package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections.iterators.UnmodifiableIterator; /** * Associative array counting instances of given object. * @param <T> class of instances being count. */ class ObjectCounter<T> implements Iterable<T>{ private Map<T, Counter> map = new HashMap<>(); private final boolean allowDuplicate; ObjectCounter(boolean allowDuplicate) { this.allowDuplicate = allowDuplicate; } /** * add instance if possible, incrementing number of its occurrences. * @param key instance to add. * @return true if instance was added && count incremented. */ public boolean increase(T key) { return increase(key, allowDuplicate); } public boolean increase(T key, boolean allowDuplicate) { Counter counter = map.get(key); if (counter == null) { map.put(key, new Counter()); return true; } else if (allowDuplicate) { counter.increase(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * decrements number of its occurrences, removing instance if possible(count reaches zero). * * @param key instance to remove. */ public void decrease(T key) { Counter counter = map.get(key); if (counter == null) { return; } int count = counter.decrease(); if (count == 0) { map.remove(key); } else if (count < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("count underflow."); } } /** * @param key instance to look for * @return true if there's at least one occurrence of given instance. */ public boolean contains(T key) { return map.containsKey(key); } /** * @param key instance to look for * @return number of occurrences of given instance. When instance was not added */ public int count(T key) { final Counter counter = map.get(key); return counter == null ? 0 : counter.toInt(); } /** * @return unmodifiable iterator over all 'registered' instances (i.e. all instances having count >= 0). */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator<T> iterator() { return UnmodifiableIterator.decorate(map.keySet().iterator()); } private static class Counter { private int count; private Counter() { this(1); } public Counter(int initialValue) { setCount(initialValue); } public void setCount(int count) { this.count = count; } public void increase() { count++; } public int decrease() { count--; return count; } public int toInt() { return count; } } }