package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.Identifiable; /** * Enum of the disk's type, which defines which underlying storage details will be contained in the {@link Disk} * object instance. */ public enum DiskStorageType implements Identifiable { IMAGE(0), LUN(1), CINDER(2); private int value; private static final Map<Integer, DiskStorageType> mappings = new HashMap<>(); static { for (DiskStorageType storageType : values()) { mappings.put(storageType.getValue(), storageType); } } DiskStorageType(int value) { this.value = value; } private static Map<Class<? extends Disk>, DiskStorageType> classToType = new HashMap<>(); static { classToType.put(LunDisk.class, LUN); classToType.put(DiskImage.class, IMAGE); classToType.put(CinderDisk.class, CINDER); } public static DiskStorageType forClass(Class<? extends Disk> clazz) { return classToType.get(clazz); } @Override public int getValue() { return value; } public static DiskStorageType forValue(int value) { return mappings.get(value); } public boolean isInternal() { return this == IMAGE || this == CINDER; } }