package org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.resource; import static; import static; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.ActionableResource; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.BaseResource; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.ExpectationHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.LinkHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.ParametersHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.QueryHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcActionParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcActionType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcReturnValueBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.IVdcQueryable; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.interfaces.SearchType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.SearchParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.VdcQueryParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.VdcQueryType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public abstract class AbstractBackendCollectionResource<R extends BaseResource, Q /* extends IVdcQueryable */> extends AbstractBackendResource<R, Q> { private static final String BLOCKING_EXPECTATION = "201-created"; private static final String CREATION_STATUS_REL = "creation_status"; public static final String FROM_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETER = "from"; public static final String CASE_SENSITIVE_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETER = "case_sensitive"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractBackendCollectionResource.class); protected AbstractBackendCollectionResource(Class<R> modelType, Class<Q> entityType) { super(modelType, entityType); } protected List<Q> getBackendCollection(SearchType searchType) { return getBackendCollection(searchType, QueryHelper.getConstraint(httpHeaders, uriInfo, "", modelType)); } protected List<Q> getBackendCollection(SearchType searchType, String constraint) { return getBackendCollection(entityType, VdcQueryType.Search, getSearchParameters(searchType, constraint)); } private SearchParameters getSearchParameters(SearchType searchType, String constraint) { SearchParameters searchParams = new SearchParameters(constraint, searchType); boolean caseSensitive = ParametersHelper.getBooleanParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, CASE_SENSITIVE_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETER, true, false); int from = ParametersHelper.getIntegerParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, FROM_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETER, -1, -1); int max = ParametersHelper.getIntegerParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, MAX, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); searchParams.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitive); if (from != -1) { searchParams.setSearchFrom(from); } searchParams.setMaxCount(max); return searchParams; } protected List<Q> getBackendCollection(VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams) { return getBackendCollection(entityType, query, queryParams); } /** * get the entities according to the filter and intersect them with those resulted from running the search query */ protected List<Q> getBackendCollection(VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams, SearchType searchType) { List<Q> filteredList = getBackendCollection(entityType, query, queryParams); // check if we got search expression in the URI String search = ParametersHelper.getParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, QueryHelper.CONSTRAINT_PARAMETER); if (search != null) { List<Q> searchList = getBackendCollection(searchType); // Note that it is key to pass here first the search list and then the filtered list, as we want to make // sure that the order of the search list is preserved, as the user my have specified 'sort by ...' as one // of the search criteria. return safeIntersection(searchList, filteredList); } else { return filteredList; } } /** * Calculates the intersection of two lists of objects, comparing them by id, and preserving the objects and the * order that was used in the {@code sorted} parameter. * * @param sorted the list of objects whose order should be preserved * @param other the other list of objects * @return the intersection of both lists of objects */ private List<Q> safeIntersection(List<Q> sorted, List<Q> other) { // Calculate the sets of ids of all the objects: Set<Object> sortedIds =; Set<Object> otherIds =; // Remove from the set of sorted ids the ids that aren't part also of the other ids, thus effectively // calculating the intersection of both sets of ids: sortedIds.retainAll(otherIds); // Remove from the sorted list all the objects that aren't part of the intersection, and return the result (this // way the result will be always from the sorted list, and the order will be preserved): return .filter(object -> sortedIds.contains(getId(object))) .collect(toList()); } /** * Obtains the identifier of a backend object. This id will be used to compare the objects instead of the * {@link Object#equals(Object)} method. Should be overridden by resources that manage objects that don't implement * the {@link IVdcQueryable} interface. * * @param entity the entity * @return the id of the entity, or {@code null} if the entity doesn't have an id */ protected Object getId(Q entity) { Object id = null; if (entity != null && entity instanceof IVdcQueryable) { id = ((IVdcQueryable) entity).getQueryableId(); } return id; } protected final <T> Response performCreate(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase taskParams, IResolver<T, Q> entityResolver, boolean block) { return performCreate(task, taskParams, entityResolver, block, null); } protected final <T> Response performCreate(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase taskParams, IResolver<T, Q> entityResolver, boolean block, Class<? extends BaseResource> suggestedParentType) { // create (overridable) VdcReturnValueBase createResult = doCreateEntity(task, taskParams); // fetch + map return fetchCreatedEntity(entityResolver, block, suggestedParentType, createResult); } protected final <T> Response performCreate(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase taskParams, IResolver<T, Q> entityResolver) { return performCreate(task, taskParams, entityResolver, expectBlocking()); } protected final <T> Response performCreate(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase taskParams, IResolver<T, Q> entityResolver, Class<? extends BaseResource> suggestedParentType) { return performCreate(task, taskParams, entityResolver, expectBlocking(), suggestedParentType); } protected boolean expectBlocking() { Set<String> expectations = ExpectationHelper.getExpectations(httpHeaders); return expectations.contains(BLOCKING_EXPECTATION); } protected void handleAsynchrony(VdcReturnValueBase result, R model) { model.setCreationStatus(getAsynchronousStatus(result).value()); linkSubResource(model, CREATION_STATUS_REL, asString(result.getVdsmTaskIdList())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> Q resolveCreated(VdcReturnValueBase result, IResolver<T, Q> entityResolver) { try { return entityResolver.resolve(result.getActionReturnValue()); } catch (Exception e) { // Handling exception as we can't tolerate the failure return handleError(e, false); } } /** * * @param model the resource to add actions to * @return collection with action links */ protected <C extends ActionableResource> C addActions(C model) { LinkHelper.addActions(model, this); return model; } private <T> Response fetchCreatedEntity(IResolver<T, Q> entityResolver, boolean block, Class<? extends BaseResource> suggestedParentType, VdcReturnValueBase createResult) { Q created = resolveCreated(createResult, entityResolver); R model = mapEntity(suggestedParentType, created); Response response = null; if (createResult.getHasAsyncTasks()) { if (block) { awaitCompletion(createResult); // refresh model state created = resolveCreated(createResult, entityResolver); model = mapEntity(suggestedParentType, created); response = Response.created(URI.create(model.getHref())).entity(model).build(); } else { if (model == null) { response = Response.status(ACCEPTED_STATUS).build(); } else { handleAsynchrony(createResult, model); response = Response.status(ACCEPTED_STATUS).entity(model).build(); } } } else { if (model == null) { response = Response.status(ACCEPTED_STATUS).build(); } else if (model.isSetHref()) { response = Response.created(URI.create(model.getHref())).entity(model).build(); } else { response = Response.ok(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(model).build(); } } return response; } protected VdcReturnValueBase doCreateEntity(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase taskParams) { VdcReturnValueBase createResult; try { createResult = doAction(task, taskParams); } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(e, false); } return createResult; } private R mapEntity(Class<? extends BaseResource> suggestedParentType, Q created) { R model = map(created); model = deprecatedPopulate(model, created); model = doPopulate(model, created); return addLinks(model, suggestedParentType); } }