package org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.widget.tooltip; import org.gwtbootstrap3.client.ui.constants.Placement; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.utils.ElementTooltipUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.widget.WidgetDecorator; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.uicommonweb.HasCleanup; import; import; import; import; /** * Decorates a {@link Widget} with jQuery/Bootstrap tooltip. */ public class WidgetTooltip extends WidgetDecorator implements HasCleanup { private SafeHtml tooltip; private final TooltipConfig tooltipConfig = new TooltipConfig(); private boolean widgetAttached = false; private boolean tooltipUpdateScheduled = false; public WidgetTooltip() { super(); } public WidgetTooltip(Widget w) { super(w); } @Override protected void decorateWidget(Widget w) { w.addAttachHandler(event -> { WidgetTooltip.this.widgetAttached = event.isAttached(); scheduleTooltipUpdate(); }); } private void scheduleTooltipUpdate() { if (tooltipUpdateScheduled) { return; } Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(() -> { applyTooltip(); tooltipUpdateScheduled = false; }); tooltipUpdateScheduled = true; } private void applyTooltip() { if (getWidget() == null) { return; } // Apply tooltip if the widget is attached to live DOM. if (widgetAttached && tooltip != null) { ElementTooltipUtils.setTooltipOnElement(getWidget().getElement(), tooltip, tooltipConfig); } // Destroy tooltip if the widget is detached from live DOM. else if (!widgetAttached) { ElementTooltipUtils.destroyTooltip(getWidget().getElement()); } } public void setHtml(SafeHtml html) { if (html == null) { return; } if (tooltip == null || !tooltip.asString().equals(html.asString())) { tooltip = html; scheduleTooltipUpdate(); } } public void setText(String text) { String nullSafeText = (text == null) ? "" : text; setHtml(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(nullSafeText)); } public void setPlacement(Placement placement) { tooltipConfig.setPlacement(placement); } public void setMaxWidth(TooltipWidth width) { tooltipConfig.addTooltipClassName(width.getClassName()); } public void hide() { if (getWidget() != null) { ElementTooltipUtils.hideTooltip(getWidget().getElement()); } } public void destroy() { if (getWidget() != null) { ElementTooltipUtils.destroyTooltip(getWidget().getElement()); } } @Override public void cleanup() { destroy(); } }