package org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.monitoring; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.Entities; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VmDevice; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VmDeviceGeneralType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VmDeviceId; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.qualifiers.VmDeleted; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.Pair; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.VmDeviceCommonUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.VmDeviceType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.FullListVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSCommandType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSReturnValue; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.TransactionScopeOption; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VmDeviceDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VmDynamicDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VmStaticDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.transaction.TransactionSupport; import org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.ResourceManager; import org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.VdsProperties; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Singleton public class VmDevicesMonitoring { private enum DevicesChange { NOT_CHANGED, CHANGED, HASH_ONLY } /** * This class describes a change in VM devices that needs to be processed by {@link VmDevicesMonitoring}. * <p> * Instances of this class must be created by {@link #createChange} method. * <p> * The change may be represented in two forms (or mix of both): * <ul> * <li> * Individual additions/updates/removals of devices. Use {@link #updateDevice} (for both additions and * updates) and {@link #removeDevice} methods to add them one by one. * </li> * <li> * VMs as whole added by {@link #updateVm} method. In this case, <code>FullList</code> query is sent to * the corresponding VDSM returning list of devices for each VM. This list is then compared to the one * in the DB to detect individual changes. (<b>Note</b>: this works only if <code>vdsId</code> was set). * </li> * </ul> * After adding all the changes, call {@link #flush} to process them and store the result in the DB. */ public class Change { private Guid vdsId; private List<Guid> vmsToProcess; private List<VmDevice> devicesToProcess; private List<VmDevice> devicesToAdd; private List<VmDevice> devicesToUpdate; private List<VmDeviceId> deviceIdsToRemove; private List<Guid> vmsToSaveHash; private Deque<Guid> touchedVms = new LinkedList<>(); private long fetchTime; private Change(long fetchTime) { this.fetchTime = fetchTime; } private Change(Guid vdsId, long fetchTime) { this.vdsId = vdsId; this.fetchTime = fetchTime; } public Guid getVdsId() { return vdsId; } private void lockTouchedVm(Guid vmId) { if (lockOnce(vmId)) { touchedVms.push(vmId); } } private void unlockTouchedVms() { touchedVms.forEach(VmDevicesMonitoring.this::unlock); } private List<Guid> getVmsToProcess() { return getOptionalList(vmsToProcess); } private void addVmToProcess(Guid vmId) { vmsToProcess = addToOptionalList(vmsToProcess, vmId); } private List<VmDevice> getDevicesToProcess() { return getOptionalList(devicesToProcess); } private void addDeviceToProcess(VmDevice device) { devicesToProcess = addToOptionalList(devicesToProcess, device); } private List<VmDevice> getDevicesToAdd() { return getOptionalList(devicesToAdd); } private void addDeviceToAdd(VmDevice device) { devicesToAdd = addToOptionalList(devicesToAdd, device); } private List<VmDevice> getDevicesToUpdate() { return getOptionalList(devicesToUpdate); } private void addDeviceToUpdate(VmDevice device) { devicesToUpdate = addToOptionalList(devicesToUpdate, device); } private List<VmDeviceId> getDeviceIdsToRemove() { return getOptionalList(deviceIdsToRemove); } private void addDeviceIdToRemove(VmDeviceId deviceId) { deviceIdsToRemove = addToOptionalList(deviceIdsToRemove, deviceId); } private List<Guid> getVmsToSaveHash() { return getOptionalList(vmsToSaveHash); } private void addVmToSaveHash(Guid vmId) { vmsToSaveHash = addToOptionalList(vmsToSaveHash, vmId); } /** * Add the VM to the list of VMs to be checked for device updates, if device information hash passed in * <code>vdsmHash</code> parameter is more recent (in terms of <code>fetchTime</code>) and differs from * the hash remembered by {@link VmDevicesMonitoring}. The new hash is remembered after that. */ public void updateVm(Guid vmId, String vdsmHash) { DevicesChange devicesChange = isVmDevicesChanged(vmId, vdsmHash, fetchTime); if (devicesChange == DevicesChange.CHANGED) { lockTouchedVm(vmId); addVmToSaveHash(vmId); addVmToProcess(vmId); } else if (devicesChange == DevicesChange.HASH_ONLY) { addVmToSaveHash(vmId); } } /** * Process FullList VDSM command result and mark the remembered device information hash to be updated * as soon as possible. If any hash for this VM is already remembered, ignore this FullList. * * @param vmInfo FullList VDSM command result */ public void updateVmFromFullList(Map<String, Object> vmInfo) { Guid vmId = getVmId(vmInfo); if (isVmDevicesChanged(vmId, UPDATE_HASH, fetchTime) == DevicesChange.CHANGED) { addVmToSaveHash(vmId); processFullList(vmInfo); } } /** * Process FullList VDSM command result and add/remove/update devices in accordance to the information in it. * * @param vmInfo FullList VDSM command result */ private void processFullList(Map<String, Object> vmInfo) { Guid vmId = getVmId(vmInfo); if (vmId == null) { log.error("Received NULL VM or VM id when processing VM devices, abort."); return; } lockTouchedVm(vmId); processVmDevices(this, vmInfo); } public void updateDevice(VmDevice device) { if (isVmDeviceChanged(device.getId(), fetchTime)) { lockTouchedVm(device.getVmId()); addDeviceToProcess(device); } } public void removeDevice(VmDeviceId deviceId) { if (isVmDeviceChanged(deviceId, fetchTime)) { lockTouchedVm(deviceId.getVmId()); addDeviceIdToRemove(deviceId); } } /** * Process the changes and store the result in the DB. */ public void flush() { try { Map<String, Object>[] vmInfos = getVmInfo(vdsId, getVmsToProcess()); if (vmInfos != null) {; } getDevicesToProcess().forEach(device -> processDevice(this, device)); saveDevicesToDb(this); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { log.error("Failed during vm devices monitoring on host {} error is: {}", vdsId, ex); log.error("Exception:", ex); } finally { unlockTouchedVms(); } } } private static class DevicesStatus { private String hash; private Long fetchTime; private Map<Guid, Long> deviceFetchTimes; public DevicesStatus() { this(EMPTY_HASH, null); } public DevicesStatus(String hash, Long fetchTime) { this.hash = hash; this.fetchTime = fetchTime; } public String getHash() { return hash; } public Long getFetchTime() { return fetchTime; } public Long getDeviceFetchTime(Guid deviceId) { return deviceFetchTimes != null ? deviceFetchTimes.getOrDefault(deviceId, fetchTime) : fetchTime; } public void setDeviceFetchTime(Guid deviceId, Long fetchTime) { if (fetchTime != null) { if (deviceFetchTimes == null) { deviceFetchTimes = new HashMap<>(); } deviceFetchTimes.put(deviceId, fetchTime); } } } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VmDevicesMonitoring.class); public static final String EMPTY_HASH = ""; public static final String UPDATE_HASH = "UPDATE_HASH"; @Inject private ResourceManager resourceManager; @Inject private VmDynamicDao vmDynamicDao; @Inject private VmStaticDao vmStaticDao; @Inject private VmDeviceDao vmDeviceDao; private ConcurrentMap<Guid, DevicesStatus> vmDevicesStatuses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private ConcurrentMap<Guid, ReentrantLock> vmDevicesLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Object devicesStatusesLock = new Object(); @PostConstruct private void init() { initDevicesStatuses(System.nanoTime()); } void initDevicesStatuses(long fetchTime) { getVmDynamicDao().getAllDevicesHashes().forEach(pair -> vmDevicesStatuses.put(pair.getFirst(), new DevicesStatus(pair.getSecond(), fetchTime))); } ResourceManager getResourceManager() { return resourceManager; } VmDeviceDao getVmDeviceDao() { return vmDeviceDao; } VmDynamicDao getVmDynamicDao() { return vmDynamicDao; } VmStaticDao getVmStaticDao() { return vmStaticDao; } private static <T> List<T> addToOptionalList(List<T> list, T object) { if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); } list.add(object); return list; } private static <T> List<T> getOptionalList(List<T> list) { return list != null ? list : Collections.emptyList(); } public Change createChange(long fetchTime) { return new Change(fetchTime); } public Change createChange(Guid vdsId, long fetchTime) { return new Change(vdsId, fetchTime); } /** * This method acquires lock on the VM given, doing this only once per thread. If the lock is already held by * the current thread, this method just returns false. If not, the method tries to acquire the lock. If the lock * is already held by another thread, this method blocks the current thread until the lock becomes available. * * @return true, if the lock was actually taken for the first time, false otherwise */ private boolean lockOnce(Guid vmId) { vmDevicesLocks.computeIfAbsent(vmId, guid -> new ReentrantLock()); ReentrantLock lock = vmDevicesLocks.get(vmId); if (!lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { lock.lock(); return true; } else { return false; } } private void unlock(Guid vmId) { Lock lock = vmDevicesLocks.get(vmId); if (lock != null) { lock.unlock(); } else { log.warn("Attempt to release non-existent lock for VM {}", vmId); } } private void removeLock(Guid vmId) { Lock lock = vmDevicesLocks.get(vmId); if (lock != null) { lock.lock(); try { vmDevicesLocks.remove(vmId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } } /** * Compares two fetch times chronologically. A null fetch time is assumed to be before any non-null fetch time. * * @return true, if <code>fetchTimeA</code> is before <code>fetchTimeB</code>, false otherwise */ private static boolean fetchTimeBefore(Long fetchTimeA, Long fetchTimeB) { if (fetchTimeA == null) { return true; } if (fetchTimeB == null) { return false; } return fetchTimeA - fetchTimeB < 0; } private DevicesChange isVmDevicesChanged(Guid vmId, String vdsmHash, long fetchTime) { if (vdsmHash == null) { return DevicesChange.NOT_CHANGED; } // This operation is atomic synchronized (devicesStatusesLock) { DevicesStatus previousStatus = vmDevicesStatuses.get(vmId); boolean previousHashUpdate = previousStatus != null && UPDATE_HASH.equals(previousStatus.getHash()); if (previousStatus == null || previousHashUpdate || fetchTimeBefore(previousStatus.getFetchTime(), fetchTime)) { vmDevicesStatuses.put(vmId, new DevicesStatus(vdsmHash, fetchTime)); if (previousStatus == null || !Objects.equals(previousStatus.getHash(), vdsmHash)) { return previousHashUpdate ? DevicesChange.HASH_ONLY : DevicesChange.CHANGED; } else { return DevicesChange.NOT_CHANGED; } } else { return DevicesChange.NOT_CHANGED; } } } private boolean isVmDeviceChanged(VmDeviceId deviceId, long fetchTime) { // This operation is atomic synchronized (devicesStatusesLock) { DevicesStatus devicesStatus = vmDevicesStatuses.computeIfAbsent(deviceId.getVmId(), vmId -> new DevicesStatus()); Long prevFetchTime = devicesStatus.getDeviceFetchTime(deviceId.getDeviceId()); if (fetchTimeBefore(prevFetchTime, fetchTime)) { devicesStatus.setDeviceFetchTime(deviceId.getDeviceId(), fetchTime); return true; } else { return false; } } } private void onVmDelete(@Observes @VmDeleted Guid vmId) { vmDevicesStatuses.remove(vmId); removeLock(vmId); } private Map<String, Object>[] getVmInfo(Guid vdsId, List<Guid> vms) { if (vdsId == null || vms.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<String, Object>[] result = new Map[0]; List<String> vmIds =; VDSReturnValue vdsReturnValue = getResourceManager().runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.FullList, new FullListVDSCommandParameters(vdsId, vmIds)); if (vdsReturnValue.getSucceeded()) { result = (Map<String, Object>[]) vdsReturnValue.getReturnValue(); } return result; } /** * Actually process the VM device update and store individual device additions/updates/removals * in the <code>change</code>. */ private void processVmDevices(Change change, Map<String, Object> vmInfo) { Guid vmId = getVmId(vmInfo); Set<Guid> processedDeviceIds = new HashSet<>(); List<VmDevice> dbDevices = getVmDeviceDao().getVmDeviceByVmId(vmId); Map<VmDeviceId, VmDevice> dbDeviceMap = Entities.businessEntitiesById(dbDevices); for (Object o: (Object[]) vmInfo.get(VdsProperties.Devices)) { Map<String, Object> vdsmDevice = (Map<String, Object>) o; if (vdsmDevice.get(VdsProperties.Address) == null) { logDeviceInformation(vmId, vdsmDevice); continue; } Guid deviceId = getDeviceId(vdsmDevice); VmDevice dbDevice = dbDeviceMap.get(new VmDeviceId(deviceId, vmId)); if (dbDevice == null) { dbDevice = getByDeviceType((String) vdsmDevice.get(VdsProperties.Device), dbDeviceMap); deviceId = dbDevice != null ? dbDevice.getDeviceId() : deviceId; } String logicalName = getDeviceLogicalName(vmInfo, vdsmDevice); if (deviceId == null || dbDevice == null) { VmDevice newDevice = buildNewVmDevice(vmId, vdsmDevice, logicalName); if (newDevice != null) { change.addDeviceToAdd(newDevice); processedDeviceIds.add(newDevice.getDeviceId()); } } else { dbDevice.setPlugged(Boolean.TRUE); dbDevice.setAddress(vdsmDevice.get(VdsProperties.Address).toString()); dbDevice.setAlias(StringUtils.defaultString((String) vdsmDevice.get(VdsProperties.Alias))); dbDevice.setLogicalName(logicalName); dbDevice.setHostDevice(StringUtils.defaultString((String) vdsmDevice.get(VdsProperties.HostDev))); change.addDeviceToUpdate(dbDevice); processedDeviceIds.add(deviceId); } } handleRemovedDevices(change, vmId, processedDeviceIds, dbDevices); } /** * Some of the devices need special treatment: * virtio-serial: this device was unmanaged before 3.6 and since 3.6 it is managed. * if the VM is running while the engine is upgraded we might still get it as unmanaged * from VDSM and since we generate IDs for unmanaged devices, we won't be able to find * it by its ID. therefore, we check by its type, assuming that there is only one * virtio-serial per VM. * */ private VmDevice getByDeviceType(String deviceTypeName, Map<?, VmDevice> dbDevices) { if (VmDeviceType.VIRTIOSERIAL.getName().equals(deviceTypeName)) { return VmDeviceCommonUtils.findVmDeviceByType(dbDevices, deviceTypeName); } return null; } private void processDevice(Change change, VmDevice device) { List<VmDevice> dbDevices = getVmDeviceDao().getVmDevicesByDeviceId(device.getDeviceId(), device.getVmId()); if (dbDevices.isEmpty()) { change.addDeviceToAdd(device); } else { change.addDeviceToUpdate(device); } } private static Guid getVmId(Map<String, Object> vmInfo) { return vmInfo != null ? new Guid((String) vmInfo.get(VdsProperties.vm_guid)) : null; } /** * Gets the device ID from the structure returned by VDSM. */ private static Guid getDeviceId(Map<String, Object> deviceInfo) { String deviceId = (String) deviceInfo.get(VdsProperties.DeviceId); return deviceId == null ? null : new Guid(deviceId); } private String getDeviceLogicalName(Map<String, Object> vmInfo, Map<String, Object> device) { Guid deviceId = getDeviceId(device); if (deviceId != null && VmDeviceType.DISK.getName().equals(device.get(VdsProperties.Device))) { try { return getDeviceLogicalName((Map<String, Object>) vmInfo.get(VdsProperties.GuestDiskMapping), deviceId); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("error while getting device name when processing, vm '{}', device info '{}' with exception, skipping '{}'", vmInfo.get(VdsProperties.vm_guid), device, e.getMessage()); log.error("Exception", e); } } return null; } private static String getDeviceLogicalName(Map<String, Object> diskMapping, Guid deviceId) { if (diskMapping == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> deviceMapping = null; String modifiedDeviceId = deviceId.toString().substring(0, 20); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : diskMapping.entrySet()) { String serial = entry.getKey(); if (serial != null && serial.contains(modifiedDeviceId)) { deviceMapping = (Map<String, Object>) entry.getValue(); break; } } return deviceMapping == null ? null : (String) deviceMapping.get(VdsProperties.Name); } /** * Handles devices that were removed by libvirt. Unmanaged devices are marked to be removed, managed devices are * unplugged - the address is cleared and isPlugged is set to false. * * @param libvirtDevices list of IDs of devices that were returned by libvirt * @param dbDevices list of all devices present in the DB */ private void handleRemovedDevices(Change change, Guid vmId, Set<Guid> libvirtDevices, List<VmDevice> dbDevices) { for (VmDevice device : dbDevices) { if (libvirtDevices.contains(device.getDeviceId())) { continue; } if (deviceWithoutAddress(device)) { continue; } if (device.isManaged()) { if (device.isPlugged()) { device.setPlugged(Boolean.FALSE); device.setAddress(""); change.addDeviceToUpdate(device); log.debug("VM '{}' managed pluggable device was unplugged : '{}'", vmId, device); } else if (!devicePluggable(device)) { log.error("VM '{}' managed non pluggable device was removed unexpectedly from libvirt: '{}'", vmId, device); } } else { change.addDeviceIdToRemove(device.getId()); log.debug("VM '{}' unmanaged device was marked for remove : {1}", vmId, device); } } } private static boolean devicePluggable(VmDevice device) { return VmDeviceCommonUtils.isDisk(device) || VmDeviceCommonUtils.isBridge(device) || VmDeviceCommonUtils.isHostDevInterface(device); } /** * Libvirt gives no address to some special devices, and we know it. */ private static boolean deviceWithoutAddress(VmDevice device) { return VmDeviceCommonUtils.isGraphics(device) || VmDeviceGeneralType.CONSOLE.equals(device.getType()); } /** * Builds a new device structure for the device recognized by libvirt. */ private VmDevice buildNewVmDevice(Guid vmId, Map device, String logicalName) { String typeName = (String) device.get(VdsProperties.Type); String deviceName = (String) device.get(VdsProperties.Device); // do not allow null or empty device or type values if (StringUtils.isEmpty(typeName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(deviceName)) { log.error("Empty or NULL values were passed for a VM '{}' device, Device is skipped", vmId); return null; } String address = device.get(VdsProperties.Address).toString(); String alias = StringUtils.defaultString((String) device.get(VdsProperties.Alias)); Map<String, Object> specParams = (Map<String, Object>) device.get(VdsProperties.SpecParams); specParams = specParams != null ? specParams : new HashMap<>(); Guid newDeviceId = Guid.newGuid(); VmDeviceId id = new VmDeviceId(newDeviceId, vmId); Object deviceReadonlyValue = device.get(VdsProperties.ReadOnly); boolean isReadOnly = deviceReadonlyValue != null && Boolean.getBoolean((String) deviceReadonlyValue); VmDevice newDevice = new VmDevice( id, VmDeviceGeneralType.forValue(typeName), deviceName, address, specParams, false, true, isReadOnly, alias, null, null, logicalName); log.debug("New device was marked for adding to VM '{}' Device : '{}'", vmId, newDevice); return newDevice; } private void saveDevicesToDb(Change change) { if (!change.getDevicesToUpdate().isEmpty()) { getVmDeviceDao().updateAllInBatch(change.getDevicesToUpdate()); } if (!change.getDeviceIdsToRemove().isEmpty()) { TransactionSupport.executeInScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, () -> { getVmDeviceDao().removeAll(change.getDeviceIdsToRemove()); return null; }); } if (!change.getDevicesToAdd().isEmpty()) { TransactionSupport.executeInScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, () -> { getVmDeviceDao().saveAll(change.getDevicesToAdd()); return null; }); } if (!change.getVmsToSaveHash().isEmpty()) { TransactionSupport.executeInScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, () -> { getVmDynamicDao().updateDevicesHashes(change.getVmsToSaveHash().stream() .map(vmId -> new Pair<>(vmId, vmDevicesStatuses.get(vmId).getHash())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); return null; }); getVmStaticDao().incrementDbGenerationForVms(change.getVmsToSaveHash()); } } private boolean shouldLogDeviceDetails(String deviceType) { return !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(deviceType, VmDeviceType.FLOPPY.getName()); } private void logDeviceInformation(Guid vmId, Map<String, Object> device) { String message = "Received a {} Device without an address when processing VM {} devices, skipping device"; String deviceType = (String) device.get(VdsProperties.Device); if (shouldLogDeviceDetails(deviceType)) { + ": {}", StringUtils.defaultString(deviceType), vmId, device); } else {, StringUtils.defaultString(deviceType), vmId); } } }