost; /** The parent of this node, how we reached it in the search */ private Node parent; /** The heuristic cost of this node */ private float heuristic; /** The search depth of this node */ private int depth; /** In the open list */ private boolean open; /** In the closed list */ private boolean closed; /** * Create a new node * * @param x The x coordinate of the node * @param y The y coordinate of the node */ public Node(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * Set the parent of this node * * @param parent The parent node which lead us to this node * @return The depth we have no reached in searching */ public int setParent(Node parent) { depth = parent.depth + 1; this.parent = parent; return depth; } /** * @see Comparable#compareTo(Object) */ public int compareTo(Object other) { Node o = (Node) other; float f = heuristic + cost; float of = o.heuristic + o.cost; if (f < of) { return -1; } else if (f > of) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Indicate whether the node is in the open list * * @param open True if the node is in the open list */ public void setOpen(boolean open) { = open; } /** * Check if the node is in the open list * * @return True if the node is in the open list */ public boolean isOpen() { return open; } /** * Indicate whether the node is in the closed list * * @param closed True if the node is in the closed list */ public void setClosed(boolean closed) { this.closed = closed; } /** * Check if the node is in the closed list * * @return True if the node is in the closed list */ public boolean isClosed() { return closed; } /** * Reset the state of this node */ public void reset() { closed = false; open = false; cost = 0; depth = 0; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return "[Node "+x+","+y+"]"; } } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding.PathFindingContext#getMover() */ public Mover getMover() { return mover; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding.PathFindingContext#getSearchDistance() */ public int getSearchDistance() { return distance; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding.PathFindingContext#getSourceX() */ public int getSourceX() { return sourceX; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding.PathFindingContext#getSourceY() */ public int getSourceY() { return sourceY; } }