package org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import javax.enterprise.inject.Instance; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.AuditLogType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.AsyncTaskStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.AsyncTaskStatusEnum; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.BusinessEntitiesDefinitions; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.IVdsEventListener; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.NonOperationalReason; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.SpmStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.SpmStatusResult; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomain; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainStatic; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StoragePool; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StoragePoolIsoMap; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StoragePoolIsoMapId; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StoragePoolStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VDS; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VDSDomainsData; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VDSStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VdsSpmIdMap; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.Config; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.ConfigValues; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.constants.StorageConstants; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.errors.EngineError; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.errors.EngineMessage; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.eventqueue.Event; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.eventqueue.EventQueue; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.eventqueue.EventResult; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.eventqueue.EventType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.locks.LockingGroup; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.Pair; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.DisconnectStoragePoolVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.GetStoragePoolInfoVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.SpmStartVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.SpmStatusVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.SpmStopVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSCommandType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSReturnValue; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VdsIdVDSCommandParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.KeyValuePairCompat; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.RefObject; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.TransactionScopeOption; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogable; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogableImpl; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.StorageDomainDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.StorageDomainDynamicDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.StorageDomainStaticDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.StoragePoolDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.StoragePoolIsoMapDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VdsDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VdsDynamicDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VdsSpmIdMapDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VdsStaticDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.di.Injector; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.lock.EngineLock; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.lock.LockManager; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.threadpool.ThreadPoolUtil; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.OnTimerMethodAnnotation; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.SchedulerUtil; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.SchedulerUtilQuartzImpl; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.transaction.TransactionSupport; import org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.ResourceManager; import org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.TransportFactory; import; import org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.VDSNetworkException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class IrsProxy { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IrsProxy.class); // TODO the syncObj initial purpose was to lock the IrsBroker creation // but eventually because the IRS is single threaded and suppose to have // quite a load of requests, // In order to avoid unexpected behavior we have used the syncObj to // lock each request to the IRS // and by that we caused a serialization of requests to the IRS. // This lock should be removed as soon as the IrsBroker is turned // multi threaded private static final boolean FAIR_LOCK_TYPE = true; private final ReentrantLock syncLock = new ReentrantLock(FAIR_LOCK_TYPE); private final String storagePoolRefreshJobId; private final String domainRecoverOnHostJobId; private final HashSet<Guid> triedVdssList = new HashSet<>(); private Guid currentVdsId; private static Set<VDSStatus> vdsConnectedToPoolStatuses; static { vdsConnectedToPoolStatuses = EnumSet.copyOf(StoragePoolDomainHelper.vdsDomainsActiveMonitoringStatus); vdsConnectedToPoolStatuses.addAll(StoragePoolDomainHelper.vdsDomainsMaintenanceMonitoringStatus); vdsConnectedToPoolStatuses.add(VDSStatus.NonResponsive); vdsConnectedToPoolStatuses.add(VDSStatus.PreparingForMaintenance); } @Inject private Instance<IrsProxyManager> irsProxyManager; @Inject private ResourceManager resourceManager; @Inject private LockManager lockManager; @Inject private StoragePoolDomainHelper storagePoolDomainHelper; @Inject private StoragePoolDao storagePoolDao; @Inject private VdsDao vdsDao; @Inject private VdsStaticDao vdsStaticDao; @Inject private StorageDomainDao storageDomainDao; @Inject private StorageDomainStaticDao storageDomainStaticDao; @Inject private StorageDomainDynamicDao storageDomainDynamicDao; @Inject private StoragePoolIsoMapDao storagePoolIsoMapDao; @Inject private VdsDynamicDao vdsDynamicDao; @Inject private VdsSpmIdMapDao vdsSpmIdMapDao; @Inject private EventQueue eventQueue; private Guid preferredHostId; public Guid getCurrentVdsId() { return getIrsProxy() != null ? currentVdsId : Guid.Empty; } public void setCurrentVdsId(Guid value) { currentVdsId = Guid.Empty.equals(value) ? null : value; } private String privatemCurrentIrsHost; private IIrsServer irsProxy; private Guid fencedIrs; private IIrsServer getmIrsProxy() { return irsProxy; } private int privatemIrsPort; private int getmIrsPort() { return privatemIrsPort; } private void setmIrsPort(int value) { privatemIrsPort = value; } public Guid getFencedIrs() { return fencedIrs; } public void setFencedIrs(Guid fencedIrs) { this.fencedIrs = fencedIrs; } private Guid _storagePoolId = Guid.Empty; public IrsProxy(Guid storagePoolId) { _storagePoolId = storagePoolId; int storagePoolRefreshTime = Config.<Integer> getValue(ConfigValues.StoragePoolRefreshTimeInSeconds); storagePoolRefreshJobId = getSchedulUtil().scheduleAFixedDelayJob(this, "updatingTimerElapsed", new Class[0], new Object[0], storagePoolRefreshTime, storagePoolRefreshTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); domainRecoverOnHostJobId = getSchedulUtil().scheduleAFixedDelayJob(this, "hostsStorageConnectionsAndPoolMetadataRefresh", new Class[0], new Object[0], Config.<Integer>getValue(ConfigValues.HostStorageConnectionAndPoolRefreshTimeInSeconds), storagePoolRefreshTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } protected SchedulerUtil getSchedulUtil() { return Injector.get(SchedulerUtilQuartzImpl.class); } private void updateStoragePoolStatus(Guid poolId, StoragePoolStatus status, AuditLogType auditLogType, EngineError error) { getEventListener().storagePoolStatusChange(poolId, status, auditLogType, error); } @OnTimerMethodAnnotation("updatingTimerElapsed") public void updatingTimerElapsed() { runInControlledConcurrency(() -> { try { if (!_disposed) { StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.get(_storagePoolId); if (storagePool != null) { // when there are no hosts in status up, it means that there shouldn't be domain monitoring // so all the domains need to move to "unknown" status as otherwise their status won't change. if (vdsDao .getAllForStoragePoolAndStatuses(_storagePoolId, StoragePoolDomainHelper.vdsDomainsActiveMonitoringStatus) .isEmpty()) { storagePoolDomainHelper.updateApplicablePoolDomainsStatuses(_storagePoolId, StorageConstants.monitoredDomainStatuses, StorageDomainStatus.Unknown, "no reporting hosts"); } if (storagePool.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.Up || storagePool.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive || storagePool.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.Contend) { proceedStoragePoolStats(storagePool); } } } } catch (Exception ignore) { } }); } public void runInControlledConcurrency(Runnable codeblock) { try { if (syncLock.isLocked() && !syncLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { log.debug("Waiting on other task to finish ({} additional threads are queued)", syncLock.getQueueLength()); } syncLock.lock();; } finally { syncLock.unlock(); } } private int _errorAttempts; private Collection<Guid> getVdsConnectedToPool(Guid storagePoolId) { // Note - this method is used as it returns only hosts from VIRT supported clusters // (we use the domain monitoring results only from those clusters hosts). // every change to it should be inspected carefully. return vdsDao .getAllForStoragePoolAndStatuses(storagePoolId, vdsConnectedToPoolStatuses).stream().map(VDS::getId) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void proceedStoragePoolStats(StoragePool storagePool) { // ugly patch because vdsm doesnt check if host is spm on spm // operations VDSReturnValue result = null; Guid curVdsId = currentVdsId; if (curVdsId != null) { result = resourceManager.runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.SpmStatus, new SpmStatusVDSCommandParameters(curVdsId, _storagePoolId)); } if (result == null || !result.getSucceeded() || (result.getSucceeded() && ((SpmStatusResult) result.getReturnValue()).getSpmStatus() != SpmStatus.SPM)) { // update pool status to problematic until fence will happen if (storagePool.getStatus() != StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive && storagePool.getStatus() != StoragePoolStatus.NotOperational) { if (result != null && result.getVdsError() != null) { updateStoragePoolStatus(_storagePoolId, StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive, AuditLogType.SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC_WITH_ERROR, result.getVdsError().getCode()); } else { updateStoragePoolStatus(_storagePoolId, StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive, AuditLogType.SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC, EngineError.ENGINE); } } // if spm status didn't work or not spm and NOT NETWORK // PROBLEM // then cause failover with attempts if (result != null && !(result.getExceptionObject() instanceof VDSNetworkException)) { HashMap<Guid, AsyncTaskStatus> tasksList = (HashMap<Guid, AsyncTaskStatus>) resourceManager .runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.HSMGetAllTasksStatuses, new VdsIdVDSCommandParametersBase(curVdsId)).getReturnValue(); boolean allTasksFinished = true; if (tasksList != null) { for (AsyncTaskStatus taskStatus : tasksList.values()) { if (AsyncTaskStatusEnum.finished != taskStatus.getStatus()) { allTasksFinished = false; break; } } } if ((tasksList == null) || allTasksFinished) { nullifyInternalProxies(); } else { if (_errorAttempts < Config.<Integer> getValue(ConfigValues.SPMFailOverAttempts)) { _errorAttempts++; log.warn("failed getting spm status for pool '{}' ({}), attempt number: {}", _storagePoolId, storagePool.getName(), _errorAttempts); } else { nullifyInternalProxies(); _errorAttempts = 0; } } } } else if (result.getSucceeded() && ((SpmStatusResult) result.getReturnValue()).getSpmStatus() == SpmStatus.SPM && (storagePool.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive || storagePool.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.Contend)) { // if recovered from network exception set back to up storagePoolDao.updateStatus(storagePool.getId(), StoragePoolStatus.Up); storagePool.setStatus(StoragePoolStatus.Up); getEventListener().storagePoolStatusChanged(storagePool.getId(), storagePool.getStatus()); } List<StorageDomain> domainsInDb = storageDomainDao.getAllForStoragePool(_storagePoolId); GetStoragePoolInfoVDSCommandParameters tempVar = new GetStoragePoolInfoVDSCommandParameters( _storagePoolId); tempVar.setIgnoreFailoverLimit(true); VDSReturnValue storagePoolInfoResult = resourceManager.runVdsCommand( VDSCommandType.GetStoragePoolInfo, tempVar); if (storagePoolInfoResult.getSucceeded()) { KeyValuePairCompat<StoragePool, List<StorageDomain>> data = (KeyValuePairCompat<StoragePool, List<StorageDomain>>) storagePoolInfoResult .getReturnValue(); int masterVersion = data.getKey().getMasterDomainVersion(); HashSet<Guid> domainsInVds = new HashSet<>(); for (StorageDomain domainData : data.getValue()) { domainsInVds.add(domainData.getId()); proceedStorageDomain(domainData, masterVersion, storagePool); } for (final StorageDomain domainInDb : domainsInDb) { if (domainInDb.getStorageDomainType() != StorageDomainType.Master && domainInDb.getStatus() != StorageDomainStatus.Locked && !domainInDb.getStorageType().isCinderDomain() && !domainsInVds.contains(domainInDb.getId())) { // domain not attached to pool anymore storagePoolIsoMapDao .remove(new StoragePoolIsoMapId(domainInDb.getId(), _storagePoolId)); } } } domainsInMaintenanceCheck(domainsInDb, storagePool); } private void domainsInMaintenanceCheck(List<StorageDomain> storageDomains, StoragePool pool) { for (StorageDomain domainInDb : storageDomains) { if (domainInDb.getStatus() == StorageDomainStatus.PreparingForMaintenance) { queueDomainMaintenanceCheck(domainInDb, pool); } } } public void queueDomainMaintenanceCheck(final StorageDomain domain, final StoragePool pool) { getEventQueue() .submitEventAsync(new Event(_storagePoolId, domain.getId(), null, EventType.DOMAINFAILOVER, ""), () -> { Collection<Guid> vdsConnectedToPool = getVdsConnectedToPool(_storagePoolId); Set<Guid> vdsDomInMaintenance = _domainsInMaintenance.get(domain.getId()); if (vdsConnectedToPool.isEmpty() || (vdsDomInMaintenance != null && vdsDomInMaintenance.containsAll(vdsConnectedToPool))) {"Moving domain '{}' to maintenance", domain.getId()); storagePoolIsoMapDao.updateStatus( domain.getStoragePoolIsoMapData().getId(), StorageDomainStatus.Maintenance); AuditLogable logable = new AuditLogableImpl(); logable.setStorageDomainId(domain.getId()); logable.setStorageDomainName(domain.getName()); logable.setStoragePoolId(pool.getId()); logable.setStoragePoolName(pool.getName()); new AuditLogDirector().log(logable, AuditLogType.STORAGE_DOMAIN_MOVED_TO_MAINTENANCE); } return null; }); } private EventQueue getEventQueue() { return eventQueue; } private IrsProxyManager getIrsProxyManager() { return irsProxyManager.get(); } private IVdsEventListener getEventListener() { return resourceManager.getEventListener(); } public Guid getPreferredHostId() { return preferredHostId; } public void setPreferredHostId(Guid preferredHostId) { this.preferredHostId = preferredHostId; } private void proceedStorageDomain(StorageDomain domainFromVdsm, int dataMasterVersion, StoragePool storagePool) { StorageDomain storage_domain = storageDomainDao.getForStoragePool(domainFromVdsm.getId(), _storagePoolId); if (storage_domain != null) { StorageDomainStatic domainFromDb = storage_domain.getStorageStaticData(); StoragePoolIsoMap domainPoolMapFromDb = storage_domain.getStoragePoolIsoMapData(); // If the domain is master in the DB if (domainFromDb.getStorageDomainType() == StorageDomainType.Master && domainPoolMapFromDb != null && domainPoolMapFromDb.getStatus() != StorageDomainStatus.Locked) { // and the domain is not master in the VDSM if (!((domainFromVdsm.getStorageDomainType() == StorageDomainType.Master) || (domainFromVdsm.getStorageDomainType() == StorageDomainType.Unknown))) { reconstructMasterDomainNotInSync(domainFromVdsm.getStoragePoolId(), domainFromDb, "Mismatch between master in DB and VDSM", MessageFormat.format("Master domain is not in sync between DB and VDSM. " + "Domain {0} marked as master in DB and not in the storage", domainFromDb.getStorageName())); } // or master in DB and VDSM but there is a version // mismatch else if (dataMasterVersion != storagePool.getMasterDomainVersion()) { reconstructMasterDomainNotInSync(domainFromVdsm.getStoragePoolId(), domainFromDb, "Mismatch between master version in DB and VDSM", MessageFormat.format("Master domain version is not in sync between DB and VDSM. " + "Domain {0} marked as master, but the version in DB: {1} and in VDSM: {2}", domainFromDb.getStorageName(), storagePool.getMasterDomainVersion(), dataMasterVersion)); } } boolean statusChanged = false; if (domainPoolMapFromDb == null) { domainFromVdsm.setStoragePoolId(_storagePoolId);; statusChanged = true; } else if (!domainPoolMapFromDb.getStatus().isStorageDomainInProcess() && domainPoolMapFromDb.getStatus() != domainFromVdsm.getStatus()) { if (domainPoolMapFromDb.getStatus() != StorageDomainStatus.Inactive && domainFromVdsm.getStatus() != StorageDomainStatus.Inactive) { storagePoolIsoMapDao.update(domainFromVdsm.getStoragePoolIsoMapData()); statusChanged = true; } if (domainFromVdsm.getStatus() != null && domainFromVdsm.getStatus() == StorageDomainStatus.Inactive && domainFromDb.getStorageDomainType() == StorageDomainType.Master) { StoragePool pool = storagePoolDao .get(domainPoolMapFromDb.getStoragePoolId()); if (pool != null) { storagePoolDao.updateStatus(pool.getId(), StoragePoolStatus.Maintenance); pool.setStatus(StoragePoolStatus.Maintenance); getEventListener().storagePoolStatusChanged(pool.getId(), StoragePoolStatus.Maintenance); } } } // For block domains, synchronize LUN details comprising the storage domain with the DB if (statusChanged && domainFromVdsm.getStatus() == StorageDomainStatus.Active && storage_domain.getStorageType().isBlockDomain()) { getEventListener().syncLunsInfoForBlockStorageDomain(domainFromVdsm.getId(), getCurrentVdsId()); } // if status didn't change and still not active no need to // update dynamic data if (statusChanged || (domainPoolMapFromDb.getStatus() != StorageDomainStatus.Inactive && domainFromVdsm.getStatus() == StorageDomainStatus.Active)) { storageDomainDynamicDao.update(domainFromVdsm.getStorageDynamicData()); if (domainFromVdsm.getAvailableDiskSize() != null && domainFromVdsm.getUsedDiskSize() != null) { double freePercent = domainFromVdsm.getStorageDynamicData().getfreeDiskPercent(); AuditLogType type = AuditLogType.UNASSIGNED; Integer freeDiskInGB = domainFromVdsm.getStorageDynamicData().getAvailableDiskSize(); if (freeDiskInGB != null) { if (freePercent < domainFromDb.getWarningLowSpaceIndicator()) { type = AuditLogType.IRS_DISK_SPACE_LOW; } if (freeDiskInGB < domainFromDb.getCriticalSpaceActionBlocker()) { // Note, if both conditions are met, only IRS_DISK_SPACE_LOW_ERROR will be shown type = AuditLogType.IRS_DISK_SPACE_LOW_ERROR; } } if (type != AuditLogType.UNASSIGNED) { AuditLogable logable = new AuditLogableImpl(); logable.setStorageDomainName(domainFromDb.getStorageName()); logable.addCustomValue("DiskSpace", domainFromVdsm.getAvailableDiskSize().toString()); domainFromVdsm.setStorageName(domainFromDb.getStorageName()); new AuditLogDirector().log(logable, type); } } Set<EngineError> alerts = domainFromVdsm.getAlerts(); if (alerts != null && !alerts.isEmpty()) { AuditLogable logable = new AuditLogableImpl(); logable.setStorageDomainName(domainFromDb.getStorageName()); domainFromVdsm.setStorageName(domainFromDb.getStorageName()); for (EngineError alert : alerts) { switch (alert) { case VG_METADATA_CRITICALLY_FULL: new AuditLogDirector().log(logable, AuditLogType.STORAGE_ALERT_VG_METADATA_CRITICALLY_FULL); break; case SMALL_VG_METADATA: new AuditLogDirector().log(logable, AuditLogType.STORAGE_ALERT_SMALL_VG_METADATA); break; default: log.error("Unrecognized alert for domain {}(id = {}): {}", domainFromVdsm.getStorageName(), domainFromVdsm.getId(), alert); break; } } } } } else { log.debug("The domain with id '{}' was not found in DB", domainFromVdsm.getId()); } } /** * Reconstructs the master domain when the old domain is not in sync. * * @param storagePoolId * The storage pool id. * @param masterDomain * The master domain. * @param exceptionMessage * The message of the exception to throw. * @param logMessage * The log message to write in the log. */ private void reconstructMasterDomainNotInSync(final Guid storagePoolId, final StorageDomainStatic masterDomain, final String exceptionMessage, final String logMessage) { getEventQueue().submitEventSync(new Event(_storagePoolId, masterDomain.getId(), null, EventType.RECONSTRUCT, "Reconstruct caused by failure to execute spm command"), () -> { log.warn(logMessage); AuditLogable logable = new AuditLogableImpl(); logable.setVdsId(currentVdsId); logable.setVdsName(vdsStaticDao.get(currentVdsId).getName()); logable.setStorageDomainId(masterDomain.getId()); logable.setStorageDomainName(masterDomain.getName()); new AuditLogDirector().log(logable, AuditLogType.SYSTEM_MASTER_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_SYNC); return getEventListener().masterDomainNotOperational(masterDomain.getId(), storagePoolId, false, true); }); throw new IRSNoMasterDomainException(exceptionMessage); } public HashSet<Guid> getTriedVdssList() { return triedVdssList; } public void init(VDS vds) { currentVdsId = vds.getId(); setmIrsPort(vds.getPort()); privatemCurrentIrsHost = vds.getHostName(); } public boolean failover() { Guid vdsId = currentVdsId; nullifyInternalProxies(); boolean performFailover = false; if (vdsId != null) { try { VDSReturnValue statusResult = resourceManager.runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.SpmStatus, new SpmStatusVDSCommandParameters(vdsId, _storagePoolId)); if (statusResult != null && statusResult.getSucceeded() && (((SpmStatusResult) statusResult.getReturnValue()).getSpmStatus() == SpmStatus.SPM || ((SpmStatusResult) statusResult .getReturnValue()).getSpmStatus() == SpmStatus.Contend)) { performFailover = resourceManager.runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.SpmStop, new SpmStopVDSCommandParameters(vdsId, _storagePoolId)).getSucceeded(); } else { performFailover = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { // try to failover to another host if failed to get spm // status or stop spm // (in case currentVdsId has wrong id for some reason) log.error("Could not get spm status on host '{}' for spmStop: {}", vdsId, ex.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", ex); performFailover = true; } } if (performFailover) {"Irs placed on server '{}' failed. Proceed Failover", vdsId); triedVdssList.add(vdsId); return true; } else { log.error("IRS failover failed - can't allocate vds server"); return false; } } public IIrsServer getIrsProxy() { if (getmIrsProxy() == null) { final StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.get(_storagePoolId); // don't try to start spm on uninitialized pool if (storagePool.getStatus() != StoragePoolStatus.Uninitialized) { String host = TransactionSupport.executeInScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, () -> gethostFromVds()); if (host != null) { // Get the values of the timeouts: int clientTimeOut = Config.<Integer> getValue(ConfigValues.vdsTimeout) * 1000; int connectionTimeOut = Config.<Integer> getValue(ConfigValues.vdsConnectionTimeout) * 1000; int heartbeat = Config.<Integer> getValue(ConfigValues.vdsHeartbeatInSeconds) * 1000; int clientRetries = Config.<Integer> getValue(ConfigValues.vdsRetries); irsProxy = TransportFactory.createIrsServer( host, getmIrsPort(), clientTimeOut, connectionTimeOut, clientRetries, heartbeat); runStoragePoolUpEvent(storagePool); } } } return getmIrsProxy(); } private void runStoragePoolUpEvent(final StoragePool storagePool) { ThreadPoolUtil.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (isMasterDomainUp()) { getEventListener().storagePoolUpEvent(storagePool); } } catch (RuntimeException exp) { log.error("Error in StoragePoolUpEvent: {}", exp.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", exp); } } private boolean isMasterDomainUp() { return storageDomainDao.getStorageDomains(_storagePoolId, StorageDomainType.Master).stream() .anyMatch(d -> d.getStatus() == StorageDomainStatus.Active || d.getStatus() == StorageDomainStatus.Unknown); } }); } /** * Returns True if there are other vdss in pool */ public boolean getHasVdssForSpmSelection() { return getPrioritizedVdsInPool().size() > 0; } private void connectStoragePool(VDS vds, StoragePool storagePool) { Guid masterDomainId = storageDomainDao .getMasterStorageDomainIdForPool(_storagePoolId); List<StoragePoolIsoMap> storagePoolIsoMap = storagePoolIsoMapDao.getAllForStoragePool(_storagePoolId); VDSReturnValue connectResult = resourceManager.runVdsCommand( VDSCommandType.ConnectStoragePool, new ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommandParameters(vds, storagePool, masterDomainId, storagePoolIsoMap)); if (!connectResult.getSucceeded() && connectResult.getExceptionObject() instanceof IRSNoMasterDomainException) { throw connectResult.getExceptionObject(); } else if (!connectResult.getSucceeded()) { // if connect to pool fails throw exception for // failover throw new IRSNonOperationalException("Could not connect host to Data Center(Storage issue)"); } } private String gethostFromVds() { String returnValue = null; Guid curVdsId = (currentVdsId != null) ? currentVdsId : Guid.Empty; StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.get(_storagePoolId); if (storagePool == null) {"hostFromVds::Finished elect spm, storage pool '{}' was removed", _storagePoolId); return null; } List<VDS> prioritizedVdsInPool = getPrioritizedVdsInPool(); currentVdsId = null; // If VDS is in initialize status, wait for it to be up (or until // configurable timeout is reached) waitForVdsIfIsInitializing(curVdsId); // update pool status to problematic while selecting spm StoragePoolStatus prevStatus = storagePool.getStatus(); if (prevStatus != StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive) { try { getEventListener().storagePoolStatusChange(_storagePoolId, StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive, AuditLogType.SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC_SEARCHING_NEW_SPM, EngineError.ENGINE, TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw new IRSStoragePoolStatusException(ex); } } VDS selectedVds = null; SpmStatusResult spmStatus = null; if (prioritizedVdsInPool != null && prioritizedVdsInPool.size() > 0) { selectedVds = prioritizedVdsInPool.get(0); } else if (!Guid.Empty.equals(curVdsId) && !getTriedVdssList().contains(curVdsId)) { selectedVds = vdsDao.get(curVdsId); if (selectedVds.getStatus() != VDSStatus.Up || selectedVds.getVdsSpmPriority() == BusinessEntitiesDefinitions.HOST_MIN_SPM_PRIORITY) { selectedVds = null; } } if (selectedVds != null) { // Stores origin host id in case and will be needed to disconnect from storage pool Guid selectedVdsId = selectedVds.getId(); Integer selectedVdsSpmId = selectedVds.getVdsSpmId(); triedVdssList.add(selectedVdsId); currentVdsId = selectedVds.getId(); connectStoragePool(selectedVds, storagePool); VDSReturnValue returnValueFromVds = resourceManager.runVdsCommand( VDSCommandType.SpmStatus, new SpmStatusVDSCommandParameters(selectedVds.getId(), _storagePoolId)); spmStatus = (SpmStatusResult) returnValueFromVds.getReturnValue(); boolean ignoreSpmStatusResult = returnValueFromVds.getVdsError() != null && returnValueFromVds.getVdsError().getCode() == EngineError.InquireNotSupportedError; if (spmStatus != null || ignoreSpmStatusResult) { boolean performedPoolConnect = false; "hostFromVds::selectedVds - '{}', spmStatus '{}', storage pool '{}', storage pool version '{}'", selectedVds.getName(), spmStatus != null ? spmStatus.getSpmStatus() : "unknown", storagePool.getName(), storagePool.getCompatibilityVersion()); if (ignoreSpmStatusResult) { spmStatus = startSpm(storagePool, selectedVds, DEFAULT_PREV_ID, DEFAULT_LVER, DEFAULT_PREV_ID); } else { if (spmStatus.getSpmStatus() == SpmStatus.Unknown_Pool) { connectStoragePool(selectedVds, storagePool); performedPoolConnect = true; // refresh spmStatus result spmStatus = (SpmStatusResult) resourceManager .runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.SpmStatus, new SpmStatusVDSCommandParameters(selectedVds.getId(), _storagePoolId)) .getReturnValue(); "hostFromVds::Connected host to pool - selectedVds - {}, spmStatus {}, storage pool {}", selectedVds.getName(), spmStatus.getSpmStatus(), storagePool.getName()); } RefObject<VDS> tempRefObject = new RefObject<>(selectedVds); spmStatus = handleSpmStatusResult(curVdsId, prioritizedVdsInPool, storagePool, tempRefObject, spmStatus); selectedVds = tempRefObject.argvalue; } if (selectedVds != null) { RefObject<VDS> tempRefObject2 = new RefObject<>(selectedVds); RefObject<SpmStatusResult> tempRefObject3 = new RefObject<>(spmStatus); returnValue = handleSelectedVdsForSPM(storagePool, tempRefObject2, tempRefObject3, prevStatus); selectedVds = tempRefObject2.argvalue; spmStatus = tempRefObject3.argvalue; } else { currentVdsId = null; } if (performedPoolConnect && selectedVds == null) { // if could not start spm on this host and connected to // pool here // then disconnect resourceManager.runVdsCommand( VDSCommandType.DisconnectStoragePool, new DisconnectStoragePoolVDSCommandParameters(selectedVdsId, _storagePoolId, selectedVdsSpmId)); } } else {"hostFromVds::selectedVds - '{}', spmStatus returned null!", selectedVds.getName()); if (returnValueFromVds.getExceptionObject() instanceof IRSNoMasterDomainException) { throw returnValueFromVds.getExceptionObject(); } } } return returnValue; } private List<VDS> getPrioritizedVdsInPool() { Guid curVdsId = (currentVdsId != null) ? currentVdsId : Guid.Empty; // Gets a list of the hosts in the storagePool, that are "UP", ordered // by vds_spm_priority (not including -1) and secondly ordered by RANDOM(), to // deal with the case that there are several hosts with the same priority. List<VDS> allVds = vdsDao.getListForSpmSelection(_storagePoolId); List<VDS> vdsRelevantForSpmSelection = new ArrayList<>(); Guid preferredHost = getIrsProxyManager().getProxy(_storagePoolId).getPreferredHostId(); getIrsProxyManager().getProxy(_storagePoolId).setPreferredHostId(null); for (VDS vds : allVds) { if (!triedVdssList.contains(vds.getId()) && !vds.getId().equals(curVdsId)) { if (vds.getId().equals(preferredHost)) { vdsRelevantForSpmSelection.add(0, vds); } else { vdsRelevantForSpmSelection.add(vds); } } } return vdsRelevantForSpmSelection; } private String handleSelectedVdsForSPM(StoragePool storagePool, RefObject<VDS> selectedVds, RefObject<SpmStatusResult> spmStatus, StoragePoolStatus prevStatus) { String returnValue = null; if (spmStatus.argvalue == null || spmStatus.argvalue.getSpmStatus() != SpmStatus.SPM) { movePoolToProblematicInDB(storagePool); selectedVds.argvalue = null; "spm start treatment ended and status is not SPM!!! status: '{}' - setting selectedVds to null!", spmStatus.argvalue != null ? spmStatus.argvalue.getSpmStatus() : null); } else { init(selectedVds.argvalue); storagePool.setLVER(spmStatus.argvalue.getSpmLVER()); storagePool.setSpmVdsId(selectedVds.argvalue.getId()); // if were problemtaic or not operational and succeeded to find // host move pool to up if (prevStatus != StoragePoolStatus.NotOperational && prevStatus != StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive) { storagePool.setStatus(prevStatus); } else { storagePool.setStatus(StoragePoolStatus.Up); } storagePoolDao.update(storagePool); getEventListener().storagePoolStatusChanged(storagePool.getId(), storagePool.getStatus()); setFencedIrs(null); returnValue = selectedVds.argvalue.getHostName();"Initialize Irs proxy from vds: {}", returnValue); AuditLogable logable = new AuditLogableImpl(); logable.setVdsName(selectedVds.argvalue.getHostName()); logable.addCustomValue("ServerIp", returnValue); new AuditLogDirector().log(logable, AuditLogType.IRS_HOSTED_ON_VDS); } return returnValue; } /** * Waits for VDS if is initializing. */ private void waitForVdsIfIsInitializing(Guid curVdsId) { if (!Guid.Empty.equals(curVdsId)) { VDS vds = vdsDao.get(curVdsId); String vdsName = vds.getName(); if (vds.getStatus() == VDSStatus.Initializing) { final int DELAY = 5;// 5 Sec int total = 0; Integer maxSecToWait = Config.getValue(ConfigValues.WaitForVdsInitInSec); while (total <= maxSecToWait && vdsDynamicDao.get(curVdsId).getStatus() == VDSStatus.Initializing) { try { Thread.sleep(DELAY * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Interrupt exception {}", e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); // exit the while block break; } total += DELAY;"Waiting to Host '{}' to finish initialization for {} Sec.", vdsName, total); } } } } private void movePoolToProblematicInDB(StoragePool storagePool) { updateStoragePoolStatus(storagePool.getId(), StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive, AuditLogType.SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC, EngineError.ENGINE); storagePool.setSpmVdsId(null); storagePoolDao.update(storagePool); } private boolean wasVdsManuallyFenced(int spmId) { VdsSpmIdMap map = vdsSpmIdMapDao.get(_storagePoolId, spmId); return map != null && map.getId().equals(getFencedIrs()); } private static final String DEFAULT_LVER = "-1"; private static final int DEFAULT_PREV_ID = -1; private SpmStatusResult handleSpmStatusResult(Guid curVdsId, List<VDS> vdsByPool, final StoragePool storagePool, RefObject<VDS> selectedVds, SpmStatusResult spmStatus) { if (spmStatus.getSpmStatus() == SpmStatus.Free) { int vdsSpmIdToFence = -1; boolean startSpm = true; if (spmStatus.getSpmId() != -1 && !wasVdsManuallyFenced(spmStatus.getSpmId())) { int spmId = spmStatus.getSpmId(); Guid spmVdsId = Guid.Empty; VDS spmVds = null; if (selectedVds.argvalue.getVdsSpmId() == spmId) { spmVdsId = selectedVds.argvalue.getId(); } else { for (VDS tempVds : vdsByPool) { if (tempVds.getVdsSpmId() == spmId) {"Found spm host '{}', host name: '{}', according to spmId: '{}'.", tempVds.getId(), tempVds.getName(), spmId); spmVds = tempVds; break; } } // if the host which is marked as SPM by the storage is // non operational we want to find it as well if (spmVds == null) { List<VDS> nonOperationalVds = vdsDao.getAllForStoragePoolAndStatus(_storagePoolId, VDSStatus.NonOperational); for (VDS tempVds : nonOperationalVds) { if (tempVds.getVdsSpmId() == spmId) { spmVds = tempVds; break; } } } if (spmVds != null) { spmVdsId = spmVds.getId(); } else if (!curVdsId.equals(Guid.Empty)) { VDS currentVds = vdsDao.get(curVdsId); if (currentVds != null && currentVds.getStatus() == VDSStatus.Up && currentVds.getVdsSpmId() != null && currentVds.getVdsSpmId().equals(spmId)) { spmVdsId = curVdsId; spmVds = currentVds; } } } try { if (!spmVdsId.equals(Guid.Empty)) { SpmStatusResult destSpmStatus = (SpmStatusResult) resourceManager .runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.SpmStatus, new SpmStatusVDSCommandParameters(spmVdsId, _storagePoolId)) .getReturnValue();"SpmStatus on vds '{}': '{}'", spmVdsId, destSpmStatus == null ? "NULL" : destSpmStatus.getSpmStatus()); // intentionally unreachable code if (destSpmStatus != null && destSpmStatus.getSpmStatus() == SpmStatus.SPM) { if (!spmVdsId.equals(selectedVds.argvalue.getId()) && spmVds != null && spmVds.getStatus() == VDSStatus.Up) { selectedVds.argvalue = spmVds; startSpm = false;"Using old spm server: '{}', no start needed", spmVds.getName()); return destSpmStatus; } // VDS is non-operational and SPM else { log.warn("Host reports to be SPM '{}', but is not up.", spmVdsId); vdsSpmIdToFence = spmStatus.getSpmId(); } } // if the host which is marked as SPM in the storage // replies // to SPMStatus with Unknown_Pool we don't need to // fence it simply assume // it is not SPM and continue. else if (destSpmStatus == null || (destSpmStatus.getSpmStatus() != SpmStatus.Free && destSpmStatus.getSpmStatus() != SpmStatus.Unknown_Pool)) { vdsSpmIdToFence = spmStatus.getSpmId(); } } else { log.error( "SPM Init: could not find reported vds or not up - pool: '{}' vds_spm_id: '{}'", storagePool.getName(), spmStatus.getSpmId()); vdsSpmIdToFence = spmStatus.getSpmId(); } } catch (Exception ex) { vdsSpmIdToFence = spmStatus.getSpmId(); } } if (startSpm) { VdsSpmIdMap map = vdsSpmIdMapDao.get(_storagePoolId, vdsSpmIdToFence); if (map != null) { VDS vdsToFenceObject = vdsDao.get(map.getId()); if (vdsToFenceObject != null) {"SPM selection - vds seems as spm '{}'", vdsToFenceObject.getName()); if (vdsToFenceObject.getStatus() == VDSStatus.NonResponsive) { log.warn("spm vds is non responsive, stopping spm selection."); selectedVds.argvalue = null; return spmStatus; } else { // try to stop spm VDSReturnValue spmStopReturnValue = resourceManager.runVdsCommand( VDSCommandType.SpmStop, new SpmStopVDSCommandParameters(vdsToFenceObject.getId(), _storagePoolId)); // if spm stop succeeded no need to fence, // continue with spm selection if (spmStopReturnValue != null && spmStopReturnValue.getSucceeded()) {"spm stop succeeded, continuing with spm selection"); } // if spm stop failed for any reason we stop spm // selection else { log.warn("spm stop on spm failed, stopping spm selection!"); selectedVds.argvalue = null; return spmStatus; } } } } spmStatus = startSpm(storagePool, selectedVds.argvalue, spmStatus.getSpmId(), spmStatus.getSpmLVER(), vdsSpmIdToFence); } } return spmStatus; } private SpmStatusResult startSpm(final StoragePool storagePool, VDS selectedVds, int prevId, String lver, int vdsSpmIdToFence) { storagePool.setStatus(StoragePoolStatus.Contend); storagePool.setSpmVdsId(selectedVds.getId()); TransactionSupport.executeInNewTransaction(() -> { storagePoolDao.update(storagePool); return null; });"starting spm on vds '{}', storage pool '{}', prevId '{}', LVER '{}'", selectedVds.getName(), storagePool.getName(), prevId, lver); SpmStatusResult spmStatus = (SpmStatusResult) resourceManager.runVdsCommand( VDSCommandType.SpmStart, new SpmStartVDSCommandParameters(selectedVds.getId(), _storagePoolId, prevId, lver, storagePool .getRecoveryMode(), vdsSpmIdToFence != -1, storagePool.getStoragePoolFormatType())).getReturnValue(); if (spmStatus == null || spmStatus.getSpmStatus() != SpmStatus.SPM) { getEventListener().storagePoolStatusChange(storagePool.getId(), StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive, AuditLogType.SYSTEM_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_PROBLEMATIC, EngineError.ENGINE, TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew); if (spmStatus != null) { TransactionSupport.executeInNewTransaction(() -> { StoragePool pool = storagePoolDao.get(storagePool.getId()); pool.setSpmVdsId(null); storagePoolDao.update(pool); return null; }); } throw new IrsSpmStartFailedException(); } return spmStatus; } public String getIsoDirectory() { String tempVar = privatemCurrentIrsHost; return String.format("\\\\%1$s\\CD", tempVar != null ? tempVar : gethostFromVds()); } public void resetIrs() { nullifyInternalProxies(); StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.get(_storagePoolId); if (storagePool != null) { storagePool.setSpmVdsId(null); storagePoolDao.update(storagePool); } } private void nullifyInternalProxies() { if (irsProxy != null) { irsProxy.close(); } privatemCurrentIrsHost = null; irsProxy = null; currentVdsId = null; } private final Map<Guid, HashSet<Guid>> _domainsInProblem = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<Guid, HashSet<Guid>> _domainsInMaintenance = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<Guid, Guid> vdsReportsOnUnseenDomain = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<Guid, Guid> vdsHandeledReportsOnUnseenDomains = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<Guid, String> _timers = new HashMap<>(); public void updateVdsDomainsData(VDS vds, final ArrayList<VDSDomainsData> data) { if (!shouldProcessVdsDomainReport(vds)) { return; } StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.get(_storagePoolId); if (storagePool != null && (storagePool.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.Up || storagePool.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.NonResponsive)) { Guid vdsId = vds.getId(); String vdsName = vds.getName(); try { Set<Guid> monitoredDomains = new HashSet<>(); for (VDSDomainsData tempData : data) { monitoredDomains.add(tempData.getDomainId()); } Map<Guid, DomainMonitoringResult> domainsProblematicReportInfo = Collections.emptyMap(); if (StoragePoolDomainHelper.vdsDomainsActiveMonitoringStatus.contains(vds.getStatus())) { domainsProblematicReportInfo = handleMonitoredDomainsForHost(vdsId, vdsName, data, monitoredDomains, storagePool); } Set<Guid> domainsInMaintenance = Collections.emptySet(); if (StoragePoolDomainHelper.vdsDomainsMaintenanceMonitoringStatus.contains(vds.getStatus())) { domainsInMaintenance = handleDomainsInMaintenanceForHost(monitoredDomains); } updateDomainInProblem(vdsId, vdsName, domainsProblematicReportInfo, domainsInMaintenance); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { log.error("error in updateVdsDomainsData: {}", ex.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", ex); } } } private static boolean shouldProcessVdsDomainReport(VDS vds) { // NOTE - if this condition is ever updated, every place that acts upon the reporting // should be updated as well, only hosts the we collect the report from should be affected // from it. return vds.getClusterSupportsVirtService() && (StoragePoolDomainHelper.vdsDomainsActiveMonitoringStatus.contains(vds.getStatus()) || StoragePoolDomainHelper.vdsDomainsMaintenanceMonitoringStatus.contains(vds.getStatus())); } /** * The methods inspects which domains status can be changed to Maintenance according to the host * domains report. * @param monitoredDomains domains that the host monitors * @return domains that are not monitored by the host and are in * @link StorageDomainStatus#Maintenance or @link StorageDomainStatus#PreparingForMaintenance. */ private Set<Guid> handleDomainsInMaintenanceForHost(Collection<Guid> monitoredDomains) { Set<Guid> domainsInMaintenance = new HashSet<>(); Set<Guid> maintInPool = new HashSet<>( storageDomainStaticDao.getAllIds( _storagePoolId, StorageDomainStatus.Maintenance)); maintInPool.addAll(storageDomainStaticDao.getAllIds( _storagePoolId, StorageDomainStatus.PreparingForMaintenance)); for (Guid tempDomainId : maintInPool) { if (!monitoredDomains.contains(tempDomainId)) { domainsInMaintenance.add(tempDomainId); } } return domainsInMaintenance; } /** * Provides handling for the domains that are monitored by the given host. * @return map between the domain id and the reason for domains that * the host reporting is problematic for. */ private Map<Guid, DomainMonitoringResult> handleMonitoredDomainsForHost(final Guid vdsId, final String vdsName, final ArrayList<VDSDomainsData> data, Collection<Guid> monitoredDomains, StoragePool storagePool) { Map<Guid, DomainMonitoringResult> domainsProblematicReportInfo = new HashMap<>(); // build a list of all domains in pool // which are in status Active or Unknown Set<Guid> activeDomainsInPool = new HashSet<>( storageDomainStaticDao.getAllIds( _storagePoolId, StorageDomainStatus.Active)); Set<Guid> unknownDomainsInPool = new HashSet<>(storageDomainStaticDao.getAllIds( _storagePoolId, StorageDomainStatus.Unknown)); Set<Guid> inActiveDomainsInPool = new HashSet<>(storageDomainStaticDao.getAllIds(_storagePoolId, StorageDomainStatus.Inactive)); // build a list of all the domains in // pool (activeDomainsInPool and unknownDomainsInPool) that are not // visible by the host. for (Guid tempDomainId : activeDomainsInPool) { if (!monitoredDomains.contains(tempDomainId)) { domainsProblematicReportInfo.put(tempDomainId, DomainMonitoringResult.NOT_REPORTED); } } for (Guid tempDomainId : unknownDomainsInPool) { if (!monitoredDomains.contains(tempDomainId)) { domainsProblematicReportInfo.put(tempDomainId, DomainMonitoringResult.NOT_REPORTED); } } // build a list of domains that the host // reports as in problem (code!=0) or (code==0 // && lastChecl > // ConfigValues.MaxStorageVdsTimeoutCheckSec) // and are contained in the Active or // Unknown domains in pool for (VDSDomainsData tempData : data) { StorageDomainStatic storageDomain = storageDomainStaticDao.get(tempData.getDomainId()); if (activeDomainsInPool.contains(tempData.getDomainId()) || unknownDomainsInPool.contains(tempData.getDomainId())) { DomainMonitoringResult domainMonitoringResult = analyzeDomainReport(tempData, false); if (domainMonitoringResult.invalidAndActual()) { domainsProblematicReportInfo.put(tempData.getDomainId(), domainMonitoringResult); } else if (domainMonitoringResult.actual() && tempData.getDelay() > Config.<Double> getValue(ConfigValues.MaxStorageVdsDelayCheckSec)) { logDelayedDomain(vdsName, storageDomain.getName(), tempData.getDelay()); } } else if (inActiveDomainsInPool.contains(tempData.getDomainId()) && analyzeDomainReport(tempData, false).validAndActual()) { log.warn("Storage Domain '{}' was reported by Host '{}' as Active in Pool '{}', moving to active status", getDomainIdTuple(tempData.getDomainId()), vdsName, _storagePoolId); StoragePoolIsoMap map = storagePoolIsoMapDao.get(new StoragePoolIsoMapId(tempData.getDomainId(), _storagePoolId)); map.setStatus(StorageDomainStatus.Active); storagePoolIsoMapDao.update(map); // For block domains, synchronize LUN details comprising the storage domain with the DB if (storageDomain.getStorageType().isBlockDomain()) { getEventListener().syncLunsInfoForBlockStorageDomain(storageDomain.getId(), vdsId); } } } return domainsProblematicReportInfo; } private void updateDomainInProblem(final Guid vdsId, final String vdsName, final Map<Guid, DomainMonitoringResult> domainsInProblem, final Set<Guid> domainsInMaintenance) { getEventQueue().submitEventSync(new Event(_storagePoolId, null, vdsId, EventType.DOMAINMONITORING, ""), () -> { EventResult result = new EventResult(true, EventType.DOMAINMONITORING); updateProblematicVdsData(vdsId, vdsName, domainsInProblem); updateMaintenanceVdsData(vdsId, vdsName, domainsInMaintenance); return result; }); } private void logDelayedDomain(String vdsName, String domainName, double delay) { AuditLogable logable = new AuditLogableImpl(); logable.setVdsName(vdsName); logable.setStorageDomainName(domainName); logable.addCustomValue("Delay", Double.toString(delay)); new AuditLogDirector().log(logable, AuditLogType.VDS_DOMAIN_DELAY_INTERVAL); } public List<Guid> obtainDomainsReportedAsProblematic(List<VDSDomainsData> vdsDomainsData) { List<Guid> domainsInProblem = new LinkedList<>(); Set<Guid> domainsInPool = new HashSet<>( storageDomainStaticDao.getAllIds( _storagePoolId, StorageDomainStatus.Active)); domainsInPool.addAll(storageDomainStaticDao.getAllIds( _storagePoolId, StorageDomainStatus.Unknown)); List<Guid> domainWhichWereSeen = new ArrayList<>(); for (VDSDomainsData vdsDomainData : vdsDomainsData) { if (domainsInPool.contains(vdsDomainData.getDomainId())) { if (analyzeDomainReport(vdsDomainData, true).invalidAndActual()) { domainsInProblem.add(vdsDomainData.getDomainId()); } domainWhichWereSeen.add(vdsDomainData.getDomainId()); } } domainsInPool.removeAll(domainWhichWereSeen); if (domainsInPool.size() > 0) { for (Guid domainId : domainsInPool) { log.error("Domain '{}' is not seen by Host", domainId); } domainsInProblem.addAll(domainsInPool); } return domainsInProblem; } private enum DomainMonitoringResult { PROBLEMATIC(Boolean.FALSE), STORAGE_ACCCESS_ERROR(Boolean.FALSE), OK(Boolean.TRUE), NOT_REPORTED(Boolean.FALSE), NOT_ACTUAL(null); private Boolean valid; private DomainMonitoringResult(Boolean valid) { this.valid = valid; } public boolean validAndActual() { return actual() && valid; } public boolean invalidAndActual() { return actual() && !valid; } public boolean actual() { return this != NOT_ACTUAL; } } private DomainMonitoringResult analyzeDomainReport(VDSDomainsData tempData, boolean isLog) { if (!tempData.isActual()) { log.warn("Domain '{}' report isn't an actual report", getDomainIdTuple(tempData.getDomainId())); return DomainMonitoringResult.NOT_ACTUAL; } if (tempData.getCode() != 0) { if (isLog) { log.error("Domain '{}' was reported with error code '{}'", getDomainIdTuple(tempData.getDomainId()), tempData.getCode()); } if (tempData.getCode() == EngineError.StorageDomainDoesNotExist.getValue() || tempData.getCode() == EngineError.StorageException.getValue()) { return DomainMonitoringResult.STORAGE_ACCCESS_ERROR; } return DomainMonitoringResult.PROBLEMATIC; } if (tempData.getLastCheck() > Config .<Double> getValue(ConfigValues.MaxStorageVdsTimeoutCheckSec)) { if (isLog) { log.error("Domain '{}' check timeout '{}' is too big", getDomainIdTuple(tempData.getDomainId()), tempData.getLastCheck()); } return DomainMonitoringResult.PROBLEMATIC; } return DomainMonitoringResult.OK; } private Guid clearVdsReportInfoOnUnseenDomain(Guid vdsId) { return vdsReportsOnUnseenDomain.remove(vdsId); } private void updateMaintenanceVdsData(final Guid vdsId, final String vdsName, Set<Guid> domainsInMaintenance) { for (Guid domainId : domainsInMaintenance) { Set<Guid> vdsSet = _domainsInMaintenance.get(domainId); if (vdsSet == null) {"Adding domain '{}' to the domains in maintenance cache", domainId); _domainsInMaintenance.put(domainId, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(vdsId))); } else { vdsSet.add(vdsId); } } Set<Guid> maintenanceDomainsByHost = new HashSet<>(_domainsInMaintenance.keySet()); maintenanceDomainsByHost.removeAll(domainsInMaintenance); for (Guid domainId : maintenanceDomainsByHost) { Set<Guid> vdsForDomain = _domainsInMaintenance.get(domainId); if (vdsForDomain != null && vdsForDomain.contains(vdsId)) { vdsForDomain.remove(vdsId); if (vdsForDomain.isEmpty()) {"Removing domain '{}' from the domains in maintenance cache", domainId); _domainsInMaintenance.remove(domainId); } } } } private void updateProblematicVdsData(final Guid vdsId, final String vdsName, Map<Guid, DomainMonitoringResult> problematicDomains) { // for all problematic domains // update cache of _domainsInProblem // and _vdssInProblem and add a new // timer for new domains in problem boolean newDomainUnreachableByHost = false; List<Guid> domainsUnreachableByHost = new LinkedList<>(); for (Map.Entry<Guid, DomainMonitoringResult> entry : problematicDomains.entrySet()) { Guid domainId = entry.getKey(); DomainMonitoringResult domainMonitoringResult = entry.getValue(); HashSet<Guid> hostsReportedDomainAsProblematic = _domainsInProblem.get(domainId); boolean domainNotFound = domainMonitoringResult == DomainMonitoringResult.STORAGE_ACCCESS_ERROR; if (domainNotFound) { domainsUnreachableByHost.add(domainId); } if (hostsReportedDomainAsProblematic != null) { if (!hostsReportedDomainAsProblematic.contains(vdsId) && domainNotFound) { newDomainUnreachableByHost = true; } // existing domains in problem updateDomainInProblemData(domainId, vdsId, vdsName, domainMonitoringResult); } else { if (domainNotFound) { newDomainUnreachableByHost = true; } // new domains in problems addDomainInProblemData(domainId, vdsId, vdsName, domainMonitoringResult); } } if (domainsUnreachableByHost.isEmpty()) { Guid clearedReport = clearVdsReportInfoOnUnseenDomain(vdsId); if (clearedReport != null) {"Host '{}' no longer storage access problem to any relevant domain " + " clearing it's report (report id: '{}')", vdsId, clearedReport); } } else if (newDomainUnreachableByHost) { Guid newReportId = Guid.newGuid();"Host '{}' has reported new storage access problem to the following domains '{}'" + " marking it for storage connections and pool metadata refresh (report id: '{}')", vdsId, StringUtils.join(domainsUnreachableByHost, ","), newReportId); vdsReportsOnUnseenDomain.put(vdsId, newReportId); } Set<Guid> notReportedDomainsByHost = new HashSet<>(_domainsInProblem.keySet()); notReportedDomainsByHost.removeAll(problematicDomains.keySet()); for (Guid domainId : notReportedDomainsByHost) { Set<Guid> vdsForDomain = _domainsInProblem.get(domainId); if (vdsForDomain != null && vdsForDomain.contains(vdsId)) { domainRecoveredFromProblem(domainId, vdsId, vdsName); } } } private void domainRecoveredFromProblem(Guid domainId, Guid vdsId, String vdsName) { String domainIdTuple = getDomainIdTuple(domainId);"Domain '{}' recovered from problem. vds: '{}'", domainIdTuple, vdsName); _domainsInProblem.get(domainId).remove(vdsId); if (_domainsInProblem.get(domainId).size() == 0) {"Domain '{}' has recovered from problem. No active host in the DC is reporting it as" + " problematic, so clearing the domain recovery timer.", domainIdTuple); _domainsInProblem.remove(domainId); clearTimer(domainId); } } private void addDomainInProblemData(Guid domainId, Guid vdsId, String vdsName, DomainMonitoringResult domainMonitoringResult) { _domainsInProblem.put(domainId, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(vdsId))); log.warn("domain '{}' in problem '{}'. vds: '{}'", getDomainIdTuple(domainId), domainMonitoringResult, vdsName); Class[] inputType = new Class[] { Guid.class }; Object[] inputParams = new Object[] { domainId }; String jobId = getSchedulUtil().scheduleAOneTimeJob(this, "onTimer", inputType, inputParams, Config.<Integer>getValue(ConfigValues.StorageDomainFailureTimeoutInMinutes), TimeUnit.MINUTES); clearTimer(domainId); _timers.put(domainId, jobId); } @OnTimerMethodAnnotation("onTimer") public void onTimer(final Guid domainId) { getEventQueue().submitEventAsync(new Event(_storagePoolId, domainId, null, EventType.DOMAINFAILOVER, ""), () -> { EventResult result = null; if (_domainsInProblem.containsKey(domainId)) {"starting processDomainRecovery for domain '{}'.", getDomainIdTuple(domainId)); result = processDomainRecovery(domainId); } _timers.remove(domainId); return result; }); } private Map<Guid, Guid> procceedReportsThreatmenet() { if (vdsReportsOnUnseenDomain.isEmpty()) { if (!vdsHandeledReportsOnUnseenDomains.isEmpty()) {"No hosts has reported storage access problem to domains, clearing the handled hosts reports map"); vdsHandeledReportsOnUnseenDomains.clear(); } return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map<Guid, Guid> reportsToHandle = new HashMap<>(); reportsToHandle.putAll(vdsReportsOnUnseenDomain); for (Map.Entry<Guid, Guid> entry : vdsHandeledReportsOnUnseenDomains.entrySet()) { Guid vdsId = entry.getKey(); Guid currentReportId = reportsToHandle.get(vdsId); if (currentReportId == null) {"Host '{}' has no longer storage access problem to domains, clearing it from the handled hosts reports map", vdsId); vdsHandeledReportsOnUnseenDomains.remove(vdsId); } else { Guid handledReportId = entry.getValue(); if (currentReportId.equals(handledReportId)) { log.debug("Host '{}' storage connections and pool metadata were already refreshed for report '{}', skipping it", vdsId, handledReportId); reportsToHandle.remove(vdsId); } } } return reportsToHandle; } @OnTimerMethodAnnotation("hostsStorageConnectionsAndPoolMetadataRefresh") public void hostsStorageConnectionsAndPoolMetadataRefresh() { Map<Guid, Guid> reportsToHandle = procceedReportsThreatmenet(); if (reportsToHandle.isEmpty()) { return; } List<Callable<Void>> connectStorageTasks = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Callable<Void>> refreshStoragePoolTasks = new ArrayList<>(); final StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.get(_storagePoolId); final Guid masterDomainId = storageDomainDao.getMasterStorageDomainIdForPool(_storagePoolId); final List<StoragePoolIsoMap> storagePoolIsoMap = storagePoolIsoMapDao.getAllForStoragePool(_storagePoolId); Map<String, Pair<String, String>> acquiredLocks = new HashMap<>(); try { for (Map.Entry<Guid, Guid> entry : reportsToHandle.entrySet()) { Guid vdsId = entry.getKey(); Guid currentReportId = entry.getValue(); vdsHandeledReportsOnUnseenDomains.put(vdsId, currentReportId); Map<String, Pair<String, String>> lockMap = Collections.singletonMap(vdsId.toString(), new Pair<>(LockingGroup.VDS_POOL_AND_STORAGE_CONNECTIONS.toString(), EngineMessage.ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_OBJECT_LOCKED.toString())); EngineLock engineLock = new EngineLock(lockMap, null); if (!lockManager.acquireLock(engineLock).getFirst()) {"Failed to acquire lock to refresh storage connection and pool metadata for host '{}', skipping it", vdsId); continue; } final VDS vds = vdsDao.get(entry.getKey()); if (vds.getStatus() != VDSStatus.Up) {"Skipping storage connection and pool metadata information for host '{}' as it's no longer in status UP", vdsId); lockManager.releaseLock(engineLock); continue; } acquiredLocks.putAll(lockMap); connectStorageTasks.add(() -> { getEventListener().connectHostToDomainsInActiveOrUnknownStatus(vds); return null; }); refreshStoragePoolTasks.add(() -> { storagePoolDomainHelper.refreshHostPoolMetadata(vds, storagePool, masterDomainId, storagePoolIsoMap); return null; }); } final Set<String> handledHosts = acquiredLocks.keySet();"Running storage connections refresh for hosts '{}'", handledHosts); ThreadPoolUtil.invokeAll(connectStorageTasks);"Submitting to the event queue pool refresh for hosts '{}'", handledHosts); getEventQueue().submitEventSync(new Event(_storagePoolId, null, null, EventType.POOLREFRESH, ""), () -> {"Running storage pool metadata refresh for hosts '{}'", handledHosts); ThreadPoolUtil.invokeAll(refreshStoragePoolTasks); return new EventResult(true, EventType.POOLREFRESH); }); } finally { if (!acquiredLocks.isEmpty()) { lockManager.releaseLock(new EngineLock(acquiredLocks, null)); } } } private void updateDomainInProblemData(Guid domainId, Guid vdsId, String vdsName, DomainMonitoringResult domainMonitoringResult) { log.debug("domain '{}' still in problem '{}'. vds: '{}'", getDomainIdTuple(domainId), domainMonitoringResult, vdsName); _domainsInProblem.get(domainId).add(vdsId); } private EventResult processDomainRecovery(final Guid domainId) { EventResult result = null; // build a list of all the hosts in status UP in // Pool. List<Guid> vdssInPool = new ArrayList<>(); // Note - this method is used as it returns only hosts from VIRT supported clusters // (we use the domain monitoring results only from those clusters hosts). // every change to it should be inspected carefully. List<VDS> allVds = vdsDao.getAllForStoragePoolAndStatus(_storagePoolId, null); Map<Guid, VDS> vdsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (VDS tempVDS : allVds) { vdsMap.put(tempVDS.getId(), tempVDS); if (tempVDS.getStatus() == VDSStatus.Up) { vdssInPool.add(tempVDS.getId()); } } // build a list of all the hosts that did not report // on this domain as in problem. // Mark the above list as hosts we suspect are in // problem. Set<Guid> hostsThatReportedDomainAsInProblem = _domainsInProblem.get(domainId); List<Guid> vdssInProblem = new ArrayList<>(); for (Guid tempVDSId : vdssInPool) { if (!hostsThatReportedDomainAsInProblem.contains(tempVDSId)) { vdssInProblem.add(tempVDSId); } } // If not All the hosts in status UP reported on // this domain as in problem. We assume the problem // is with the hosts // that did report on a problem with this domain. // (and not a problem with the domain itself). StorageDomainStatic storageDomain = storageDomainStaticDao.get(domainId); String domainIdTuple = getDomainIdTuple(domainId); List<Guid> nonOpVdss = new ArrayList<>(); if (vdssInProblem.size() > 0) { if (storageDomain.getStorageDomainType() != StorageDomainType.ImportExport && storageDomain.getStorageDomainType() != StorageDomainType.ISO) { // The domain is of type DATA and was // reported as in problem. // Moving all the hosts which reported on // this domain as in problem to non // operational. for (final Guid vdsId : _domainsInProblem.get(domainId)) { VDS vds = vdsMap.get(vdsId); if (vds == null) { log.warn( "vds '{}' reported domain '{}' - as in problem but cannot find vds in db!!", vdsId, domainIdTuple); } else if (vds.getStatus() == VDSStatus.Up) { log.warn( "vds '{}' reported domain '{}' as in problem, attempting to move the vds to status NonOperational", vds.getName(), domainIdTuple); final Map<String, String> customLogValues = Collections.singletonMap("StorageDomainNames", storageDomain.getName()); ThreadPoolUtil.execute(() -> resourceManager .getEventListener() .vdsNonOperational(vdsId, NonOperationalReason.STORAGE_DOMAIN_UNREACHABLE, true, domainId, customLogValues)); nonOpVdss.add(vdsId); } else { log.warn( "vds '{}' reported domain '{}' as in problem, vds is in status '{}', no need to move to nonoperational", vds.getName(), domainIdTuple, vds.getStatus()); } } } else { log.warn( "Storage domain '{}' is not visible to one or more hosts. " + "Since the domain's type is '{}', hosts status will not be changed to non-operational", domainIdTuple, storageDomain.getStorageDomainType()); } result = new EventResult(true, EventType.VDSSTOARGEPROBLEMS); } else { // Because all the hosts in status UP // reported on this domain as in problem // we assume the problem is with the // Domain. if (storageDomain.getStorageDomainType() != StorageDomainType.Master) { log.error("Domain '{}' was reported by all hosts in status UP as problematic. Moving the domain to NonOperational.", domainIdTuple); result = getEventListener().storageDomainNotOperational(domainId, _storagePoolId); } else { log.warn("Domain '{}' was reported by all hosts in status UP as problematic. Not moving the domain to NonOperational because it is being reconstructed now.", domainIdTuple); result = getEventListener().masterDomainNotOperational(domainId, _storagePoolId, false, false); } } // clear from cache of _domainsInProblem clearDomainFromCache(domainId, nonOpVdss); return result; } /** * clears the time for the given domain * * @param domainId * - the domain to clean the timer for */ private void clearTimer(Guid domainId) { String jobId = _timers.remove(domainId); if (jobId != null) { getSchedulUtil().deleteJob(jobId); } } /** * clears the problematic domain from the vdss that reported on this domain as problematic and from the domains * in problem * * @param domainId * - the domain to clear cache for. * @param nonOpVdss - passed vdss that non operational */ private void clearDomainFromCache(Guid domainId, List<Guid> nonOpVdss) { if (domainId != null) { _domainsInProblem.remove(domainId); } removeVdsAsProblematic(nonOpVdss); removeVdsFromDomainMaintenance(nonOpVdss); removeVdsFromUnseenDomainsReport(nonOpVdss); } private void removeVdsAsProblematic(List<Guid> nonOpVdss) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Guid, HashSet<Guid>>> iterDomainsInProblem = _domainsInProblem.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterDomainsInProblem.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Guid, HashSet<Guid>> entry =; entry.getValue().removeAll(nonOpVdss); if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { iterDomainsInProblem.remove(); clearTimer(entry.getKey());"Domain '{}' has recovered from problem. No active host in the DC is reporting it as poblematic, so clearing the domain recovery timer.", getDomainIdTuple(entry.getKey())); } } } private void removeVdsFromUnseenDomainsReport(List<Guid> nonOpVdss) {"Removing host(s) '{}' from hosts unseen domain report cache", nonOpVdss); for(Guid id : nonOpVdss) { clearVdsReportInfoOnUnseenDomain(id); } } private void removeVdsFromDomainMaintenance(List<Guid> nonOpVdss) {"Removing vds '{}' from the domain in maintenance cache", nonOpVdss); Iterator<Map.Entry<Guid, HashSet<Guid>>> iterDomainsInProblem = _domainsInMaintenance.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterDomainsInProblem.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Guid, HashSet<Guid>> entry =; entry.getValue().removeAll(nonOpVdss); if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { iterDomainsInProblem.remove(); } } } /** * deletes all the jobs for the domains in the pool and clears the problematic entities caches. */ public void clearCache() {"clearing cache for problematic entities in pool '{}'.", _storagePoolId); // clear lists _timers.clear(); _domainsInProblem.clear(); } public void clearPoolTimers() {"clear domain error-timers for pool '{}'.", _storagePoolId); for (String jobId : _timers.values()) { try { getSchedulUtil().deleteJob(jobId); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("failed deleting job '{}'.", jobId); } } } /** * Remove a VDS entry from the cache, clearing the problematic domains for this VDS and their times if they * need to be cleaned. This is for a case when the VDS is switched to maintenance by the user, since we * need to clear it's cache data and timers, or else the cache will contain stale data (since the VDS is not * active anymore, it won't be connected to any of the domains).<br> * * @param vdsId The ID of the VDS to remove from the cache. * @param vdsName The name of the VDS (for logging). */ public void clearVdsFromCache(Guid vdsId, String vdsName) {"Clearing cache of pool: '{}' for problematic entities of VDS: '{}'.", _storagePoolId, vdsName); clearDomainFromCache(null, Arrays.asList(vdsId)); } private boolean _disposed; public void dispose() { runInControlledConcurrency(() -> {"IrsProxy::disposing"); resetIrs(); getSchedulUtil().deleteJob(storagePoolRefreshJobId); getSchedulUtil().deleteJob(domainRecoverOnHostJobId); _disposed = true; }); } private String getDomainIdTuple(Guid domainId) { StorageDomainStatic storage_domain = storageDomainStaticDao.get(domainId); if (storage_domain != null) { return domainId + ":" + storage_domain.getStorageName(); } else { return domainId.toString(); } } }