package org.ovirt.engine.core.config.entity.helper; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.core.config.entity.ConfigKey; public abstract class BaseValueHelper implements ValueHelper { protected String getHelpNoteByType(ConfigKey key, String type) { return String.format("%n%n%n" + "### Notes:%n" + "### 1. The value that should be passed to %1$s should be %2$s.%n" + "### 2. Possible values to be provided are : %3$s %n" + "### 3. In order for your change(s) to take effect,%n" + "### restart the oVirt engine service (using: 'service ovirt-engine restart').%n" + "################################################################################%n%n", key.getKey(), type, getPossibleValues(key)); } protected String getPossibleValues(ConfigKey key) { if (key.getValidValues() == null || key.getValidValues().size() == 0) { return ""; } return StringUtils.join(key.getValidValues(), ","); } }