package org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; public class HostNetworkQosMapper { private static final int MBITS_TO_BITS = 1000000; private final Map<String, Object> rootEntry; public HostNetworkQosMapper(Map<String, Object> rootEntry) { this.rootEntry = rootEntry; } public void serialize(HostNetworkQos qos) { if (qos == null) { return; } Map<String, Object> outboundEntry = new HashMap<>(); serializeValue(outboundEntry, VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_LINKSHARE, qos.getOutAverageLinkshare()); serializeValue(outboundEntry, VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_UPPERLIMIT, qos.getOutAverageUpperlimit(), MBITS_TO_BITS); serializeValue(outboundEntry, VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_REALTIME, qos.getOutAverageRealtime(), MBITS_TO_BITS); if (outboundEntry.isEmpty()) { return; } Map<String, Object> qosEntry = new HashMap<>(); qosEntry.put(VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_OUTBOUND, outboundEntry); rootEntry.put(VdsProperties.HOST_QOS, qosEntry); } private void serializeValue(Map<String, Object> entry, String curveKey, Integer value) { serializeValue(entry, curveKey, value, 1); } private void serializeValue(Map<String, Object> entry, String curveKey, Integer value, int conversionRate) { if (value != null) { Map<String, Integer> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put(VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_AVERAGE, value * conversionRate); entry.put(curveKey, parameters); } } public HostNetworkQos deserialize() { Map<String, Object> qosEntry = (Map<String, Object>) rootEntry.get(VdsProperties.HOST_QOS); if (qosEntry == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> outboundEntry = (Map<String, Object>) qosEntry.get(VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_OUTBOUND); if (outboundEntry == null) { return null; } // name and DC ID are not set on purpose - anonymous QoS shouldn't have any! HostNetworkQos qos = new HostNetworkQos(); qos.setOutAverageLinkshare(deserializeValue(outboundEntry, VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_LINKSHARE)); qos.setOutAverageUpperlimit(deserializeValue(outboundEntry, VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_UPPERLIMIT, MBITS_TO_BITS)); qos.setOutAverageRealtime(deserializeValue(outboundEntry, VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_REALTIME, MBITS_TO_BITS)); return qos.isEmpty() ? null : qos; } private Integer deserializeValue(Map<String, Object> entry, String curveKey) { return deserializeValue(entry, curveKey, 1); } private Integer deserializeValue(Map<String, Object> entry, String curveKey, int conversionRate) { Map<String, Integer> parameters = (Map<String, Integer>) entry.get(curveKey); if (parameters == null) { return null; } Integer average = parameters.get(VdsProperties.HOST_QOS_AVERAGE); return (average == null) ? null : (average / conversionRate); } }