package org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.utils; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.presenter.AbstractModelBoundPopupPresenterWidget; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.view.TabbedView; import; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.uicommonweb.models.TabName; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.uicommonweb.models.ValidationCompleteEvent; import; import; /** * Helper class that does all the calculations and work to determine which tab to switch to if any. The current * active tab is invalid it won't switch tabs. It also manages the display of an invalid tab. */ public final class ValidationTabSwitchHelper { /** * Private constructor so you can't instantiate this class. */ private ValidationTabSwitchHelper() { //Don't allow instances. } /** * Register the {@code ValidationCompleteEvent} handler. * @param eventBus The GWT event bus. * @param presenterWidget The {@code PresenterWidget} containing the model that was validated. * @param view The {@code View} to update based on state of the model. * @return The {@code HandlerRegistration} so the caller can manage the handlers. */ public static HandlerRegistration registerValidationHandler(final EventBus eventBus, final AbstractModelBoundPopupPresenterWidget<?, ?> presenterWidget, final TabbedView view) { return eventBus.addHandler(ValidationCompleteEvent.getType(), event -> { //Make sure the model in the event is the one we are interested in. if (event.getModel() != null && event.getModel().equals(presenterWidget.getModel())) { //Get the invalid tab names from the model. Set<TabName> invalidTabs = presenterWidget.getModel().getInvalidTabs(); //Get the tab names to dialog tab widget map from the view. Map<TabName, OvirtTabListItem> mapping = view.getTabNameMapping(); markTabs(invalidTabs, mapping); //Check if the current active tab is invalid, if so don't do anything. for (TabName invalidTabName: invalidTabs) { if (view.getTabPanel().getActiveTab().equals(mapping.get(invalidTabName))) { return; } } //The current tab is not invalid, switch to the top invalid tab. switchTab(invalidTabs, mapping, view); } }); } /** * Iterate over the {@code DialogTab}s and mark them valid/invalid based on the passed in * {@code Set} of invalid tab names. * @param invalidTabs The set of invalid tab names. * @param mapping The TabName to DialogTab mapping. */ private static void markTabs(Set<TabName> invalidTabs, Map<TabName, OvirtTabListItem> mapping) { for (Map.Entry<TabName, OvirtTabListItem> entry: mapping.entrySet()) { if (invalidTabs.contains(entry.getKey())) { entry.getValue().markAsInvalid(null); } else { entry.getValue().markAsValid(); } } } /** * Switch to the lowest number invalid tab in the {@code TabbedView}. The tabbed view returns an ordered * list of tabs that we can compare against the invalid tabs passed into this method. * @param invalidTabs The {@code Set} of invalid tab names. * @param mapping The TabName to DialogTab mapping. * @param view The {@code TabbedView} containing the tabs. */ private static void switchTab(Set<TabName> invalidTabs, Map<TabName, OvirtTabListItem> mapping, TabbedView view) { int lowestIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //Get all the tabs from the view. List<OvirtTabListItem> allTabs = view.getTabPanel().getTabs(); //For each invalid tab find the index, and the lowest index will be the best fit. for (TabName invalidTabName: invalidTabs) { if (allTabs.indexOf(mapping.get(invalidTabName)) < lowestIndex) { lowestIndex = allTabs.indexOf(mapping.get(invalidTabName)); } } if (lowestIndex != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { view.getTabPanel().switchTab(allTabs.get(lowestIndex)); } } }