package org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.tasks; import static org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.ConfigValues.UnknownTaskPrePollingLapse; import java.util.Map; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.job.ExecutionHandler; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.tasks.interfaces.CommandCoordinator; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.tasks.interfaces.SPMTask; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.VdcObjectType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.asynctasks.AsyncTaskParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.AsyncTask; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.AsyncTaskStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.AsyncTaskStatusEnum; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.CommandEntity; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.Config; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.errors.EngineError; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.job.JobExecutionStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSReturnValue; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SPMAsyncTask implements SPMTask { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SPMAsyncTask.class); protected final CommandCoordinator coco; private boolean zombieTask; private AsyncTaskParameters parameters; private Map<Guid, VdcObjectType> entitiesMap; private AsyncTaskState state; private AsyncTaskStatus lastTaskStatus; private boolean partiallyCompletedCommandTask; // Indicates time in milliseconds when task status recently changed. private long lastAccessToStatusSinceEnd; public SPMAsyncTask(CommandCoordinator coco, AsyncTaskParameters parameters) { this.coco = coco; setParameters(parameters); setState(AsyncTaskState.Initializing); setLastTaskStatus(new AsyncTaskStatus(AsyncTaskStatusEnum.init)); lastAccessToStatusSinceEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public Map<Guid, VdcObjectType> getEntitiesMap() { return entitiesMap; } @Override public void setEntitiesMap(Map<Guid, VdcObjectType> entitiesMap) { this.entitiesMap = entitiesMap; } @Override public AsyncTaskParameters getParameters() { return parameters; } @Override public void setParameters(AsyncTaskParameters parameters) { this.parameters = parameters; } @Override public Guid getVdsmTaskId() { return getParameters().getVdsmTaskId(); } @Override public Guid getStoragePoolID() { return getParameters().getStoragePoolID(); } @Override public AsyncTaskState getState() { return state; } @Override public void setState(AsyncTaskState state) { this.state = state; } @Override public boolean getShouldPoll() { AsyncTaskState state = getState(); return (state == AsyncTaskState.Polling || state == AsyncTaskState.Ended || state == AsyncTaskState.ClearFailed) && getLastTaskStatus().getStatus() != AsyncTaskStatusEnum.unknown && (getParameters().getEntityInfo() == null ? isTaskOverPrePollingLapse() : true); } @Override public AsyncTaskStatus getLastTaskStatus() { return lastTaskStatus; } /** * Set the lastTaskStatus with taskStatus. * * @param lastTaskStatus * - task status to set. */ @Override public void setLastTaskStatus(AsyncTaskStatus lastTaskStatus) { this.lastTaskStatus = lastTaskStatus; } /** * Update task last access date ,only for not active task. */ @Override public void setLastStatusAccessTime() { // Change access date to now , when task is not active. if (getState() == AsyncTaskState.Ended || getState() == AsyncTaskState.AttemptingEndAction || getState() == AsyncTaskState.ClearFailed || getState() == AsyncTaskState.Cleared) { lastAccessToStatusSinceEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } @Override public long getLastAccessToStatusSinceEnd() { return lastAccessToStatusSinceEnd; } @Override public Guid getCommandId() { return getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getRootCommandId(); } @Override public void startPollingTask() { AsyncTaskState state = getState(); if (state != AsyncTaskState.AttemptingEndAction && state != AsyncTaskState.Cleared && state != AsyncTaskState.ClearFailed) {"BaseAsyncTask::startPollingTask: Starting to poll task '{}'.", getVdsmTaskId()); concreteStartPollingTask(); } } /** * Use this to hold unknown tasks from polling, to overcome bz673695 without a complete re-haul to the * AsyncTaskManager and CommandBase. * TODO remove this and re-factor {@link org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.tasks.AsyncTaskManager} * @return true when the time passed after creating the task is bigger than * <code>ConfigValues.UnknownTaskPrePollingLapse</code> * @see org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.tasks.AsyncTaskManager * @see org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandBase * @since 3.0 */ boolean isTaskOverPrePollingLapse() { AsyncTaskParameters parameters = getParameters(); long taskStartTime = parameters.getDbAsyncTask().getStartTime().getTime(); Integer prePollingPeriod = Config.<Integer> getValue(UnknownTaskPrePollingLapse); boolean idlePeriodPassed = System.currentTimeMillis() - taskStartTime > prePollingPeriod;"Task id '{}' {}. Pre-polling period is {} millis. ", parameters.getVdsmTaskId(), idlePeriodPassed ? "has passed pre-polling period time and should be polled" : "is in pre-polling period and should not be polled", prePollingPeriod); return idlePeriodPassed; } @Override public void concreteStartPollingTask() { setState(AsyncTaskState.Polling); } /** * For each task set its updated status retrieved from VDSM. * * @param returnTaskStatus * - Task status returned from VDSM. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") public void updateTask(AsyncTaskStatus returnTaskStatus) { try { switch (getState()) { case Polling: // Get the returned task returnTaskStatus = checkTaskExist(returnTaskStatus); if (returnTaskStatus.getStatus() != getLastTaskStatus().getStatus()) { addLogStatusTask(returnTaskStatus); } setLastTaskStatus(returnTaskStatus); if (!getLastTaskStatus().getTaskIsRunning()) { handleEndedTask(); } break; case Ended: handleEndedTask(); break; // Try to clear task which failed to be cleared before SPM and DB case ClearFailed: clearAsyncTask(); break; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("BaseAsyncTask::PollAndUpdateTask: Handling task '{}' (State '{}', Parent Command '{}'." + " Parameters Type '{}') threw an exception", getVdsmTaskId(), getState(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName()); log.error("Exception", e); } } /** * Handle ended task operation. Change task state to Ended ,Cleared or * Cleared Failed , and log appropriate message. */ private void handleEndedTask() { AsyncTask asyncTask = getParameters().getDbAsyncTask(); log.debug("Task of command {} with id '{}' has ended.", asyncTask.getActionType(), getCommandId()); // If task state is different from Ended change it to Ended and set the // last access time to now. if (getState() != AsyncTaskState.Ended) { setState(AsyncTaskState.Ended); setLastStatusAccessTime(); } CommandEntity rootCmdEntity = coco.getCommandEntity(asyncTask.getRootCommandId()); // if the task's root command has failed if (rootCmdEntity != null && !rootCmdEntity.isExecuted()) { // mark it as a task of a partially completed command // Will result in failure of the command setPartiallyCompletedCommandTask(true); log.debug("Marking task of command {} with id '{}' as partially completed.", asyncTask.getActionType(), getCommandId()); } // Fail zombie task and task that belongs to a partially submitted command if (isZombieTask() || isPartiallyCompletedCommandTask()) { log.debug("Task of command {} with id '{}' is a zombie or is partially completed, executing failure logic.", asyncTask.getActionType(), getCommandId()); getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getTaskParameters().setTaskGroupSuccess(false); ExecutionHandler.getInstance().endTaskStep(parameters.getDbAsyncTask().getStepId(), JobExecutionStatus.FAILED); onTaskEndFailure(); } if (hasTaskEndedSuccessfully()) { log.debug("Task of command {} with id '{}' has succeeded, executing success logic.", asyncTask.getActionType(), getCommandId()); ExecutionHandler.getInstance().endTaskStep(parameters.getDbAsyncTask().getStepId(), JobExecutionStatus.FINISHED); onTaskEndSuccess(); } else if (hasTaskEndedInFailure()) { log.debug("Task of command {} with id '{}' has failed, executing failure logic.", asyncTask.getActionType(), getCommandId()); ExecutionHandler.getInstance().endTaskStep(parameters.getDbAsyncTask().getStepId(), JobExecutionStatus.FAILED); onTaskEndFailure(); } else if (!doesTaskExist()) { log.debug("Task of command {} with id '{}' does not exist, executing cleanup logic.", asyncTask.getActionType(), getCommandId()); ExecutionHandler.getInstance().endTaskStep(parameters.getDbAsyncTask().getStepId(), JobExecutionStatus.UNKNOWN); onTaskDoesNotExist(); } } protected void removeTaskFromDB() { try { if (coco.removeByVdsmTaskId(getVdsmTaskId()) != 0) {"BaseAsyncTask::removeTaskFromDB: Removed task '{}' from DataBase", getVdsmTaskId()); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("BaseAsyncTask::removeTaskFromDB: Removing task '{}' from DataBase threw an exception: {}", getVdsmTaskId(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } private boolean hasTaskEndedSuccessfully() { return getLastTaskStatus().getTaskEndedSuccessfully(); } private boolean hasTaskEndedInFailure() { return !getLastTaskStatus().getTaskIsRunning() && !getLastTaskStatus().getTaskEndedSuccessfully(); } private boolean doesTaskExist() { return getLastTaskStatus().getStatus() != AsyncTaskStatusEnum.unknown; } protected void onTaskEndSuccess() { logEndTaskSuccess(); clearAsyncTask(); } protected void logEndTaskSuccess() {"BaseAsyncTask::onTaskEndSuccess: Task '{}' (Parent Command '{}', Parameters Type '{}')" + " ended successfully.", getVdsmTaskId(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName()); } protected void onTaskEndFailure() { logEndTaskFailure(); clearAsyncTask(); } protected void logEndTaskFailure() { log.error("BaseAsyncTask::logEndTaskFailure: Task '{}' (Parent Command '{}', Parameters Type '{}')" + " ended with failure:\n-- Result: '{}'\n-- Message: '{}',\n-- Exception: '{}'", getVdsmTaskId(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName(), getLastTaskStatus().getResult(), getLastTaskStatus().getMessage() == null ? "[null]" : getLastTaskStatus().getMessage(), getLastTaskStatus().getException() == null ? "[null]" : getLastTaskStatus().getException().getMessage()); } protected void onTaskDoesNotExist() { logTaskDoesntExist(); clearAsyncTask(); } protected void logTaskDoesntExist() { log.error("BaseAsyncTask::logTaskDoesntExist: Task '{}' (Parent Command '{}', Parameters Type '{}') does not exist.", getVdsmTaskId(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName()); } /** * Print log message, Checks if the cachedStatusTask is null, (indicating the task was not found in the SPM). * If so returns {@link AsyncTaskStatusEnum#unknown} status, otherwise returns the status as given.<br> * <br> * @param cachedStatusTask The status from the SPM, or <code>null</code> is the task wasn't found in the SPM. * @return - Updated status task */ protected AsyncTaskStatus checkTaskExist(AsyncTaskStatus cachedStatusTask) { AsyncTaskStatus returnedStatusTask = null; // If the cachedStatusTask is null ,that means the task has not been found in the SPM. if (cachedStatusTask == null) { // Set to running in order to continue polling the task in case SPM hasn't loaded the tasks yet.. returnedStatusTask = new AsyncTaskStatus(AsyncTaskStatusEnum.unknown); log.error("SPMAsyncTask::PollTask: Task '{}' (Parent Command '{}', Parameters Type '{}') " + "was not found in VDSM, will change its status to unknown.", getVdsmTaskId(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName()); } else { returnedStatusTask = cachedStatusTask; } return returnedStatusTask; } /** * Prints a log message of the task status, * * @param cachedStatusTask * - Status got from VDSM */ protected void addLogStatusTask(AsyncTaskStatus cachedStatusTask) { String formatString = "SPMAsyncTask::PollTask: Polling task '{}' (Parent Command '{}', Parameters Type '{}') " + "returned status '{}'{}."; // If task doesn't exist (unknown) or has ended with failure (aborting) // , log warn. if (cachedStatusTask.getTaskIsInUnusualState()) { log.warn(formatString, getVdsmTaskId(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName(), cachedStatusTask.getStatus(), cachedStatusTask.getStatus() == AsyncTaskStatusEnum.finished ? String.format(", result '%1$s'", cachedStatusTask.getResult()) : ""); } else {, getVdsmTaskId(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName(), cachedStatusTask.getStatus(), cachedStatusTask.getStatus() == AsyncTaskStatusEnum.finished ? String.format(", result '%1$s'", cachedStatusTask.getResult()) : ""); } } @Override public void stopTask() { stopTask(false); } @Override public void stopTask(boolean forceFinish) { if (getState() != AsyncTaskState.AttemptingEndAction && getState() != AsyncTaskState.Cleared && getState() != AsyncTaskState.ClearFailed && !getLastTaskStatus().getTaskIsInUnusualState()) { try {"SPMAsyncTask::StopTask: Attempting to stop task '{}' (Parent Command '{}', Parameters" + " Type '{}').", getVdsmTaskId(), getParameters().getDbAsyncTask().getActionType(), getParameters().getClass().getName()); coco.stopTask(getStoragePoolID(), getVdsmTaskId()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("SPMAsyncTask::StopTask: Error during stopping task '{}': {}", getVdsmTaskId(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } finally { if (forceFinish) { //Force finish flag allows to force the task completion, regardless of the result from call to SPMStopTask setState(AsyncTaskState.Ended); setLastTaskStatus(new AsyncTaskStatus(AsyncTaskStatusEnum.finished)); } else { setState(AsyncTaskState.Polling); } } } } @Override public void clearAsyncTask() { // if we are calling updateTask on a task which has not been submitted, // to vdsm there is no need to clear the task. The task is just deleted // from the database if (Guid.Empty.equals(getVdsmTaskId())) { removeTaskFromDB(); return; } clearAsyncTask(false); } @Override public void clearAsyncTask(boolean forceDelete) { VDSReturnValue vdsReturnValue = null; try {"SPMAsyncTask::ClearAsyncTask: Attempting to clear task '{}'", getVdsmTaskId()); vdsReturnValue = coco.clearTask(getStoragePoolID(), getVdsmTaskId()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("SPMAsyncTask::ClearAsyncTask: Error during clearing task '{}': {}", getVdsmTaskId(), e.getMessage()); log.error("Exception", e); } boolean shouldGracefullyDeleteTask = false; if (!isTaskStateError(vdsReturnValue)) { if (vdsReturnValue == null || !vdsReturnValue.getSucceeded()) { setState(AsyncTaskState.ClearFailed); onTaskCleanFailure(); } else { setState(AsyncTaskState.Cleared); shouldGracefullyDeleteTask = true; } } //A task should be removed from DB if forceDelete is set to true, or if it was cleared successfully. if (shouldGracefullyDeleteTask || forceDelete) { removeTaskFromDB(); } } /** * Function return true if we got error 410 - which is SPM initializing and * we did not clear the task */ private boolean isTaskStateError(VDSReturnValue vdsReturnValue) { if (vdsReturnValue != null && vdsReturnValue.getVdsError() != null && vdsReturnValue.getVdsError().getCode() == EngineError.TaskStateError) {"SPMAsyncTask::ClearAsyncTask: At time of attempt to clear task '{}' the response code" + " was '{}' and message was '{}'. Task will not be cleaned", getVdsmTaskId(), vdsReturnValue.getVdsError().getCode(), vdsReturnValue.getVdsError().getMessage()); return true; } return false; } protected void onTaskCleanFailure() { logTaskCleanFailure(); } protected void logTaskCleanFailure() { log.error("SPMAsyncTask::ClearAsyncTask: Clearing task '{}' failed.", getVdsmTaskId()); } @Override public boolean isPartiallyCompletedCommandTask() { return partiallyCompletedCommandTask; } @Override public void setPartiallyCompletedCommandTask(boolean val) { this.partiallyCompletedCommandTask = val; } @Override public boolean isZombieTask() { return zombieTask; } @Override public void setZombieTask(boolean zombieTask) { this.zombieTask = zombieTask; } }