package org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils; import java.util.List; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.RpmVersion; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Version; public class RpmVersionUtils { private static final String INVALID_RPM_NAME_FORMAT = "RPM name should be in format of Prefix-Version-Release"; /** * Compares two Rpm version parts. The format of Rpm is - Prefix-Version-Release. Version part is either Version or * Release. * * @param part1 * part from first RPM * @param part2 * part from second RPM * @return * 0 - if two parts are equals * 1 - if the 1st argument is bigger than the 2nd * -1 - if the 1st argument is smaller than the 2nd */ public static int compareRpmParts(String part1, String part2) { // The method takes the two strings, and for each one of them - // Calculates segments of numeric or letters (for each segment - will try // to get its maximum possible length) // Then it will take two segments from both strings that are located in the same // position and compare them - // if both segments are equal - continue to next segment // if both segments are numeric - it will use Long comparison // if both segments are letters - it will use String comparison // in other cases - the string that has the numeric component wins StringBuilder[] comps1 = fillCompsArray(part1); StringBuilder[] comps2 = fillCompsArray(part2); int counter = 0; while (comps1[counter] != null && comps2[counter] != null && comps1[counter].toString().equals(comps2[counter].toString())) { counter++; } if (comps1[counter] == null && comps2[counter] == null) { // This means that the number of segments is equal, and that all segments in relative places are equal return 0; } // part1 has more parts if (comps1[counter] != null && comps2[counter] == null) { return 1; } // part2 has more parts if (comps2[counter] != null && comps1[counter] == null) { return -1; } Long longVal1 = parseLong(comps1[counter].toString()); Long longVal2 = parseLong(comps2[counter].toString()); // Both parts are not numeric, do lexicographical comparison if (longVal1 == null && longVal2 == null) { return comps1[counter].toString().compareTo(comps2[counter].toString()); } // Both parts are numeric, do numeric comparison if (longVal1 != null && longVal2 != null) { return longVal1.compareTo(longVal2); } // 2nd part is numeric - it should "win" if (longVal1 == null) { return -1; } // 1st part is numeric - it should "win" return 1; } protected static Long parseLong(String str) { try { return Long.parseLong(str); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return null; } } /** * This method splits Rpm version (or release component) into segments. Each segment should contain only letters or * numbers. Characters which are not alpha numeric should be treated as delimiters */ protected static StringBuilder[] fillCompsArray(String part) { if (part == null) { return null; } StringBuilder[] comps = new StringBuilder[part.length()]; char[] chars = part.toCharArray(); int arrayIndex = 0; int index = 0; int state = 0; //0 - start , 1 - alphabetic, 2 - numeric - 3 other StringBuilder current = new StringBuilder(); // The maximum number of segments is the number of characters in the string while (index < part.length()) { // The current character is letter if (isLetter(chars[index])) { if (state == 2) { // in case the current state is "numeric" // this marks the end of segment, so // put the segment in the array and // create new buffer for the new segment comps[arrayIndex++] = current; current = new StringBuilder(); } // change state to "alphabetic" state = 1; current.append(chars[index]); } else if (Character.isDigit(chars[index])) { // The current character is numeric if (state == 1) { // in case the current state is "alphabetic" // this marks the end of segment, so // put the segment in the array and // create new buffer for the new segment comps[arrayIndex++] = current; current = new StringBuilder(); } // change state to "numeric" state = 2; current.append(chars[index]); } else { // The character is not a number nor a letter // This means a segment has ended // The segment should be added to the array // and a new buffer should be created if (state == 2 || state == 1 || state == 3) { comps[arrayIndex++] = current; current = new StringBuilder(); } state = 3; } index++; } if (current.length() > 0) { comps[arrayIndex] = current; } return comps; } private static boolean isLetter(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); } /** * Splits RPM into parts of Prefix, Version and Release * * @return array of strings filled with prefix,version,release strings (in this order) */ public static String[] splitRpmToParts(String rpmName) { int lastDashIndex = rpmName.lastIndexOf('-'); if (lastDashIndex == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_RPM_NAME_FORMAT); } char[] chars = rpmName.toCharArray(); int beforeLastDashIndex = lastDashIndex - 1; while (beforeLastDashIndex >= 0) { if (chars[beforeLastDashIndex] == '-') { break; } beforeLastDashIndex--; } if (beforeLastDashIndex == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_RPM_NAME_FORMAT); } String[] parts = new String[3]; parts[0] = rpmName.substring(0, beforeLastDashIndex); parts[1] = rpmName.substring(beforeLastDashIndex + 1, lastDashIndex); parts[2] = rpmName.substring(lastDashIndex + 1); return parts; } /** * Checks if an update is available for host OS * * @param isos * an images which may upgrade the given host * @param hostOs * the examined host OS * @return {@code true} if an update is available, else {@code false} */ public static boolean isUpdateAvailable(List<RpmVersion> isos, String hostOs) { String[] hostOsParts = hostOs.split("-"); for (int i = 0; i < hostOsParts.length; i++) { hostOsParts[i] = hostOsParts[i].trim(); } // hostOs holds the following components: // hostOs[0] holds prefix // hostOs[1] holds version // hostOs[2] holds release final int VERSION_FIELDS_NUMBER = 4; // Fix hostOs[1] to be format of // Add ".0" for missing parts String[] hostOsVersionParts = hostOsParts[1].split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < VERSION_FIELDS_NUMBER - hostOsVersionParts.length; i++) { hostOsParts[1] = hostOsParts[1].trim() + ".0"; } Version hostVersion = new Version(hostOsParts[1].trim()); String releaseHost = hostOsParts[2].trim(); for (RpmVersion iso : isos) { // Major check if (hostVersion.getMajor() == iso.getMajor()) { // Minor and Buildiso.getRpmName() if (iso.getMinor() > hostVersion.getMinor() || iso.getBuild() > hostVersion.getBuild()) { return true; } String rpmFromIso = iso.getRpmName(); // Removes the ".iso" file extension , and get the release part from it int isoIndex = rpmFromIso.indexOf(".iso"); if (isoIndex != -1) { rpmFromIso = iso.getRpmName().substring(0, isoIndex); } if (RpmVersionUtils.compareRpmParts(RpmVersionUtils.splitRpmToParts(rpmFromIso)[2], releaseHost) > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } }