package org.ovirt.engine.ui.uicommonweb; import; import; /** * This is a crude implementation of a URI for our current needs. It does NOT conform to the specification of RFC 3986; * generally speaking it is not as picky about the characters it accepts, and its partition into components is not as * fine. It should be extended as better parsing is needed.<br> * <br> * Usage: The constructor is to be passed the candidate URI as argument. Before any URI component is accessed, the URI * should be checked for validity. In case an optional capturing group wasn't matched, its getter will return an empty * String. The return value of the getters will be null iff the URI is invalid. */ public class Uri { public static final String SCHEME_HTTP = "http"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String SCHEME_HTTPS = "https"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final RegExp PATTERN_URI = RegExp.compile("^(?:(.*)://)?([^/]*)(/.*)?$", "i"); //$NON-NLS-1$ $NON-NLS-2$ private boolean valid; private String scheme; private UriAuthority authority; private String path; public Uri(String uri) { MatchResult matcher = PATTERN_URI.exec(uri == null ? "" : uri); //$NON-NLS-1$ valid = matcher != null; if (valid) { setScheme(matcher.getGroup(1)); setAuthority(new UriAuthority(matcher.getGroup(2))); setPath(matcher.getGroup(3)); } } public Uri() { this(null); } public String getStringRepresentation() { if (!valid) { return null; } String uri = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!scheme.isEmpty()) { uri += scheme + "://"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } uri += authority.getStringRepresentation(); uri += path; return uri; } public boolean isValid() { return valid; } public String getScheme() { return valid ? scheme : null; } public void setScheme(String scheme) { this.scheme = (scheme == null) ? "" : scheme; //$NON-NLS-1$ } public UriAuthority getAuthority() { return valid ? authority : null; } public void setAuthority(UriAuthority authority) { this.authority = (authority == null) ? new UriAuthority(null) : authority; if (!this.authority.isValid()) { valid = false; } } public String getPath() { return valid ? path : null; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = (path == null) ? "" : path; //$NON-NLS-1$ } }