package org.newdawn.slick.particles; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.opengl.TextureImpl; import org.newdawn.slick.opengl.renderer.Renderer; import org.newdawn.slick.opengl.renderer.SGL; import org.newdawn.slick.util.Log; /** * A particle syste responsible for maintaining a set of data about individual * particles which are created and controlled by assigned emitters. This pseudo * chaotic nature hopes to give more organic looking effects * * @author kevin */ public class ParticleSystem { /** The renderer to use for all GL operations */ protected static SGL GL = Renderer.get(); /** The blending mode for the glowy style */ public static final int BLEND_ADDITIVE = 1; /** The blending mode for the normal style */ public static final int BLEND_COMBINE = 2; /** The default number of particles in the system */ private static final int DEFAULT_PARTICLES = 100; /** * Set the path from which images should be loaded * * @param path * The path from which images should be loaded */ public static void setRelativePath(String path) { ConfigurableEmitter.setRelativePath(path); } /** * A pool of particles being used by a specific emitter * * @author void */ private class ParticlePool { /** The particles being rendered and maintained */ public Particle[] particles; /** The list of particles left to be used, if this size() == 0 then the particle engine was too small for the effect */ public ArrayList available; /** * Create a new particle pool contiaining a set of particles * * @param system The system that owns the particles over all * @param maxParticles The maximum number of particles in the pool */ public ParticlePool( ParticleSystem system, int maxParticles ) { particles = new Particle[ maxParticles ]; available = new ArrayList(); for( int i=0; i<particles.length; i++ ) { particles[i] = createParticle( system ); } reset(system); } /** * Rest the list of particles * * @param system The system in which the particle belong */ public void reset(ParticleSystem system) { available.clear(); for( int i=0; i<particles.length; i++ ) { available.add(particles[i]); } } } /** * A map from emitter to a the particle pool holding the particles it uses * void: this is now sorted by emitters to allow emitter specfic state to be set for * each emitter. actually this is used to allow setting an individual blend mode for * each emitter */ protected HashMap particlesByEmitter = new HashMap(); /** The maximum number of particles allows per emitter */ protected int maxParticlesPerEmitter; /** The list of emittered producing and controlling particles */ protected ArrayList emitters = new ArrayList(); /** The dummy particle to return should no more particles be available */ protected Particle dummy; /** The blending mode */ private int blendingMode = BLEND_COMBINE; /** The number of particles in use */ private int pCount; /** True if we're going to use points to render the particles */ private boolean usePoints; /** The x coordinate at which this system should be rendered */ private float x; /** The x coordinate at which this system should be rendered */ private float y; /** True if we should remove completed emitters */ private boolean removeCompletedEmitters = true; /** The default image for the particles */ private Image sprite; /** True if the particle system is visible */ private boolean visible = true; /** The name of the default image */ private String defaultImageName; /** The mask used to make the particle image background transparent if any */ private Color mask; /** * Create a new particle system * * @param defaultSprite The sprite to render for each particle */ public ParticleSystem(Image defaultSprite) { this(defaultSprite, DEFAULT_PARTICLES); } /** * Create a new particle system * * @param defaultSpriteRef The sprite to render for each particle */ public ParticleSystem(String defaultSpriteRef) { this(defaultSpriteRef, DEFAULT_PARTICLES); } /** * Reset the state of the system */ public void reset() { Iterator pools = particlesByEmitter.values().iterator(); while (pools.hasNext()) { ParticlePool pool = (ParticlePool); pool.reset(this); } for (int i=0;i<emitters.size();i++) { ParticleEmitter emitter = (ParticleEmitter) emitters.get(i); emitter.resetState(); } } /** * Check if this system is currently visible, i.e. it's actually * rendered * * @return True if the particle system is rendered */ public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } /** * Indicate whether the particle system should be visible, i.e. whether * it'll actually render * * @param visible True if the particle system should render */ public void setVisible(boolean visible) { this.visible = visible; } /** * Indicate if completed emitters should be removed * * @param remove True if completed emitters should be removed */ public void setRemoveCompletedEmitters(boolean remove) { removeCompletedEmitters = remove; } /** * Indicate if this engine should use points to render the particles * * @param usePoints True if points should be used to render the particles */ public void setUsePoints(boolean usePoints) { this.usePoints = usePoints; } /** * Check if this engine should use points to render the particles * * @return True if the engine should use points to render the particles */ public boolean usePoints() { return usePoints; } /** * Create a new particle system * * @param defaultSpriteRef The sprite to render for each particle * @param maxParticles The number of particles available in the system */ public ParticleSystem(String defaultSpriteRef, int maxParticles) { this(defaultSpriteRef, maxParticles, null); } /** * Create a new particle system * * @param defaultSpriteRef The sprite to render for each particle * @param maxParticles The number of particles available in the system * @param mask The mask used to make the sprite image transparent */ public ParticleSystem(String defaultSpriteRef, int maxParticles, Color mask) { this.maxParticlesPerEmitter= maxParticles; this.mask = mask; setDefaultImageName(defaultSpriteRef); dummy = createParticle(this); } /** * Create a new particle system * * @param defaultSprite The sprite to render for each particle * @param maxParticles The number of particles available in the system */ public ParticleSystem(Image defaultSprite, int maxParticles) { this.maxParticlesPerEmitter= maxParticles; sprite = defaultSprite; dummy = createParticle(this); } /** * Set the default image name * * @param ref The default image name */ public void setDefaultImageName(String ref) { defaultImageName = ref; sprite = null; } /** * Get the blending mode in use * * @see #BLEND_COMBINE * @see #BLEND_ADDITIVE * @return The blending mode in use */ public int getBlendingMode() { return blendingMode; } /** * Create a particle specific to this system, override for your own implementations. * These particles will be cached and reused within this system. * * @param system The system owning this particle * @return The newly created particle. */ protected Particle createParticle(ParticleSystem system) { return new Particle(system); } /** * Set the blending mode for the particles * * @param mode The mode for blending particles together */ public void setBlendingMode(int mode) { this.blendingMode = mode; } /** * Get the number of emitters applied to the system * * @return The number of emitters applied to the system */ public int getEmitterCount() { return emitters.size(); } /** * Get an emitter a specified index int he list contained within this system * * @param index The index of the emitter to retrieve * @return The particle emitter */ public ParticleEmitter getEmitter(int index) { return (ParticleEmitter) emitters.get(index); } /** * Add a particle emitter to be used on this system * * @param emitter The emitter to be added */ public void addEmitter(ParticleEmitter emitter) { emitters.add(emitter); ParticlePool pool= new ParticlePool( this, maxParticlesPerEmitter ); particlesByEmitter.put( emitter, pool ); } /** * Remove a particle emitter that is currently used in the system * * @param emitter The emitter to be removed */ public void removeEmitter(ParticleEmitter emitter) { emitters.remove(emitter); particlesByEmitter.remove( emitter ); } /** * Remove all the emitters from the system */ public void removeAllEmitters() { for (int i=0;i<emitters.size();i++) { removeEmitter((ParticleEmitter) emitters.get(i)); i--; } } /** * Get the x coordiante of the position of the system * * @return The x coordinate of the position of the system */ public float getPositionX() { return x; } /** * Get the y coordiante of the position of the system * * @return The y coordinate of the position of the system */ public float getPositionY() { return y; } /** * Set the position at which this system should render relative to the current * graphics context setup * * @param x The x coordinate at which this system should be centered * @param y The y coordinate at which this system should be centered */ public void setPosition(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * Render the particles in the system */ public void render() { render(x,y); } /** * Render the particles in the system * * @param x The x coordinate to render the particle system at (in the current coordinate space) * @param y The y coordinate to render the particle system at (in the current coordiante space) */ public void render(float x, float y) { if ((sprite == null) && (defaultImageName != null)) { loadSystemParticleImage(); } if (!visible) { return; } GL.glTranslatef(x,y,0); if (blendingMode == BLEND_ADDITIVE) { GL.glBlendFunc(SGL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, SGL.GL_ONE); } if (usePoints()) { GL.glEnable( SGL.GL_POINT_SMOOTH ); TextureImpl.bindNone(); } // iterate over all emitters for( int emitterIdx=0; emitterIdx<emitters.size(); emitterIdx++ ) { // get emitter ParticleEmitter emitter = (ParticleEmitter) emitters.get(emitterIdx); // check for additive override and enable when set if (emitter.useAdditive()) { GL.glBlendFunc(SGL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, SGL.GL_ONE); } // now get the particle pool for this emitter and render all particles that are in use ParticlePool pool = (ParticlePool) particlesByEmitter.get(emitter); Image image = emitter.getImage(); if (image == null) { image = this.sprite; } if (!emitter.isOriented() && !emitter.usePoints(this)) { image.startUse(); } for (int i = 0; i < pool.particles.length; i++) { if (pool.particles[i].inUse()) pool.particles[i].render(); } if (!emitter.isOriented() && !emitter.usePoints(this)) { image.endUse(); } // reset additive blend mode if (emitter.useAdditive()) { GL.glBlendFunc(SGL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, SGL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } } if (usePoints()) { GL.glDisable( SGL.GL_POINT_SMOOTH ); } if (blendingMode == BLEND_ADDITIVE) { GL.glBlendFunc(SGL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, SGL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } Color.white.bind(); GL.glTranslatef(-x,-y,0); } /** * Load the system particle image as the extension permissions */ private void loadSystemParticleImage() { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { try { if (mask != null) { sprite = new Image(defaultImageName, mask); } else { sprite = new Image(defaultImageName); } } catch (SlickException e) { Log.error(e); defaultImageName = null; } return null; // nothing to return } }); } /** * Update the system, request the assigned emitters update the particles * * @param delta The amount of time thats passed since last update in milliseconds */ public void update(int delta) { if ((sprite == null) && (defaultImageName != null)) { loadSystemParticleImage(); } ArrayList removeMe = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i<emitters.size();i++) { ParticleEmitter emitter = (ParticleEmitter) emitters.get(i); if (emitter.isEnabled()) { emitter.update(this, delta); if (removeCompletedEmitters) { if (emitter.completed()) { removeMe.add(emitter); particlesByEmitter.remove(emitter); } } } } emitters.removeAll(removeMe); pCount = 0; if (!particlesByEmitter.isEmpty()) { Iterator it= particlesByEmitter.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ParticlePool pool= (ParticlePool); for (int i=0;i<pool.particles.length;i++) { if (pool.particles[i].life > 0) { pool.particles[i].update(delta); pCount++; } } } } } /** * Get the number of particles in use in this system * * @return The number of particles in use in this system */ public int getParticleCount() { return pCount; } /** * Get a new particle from the system. This should be used by emitters to * request particles * * @param emitter The emitter requesting the particle * @param life The time the new particle should live for * @return A particle from the system */ public Particle getNewParticle(ParticleEmitter emitter, float life) { ParticlePool pool = (ParticlePool) particlesByEmitter.get(emitter); ArrayList available = pool.available; if (available.size() > 0) { Particle p = (Particle) available.remove(available.size()-1); p.init(emitter, life); p.setImage(sprite); return p; } Log.warn("Ran out of particles (increase the limit)!"); return dummy; } /** * Release a particle back to the system once it has expired * * @param particle The particle to be released */ public void release(Particle particle) { if (particle != dummy) { ParticlePool pool = (ParticlePool)particlesByEmitter.get( particle.getEmitter() ); pool.available.add(particle); } } /** * Release all the particles owned by the specified emitter * * @param emitter The emitter owning the particles that should be released */ public void releaseAll(ParticleEmitter emitter) { if( !particlesByEmitter.isEmpty() ) { Iterator it= particlesByEmitter.values().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()) { ParticlePool pool= (ParticlePool); for (int i=0;i<pool.particles.length;i++) { if (pool.particles[i].inUse()) { if (pool.particles[i].getEmitter() == emitter) { pool.particles[i].setLife(-1); release(pool.particles[i]); } } } } } } /** * Move all the particles owned by the specified emitter * * @param emitter The emitter owning the particles that should be released * @param x The amount on the x axis to move the particles * @param y The amount on the y axis to move the particles */ public void moveAll(ParticleEmitter emitter, float x, float y) { ParticlePool pool = (ParticlePool) particlesByEmitter.get(emitter); for (int i=0;i<pool.particles.length;i++) { if (pool.particles[i].inUse()) { pool.particles[i].move(x, y); } } } /** * Create a duplicate of this system. This would have been nicer as a different interface * but may cause to much API change headache. Maybe next full version release it should be * rethought. * * TODO: Consider refactor at next point release * * @return A copy of this particle system * @throws SlickException Indicates a failure during copy or a invalid particle system to be duplicated */ public ParticleSystem duplicate() throws SlickException { for (int i=0;i<emitters.size();i++) { if (!(emitters.get(i) instanceof ConfigurableEmitter)) { throw new SlickException("Only systems contianing configurable emitters can be duplicated"); } } ParticleSystem theCopy = null; try { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ParticleIO.saveConfiguredSystem(bout, this); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); theCopy = ParticleIO.loadConfiguredSystem(bin); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Failed to duplicate particle system"); throw new SlickException("Unable to duplicated particle system", e); } return theCopy; } }