package org.newdawn.slick.state; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import org.newdawn.slick.Game; import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Input; import org.newdawn.slick.InputListener; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.state.transition.EmptyTransition; import org.newdawn.slick.state.transition.Transition; /** * A state based game isolated different stages of the game (menu, ingame, hiscores, etc) into * different states so they can be easily managed and maintained. * * @author kevin */ public abstract class StateBasedGame implements Game, InputListener { /** The list of states making up this game */ private HashMap states = new HashMap(); /** The current state */ private GameState currentState; /** The next state we're moving into */ private GameState nextState; /** The container holding this game */ private GameContainer container; /** The title of the game */ private String title; /** The transition being used to enter the state */ private Transition enterTransition; /** The transition being used to leave the state */ private Transition leaveTransition; /** * Create a new state based game * * @param name The name of the game */ public StateBasedGame(String name) { this.title = name; currentState = new BasicGameState() { public int getID() { return -1; } public void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { } public void render(StateBasedGame game, Graphics g) throws SlickException { } public void update(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, int delta) throws SlickException { } public void render(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, Graphics g) throws SlickException { } }; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.ControlledInputReciever#inputStarted() */ public void inputStarted() { } /** * Get the number of states that have been added to this game * * @return The number of states that have been added to this game */ public int getStateCount() { return states.keySet().size(); } /** * Get the ID of the state the game is currently in * * @return The ID of the state the game is currently in */ public int getCurrentStateID() { return currentState.getID(); } /** * Get the state the game is currently in * * @return The state the game is currently in */ public GameState getCurrentState() { return currentState; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#setInput(org.newdawn.slick.Input) */ public void setInput(Input input) { } /** * Add a state to the game. The state will be updated and maintained * by the game * * @param state The state to be added */ public void addState(GameState state) { states.put(new Integer(state.getID()), state); if (currentState.getID() == -1) { currentState = state; } } /** * Get a state based on it's identifier * * @param id The ID of the state to retrieve * @return The state requested or null if no state with the specified ID exists */ public GameState getState(int id) { return (GameState) states.get(new Integer(id)); } /** * Enter a particular game state with no transition * * @param id The ID of the state to enter */ public void enterState(int id) { enterState(id, new EmptyTransition(), new EmptyTransition()); } /** * Enter a particular game state with the transitions provided * * @param id The ID of the state to enter * @param leave The transition to use when leaving the current state * @param enter The transition to use when entering the new state */ public void enterState(int id, Transition leave, Transition enter) { if (leave == null) { leave = new EmptyTransition(); } if (enter == null) { enter = new EmptyTransition(); } leaveTransition = leave; enterTransition = enter; nextState = getState(id); if (nextState == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No game state registered with the ID: "+id); } leaveTransition.init(currentState, nextState); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame#init(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer) */ public final void init(GameContainer container) throws SlickException { this.container = container; initStatesList(container); Iterator gameStates = states.values().iterator(); while (gameStates.hasNext()) { GameState state = (GameState); state.init(container, this); } if (currentState != null) { currentState.enter(container, this); } } /** * Initialise the list of states making up this game * * @param container The container holding the game * @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to initialise the state based game resources */ public abstract void initStatesList(GameContainer container) throws SlickException; /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.Game#render(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer, org.newdawn.slick.Graphics) */ public final void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) throws SlickException { preRenderState(container, g); if (leaveTransition != null) { leaveTransition.preRender(this, container, g); } else if (enterTransition != null) { enterTransition.preRender(this, container, g); } currentState.render(container, this, g); if (leaveTransition != null) { leaveTransition.postRender(this, container, g); } else if (enterTransition != null) { enterTransition.postRender(this, container, g); } postRenderState(container, g); } /** * User hook for rendering at the before the current state * and/or transition have been rendered * * @param container The container in which the game is hosted * @param g The graphics context on which to draw * @throws SlickException Indicates a failure within render */ protected void preRenderState(GameContainer container, Graphics g) throws SlickException { // NO-OP } /** * User hook for rendering at the game level after the current state * and/or transition have been rendered * * @param container The container in which the game is hosted * @param g The graphics context on which to draw * @throws SlickException Indicates a failure within render */ protected void postRenderState(GameContainer container, Graphics g) throws SlickException { // NO-OP } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame#update(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer, int) */ public final void update(GameContainer container, int delta) throws SlickException { preUpdateState(container, delta); if (leaveTransition != null) { leaveTransition.update(this, container, delta); if (leaveTransition.isComplete()) { currentState.leave(container, this); GameState prevState = currentState; currentState = nextState; nextState = null; leaveTransition = null; if (enterTransition == null) { currentState.enter(container, this); } else { enterTransition.init(currentState, prevState); } } else { return; } } if (enterTransition != null) { enterTransition.update(this, container, delta); if (enterTransition.isComplete()) { currentState.enter(container, this); enterTransition = null; } else { return; } } currentState.update(container, this, delta); postUpdateState(container, delta); } /** * User hook for updating at the game before the current state * and/or transition have been updated * * @param container The container in which the game is hosted * @param delta The amount of time in milliseconds since last update * @throws SlickException Indicates a failure within render */ protected void preUpdateState(GameContainer container, int delta) throws SlickException { // NO-OP } /** * User hook for rendering at the game level after the current state * and/or transition have been updated * * @param container The container in which the game is hosted * @param delta The amount of time in milliseconds since last update * @throws SlickException Indicates a failure within render */ protected void postUpdateState(GameContainer container, int delta) throws SlickException { // NO-OP } /** * Check if the game is transitioning between states * * @return True if we're transitioning between states */ private boolean transitioning() { return (leaveTransition != null) || (enterTransition != null); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.Game#closeRequested() */ public boolean closeRequested() { return true; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.Game#getTitle() */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * Get the container holding this game * * @return The game container holding this game */ public GameContainer getContainer() { return container; } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerButtonPressed(int, int) */ public void controllerButtonPressed(int controller, int button) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerButtonPressed(controller, button); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerButtonReleased(int, int) */ public void controllerButtonReleased(int controller, int button) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerButtonReleased(controller, button); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerDownPressed(int) */ public void controllerDownPressed(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerDownPressed(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerDownReleased(int) */ public void controllerDownReleased(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerDownReleased(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerLeftPressed(int) */ public void controllerLeftPressed(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerLeftPressed(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerLeftReleased(int) */ public void controllerLeftReleased(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerLeftReleased(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerRightPressed(int) */ public void controllerRightPressed(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerRightPressed(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerRightReleased(int) */ public void controllerRightReleased(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerRightReleased(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerUpPressed(int) */ public void controllerUpPressed(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerUpPressed(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#controllerUpReleased(int) */ public void controllerUpReleased(int controller) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.controllerUpReleased(controller); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#keyPressed(int, char) */ public void keyPressed(int key, char c) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.keyPressed(key, c); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#keyReleased(int, char) */ public void keyReleased(int key, char c) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.keyReleased(key, c); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#mouseMoved(int, int, int, int) */ public void mouseMoved(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.mouseMoved(oldx, oldy, newx, newy); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#mouseDragged(int, int, int, int) */ public void mouseDragged(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.mouseDragged(oldx, oldy, newx, newy); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#mouseClicked(int, int, int, int) */ public void mouseClicked(int button, int x, int y, int clickCount) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.mouseClicked(button, x, y, clickCount); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#mousePressed(int, int, int) */ public void mousePressed(int button, int x, int y) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.mousePressed(button, x, y); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#mouseReleased(int, int, int) */ public void mouseReleased(int button, int x, int y) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.mouseReleased(button, x, y); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#isAcceptingInput() */ public boolean isAcceptingInput() { if (transitioning()) { return false; } return currentState.isAcceptingInput(); } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#inputEnded() */ public void inputEnded() { } /** * @see org.newdawn.slick.InputListener#mouseWheelMoved(int) */ public void mouseWheelMoved(int newValue) { if (transitioning()) { return; } currentState.mouseWheelMoved(newValue); } }