package org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore; import; import; import; import; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.locks.LockInfo; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.StringHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Version; public class VM implements IVdcQueryable, BusinessEntityWithStatus<Guid, VMStatus>, HasStoragePool<Guid>, HasErrata, Nameable, Commented { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4078140531074414263L; @Valid private VmStatic vmStatic; private VmDynamic vmDynamic; private VmStatistics vmStatistics; @Valid private List<Snapshot> snapshots; private String clusterSpiceProxy; private String vmPoolSpiceProxy; private Map<VmDeviceId, Map<String, String>> runtimeDeviceCustomProperties; private ArchitectureType clusterArch; private boolean nextRunConfigurationExists; private boolean previewSnapshot; private LockInfo lockInfo; private int backgroundOperationProgress; private String backgroundOperationDescription; private Guid vmPoolId; private String vmPoolName; private String vmtName; private Version clusterCompatibilityVersion; private String clusterName; private String clusterCpuName; private Map<Guid, Disk> diskMap; // even this field has no setter, it can not have the final modifier because the GWT serialization mechanism // ignores the final fields private String cdPath; private String floppyPath; private double _actualDiskWithSnapthotsSize; private double diskSize; private Version privateGuestAgentVersion; private Version spiceDriverVersion; private boolean transparentHugePages; private boolean trustedService; public VM() { this(new VmStatic(), new VmDynamic(), new VmStatistics()); } public VM(VmStatic vmStatic, VmDynamic vmDynamic, VmStatistics vmStatistics) { this.setStaticData(vmStatic); this.setDynamicData(vmDynamic); this.setStatisticsData(vmStatistics); this.setvNumaNodeList(new ArrayList<VmNumaNode>()); this.setDiskMap(new HashMap<Guid, Disk>()); this.setCdPath(""); this.setFloppyPath(""); this.setDiskSize(0); snapshots = new ArrayList<>(); runtimeDeviceCustomProperties = new HashMap<>(); storagePoolId = Guid.Empty; } public VmPauseStatus getVmPauseStatus() { return this.vmDynamic.getPauseStatus(); } public void setVmPauseStatus(VmPauseStatus aPauseStatus) { this.vmDynamic.setPauseStatus(aPauseStatus); } @Override public Guid getId() { return this.vmStatic.getId(); } @Override public void setId(Guid value) { this.vmStatic.setId(value); this.vmDynamic.setId(value); this.vmStatistics.setId(value); } public void setName(String value) { this.vmStatic.setName(value); } public int getMemSizeMb() { return this.getVmMemSizeMb(); } public int getVmMemSizeMb() { return this.vmStatic.getMemSizeMb(); } public int getMaxMemorySizeMb() { return vmStatic.getMaxMemorySizeMb(); } public void setMaxMemorySizeMb(int maxMemorySizeMb) { vmStatic.setMaxMemorySizeMb(maxMemorySizeMb); } public void setVmMemSizeMb(int value) { this.vmStatic.setMemSizeMb(value); } public int getNumOfIoThreads() { return this.vmStatic.getNumOfIoThreads(); } public void setNumOfIoThreads(int numOfIoThreads) { this.vmStatic.setNumOfIoThreads(numOfIoThreads); } public int getOs() { return this.getVmOsId(); } public ArchitectureType getClusterArch() { return this.clusterArch; } public void setClusterArch(ArchitectureType clusterArch) { this.clusterArch = clusterArch; } public int getVmOsId() { return this.vmStatic.getOsId(); } public void setVmOs(int value) { this.vmStatic.setOsId(value); } public Date getVmCreationDate() { return this.vmStatic.getCreationDate(); } public void setVmCreationDate(Date value) { this.vmStatic.setCreationDate(value); } public Guid getQuotaId() { return this.vmStatic.getQuotaId(); } public void setQuotaId(Guid value) { this.vmStatic.setQuotaId(value); } public String getQuotaName() { return this.vmStatic.getQuotaName(); } public void setQuotaName(String value) { this.vmStatic.setQuotaName(value); } public boolean isQuotaDefault() { return this.vmStatic.isQuotaDefault(); } public void setIsQuotaDefault(boolean isQuotaDefault) { this.vmStatic.setQuotaDefault(isQuotaDefault); } public QuotaEnforcementTypeEnum getQuotaEnforcementType() { return this.vmStatic.getQuotaEnforcementType(); } public void setQuotaEnforcementType(QuotaEnforcementTypeEnum quotaEnforcementType) { this.vmStatic.setQuotaEnforcementType(quotaEnforcementType); } public String getDescription() { return this.getVmDescription(); } public String getVmDescription() { return this.vmStatic.getDescription(); } public void setVmDescription(String value) { this.vmStatic.setDescription(value); } @Override public String getComment() { return this.vmStatic.getComment(); } @Override public void setComment(String value) { this.vmStatic.setComment(value); } public String getEmulatedMachine() { return this.vmDynamic.getEmulatedMachine(); } public void setEmulatedMachine(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setEmulatedMachine(value); } public String getCustomEmulatedMachine() { return this.vmStatic.getCustomEmulatedMachine(); } public void setCustomEmulatedMachine(String value) { this.vmStatic.setCustomEmulatedMachine(value); } public String getStopReason() { return this.vmDynamic.getStopReason(); } public void setStopReason(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setStopReason(value); } public int getNumOfMonitors() { return this.vmStatic.getNumOfMonitors(); } public void setNumOfMonitors(int value) { this.vmStatic.setNumOfMonitors(value); } public boolean getSingleQxlPci() { return this.vmStatic.getSingleQxlPci(); } public void setSingleQxlPci(boolean value) { this.vmStatic.setSingleQxlPci(value); } public boolean getAllowConsoleReconnect() { return this.vmStatic.isAllowConsoleReconnect(); } public void setAllowConsoleReconnect(boolean value) { this.vmStatic.setAllowConsoleReconnect(value); } public boolean isInitialized() { return this.vmStatic.isInitialized(); } public void setInitialized(boolean value) { this.vmStatic.setInitialized(value); } public int getNumOfCpus() { return this.vmStatic.getNumOfCpus(); } public int getNumOfCpus(boolean countThreadsAsCPU) { return this.vmStatic.getNumOfCpus(countThreadsAsCPU); } /** * This method is created for SOAP serialization of primitives that are readonly but sent by the client. The setter * implementation is empty and the field is not being changed. */ @Deprecated public void setNumOfCpus(int value) { // Purposely empty } public int getNumOfSockets() { return this.vmStatic.getNumOfSockets(); } public void setNumOfSockets(int value) { this.vmStatic.setNumOfSockets(value); } public int getCpuPerSocket() { return this.vmStatic.getCpuPerSocket(); } public void setCpuPerSocket(int value) { this.vmStatic.setCpuPerSocket(value); } public int getThreadsPerCpu() { return this.vmStatic.getThreadsPerCpu(); } public void setThreadsPerCpu(int value) { this.vmStatic.setThreadsPerCpu(value); } public UsbPolicy getUsbPolicy() { return vmStatic.getUsbPolicy(); } public void setUsbPolicy(UsbPolicy value) { vmStatic.setUsbPolicy(value); } public boolean isAutoStartup() { return vmStatic.isAutoStartup(); } public void setAutoStartup(boolean value) { vmStatic.setAutoStartup(value); } public Guid fetchDedicatedVmForSingleHost(){ return vmStatic.fetchDedicatedVmForSingleHost(); } public List<Guid> getDedicatedVmForVdsList() { return vmStatic.getDedicatedVmForVdsList(); } @JsonIgnore public void setDedicatedVmForVdsList(List<Guid> value) { vmStatic.setDedicatedVmForVdsList(value); } public void setDedicatedVmForVdsList(Guid value) { vmStatic.setDedicatedVmForVdsList(value); } public Guid getClusterId() { return this.vmStatic.getClusterId(); } public void setClusterId(Guid value) { this.vmStatic.setClusterId(value); } public String getTimeZone() { return vmStatic.getTimeZone(); } public void setTimeZone(String value) { vmStatic.setTimeZone(value); } public boolean isStateless() { return vmStatic.isStateless(); } public boolean isSmartcardEnabled() { return vmStatic.isSmartcardEnabled(); } public void setSmartcardEnabled(boolean isSmartcardEnabled) { vmStatic.setSmartcardEnabled(isSmartcardEnabled); } public void setStateless(boolean value) { vmStatic.setStateless(value); } public void setDeleteProtected(boolean deleteProtected) { vmStatic.setDeleteProtected(deleteProtected); } public boolean isDeleteProtected() { return vmStatic.isDeleteProtected(); } public void setSsoMethod(SsoMethod ssoMethod) { vmStatic.setSsoMethod(ssoMethod); } public SsoMethod getSsoMethod() { return vmStatic.getSsoMethod(); } public String getDefaultVncKeyboardLayout() { return vmStatic.getVncKeyboardLayout(); } public void setDefaultVncKeyboardLayout(String vncKeyboardLayout) { vmStatic.setVncKeyboardLayout(vncKeyboardLayout); } public DisplayType getDefaultDisplayType() { return vmStatic.getDefaultDisplayType(); } public void setDefaultDisplayType(DisplayType value) { vmStatic.setDefaultDisplayType(value); } public Map<GraphicsType, GraphicsInfo> getGraphicsInfos() { return vmDynamic.getGraphicsInfos(); } /* * DON'T use this setter. It's here only for serizalization. */ public void setGraphicsInfos(Map<GraphicsType, GraphicsInfo> graphicsInfos) { vmDynamic.setGraphicsInfos(graphicsInfos); } public int getPriority() { return vmStatic.getPriority(); } public void setPriority(int value) { vmStatic.setPriority(value); } public String getIsoPath() { return vmStatic.getIsoPath(); } public void setIsoPath(String value) { vmStatic.setIsoPath(value); } public OriginType getOrigin() { return vmStatic.getOrigin(); } public void setOrigin(OriginType value) { vmStatic.setOrigin(value); } public String getInitrdUrl() { return vmStatic.getInitrdUrl(); } public void setInitrdUrl(String value) { vmStatic.setInitrdUrl(value); } public String getKernelUrl() { return vmStatic.getKernelUrl(); } public void setKernelUrl(String value) { vmStatic.setKernelUrl(value); } public String getKernelParams() { return vmStatic.getKernelParams(); } public boolean isUseLatestVersion() { return vmStatic.isUseLatestVersion(); } public void setUseLatestVersion(boolean useLatestVersion) { vmStatic.setUseLatestVersion(useLatestVersion); } public void setKernelParams(String value) { vmStatic.setKernelParams(value); } @Override public VMStatus getStatus() { return this.vmDynamic.getStatus(); } @Override public void setStatus(VMStatus value) { this.vmDynamic.setStatus(value); } public String getIp() { return this.vmDynamic.getIp(); } public void setIp(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setIp(value); } public String getFqdn() { return this.vmDynamic.getFqdn(); } public void setFqdn(String fqdn) { this.vmDynamic.setFqdn(fqdn); } public String getVmHost() { String vmDomain = (getVmInit() != null) ? getVmInit().getDomain() : null; String vmHost = this.vmDynamic.getVmHost(); if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(this.getIp())) { this.vmDynamic.setVmHost(getIp()); } else { // If VM's host name isn't available - set as VM's name // If no IP address is available - assure that 'vm_host' is FQN by concatenating // vmHost and vmDomain. if (StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(vmHost)) { vmHost = StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(vmDomain) ? getName() : getName() + "." + vmDomain; this.vmDynamic.setVmHost(vmHost); } else if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(vmDomain) && !vmHost.endsWith(vmDomain)) { this.vmDynamic.setVmHost(vmHost + "." + vmDomain); } } return this.vmDynamic.getVmHost(); } public void setVmHost(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setVmHost(value); } public Date getLastStartTime() { return this.vmDynamic.getLastStartTime(); } public void setLastStartTime(Date value) { this.vmDynamic.setLastStartTime(value); } public Date getLastStopTime() { return this.vmDynamic.getLastStopTime(); } public void setLastStopTime(Date value) { this.vmDynamic.setLastStopTime(value); } public String getConsoleCurentUserName() { return this.vmDynamic.getConsoleCurrentUserName(); } public void setConsoleCurrentUserName(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setConsoleCurrentUserName(value); } public String getGuestCurentUserName() { return this.vmDynamic.getGuestCurrentUserName(); } public void setGuestCurrentUserName(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setGuestCurrentUserName(value); } public Guid getConsoleUserId() { return this.vmDynamic.getConsoleUserId(); } public void setConsoleUserId(Guid value) { this.vmDynamic.setConsoleUserId(value); } public String getGuestOs() { return this.vmDynamic.getGuestOs(); } public void setGuestOs(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setGuestOs(value); } public Guid getRunOnVds() { return this.vmDynamic.getRunOnVds(); } public void setRunOnVds(Guid value) { this.vmDynamic.setRunOnVds(value); } public Guid getMigratingToVds() { return this.vmDynamic.getMigratingToVds(); } public void setMigratingToVds(Guid value) { this.vmDynamic.setMigratingToVds(value); } public String getAppList() { return this.vmDynamic.getAppList(); } public void setAppList(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setAppList(value); } public Boolean getAcpiEnable() { return this.vmDynamic.getAcpiEnable(); } public void setAcpiEnable(Boolean value) { this.vmDynamic.setAcpiEnable(value); } public SessionState getSession() { return this.vmDynamic.getSession(); } public void setSession(SessionState value) { this.vmDynamic.setSession(value); } public BootSequence getBootSequence() { return this.vmDynamic.getBootSequence(); } public void setBootSequence(BootSequence value) { this.vmDynamic.setBootSequence(value); } public VmExitStatus getExitStatus() { return this.vmDynamic.getExitStatus(); } public void setExitStatus(VmExitStatus value) { this.vmDynamic.setExitStatus(value); } public String getExitMessage() { return this.vmDynamic.getExitMessage(); } public void setExitMessage(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setExitMessage(value); } public VmExitReason getExitReason() { return this.vmDynamic.getExitReason(); } public void setExitReason(VmExitReason value) { this.vmDynamic.setExitReason(value); } /** * Tracking value of VM's UTC offset. Useful for long running VMs when there * can be significant drift over initial value computed from timeZone. * Note that this value is no longer being used when * starting VMs (The timeZone field is used to calculate that offset) and is kept * in sync with value reported by VDSM only for debugging purposes. * {@see VmInfoBuilderBase#buildVmTimeZone()} */ public Integer getUtcDiff() { return this.vmDynamic.getUtcDiff(); } public void setUtcDiff(Integer value) { this.vmDynamic.setUtcDiff(value); } public String getClientIp() { return this.vmDynamic.getClientIp(); } public void setClientIp(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setClientIp(value); } public Integer getGuestRequestedMemory() { return this.vmDynamic.getGuestRequestedMemory(); } public void setGuestRequestedMemory(Integer value) { this.vmDynamic.setGuestRequestedMemory(value); } public int getGuestAgentNicsHash() { return vmDynamic.getGuestAgentNicsHash(); } public void setGuestAgentNicsHash(int guestAgentNicsHash) { vmDynamic.setGuestAgentNicsHash(guestAgentNicsHash); } public GuestAgentStatus getGuestAgentStatus() { return vmDynamic.getGuestAgentStatus(); } public void setGuestAgentStatus(GuestAgentStatus status) { vmDynamic.setGuestAgentStatus(status); } public int getGuestOsTimezoneOffset() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsTimezoneOffset(); } public void setGuestOsTimezoneOffset(int timezoneOffset) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsTimezoneOffset(timezoneOffset); } public String getGuestOsTimezoneName() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsTimezoneName(); } public void setGuestOsTimezoneName(String timezoneName) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsTimezoneName(timezoneName); } public String getGuestOsVersion() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsVersion(); } public void setGuestOsVersion(String guestOsVersion) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsVersion(guestOsVersion); } public String getGuestOsDistribution() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsDistribution(); } public void setGuestOsDistribution(String guestOsDistribution) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsDistribution(guestOsDistribution); } public String getGuestOsCodename() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsCodename(); } public void setGuestOsCodename(String guestOsCodename) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsCodename(guestOsCodename); } public ArchitectureType getGuestOsArch() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsArch(); } public void setGuestOsArch(ArchitectureType guestOsArch) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsArch(guestOsArch); } @JsonIgnore public void setGuestOsArch(Integer arch) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsArch(arch); } @JsonIgnore public void setGuestOsArch(String arch) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsArch(arch); } public OsType getGuestOsType() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsType(); } public void setGuestOsType(OsType guestOsType) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsType(guestOsType); } @JsonIgnore public void setGuestOsType(String osType) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsType(osType); } public String getGuestOsKernelVersion() { return vmDynamic.getGuestOsKernelVersion(); } public void setGuestOsKernelVersion(String guestOsKernelVersion) { vmDynamic.setGuestOsKernelVersion(guestOsKernelVersion); } public Double getCpuUser() { return this.vmStatistics.getCpuUser(); } public void setCpuUser(Double value) { this.vmStatistics.setCpuUser(value); } public Double getCpuSys() { return this.vmStatistics.getCpuSys(); } public void setCpuSys(Double value) { this.vmStatistics.setCpuSys(value); } public Double getElapsedTime() { return this.vmStatistics.getElapsedTime(); } public void setElapsedTime(Double value) { this.vmStatistics.setElapsedTime(value); } public Double getRoundedElapsedTime() { return this.vmStatistics.getRoundedElapsedTime(); } public void setRoundedElapsedTime(Double value) { this.vmStatistics.setRoundedElapsedTime(value); } public Integer getUsageNetworkPercent() { return this.vmStatistics.getUsageNetworkPercent(); } public void setUsageNetworkPercent(Integer value) { this.vmStatistics.setUsageNetworkPercent(value); } public Integer getUsageMemPercent() { return this.vmStatistics.getUsageMemPercent(); } public void setUsageMemPercent(Integer value) { this.vmStatistics.setUsageMemPercent(value); } public List<Integer> getMemoryUsageHistory() { return this.vmStatistics.getMemoryUsageHistory(); } public List<Integer> getCpuUsageHistory() { return this.vmStatistics.getCpuUsageHistory(); } public List<Integer> getNetworkUsageHistory() { return this.vmStatistics.getNetworkUsageHistory(); } public Integer getMigrationProgressPercent() { return this.vmStatistics.getMigrationProgressPercent(); } public void setMigrationProgressPercent(Integer value) { this.vmStatistics.setMigrationProgressPercent(value); } public void setMemoryUsageHistory(List<Integer> memoryUsageHistory) { this.vmStatistics.setMemoryUsageHistory(memoryUsageHistory); } public void setCpuUsageHistory(List<Integer> cpuUsageHistory) { this.vmStatistics.setCpuUsageHistory(cpuUsageHistory); } public void setNetworkUsageHistory(List<Integer> networkUsageHistory) { this.vmStatistics.setNetworkUsageHistory(networkUsageHistory); } public Integer getUsageCpuPercent() { return this.vmStatistics.getUsageCpuPercent(); } public void setUsageCpuPercent(Integer value) { this.vmStatistics.setUsageCpuPercent(value); } public Guid getVmtGuid() { return this.vmStatic.getVmtGuid(); } public void setVmtGuid(Guid value) { this.vmStatic.setVmtGuid(value); } public String getVmtName() { return this.vmtName; } public void setVmtName(String value) { this.vmtName = value; } public Version getClusterCompatibilityVersion() { return this.clusterCompatibilityVersion; } public void setClusterCompatibilityVersion(Version value) { this.clusterCompatibilityVersion = value; } /** * Get custom compatibility version, if set for this VM or null otherwise. * * <b>Note:</b> In most cases {@link #getCompatibilityVersion()} must be used instead. * Use this method only if you're interested in the custom compatibility version * set for this particular VM. * * @return the custom compatibility version */ public Version getCustomCompatibilityVersion() { return this.vmStatic.getCustomCompatibilityVersion(); } public void setCustomCompatibilityVersion(Version value) { this.vmStatic.setCustomCompatibilityVersion(value); } /** * Get compatibility version for this VM. * * This method returns the custom compatibility version, if set for this VM or * cluster's compatibility version otherwise. * * @return the compatibility version */ public Version getCompatibilityVersion() { return getCustomCompatibilityVersion() != null ? getCustomCompatibilityVersion() : getClusterCompatibilityVersion(); } public String getClusterName() { return this.clusterName; } public void setClusterName(String value) { this.clusterName = value; } public String getClusterCpuName() { return this.clusterCpuName; } public void setClusterCpuName(String value) { this.clusterCpuName = value; } public boolean isFailBack() { return this.vmStatic.isFailBack(); } public void setFailBack(boolean value) { this.vmStatic.setFailBack(value); } public BootSequence getDefaultBootSequence() { return this.vmStatic.getDefaultBootSequence(); } public void setDefaultBootSequence(BootSequence value) { this.vmStatic.setDefaultBootSequence(value); } public int getNiceLevel() { return this.vmStatic.getNiceLevel(); } public void setNiceLevel(int value) { this.vmStatic.setNiceLevel(value); } public int getCpuShares() { return this.vmStatic.getCpuShares(); } public void setCpuShares(int value) { this.vmStatic.setCpuShares(value); } public void setDbGeneration(long value) { this.vmStatic.setDbGeneration(value); } public long getDbGeneration() { return vmStatic.getDbGeneration(); } public MigrationSupport getMigrationSupport() { return this.vmStatic.getMigrationSupport(); } public void setMigrationSupport(MigrationSupport migrationSupport) { this.vmStatic.setMigrationSupport(migrationSupport); } public VmType getVmType() { return this.vmStatic.getVmType(); } public void setVmType(VmType value) { this.vmStatic.setVmType(value); } public String getCustomCpuName() { return this.vmStatic.getCustomCpuName(); } public void setCustomCpuName(String value) { this.vmStatic.setCustomCpuName(value); } public String getCpuName() { return this.vmDynamic.getCpuName(); } public void setCpuName(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setCpuName(value); } public String getCurrentCd() { return this.vmDynamic.getCurrentCd(); } public void setCurrentCd(String value) { this.vmDynamic.setCurrentCd(value); } public void setExportDate(Date value) { this.vmStatic.setExportDate(value); } public Date getExportDate() { return this.vmStatic.getExportDate(); } private Guid storagePoolId; @Override public Guid getStoragePoolId() { return storagePoolId; } @Override public void setStoragePoolId(Guid value) { storagePoolId = value; } private String storagePoolName; public String getStoragePoolName() { return storagePoolName; } public void setStoragePoolName(String value) { storagePoolName = value; } public List<VmNetworkInterface> getInterfaces() { return vmStatic.getInterfaces(); } public void setInterfaces(List<VmNetworkInterface> value) { vmStatic.setInterfaces(value); } public ArrayList<DiskImage> getImages() { return vmStatic.getImages(); } public void setImages(ArrayList<DiskImage> value) { vmStatic.setImages(value); } public boolean isFirstRun() { return vmStatic.isFirstRun(); } public double getActualDiskWithSnapshotsSize() { if (_actualDiskWithSnapthotsSize == 0 && getDiskMap() != null) { for (Disk disk : getDiskMap().values()) { if (DiskStorageType.IMAGE == disk.getDiskStorageType()) { _actualDiskWithSnapthotsSize += ((DiskImage) disk).getActualDiskWithSnapshotsSize(); } } } return _actualDiskWithSnapthotsSize; } /** * This method is created for SOAP serialization of primitives that are readonly but sent by the client. The setter * implementation is empty and the field is not being changed. */ @Deprecated public void setActualDiskWithSnapshotsSize(double value) { // Purposely empty } public double getDiskSize() { if (diskSize == 0) { for (Disk disk : getDiskMap().values()) { if (DiskStorageType.IMAGE == disk.getDiskStorageType()) { diskSize += disk.getSize() / Double.valueOf(1024 * 1024 * 1024); } } } return diskSize; } public void setDiskSize(double value) { diskSize = value; } public VmDynamic getDynamicData() { return vmDynamic; } public void setDynamicData(VmDynamic value) { vmDynamic = value; } public VmStatic getStaticData() { return vmStatic; } public void setStaticData(final VmStatic value) { vmStatic = value == null ? new VmStatic() : value; } public VmStatistics getStatisticsData() { return vmStatistics; } public void setStatisticsData(VmStatistics value) { vmStatistics = value; } private String runOnVdsName; public String getRunOnVdsName() { return runOnVdsName; } public void setRunOnVdsName(String value) { runOnVdsName = value; } public Map<Guid, Disk> getDiskMap() { return diskMap; } public void setDiskMap(Map<Guid, Disk> diskMap) { this.diskMap = diskMap; } public int getDiskMapCount() { return diskMap.size(); } public int getMinAllocatedMem() { return vmStatic.getMinAllocatedMem(); } public void setMinAllocatedMem(int value) { vmStatic.setMinAllocatedMem(value); } public String getCdPath() { return cdPath; } public void setCdPath(String value) { cdPath = value; } public String getFloppyPath() { return floppyPath; } public void setFloppyPath(String value) { floppyPath = value; } public Boolean isRunAndPause() { return vmStatic.isRunAndPause(); } public void setRunAndPause(Boolean value) { vmStatic.setRunAndPause(value); } public Guid getCreatedByUserId() { return vmStatic.getCreatedByUserId(); } public void setCreatedByUserId(Guid value) { vmStatic.setCreatedByUserId(value); } /** * Check if two Vms are Equal. Current equality rule is: Two Vms are equal when them points to same object or have * same vm_guid property */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (super.equals(obj)) { return true; } VM eq = (VM) ((obj instanceof VM) ? obj : null); if (eq != null) { if (eq.getId().equals(this.getId())) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; long temp; temp = (long)_actualDiskWithSnapthotsSize; result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); result = prime * result + ((cdPath == null) ? 0 : cdPath.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((diskMap == null) ? 0 : diskMap.hashCode()); temp = (long)diskSize; result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); result = prime * result + ((floppyPath == null) ? 0 : floppyPath.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((privateGuestAgentVersion == null) ? 0 : privateGuestAgentVersion.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((runOnVdsName == null) ? 0 : runOnVdsName.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((snapshots == null) ? 0 : snapshots.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((spiceDriverVersion == null) ? 0 : spiceDriverVersion.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((storagePoolId == null) ? 0 : storagePoolId.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((storagePoolName == null) ? 0 : storagePoolName.hashCode()); result = prime * result + (transparentHugePages ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + ((clusterCompatibilityVersion == null) ? 0 : clusterCompatibilityVersion.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((clusterCpuName == null) ? 0 : clusterCpuName.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((clusterName == null) ? 0 : clusterName.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vmDynamic == null) ? 0 : vmDynamic.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vmPoolId == null) ? 0 : vmPoolId.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vmPoolName == null) ? 0 : vmPoolName.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vmStatic == null) ? 0 : vmStatic.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vmStatistics == null) ? 0 : vmStatistics.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vmtName == null) ? 0 : vmtName.hashCode()); return result; } public String getVmPoolName() { return vmPoolName; } public void setVmPoolName(String value) { vmPoolName = value; } public Guid getVmPoolId() { return vmPoolId; } public void setVmPoolId(Guid value) { vmPoolId = value; } /** * assumption: Qumranet Agent version stored in app_list by "Qumranet Agent" name. Qumranet Agent version, * received from vds in format : a.b.d there is no major revision received from vds - always 0 * @see {@link Version} */ public Version getGuestAgentVersion() { return privateGuestAgentVersion; } public void setGuestAgentVersion(Version value) { privateGuestAgentVersion = value; } public Version getPartialVersion() { Version initial = getGuestAgentVersion(); return initial == null ? null : new Version(initial.getMajor(), initial.getMinor()); } public boolean getHasAgent() { return getGuestAgentVersion() != null; } public Version getSpiceDriverVersion() { return spiceDriverVersion; } public void setSpiceDriverVersion(Version value) { spiceDriverVersion = value; } public boolean getHasSpiceDriver() { return getSpiceDriverVersion() != null; } public boolean isTransparentHugePages() { return this.transparentHugePages; } public void setTransparentHugePages(boolean value) { this.transparentHugePages = value; } public void setTrustedService(boolean trustedService) { this.trustedService = trustedService; } public boolean isTrustedService() { return trustedService; } @Override public Object getQueryableId() { return getId(); } public ArrayList<DiskImage> getDiskList() { return vmStatic.getDiskList(); } public Map<Guid, VmDevice> getManagedVmDeviceMap() { return vmStatic.getManagedDeviceMap(); } public void setManagedDeviceMap(Map<Guid, VmDevice> map) { vmStatic.setManagedDeviceMap(map); } public List<VmDevice> getUnmanagedDeviceList() { return vmStatic.getUnmanagedDeviceList(); } public void setUnmanagedDeviceList(List<VmDevice> list) { vmStatic.setUnmanagedDeviceList(list); } public List<Snapshot> getSnapshots() { return snapshots; } public void setSnapshots(List<Snapshot> snapshots) { this.snapshots = snapshots; } public void setRunOnce(boolean value) { vmDynamic.setRunOnce(value); } public boolean isRunOnce() { return vmDynamic.isRunOnce(); } public boolean isUseHostCpuFlags() { return vmStatic.isUseHostCpuFlags(); } public void setUseHostCpuFlags(boolean useHostCpuFlags) { vmStatic.setUseHostCpuFlags(useHostCpuFlags); } public String getCpuPinning() { return vmStatic.getCpuPinning(); } public void setCpuPinning(String cpuPinning) { vmStatic.setCpuPinning(cpuPinning); } public String getOvfVersion() { return vmStatic.getOvfVersion(); } public void setOvfVersion(String ovfVersion) { vmStatic.setOvfVersion(ovfVersion); } public Version getClusterCompatibilityVersionOrigin() { return vmStatic.getClusterCompatibilityVersionOrigin(); } public void setClusterCompatibilityVersionOrigin(Version value) { vmStatic.setClusterCompatibilityVersionOrigin(value); } @Override public String getName() { return this.vmStatic.getName(); } @Override public String toString() { return "VM [" + getName() + "]"; } public boolean isDown() { return getStatus() == VMStatus.Down; } public boolean isRunning() { return getStatus().isRunning(); } public boolean isRunningOrPaused() { return getStatus().isRunningOrPaused(); } public boolean isSuspended() { return getStatus().isSuspended(); } public boolean isQualifyToMigrate() { return getStatus().isQualifyToMigrate(); } public boolean isQualifiedForSnapshotMerge() { return getStatus().isQualifiedForSnapshotMerge(); } public boolean isQualifiedForLiveSnapshotMerge() { return getStatus().isQualifiedForLiveSnapshotMerge(); } public boolean isQualifiedForConsoleConnect() { return getStatus().isQualifiedForConsoleConnect(); } public boolean isRunningAndQualifyForDisksMigration() { return getStatus().isUpOrPaused() && getRunOnVds() != null && !getRunOnVds().equals(Guid.Empty); } public boolean isNotRunning() { return getStatus().isNotRunning(); } public boolean isStartingOrUp() { return getStatus().isStartingOrUp(); } public Boolean getTunnelMigration() { return vmStatic.getTunnelMigration(); } public void setTunnelMigration(Boolean value) { vmStatic.setTunnelMigration(value); } public Long getLastWatchdogEvent() { return vmDynamic.getLastWatchdogEvent(); } public void setLastWatchdogEvent(Long lastWatchdogEvent) { vmDynamic.setLastWatchdogEvent(lastWatchdogEvent); } public boolean isHostedEngine() { return vmStatic.isHostedEngine(); } public boolean isManagedHostedEngine() { return vmStatic.isManagedHostedEngine(); } public boolean isExternalVm() { return OriginType.EXTERNAL.equals(getOrigin()); } public boolean isManagedVm() { return !(OriginType.HOSTED_ENGINE == getOrigin()) && !isExternalVm(); } public Guid getInstanceTypeId() { return vmStatic.getInstanceTypeId(); } public void setInstanceTypeId(Guid instanceTypeId) { vmStatic.setInstanceTypeId(instanceTypeId); } public Guid getImageTypeId() { return vmStatic.getImageTypeId(); } public void setImageTypeId(Guid ImageTypeId) { vmStatic.setImageTypeId(ImageTypeId); } public String getOriginalTemplateName() { return vmStatic.getOriginalTemplateName(); } public void setOriginalTemplateName(String originalTemplateName) { vmStatic.setOriginalTemplateName(originalTemplateName); } public Guid getOriginalTemplateGuid() { return vmStatic.getOriginalTemplateGuid(); } public void setOriginalTemplateGuid(Guid originalTemplateGuid) { vmStatic.setOriginalTemplateGuid(originalTemplateGuid); } public String getVmPoolSpiceProxy() { return vmPoolSpiceProxy; } public void setVmPoolSpiceProxy(String vmPoolSpiceProxy) { this.vmPoolSpiceProxy = vmPoolSpiceProxy; } public String getClusterSpiceProxy() { return clusterSpiceProxy; } public void setClusterSpiceProxy(String clusterSpiceProxy) { this.clusterSpiceProxy = clusterSpiceProxy; } public void clearDisks() { getDiskList().clear(); getDiskMap().clear(); } public void setMigrationDowntime(Integer migrationDowntime) { vmStatic.setMigrationDowntime(migrationDowntime); } public Integer getMigrationDowntime() { return vmStatic.getMigrationDowntime(); } public VmInit getVmInit() { return this.vmStatic.getVmInit(); } public void setVmInit(VmInit vmInit) { this.vmStatic.setVmInit(vmInit); } public SerialNumberPolicy getSerialNumberPolicy() { return vmStatic.getSerialNumberPolicy(); } public void setSerialNumberPolicy(SerialNumberPolicy serialNumberPolicy) { vmStatic.setSerialNumberPolicy(serialNumberPolicy); } public String getCustomSerialNumber() { return vmStatic.getCustomSerialNumber(); } public void setCustomSerialNumber(String customSerialNumber) { vmStatic.setCustomSerialNumber(customSerialNumber); } public boolean isBootMenuEnabled() { return vmStatic.isBootMenuEnabled(); } public void setBootMenuEnabled(boolean enabled) { vmStatic.setBootMenuEnabled(enabled); } public void setGuestCpuCount(int guestCpuCount) { getDynamicData().setGuestCpuCount(guestCpuCount); } public int getGuestCpuCount() { return getDynamicData().getGuestCpuCount(); } public void setNextRunConfigurationExists(boolean nextRunConfigurationExists) { this.nextRunConfigurationExists = nextRunConfigurationExists; } public boolean isNextRunConfigurationExists() { return nextRunConfigurationExists; } public NumaTuneMode getNumaTuneMode() { return vmStatic.getNumaTuneMode(); } public void setNumaTuneMode(NumaTuneMode numaTuneMode) { vmStatic.setNumaTuneMode(numaTuneMode); } public void setvNumaNodeList(List<VmNumaNode> vNumaNodeList) { vmStatic.setvNumaNodeList(vNumaNodeList); } public List<VmNumaNode> getvNumaNodeList() { return vmStatic.getvNumaNodeList(); } public boolean isSpiceFileTransferEnabled() { return vmStatic.isSpiceFileTransferEnabled(); } public void setSpiceFileTransferEnabled(boolean enabled) { vmStatic.setSpiceFileTransferEnabled(enabled); } public boolean isSpiceCopyPasteEnabled() { return vmStatic.isSpiceCopyPasteEnabled(); } public void setSpiceCopyPasteEnabled(boolean enabled) { vmStatic.setSpiceCopyPasteEnabled(enabled); } public Guid getCpuProfileId() { return vmStatic.getCpuProfileId(); } public void setCpuProfileId(Guid cpuProfileId) { vmStatic.setCpuProfileId(cpuProfileId); } public Boolean getAutoConverge() { return vmStatic.getAutoConverge(); } public void setAutoConverge(Boolean autoConverge) { vmStatic.setAutoConverge(autoConverge); } public Boolean getMigrateCompressed() { return vmStatic.getMigrateCompressed(); } public Guid getMigrationPolicyId() { return vmStatic.getMigrationPolicyId(); } public void setMigrationPolicyId(Guid migrationPolicyId) { vmStatic.setMigrationPolicyId(migrationPolicyId); } public void setMigrateCompressed(Boolean migrateCompressed) { vmStatic.setMigrateCompressed(migrateCompressed); } public LockInfo getLockInfo() { return lockInfo; } public void setLockInfo(LockInfo lockInfo) { this.lockInfo = lockInfo; } public Long getGuestMemoryCached() { return vmStatistics.getGuestMemoryCached(); } public void setGuestMemoryCached(Long guestMemoryCached) { vmStatistics.setGuestMemoryCached(guestMemoryCached); } public Long getGuestMemoryBuffered() { return vmStatistics.getGuestMemoryBuffered(); } public void setGuestMemoryBuffered(Long guestMemoryBuffered) { vmStatistics.setGuestMemoryBuffered(guestMemoryBuffered); } public Long getGuestMemoryFree() { return vmStatistics.getGuestMemoryFree(); } public void setGuestMemoryFree(Long guestMemoryFree) { vmStatistics.setGuestMemoryFree(guestMemoryFree); } public Guid getProviderId() { return vmStatic.getProviderId(); } public void setProviderId(Guid providerId) { vmStatic.setProviderId(providerId); } public ConsoleDisconnectAction getConsoleDisconnectAction() { return vmStatic.getConsoleDisconnectAction(); } public void setConsoleDisconnectAction(ConsoleDisconnectAction consoleDisconnectAction) { vmStatic.setConsoleDisconnectAction(consoleDisconnectAction); } public int getBackgroundOperationProgress() { return backgroundOperationProgress; } public void setBackgroundOperationProgress(int progress) { this.backgroundOperationProgress = progress; } public String getBackgroundOperationDescription() { return backgroundOperationDescription; } public void setBackgroundOperationDescription(String description) { this.backgroundOperationDescription = description; } public boolean isPreviewSnapshot() { return previewSnapshot; } public void setPreviewSnapshot(boolean previewSnapshot) { this.previewSnapshot = previewSnapshot; } public void setGuestContainers(List<GuestContainer> containers) { vmDynamic.setGuestContainers(containers); } public List<GuestContainer> getGuestContainers() { return vmDynamic.getGuestContainers(); } public Guid getLeaseStorageDomainId() { return vmStatic.getLeaseStorageDomainId(); } public void setLeaseStorageDomainId(Guid leaseStorageDomainId) { vmStatic.setLeaseStorageDomainId(leaseStorageDomainId); } public String getUserDefinedProperties() { return vmStatic.getUserDefinedProperties(); } public void setUserDefinedProperties(String userDefinedProperties) { vmStatic.setUserDefinedProperties(userDefinedProperties); } public String getPredefinedProperties() { return vmStatic.getPredefinedProperties(); } public String getCustomProperties() { return vmStatic.getCustomProperties(); } public void setCustomProperties(String customProperties) { vmStatic.setCustomProperties(customProperties); } public void setPredefinedProperties(String predefinedProperties) { vmStatic.setPredefinedProperties(predefinedProperties); } public Map<VmDeviceId, Map<String, String>> getRuntimeDeviceCustomProperties() { return runtimeDeviceCustomProperties; } public void setRuntimeDeviceCustomProperties(Map<VmDeviceId, Map<String, String>> runtimeDeviceCustomProperties) { this.runtimeDeviceCustomProperties = runtimeDeviceCustomProperties; } }