package org.ovirt.engine.core.uutils.cli.parser; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * This class parses properties file where user declare structure of command line arguments. * Every argument can declare following attributes: * <ul> * <li>name - Name of the argument, <b>Must be declared by developer</b></li> * <li>help - Help to be printed to argument, when user request help to be printed (default: empty string)</li> * <li>mandatory - true/false declares if argument have to be specified or not (default: false)</li> * <li>type - one of: * <ul> * <li>required_argument - argument requires value</li> * <li>optional_argument - argument could have value</li> * <li>no_argument - argument doesn't have value (default)</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>convert - Name of the class that arguments value should be converted to (default: java.lang.String)</li> * <li>matcher - Regular expression which value of argument need to fulfill. (default: .*)</li> * <li>metavar - Used in only usage print. Give clue to user what expect as a value. (default: STRING)</li> * <li>multivalue - true/false declares if value is list of values or single value (default: false)</li> * <li>default - If argument name is not found in list of user arguments. * It will add this argument with value of this attribute. (default: null)</li> * <li>value - Value to be set to argument if argument value is not required (default: null)</li> * </ul> * * <p> * To be able to ensure program can handle more usages for specific actions we need to specify prefixes for arguments. * That means that final declaration of argument in properties file will look like: * * <p><i><prefix>.arg.<argument_name>.<attribute> = value</i></p> * * ArgumentsParser.parse() will parse only arguments with specified prefix. If parser hit value which don't start with "--", * it will exit parsing, validate current arguments. In attribute {@code argMap} you can find parsed arguments. * In attribute @{code errors} you can find all errors which were found during parsing. The rest of arguments, which parser * didn't parse stay in list, which is paramater of parse() method. * </p> * * <p> * If there appears any error while parsing arguments(like, required value missing, mandatory not specified, etc). * All these errors will be stored in {@code errors} attribute. * </p> * * <p> * Properties file also specify three basic variables that stores usage print, Variables names are as follows: * <ul> * <li><i>help.usage</i> - Declares usage of program/module (default: empty)</li> * <li><i>help.header</i> - Declares header of program/module, usually used for description of program/module (default: empty)</li> * <li><i>help.footer</i> - Declares footer of program/module, usually used for additional info for consumer of program/module (default: empty)</li> * </ul> * </p> * * The usage is printed in following structure: * <pre> * """ * $help.usage * $help.header * * Options: * --<prefix> * <prefix> * * --<prefix> * <prefix> * * $help.footer * """ * </pre> * Example:<br/> * We have a program which support two actions - [add, remove]. Both actions accept different arguments and program too. * * <pre> * ./out [--file] add --message=X [--index] * ./out [--file] remove [--index] * </pre> * The properties file of this program can look like: * <pre> * = file * = File where messages are stored * module.arg.file.default = /tmp/X * = message * = Message to be stored * add.arg.message.mandatory = true * add.arg.message.type = required_argument * = index * = Index where message should be inserted * add.arg.index.value = 0 * add.arg.index.default = 0 * add.arg.index.type = optional_argument * = index * = Index where message should be inserted * remove.arg.index.value = 0 * remove.arg.index.default = 0 * remove.arg.index.type = optional_argument * * ArgumentsParser parser = new ArgumentsParser(inputStream) * Map<String, Object> moduleArgMap = parser.parse(args) * print moduleArgMap.get("file") * * Listp<Object> others = moduleArgMap.get(PARAMETERS_KEY_OTHERS) * print others.remove(0) // action/remove * * Mapp<String, Objectp> actionArgMap = parser.parse(others) * print actionArgMap.get("index") * </pre> */ public class ArgumentsParser { /** * Prefix which every argument should use to be considered argument. */ private static final String LONG_PREFIX = "--"; /** * Stores default values of every argument, if user don't override it default from this file will be used. */ private static Properties defaultProperties; static { try (InputStream is = ArgumentsParser.class.getResourceAsStream("")) { defaultProperties = loadProperties(is); } catch (IOException e) { defaultProperties = null; } } /** * Stores user defined arguments in properties file. */ private Properties properties; /** * The prefix which should be used for parsing of properties file. */ private String prefix; /** * Map which stores parsed converted arguments. */ private Map<String, Argument> arguments = new HashMap<>(); /** * Set of mandatory arguments to check if user specified all of them. */ private Set<String> mandatory = new HashSet<>(); /** * Map of correctly parsed and converted arguments */ private Map<String, Object> parsedArgs; /** * List of errors which was found during pasring */ private List<Throwable> errors; /** * Map of predefined substitutions which should be replaced in usage. */ private Map<String, String> substitutions = new HashMap<>(); /** * Inititilize ArgumentsParser attributes. Parser properties file and create argument map of it. * * @param properties properties file with defined arguments * @param prefix only arguments with this prefix will be parsed */ public ArgumentsParser(Properties properties, String prefix) { = properties; this.prefix = prefix; parseProperties(); } /** * Inititilize ArgumentsParser attributes. Parse properties file and create argument map of it. * * @param resource Input resource with defined arguments * @param prefix only arguments with this prefix will be parsed */ public ArgumentsParser(InputStream resource, String prefix) { this(loadProperties(resource), prefix); } /** * Return list of erros * * @return list of erros */ public List<Throwable> getErrors() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(errors); } /** * Return map of validated and parsed arguments * * @return Map of validated and parsed arguments */ public Map<String, Object> getParsedArgs() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(parsedArgs); } /** * Parse list of arguments based on definition declared in {@link #properties} file with {@link #prefix}. * Please note that param {@code args} will be modified and after method finished it will contain rest * of arguments(all arguments which follow argument without '--' prefix). * * @param args list of command line arguments * @return true if parsing has no errors, false otherwise */ public boolean parse(List<String> args) { parsedArgs = new HashMap<>(); errors = new ArrayList<>(); while(!args.isEmpty()) { String arg = args.get(0); if(!arg.startsWith(LONG_PREFIX)) { break; } arg = args.remove(0); if(arg.equals(LONG_PREFIX)) { break; } String[] argVal = parseArgument(arg.substring(2)); String key = argVal[0]; String value = argVal[1]; Argument argument = arguments.get(key); if(argument == null) { errors.add( new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid argument '%1$s'", arg)) ); } else { if ( value == null && ( argument.getType() == Argument.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT || argument.getType() == Argument.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ) ) { if(args.size() > 0) { value = args.get(0); if (value.startsWith(LONG_PREFIX)) { value = null; } else { args.remove(0); } } } if (argument.getType() == Argument.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT && value == null) { errors.add( new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Value is required, but missing for argument '%1$s'", key) ) ); } if (value == null) { value = argument.getValue(); } Object convertedValue = null; if (value != null) { Matcher m = argument.getMatcher().matcher(value); if (!m.matches()) { errors.add( new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Pattern for argument '%1$s' does not match, pattern is '%2$s', value is '%3$s'", key, m.pattern(), value ) ) ); } convertedValue = StringValueConverter.getObjectValueByString(argument.getValueType(), value); } putValue(parsedArgs, argument, convertedValue); } } fillDefaults(parsedArgs); List<String> mandatoryCopy = new ArrayList<>(mandatory); mandatoryCopy.removeAll(parsedArgs.keySet()); if(!mandatoryCopy.isEmpty()) { errors.add( new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Argument(s) '%1$s' required", StringUtils.join(mandatoryCopy, ", ")) ) ); } return errors.isEmpty(); } /** * Print usage of all arguments with {@link #prefix}. In this format: * * $ * $ * * Options: * --$[$prefix.arg.argumentX.metavar] * $ * * --$[$prefix.arg.argumentY.metavar] * $ * * $ * * @return formatted string with usage */ public String getUsage() { StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder(String.format("Options:%n")); for(String arg : getPrefixArguments()) { Argument argument = this.arguments.get(arg); help.append( String.format( " --%s%n", arg + (argument.getType() != Argument.Type.NO_ARGUMENT ? "=[" + argument.getMetavar() + "]" : "") ) ); for ( String s : argument.getHelp().replace( "@CLI_PRM_DEFAULT@", StringUtils.defaultString(argument.getDefaultValue()) ).replace( "@CLI_PRM_PATTERN@", argument.getMatcher().pattern() ).split("\n") ) { help.append(String.format(" %s%n", s)); } help.append(String.format("%n")); } return doSubstitutions( String.format("%1$s%n%2$s%n%n%3$s%4$s%n", properties.getProperty( prefix + ".help.usage", (String) defaultProperties.get("help.usage") ), properties.getProperty( prefix + ".help.header", (String) defaultProperties.get("help.header") ), help.toString(), properties.getProperty( prefix + ".help.footer", (String) defaultProperties.get("help.footer") ) ) ); } /** * Return all registered substitutions * @return registered substitutions */ public Map<String, String> getSubstitutions() { return substitutions; } /** * Go through all arguments which has default value. If such argument is not in {@code argMap} put it there. * * @param argMap map of converted command line arguments */ private void fillDefaults(Map<String, Object> argMap) { for(Argument arg : arguments.values()) { if (!argMap.containsKey(arg.getName()) && arg.getDefaultValue() != null) { putValue( argMap, arg, StringValueConverter.getObjectValueByString( arg.getValueType(), doSubstitutions(arg.getDefaultValue()) ) ); } } } /** * Put {@code value} into {@code argMap}. If {@code arg} is multivalue put a List with {@code value}. * * @param argMap map of converted command line arguments * @param arg argument to be put in map * @param value value of argument */ private void putValue(Map<String, Object> argMap, Argument arg, Object value) { if (!arg.isMultivalue()) { argMap.put(arg.getName(), value); } else { List<? super Object> c = (List)argMap.get(arg.getName()); if (c == null) { c = new ArrayList<>(); argMap.put(arg.getName(), c); } c.add(value); } } /** * Substitute entries in string. */ private String doSubstitutions(String s) { if (s != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> substitution : substitutions.entrySet()) { s = s.replaceAll(substitution.getKey(), substitution.getValue()); } } return s; } /** * Map properties file declaration of arguemnts to {@see org.ovirt.engine.core.uutils.cli.parser.ParserArgument} class. * All those mapping classes are stored in map {@link #arguments}. All arguments declared as mandatory are stored * in set {@link #mandatory}, so later we can check if all mandatory arguments where specified by user. */ private void parseProperties() { for(String arg : getPrefixArguments()) { Argument argument = new Argument(); argument.setName( getArgAttrValue(arg, "name") ); if (argument.getName() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Invalid configuration. Parameter '%1$s' has no name", arg) ); } argument.setMetavar( getArgAttrValue(arg, "metavar") ); argument.setHelp( getArgAttrValue(arg, "help") ); argument.setDefaultValue( getArgAttrValue(arg, "default") ); argument.setValue( getArgAttrValue(arg, "value") ); argument.setMultivalue( Boolean.parseBoolean( getArgAttrValue(arg, "multivalue") ) ); argument.setMandatory( Boolean.parseBoolean( getArgAttrValue(arg, "mandatory") ) ); argument.setType( Argument.Type.valueOfIgnoreCase( getArgAttrValue(arg, "type") ) ); argument.setMatcher( Pattern.compile( getArgAttrValue(arg, "matcher") ) ); try { argument.setValueType( Class.forName( getArgAttrValue(arg, "valuetype"), true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ) ); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Can't convert argument: '%1$s'. Please check valuetype in properties file.", arg) ); } if (argument.isMandatory()) { mandatory.add(argument.getName()); } arguments.put(argument.getName(), argument); } } /** * Return set of argument from properties file names which starts with {@link #prefix} * * @return set of argument from properties file names which starts with {@link #prefix} */ private Set<String> getPrefixArguments() { Set<String> args = new TreeSet<>(); for (String argName : { String[] param = argName.split("\\."); if((param.length > 1 && !param[1].equals("arg")) || !param[0].equals(this.prefix)) { continue; } if (param.length < 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Invalid configuration. Invalid structure for parameter'%1$s'", argName) ); } args.add(param[2]); } return args; } private String[] parseArgument(String arg) { String [] splitArg = arg.split("=", 2); if(splitArg.length < 2) { return new String[] {splitArg[0], null}; } return splitArg; } private String getArgAttrValue(String argument, String key) { return properties.getProperty( prefix + ".arg." + argument + "." + key, defaultProperties.getProperty("arg." + key) ); } private static Properties loadProperties(InputStream resource) { try ( Reader is = new InputStreamReader(resource, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); ) { Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(is); return prop; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } }