package org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.resource; import static org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.resource.BackendDataCenterResource.getStoragePools; import; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.Action; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.BaseResource; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.CreationStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.api.resource.ActionResource; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.invocation.Current; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.invocation.CurrentManager; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.LinkHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.api.utils.LinkCreator; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcActionParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcActionType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcReturnValueBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.BusinessEntity; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.Cluster; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainStatic; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StoragePool; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.NameQueryParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.VdcQueryParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.VdcQueryType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public abstract class AbstractBackendActionableResource <R extends BaseResource, Q /* extends IVdcQueryable */ > extends AbstractBackendSubResource<R, Q> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractBackendActionableResource.class); public AbstractBackendActionableResource(String id, Class<R> modelType, Class<Q> entityType) { super(id, modelType, entityType); } protected Response doAction(final VdcActionType task, final VdcActionParametersBase params, final Action action, AbstractBackendResource.PollingType pollingType, EntityResolver entityResolver) { awaitGrace(action); try { VdcReturnValueBase actionResult = doAction(task, params); if (actionResult.getHasAsyncTasks()) { if (expectBlocking(action)) { CreationStatus status = awaitCompletion(actionResult, pollingType); if (status != CreationStatus.FAILED){ Object model = resolveCreated(actionResult, entityResolver, null); return actionStatus(status, action, model); } return actionStatus(status, action, addLinks(newModel(id))); } else { return actionAsync(actionResult, action); } } else { Object model = resolveCreated(actionResult, entityResolver, null); return actionSuccess(action, model); } } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(e, action); } } protected Object resolveCreated(VdcReturnValueBase result, EntityResolver entityResolver, Class<? extends BaseResource> suggestedParentType) { try { return entityResolver.resolve(result.getActionReturnValue()); } catch (Exception e) { // we tolerate a failure in the entity resolution // as the substantive action (entity creation) has // already succeeded return null; } } protected Response doAction(final VdcActionType task, final VdcActionParametersBase params, final Action action, AbstractBackendResource.PollingType pollingType) { awaitGrace(action); try { VdcReturnValueBase actionResult = doAction(task, params); if (actionResult.getJobId() != null) { setJobLink(action, actionResult); } if (actionResult.getHasAsyncTasks()) { if (expectBlocking(action)) { CreationStatus status = awaitCompletion(actionResult, pollingType); return actionStatus(status, action, addLinks(newModel(id))); } else { return actionAsync(actionResult, action); } } else { return actionSuccess(action, addLinks(newModel(id))); } } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(e, action); } } /** * Perform an action, managing asynchrony and returning an appropriate * response with entity returned by backend in action body. * * @param task the backend task * @param params the task parameters * @param action action representation * @param entityResolver backend response resolver */ protected Response doAction(final VdcActionType task, final VdcActionParametersBase params, final Action action, EntityResolver entityResolver) { return doAction(task, params, action, PollingType.VDSM_TASKS, entityResolver); } /** * Perform an action, managing asynchrony and returning an appropriate * response. * * @param task the backend task * @param params the task parameters * @param action action representation */ protected Response doAction(final VdcActionType task, final VdcActionParametersBase params, final Action action) { return doAction(task, params, action, PollingType.VDSM_TASKS); } protected void awaitGrace(Action action) { if (action.isSetGracePeriod() && action.getGracePeriod().isSetExpiry()) { delay(action.getGracePeriod().getExpiry()); } } protected boolean expectBlocking(Action action) { return action.isSetAsync() && !action.isAsync(); } public ActionResource getActionResource(String action, String oid) { // redirect back to the target resource if action no longer cached // if not getActionResource() not overridden in resource sub-class // (in which case async actions are not supported, and the action // resource should never be queried) // return new ActionResource() { @Override public Response get() { URI uri = URI.create(LinkHelper.addLinks(newModel(id)).getHref()); Response.Status status = Response.Status.MOVED_PERMANENTLY; return Response.status(status).location(uri).build(); } @Override public Action getAction() { return null; } }; } protected Guid getHostId(Action action) { return getHostId(action.getHost()); } protected Response handleError(Exception e, Action action) { try { return handleError(e, false); } catch (WebFaultException wfe) { action.setFault(wfe.getFault()); return actionFailure(action, wfe); } catch (WebApplicationException wae) { return actionFailure(action, wae); } } protected Response actionFailure(Action action, WebApplicationException wae) { action.setStatus(CreationStatus.FAILED.value()); return Response.fromResponse(wae.getResponse()).entity(action).build(); } protected Response actionSuccess(Action action) { action.setStatus(CreationStatus.COMPLETE.value()); return Response.ok().entity(action).build(); } private Response actionSuccess(Action action, Object result) { setActionItem(action, result); action.setStatus(CreationStatus.COMPLETE.value()); return Response.ok().entity(action).build(); } protected Response actionAsync(VdcReturnValueBase actionResult, Action action) { action.setAsync(true); String ids = asString(actionResult.getVdsmTaskIdList()); action.setId(ids); Current current = CurrentManager.get(); String path = current.getRelativePath(); action.setHref(path + "/" + ids); addOrUpdateLink(action, "parent", path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"))); addOrUpdateLink(action, "replay", path); action.setStatus(getAsynchronousStatus(actionResult).value()); return Response.status(ACCEPTED_STATUS).entity(action).build(); } private String getPath(UriInfo uriInfo) { return LinkCreator.combine(uriInfo.getBaseUri().getPath(), uriInfo.getPath()); } protected Guid getStorageDomainId(Action action) { if (action.getStorageDomain().isSetId()) { return asGuid(action.getStorageDomain().getId()); } else { return lookupStorageDomainIdByName(action.getStorageDomain().getName()); } } protected Guid getClusterId(Action action) { if (action.getCluster().isSetId()) { return asGuid(action.getCluster().getId()); } else { Cluster cluster = lookupClusterByName(action.getCluster().getName()); return cluster != null ? cluster.getId() : null; } } protected Cluster lookupClusterByName(String name) { return getEntity(Cluster.class, VdcQueryType.GetClusterByName, new NameQueryParameters(name), "Cluster: name=" + name); } protected Guid lookupStorageDomainIdByName(String name) { if (!isFiltered()) { StorageDomainStatic storageDomain = getEntity(org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainStatic.class, VdcQueryType.GetStorageDomainByName, new NameQueryParameters(name), "Storage: name=" + name); if (storageDomain != null) { return storageDomain.getId(); } return null; } else { List<org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomain> storageDomains = getBackendCollection(org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomain.class, VdcQueryType.GetAllStorageDomains, new VdcQueryParametersBase()); for (org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomain storageDomain : storageDomains) { if (storageDomain.getStorageName().equals(name)) { return storageDomain.getId(); } } return null; } } public Guid getDataCenterId(Guid storageDomainId) { List<StoragePool> storagepools = getStoragePools(storageDomainId, this); return storagepools.size() > 0 ? storagepools.get(0).getId() : null; } /** * This class can be used as a resolver that binds business logic objects to API models by ID. * The from and to classes are determined by parameters passed to the constructor. * The returned model object will contain only the ID field of the object. * */ protected class SimpleIdResolver extends EntityResolver { private Class<? extends BaseResource> apiClass; private Class<? extends BusinessEntity<?>> blClass; private VdcQueryType query; private Class<? extends VdcQueryParametersBase> queryParamsClass; /** * Create a resolver. * * @param apiClass Model class whose instance will be returned from lookupEntity. * @param blClass Business logic class whose ID will be passed to lookupEntity. * @param query Same as in EntityResolver's constructor. * @param queryParamsClass Same as in EntityResolver's constructor. * */ public SimpleIdResolver( Class<? extends BaseResource> apiClass, Class<? extends BusinessEntity<?>> blClass, VdcQueryType query, Class<? extends VdcQueryParametersBase> queryParamsClass ) { this.apiClass = apiClass; this.blClass = blClass; this.query = query; this.queryParamsClass = queryParamsClass; } @Override public Object lookupEntity(Object id) throws BackendFailureException { BusinessEntity<?> blEntity = doGetEntity(blClass, query, getQueryParams(queryParamsClass, id), id.toString()); try { BaseResource apiObject = apiClass.getConstructor().newInstance(); apiObject.setId(blEntity.getId().toString()); return LinkHelper.addLinks(apiObject); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { // Shouldn't happen, all models have public no-args constructor. log.error("Failed to instantiate BackendResource", e); return null; } } } }