package org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer; import static org.quartz.CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule; import static org.quartz.JobKey.jobKey; import static org.quartz.TriggerBuilder.newTrigger; import static org.quartz.TriggerKey.triggerKey; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.Config; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.ConfigValues; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.Trigger; import org.quartz.TriggerKey; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public abstract class SchedulerUtilBaseImpl implements SchedulerUtil { public static final String RUNNABLE_INSTANCE = "runnable.instance"; public static final String RUN_METHOD_NAME = ""; public static final String RUN_METHOD_PARAM_TYPE = "method.paramType"; public static final String RUN_METHOD_PARAM = "method.param"; public static final String FIXED_DELAY_VALUE = "fixedDelayValue"; public static final String FIXED_DELAY_TIME_UNIT = "fixedDelayTimeUnit"; public static final String CONFIGURABLE_DELAY_KEY_NAME = "configDelayKeyName"; private static final String TRIGGER_PREFIX = "trigger"; protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); protected Scheduler sched; private final AtomicLong sequenceNumber = new AtomicLong(Long.MIN_VALUE); public static Date getFutureDate(long delay, TimeUnit timeUnit) { return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(delay, timeUnit)); } /** * schedules a fixed delay job. * * @param instance * - the instance to activate the method on timeout * @param methodName * - the name of the method to activate on the instance * @param inputTypes * - the method input types * @param inputParams * - the method input parameters * @param initialDelay * - the initial delay before the first activation * @param taskDelay * - the delay between jobs * @param timeUnit * - the unit of time used for initialDelay and taskDelay. * @return the scheduled job id */ @Override public String scheduleAFixedDelayJob(Object instance, String methodName, Class<?>[] inputTypes, Object[] inputParams, long initialDelay, long taskDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit) { JobDetail job = createJobForDelayJob(instance, methodName, inputTypes, inputParams, taskDelay, timeUnit); scheduleJobWithTrigger(initialDelay, timeUnit, instance, job); return job.getKey().getName(); } private void scheduleJobWithTrigger(long initialDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit, Object instance, JobDetail job) { Trigger trigger = createSimpleTrigger(initialDelay, timeUnit, instance); try { sched.scheduleJob(job, trigger); } catch (SchedulerException se) { log.error("failed to schedule job: {}", se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); } } private JobDetail createJobForDelayJob(Object instance, String methodName, Class<?>[] inputTypes, Object[] inputParams, long taskDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit) { JobDetail job = createJobWithBasicMapValues(instance, methodName, inputTypes, inputParams); JobDataMap data = job.getJobDataMap(); setupDataMapForDelayJob(data, taskDelay, timeUnit); return job; } /** * schedules a job with a configurable delay. * * @param instance * - the instance to activate the method on timeout * @param methodName * - the name of the method to activate on the instance * @param inputTypes * - the method input types * @param inputParams * - the method input parameters * @param initialDelay * - the initial delay before the first activation * @param taskDelay * - the name of the config value that sets the delay between jobs * @param timeUnit * - the unit of time used for initialDelay and taskDelay. * @return the scheduled job id */ @Override public String scheduleAConfigurableDelayJob(Object instance, String methodName, Class<?>[] inputTypes, Object[] inputParams, long initialDelay, String configurableDelayKeyName, TimeUnit timeUnit) { long configurableDelay = getConfigurableDelay(configurableDelayKeyName); JobDetail job = createJobForDelayJob(instance, methodName, inputTypes, inputParams, configurableDelay, timeUnit); JobDataMap data = job.getJobDataMap(); data.put(CONFIGURABLE_DELAY_KEY_NAME, configurableDelayKeyName); scheduleJobWithTrigger(initialDelay, timeUnit, instance, job); return job.getKey().getName(); } /** * get the configurable delay value from the DB according to given key */ private long getConfigurableDelay(String configurableDelayKeyName) { ConfigValues configDelay = ConfigValues.valueOf(configurableDelayKeyName); return Config.<Integer> getValue(configDelay).longValue(); } /** * setup the values in the data map that are relevant for jobs with delay */ private void setupDataMapForDelayJob(JobDataMap data, long taskDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit) { data.put(FIXED_DELAY_TIME_UNIT, timeUnit); data.put(FIXED_DELAY_VALUE, taskDelay); } protected abstract JobDetail createJobWithBasicMapValues(Object instance, String methodName, Class<?>[] inputTypes, Object[] inputParams); private Trigger createSimpleTrigger(long initialDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit, Object instance) { Date runTime = getFutureDate(initialDelay, timeUnit); String triggerName = generateUniqueNameForInstance(instance, TRIGGER_PREFIX); Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(triggerName, Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP) .startAt(runTime) .build(); return trigger; } /** * schedules a one time job. * * @param instance * - the instance to activate the method on timeout * @param methodName * - the name of the method to activate on the instance * @param inputTypes * - the method input types * @param inputParams * - the method input parameters * @param initialDelay * - the initial delay before the job activation * @param timeUnit * - the unit of time used for initialDelay and taskDelay. * @return the scheduled job id */ @Override public String scheduleAOneTimeJob(Object instance, String methodName, Class<?>[] inputTypes, Object[] inputParams, long initialDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit) { JobDetail job = createJobWithBasicMapValues(instance, methodName, inputTypes, inputParams); scheduleJobWithTrigger(initialDelay, timeUnit, instance, job); return job.getKey().getName(); } /** * schedules a cron job. * * @param instance * - the instance to activate the method on timeout * @param methodName * - the name of the method to activate on the instance * @param inputTypes * - the method input types * @param inputParams * - the method input parameters * @param cronExpression * - cron expression to run this job * @return the scheduled job id */ @Override public String scheduleACronJob(Object instance, String methodName, Class<?>[] inputTypes, Object[] inputParams, String cronExpression) { JobDetail job = createJobWithBasicMapValues(instance, methodName, inputTypes, inputParams); try { String triggerName = generateUniqueNameForInstance(instance, TRIGGER_PREFIX); Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(triggerName, Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP) .withSchedule(cronSchedule(cronExpression)) .build(); sched.scheduleJob(job, trigger); } catch (Exception se) { log.error("failed to schedule job: {}", se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); return null; } return job.getKey().getName(); } /** * Schedules a cron job with specific delay and end by value * * @param instance * - the instance to activate the method on timeout * @param methodName * - the name of the method to activate on the instance * @param inputTypes * - the method input types * @param inputParams * - the method input parameters * @param cronExpression * - cron expression to run this job * @param startAt * - when to start the task * @param endBy * - when to end the task * @return the scheduled job id */ public String scheduleACronJob(Object instance, String methodName, Class<?>[] inputTypes, Object[] inputParams, String cronExpression, Date startAt, Date endBy) { JobDetail job = createJobWithBasicMapValues(instance, methodName, inputTypes, inputParams); try { String triggerName = generateUniqueNameForInstance(instance, TRIGGER_PREFIX); Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(triggerName, Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP) .withSchedule(cronSchedule(cronExpression)) .startAt(startAt) .endAt(endBy) .build(); sched.scheduleJob(job, trigger); } catch (Exception se) { log.error("failed to schedule job: {}", se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); throw new RuntimeException(se); } return job.getKey().getName(); } /** * reschedule the job associated with the given old trigger with the new trigger. * * @param oldTriggerName * - the name of the trigger to remove. * @param oldTriggerGroup * - the group of the trigger to remove. * @param newTrigger * - the new Trigger to associate the job with */ @Override public void rescheduleAJob(String oldTriggerName, String oldTriggerGroup, Trigger newTrigger) { try { if (!sched.isShutdown()) { sched.rescheduleJob(triggerKey(oldTriggerName, oldTriggerGroup), newTrigger); } } catch (SchedulerException se) { log.error("failed to reschedule the job: {}", se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); } } /** * pauses a job with the given jobId assuming the job is in the default quartz group */ @Override public void pauseJob(String jobId) { try { sched.pauseJob(jobKey(jobId, Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP)); } catch (SchedulerException se) { log.error("failed to pause a job with id={}: {}", jobId, se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); } } /** * Delete the identified Job from the Scheduler * * @param jobId * - the id of the job to delete */ @Override public void deleteJob(String jobId) { try { sched.deleteJob(jobKey(jobId, Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP)); } catch (SchedulerException se) { log.error("failed to delete a job with id={}: {}", jobId, se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); } } /** * resume a job with the given jobId assuming the job is in the default quartz group */ @Override public void resumeJob(String jobId) { try { sched.resumeJob(jobKey(jobId, Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP)); } catch (SchedulerException se) { log.error("failed to pause a job with id={}: {}", jobId, se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); } } @Override public void triggerJob(String jobId) { try { List<? extends Trigger> existingTriggers = sched.getTriggersOfJob(jobKey(jobId, Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP)); if (!existingTriggers.isEmpty()) { // Note: we assume that every job has exactly one trigger Trigger oldTrigger = existingTriggers.get(0); TriggerKey oldTriggerKey = oldTrigger.getKey(); Trigger newTrigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(oldTriggerKey) .startAt(getFutureDate(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) .build(); rescheduleAJob(oldTriggerKey.getName(), oldTriggerKey.getGroup(), newTrigger); } else { log.error("failed to trigger a job with id={}, job has no trigger", jobId); } } catch (SchedulerException se) { log.error("failed to trigger a job with id={}: {}", jobId, se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); } } /** * Halts the Scheduler, and cleans up all resources associated with the Scheduler. The scheduler cannot be * re-started. * * @see org.quartz.Scheduler#shutdown(boolean waitForJobsToComplete) */ @Override public void shutDown() { try { if (sched != null) { sched.shutdown(false); } } catch (SchedulerException se) { log.error("failed to shut down the scheduler: {}", se.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", se); } } /** * @return the quartz scheduler wrapped by this SchedulerUtil */ @Override public Scheduler getRawScheduler() { return sched; } protected String generateUniqueNameForInstance(Object instance, String nestedName) { String name = instance.getClass().getName() + "." + nestedName + "#" + sequenceNumber.incrementAndGet(); return name; } }