package org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.validation.Valid; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.asynctasks.gluster.GlusterAsyncTask; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.BusinessEntityWithStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.IVdcQueryable; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.Nameable; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.constants.gluster.GlusterConstants; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.ObjectUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.StringHelper; /** * The gluster volume entity. This is a logical partition within the virtual storage space provided by a Gluster * Cluster. It is made up of multiple bricks (server:brickDirectory) across multiple servers of the cluster. * * @see GlusterVolumeType * @see TransportType * @see GlusterStatus * @see GlusterBrickEntity * @see GlusterVolumeOptionEntity * @see AccessProtocol */ public class GlusterVolumeEntity implements IVdcQueryable, BusinessEntityWithStatus<Guid, GlusterStatus>, GlusterTaskSupport, Nameable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2355384696827317277L; @NotNull(message = "VALIDATION_GLUSTER_VOLUME_ID_NOT_NULL", groups = { RemoveEntity.class }) private Guid id; @NotNull(message = "VALIDATION_GLUSTER_VOLUME_CLUSTER_ID_NOT_NULL", groups = {CreateEntity.class, CreateReplicatedVolume.class, CreateStripedVolume.class}) private Guid clusterId; private String clusterName; @NotNull(message = "VALIDATION_GLUSTER_VOLUME_NAME_NOT_NULL", groups = {CreateEntity.class, CreateReplicatedVolume.class, CreateStripedVolume.class}) private String name; @NotNull(message = "VALIDATION_GLUSTER_VOLUME_TYPE_NOT_NULL", groups = {CreateEntity.class, CreateReplicatedVolume.class, CreateStripedVolume.class}) private GlusterVolumeType volumeType; @NotNull(message = "VALIDATION_GLUSTER_VOLUME_REPLICA_COUNT_NOT_NULL", groups = { CreateReplicatedVolume.class }) private Integer replicaCount; @NotNull(message = "VALIDATION_GLUSTER_VOLUME_STRIPE_COUNT_NOT_NULL", groups = { CreateStripedVolume.class }) private Integer stripeCount; private Integer disperseCount; private Integer redundancyCount; private Boolean isArbiter; @Valid private Map<String, GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> options; @NotNull(message = "VALIDATION_GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICKS_NOT_NULL", groups = {CreateEntity.class, CreateReplicatedVolume.class, CreateStripedVolume.class}) @Valid private List<GlusterBrickEntity> bricks; private Integer snapshotsCount; private Integer snapMaxLimit; private Boolean snapshotScheduled; private GlusterStatus status; // Gluster and NFS are enabled by default private Set<AccessProtocol> accessProtocols; private Set<TransportType> transportTypes; private GlusterAsyncTask asyncTask; private GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails advancedDetails; private Boolean isGeoRepMaster; private String geoRepMasterVolAndClusterName; public GlusterVolumeEntity() { options = new LinkedHashMap<>(); bricks = new ArrayList<>(); status = GlusterStatus.DOWN; accessProtocols = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(AccessProtocol.GLUSTER, AccessProtocol.NFS)); transportTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); volumeType = GlusterVolumeType.DISTRIBUTE; asyncTask = new GlusterAsyncTask(); advancedDetails = new GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails(); snapshotScheduled = Boolean.valueOf(false); isArbiter = Boolean.FALSE; } @Override public Guid getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId(Guid id) { = id; } public Guid getClusterId() { return clusterId; } public void setClusterId(Guid clusterId) { this.clusterId = clusterId; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getClusterName() { return clusterName; } public void setClusterName(String clusterName) { this.clusterName = clusterName; } public GlusterVolumeType getVolumeType() { return volumeType; } public void setVolumeType(GlusterVolumeType volumeType) { this.volumeType = volumeType; if (!volumeType.isReplicatedType()) { setReplicaCount(0); } if (!volumeType.isStripedType()) { setStripeCount(0); } if (!volumeType.isDispersedType()) { setDisperseCount(0); setRedundancyCount(0); } } public void setVolumeType(String volumeType) { setVolumeType(GlusterVolumeType.fromValue(volumeType)); } @Override public GlusterStatus getStatus() { return status; } @Override public void setStatus(GlusterStatus status) { this.status = status; } public boolean isOnline() { return this.status == GlusterStatus.UP; } public Integer getReplicaCount() { return replicaCount; } public void setReplicaCount(Integer replicaCount) { this.replicaCount = replicaCount; } public Integer getStripeCount() { return stripeCount; } public void setStripeCount(Integer stripeCount) { this.stripeCount = stripeCount; } public Integer getDisperseCount() { return this.disperseCount; } public void setDisperseCount(Integer disperseCount) { this.disperseCount = disperseCount; } public Integer getRedundancyCount() { return this.redundancyCount; } public void setRedundancyCount(Integer redundancyCount) { this.redundancyCount = redundancyCount; } public Set<AccessProtocol> getAccessProtocols() { return accessProtocols; } public void setAccessProtocols(Set<AccessProtocol> accessProtocols) { this.accessProtocols = accessProtocols; } public void addAccessProtocol(AccessProtocol protocol) { accessProtocols.add(protocol); } public void removeAccessProtocol(AccessProtocol protocol) { accessProtocols.remove(protocol); } public Set<TransportType> getTransportTypes() { return transportTypes; } public void setTransportTypes(Set<TransportType> transportTypes) { this.transportTypes = transportTypes; } public void addTransportType(TransportType transportType) { transportTypes.add(transportType); } public void removeTransportType(TransportType transportType) { transportTypes.remove(transportType); } public String getAccessControlList() { return getOptionValue(GlusterConstants.OPTION_AUTH_ALLOW); } public void setAccessControlList(String accessControlList) { if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(accessControlList)) { setOption(GlusterConstants.OPTION_AUTH_ALLOW, accessControlList); } } public Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> getOptions() { return options.values(); } public GlusterVolumeOptionEntity getOption(String optionKey) { return options.get(optionKey); } /** * Returns value of given option key as set on the volume. <br> * In case the option is not set, <code>null</code> will be returned. */ public String getOptionValue(String optionKey) { GlusterVolumeOptionEntity option = options.get(optionKey); if (option == null) { return null; } return option.getValue(); } public void setOption(GlusterVolumeOptionEntity option) { options.put(option.getKey(), option); } public void setOption(String key, String value) { if (options.containsKey(key)) { options.get(key).setValue(value); } else { options.put(key, new GlusterVolumeOptionEntity(id, key, value)); } } /** * Sets options from a comma separated list of key value pairs separated by = <br> * e.g. key=val1,key2=val2,...,keyn=valn */ public void setOptions(String options) { this.options.clear(); if (options == null || options.trim().isEmpty()) { return; } String[] optionArr = options.split(",", -1); for (String option : optionArr) { String[] optionInfo = option.split("=", -1); if (optionInfo.length == 2) { setOption(optionInfo[0], optionInfo[1]); } } } public void setOptions(Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> options) { this.options.clear(); for (GlusterVolumeOptionEntity option : options) { setOption(option); } } public void setOptions(Map<String, String> options) { this.options.clear(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : options.entrySet()) { setOption(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } public void removeOption(String optionKey) { options.remove(optionKey); } public void addBrick(GlusterBrickEntity GlusterBrick) { bricks.add(GlusterBrick); } public void addBricks(Collection<GlusterBrickEntity> bricks) { this.bricks.addAll(bricks); } public void setBricks(List<GlusterBrickEntity> bricks) { this.bricks = bricks; } public Integer getSnapshotsCount() { return this.snapshotsCount; } public void setSnapshotsCount(Integer value) { this.snapshotsCount = value; } public Integer getSnapMaxLimit() { return this.snapMaxLimit; } public void setSnapMaxLimit(Integer limit) { this.snapMaxLimit = limit; } public Boolean getSnapshotScheduled() { return this.snapshotScheduled; } public void setSnapshotScheduled(Boolean snapshotScheduled) { this.snapshotScheduled = snapshotScheduled; } public Boolean getIsGeoRepMaster() { return isGeoRepMaster; } public void setIsGeoRepMaster(Boolean isGeoRepMaster) { this.isGeoRepMaster = isGeoRepMaster; } public Boolean getIsGeoRepSlave() { return getGeoRepMasterVolAndClusterName() != null; } public String getGeoRepMasterVolAndClusterName() { return geoRepMasterVolAndClusterName; } public void setGeoRepMasterVolAndClusterName(String masterVolAndClusterName) { this.geoRepMasterVolAndClusterName = masterVolAndClusterName; } public void removeBrick(GlusterBrickEntity GlusterBrick) { bricks.remove(GlusterBrick); } /** * Replaces an existing brick in the volume with the given new brick. The new brick will have same index as the * existing one. * * @return Index of the brick that was replaced. Returns -1 if the {@code existingBrick} is not found in the volume, leaving the volume unchanged. */ public int replaceBrick(GlusterBrickEntity existingBrick, GlusterBrickEntity newBrick) { int index = bricks.indexOf(existingBrick); if (index != -1) { GlusterBrickEntity brick = bricks.get(index); brick.copyFrom(newBrick); } return index; } public List<GlusterBrickEntity> getBricks() { return bricks; } public void enableNFS() { accessProtocols.add(AccessProtocol.NFS); setOption(GlusterConstants.OPTION_NFS_DISABLE, GlusterConstants.OFF); } public void disableNFS() { accessProtocols.remove(AccessProtocol.NFS); setOption(GlusterConstants.OPTION_NFS_DISABLE, GlusterConstants.ON); } public boolean isNfsEnabled() { String nfsDisabled = getOptionValue(GlusterConstants.OPTION_NFS_DISABLE); return nfsDisabled == null || nfsDisabled.equalsIgnoreCase(GlusterConstants.OFF); } public void enableCifs() { accessProtocols.add(AccessProtocol.CIFS); setOption(GlusterConstants.OPTION_USER_CIFS, GlusterConstants.ENABLE); } public void disableCifs() { accessProtocols.remove(AccessProtocol.CIFS); setOption(GlusterConstants.OPTION_USER_CIFS, GlusterConstants.DISABLE); } public boolean isCifsEnabled() { String cifsEnabled = getOptionValue(GlusterConstants.OPTION_USER_CIFS); return cifsEnabled == null || cifsEnabled.equalsIgnoreCase(GlusterConstants.ENABLE); } public List<String> getBrickDirectories() { List<String> brickDirectories = new ArrayList<>(); for (GlusterBrickEntity brick : getBricks()) { brickDirectories.add(brick.getQualifiedName()); } return brickDirectories; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash( name, clusterId, volumeType, status, replicaCount, stripeCount, disperseCount, redundancyCount, isArbiter, options, accessProtocols, transportTypes, bricks, asyncTask, advancedDetails, snapshotsCount, snapMaxLimit, snapshotScheduled); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof GlusterVolumeEntity)) { return false; } GlusterVolumeEntity other = (GlusterVolumeEntity) obj; return Objects.equals(name, other.getName()) && Objects.equals(clusterId, other.clusterId) && volumeType == other.volumeType && status == other.status && Objects.equals(replicaCount, other.replicaCount) && Objects.equals(stripeCount, other.stripeCount) && Objects.equals(disperseCount, other.disperseCount) && Objects.equals(redundancyCount, other.redundancyCount) && Objects.equals(isArbiter, other.isArbiter) && ObjectUtils.haveSameElements(getOptions(), other.getOptions()) && ObjectUtils.haveSameElements(accessProtocols, other.accessProtocols) && ObjectUtils.haveSameElements(transportTypes, other.transportTypes) && ObjectUtils.haveSameElements(bricks, other.bricks) && Objects.equals(asyncTask, other.asyncTask) && Objects.equals(advancedDetails, other.advancedDetails) && Objects.equals(snapshotsCount, other.snapshotsCount) && Objects.equals(snapMaxLimit, other.snapMaxLimit) && Objects.equals(snapshotScheduled, other.snapshotScheduled); } public GlusterBrickEntity getBrickWithId(Guid brickId) { for(GlusterBrickEntity brick : getBricks()) { if (brick.getId().equals(brickId)) { return brick; } } return null; } public GlusterBrickEntity getBrickWithQualifiedName(String qualifiedName) { for (GlusterBrickEntity brick : getBricks()) { if (brick.getQualifiedName().equals(qualifiedName)) { return brick; } } return null; } @Override public Object getQueryableId() { return getId(); } @Override public GlusterAsyncTask getAsyncTask() { return asyncTask; } @Override public void setAsyncTask(GlusterAsyncTask asyncTask) { this.asyncTask = asyncTask; } public GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails getAdvancedDetails() { return advancedDetails; } public void setAdvancedDetails(GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails advancedDetails) { this.advancedDetails = advancedDetails; } public Boolean getIsArbiter() { return isArbiter; } public void setIsArbiter(Boolean isArbiter) { this.isArbiter = isArbiter; } }