package org.newdawn.slick.svg; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.ImageBuffer; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Transform; /** * A gradient definition from an SVG file, includes the stops, name and transform. * * @author kevin */ public class Gradient { /** The name/id given to the gradient */ private String name; /** The steps in colour of the gradient */ private ArrayList steps = new ArrayList(); /** The first x coordiante given in the gradient (cx in radial) */ private float x1; /** The second x coordiante given in the gradient (fx in radial) */ private float x2; /** The first y coordiante given in the gradient (cy in radial) */ private float y1; /** The first y coordiante given in the gradient (fy in radial) */ private float y2; /** The radius given if any */ private float r; /** The texture representing this gradient */ private Image image; /** True if this gradient is radial in nature */ private boolean radial; /** The transform specified for the gradient */ private Transform transform; /** The name of the referenced gradient */ private String ref; /** * Create a new gradient definition * * @param name The name of the gradient * @param radial True if the gradient is radial */ public Gradient(String name, boolean radial) { = name; this.radial = radial; } /** * Check if the gradient is radial * * @return True if the gradient is radial */ public boolean isRadial() { return radial; } /** * Set the transform given for this definition * * @param trans The transform given for this definition */ public void setTransform(Transform trans) { this.transform = trans; } /** * Get the transform to apply during this gradient application * * @return The transform given for this gradient */ public Transform getTransform() { return transform; } /** * Reference another gradient, i.e. use it's colour stops * * @param ref The name of the other gradient to reference */ public void reference(String ref) { this.ref = ref; } /** * Resolve the gradient reference * * @param diagram The diagram to resolve against */ public void resolve(Diagram diagram) { if (ref == null) { return; } Gradient other = diagram.getGradient(ref); for (int i=0;i<other.steps.size();i++) { steps.add(other.steps.get(i)); } } /** * Generate the image used for texturing the gradient across shapes */ public void genImage() { if (image == null) { ImageBuffer buffer = new ImageBuffer(128,16); for (int i=0;i<128;i++) { Color col = getColorAt(i / 128.0f); for (int j=0;j<16;j++) { buffer.setRGBA(i, j, col.getRedByte(), col.getGreenByte(), col.getBlueByte(), col.getAlphaByte()); } } image = buffer.getImage(); } } /** * Get the image generated for this gradient * * @return The image generated for the gradient */ public Image getImage() { genImage(); return image; } /** * Set the radius given in the SVG * * @param r The radius for radial gradients */ public void setR(float r) { this.r = r; } /** * Set the first x value given for the gradient (cx in the case of radial) * * @param x1 The first x value given for the gradient */ public void setX1(float x1) { this.x1 = x1; } /** * Set the second x value given for the gradient (fx in the case of radial) * * @param x2 The second x value given for the gradient */ public void setX2(float x2) { this.x2 = x2; } /** * Set the first y value given for the gradient (cy in the case of radial) * * @param y1 The first y value given for the gradient */ public void setY1(float y1) { this.y1 = y1; } /** * Set the second y value given for the gradient (fy in the case of radial) * * @param y2 The second y value given for the gradient */ public void setY2(float y2) { this.y2 = y2; } /** * Get the radius value given for this gradient * * @return The radius value given for this gradient */ public float getR() { return r; } /** * Get the first x value given for this gradient (cx in the case of radial) * * @return The first x value given for this gradient */ public float getX1() { return x1; } /** * Get the second x value given for this gradient (fx in the case of radial) * * @return The second x value given for this gradient */ public float getX2() { return x2; } /** * Get the first y value given for this gradient (cy in the case of radial) * * @return The first y value given for this gradient */ public float getY1() { return y1; } /** * Get the second y value given for this gradient (fy in the case of radial) * * @return The second y value given for this gradient */ public float getY2() { return y2; } /** * Add a colour step/stop to the gradient * * @param location The location on the gradient the colour affects * @param c The color to apply */ public void addStep(float location, Color c) { steps.add(new Step(location, c)); } /** * Get the intepolated colour at the given location on the gradient * * @param p The point of the gradient (0 >= n >= 1) * @return The interpolated colour at the given location */ public Color getColorAt(float p) { if (p <= 0) { return ((Step) steps.get(0)).col; } if (p > 1) { return ((Step) steps.get(steps.size()-1)).col; } for (int i=1;i<steps.size();i++) { Step prev = ((Step) steps.get(i-1)); Step current = ((Step) steps.get(i)); if (p <= current.location) { float dis = current.location - prev.location; p -= prev.location; float v = p / dis; Color c = new Color(1,1,1,1); c.a = (prev.col.a * (1 - v)) + (current.col.a * (v)); c.r = (prev.col.r * (1 - v)) + (current.col.r * (v)); c.g = (prev.col.g * (1 - v)) + (current.col.g * (v)); c.b = (prev.col.b * (1 - v)) + (current.col.b * (v)); return c; } } // shouldn't ever happen return; } /** * The description of a single step on the gradient * * @author kevin */ private class Step { /** The location on the gradient */ float location; /** The colour applied */ Color col; /** * Create a new step * * @param location The location on the gradient the colour affects * @param c The colour to apply */ public Step(float location, Color c) { this.location = location; this.col = c; } } }