package org.ovirt.engine.core.bll; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.context.CommandContext; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.utils.PermissionSubject; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.AuditLogType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.VdcObjectType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.SetVmTicketParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.ActionGroup; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VM; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VMStatus; import; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.errors.EngineMessage; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.SetVmTicketVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSCommandType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.VmDynamicDao; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.Ticketing; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SetVmTicketCommand<T extends SetVmTicketParameters> extends VmOperationCommandBase<T> { // The log: private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SetVmTicketCommand.class); @Inject private VmDynamicDao vmDynamicDao; private String ticket; // This flag is calculated during the authorization phase and indicates if // the user needed additional permission in order to connect to the console // of the virtual machine: private boolean neededPermissions = false; public SetVmTicketCommand(T parameters, CommandContext cmdContext) { super(parameters, cmdContext); ticket = parameters.getTicket(); } @Override protected void setActionMessageParameters () { addValidationMessage(EngineMessage.VAR__ACTION__SET); addValidationMessage(EngineMessage.VAR__TYPE__VM_TICKET); } @Override public List<PermissionSubject> getPermissionCheckSubjects () { final List<PermissionSubject> permissions = super.getPermissionCheckSubjects(); if (needPermissionForConnectingToConsole()) { permissions.add(new PermissionSubject(getVmId(), VdcObjectType.VM, ActionGroup.RECONNECT_TO_VM, EngineMessage.USER_CANNOT_FORCE_RECONNECT_TO_VM)); neededPermissions = true; } return permissions; } String getConsoleUserName() { DbUser user = getCurrentUser(); String domain = user.getDomain(); String name = user.getLoginName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return null; } if (name.contains("@") || StringUtils.isEmpty(domain)) { return name; } return name + "@" + domain; } /** * Checks if the user needs additional permissions in order to connect * to the console. * * @return <code>true</code> if additional permissions are needed, * <code>false</code> otherwise */ private boolean needPermissionForConnectingToConsole() { // Check if the virtual machine has the flag that allows forced connection to // any user, in that case no additional permission is needed: final VM vm = getVm(); if (vm == null || vm.getAllowConsoleReconnect()) { return false; } // If this is not the first user to connect to the console then it does need // additional permissions: final Guid currentId = getCurrentUser().getId(); final Guid previousId = vm.getConsoleUserId(); if (previousId != null && !previousId.equals(currentId)) { log.warn("User '{}' is trying to take the console of virtual machine '{}', but the console is already" + " taken by user '{}'.", currentId, vm.getId(), previousId); return true; } // If we are here then the user is the first to connect to the console, so no // additional permissions are needed: return false; } @Override protected boolean validate() { // Check that the virtual machine exists: final VM vm = getVm(); if (vm == null) { addValidationMessage(EngineMessage.ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_NOT_FOUND); return false; } if (!canRunActionOnNonManagedVm()) { return false; } // Check that the virtual machine is in state that allows connections // to the console: final VMStatus status = vm.getStatus(); if (status != VMStatus.Up && status != VMStatus.Paused && status != VMStatus.PoweringUp && status != VMStatus.PoweringDown && status != VMStatus.RebootInProgress) { return failVmStatusIllegal(); } // Nothing else, all checks have been performed using permission // subjects: return true; } @Override protected void perform() { // Generate the ticket if needed (in some situations the client will not send // a ticket): if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ticket)) { ticket = Ticketing.generateOTP(); } // Update the dynamic information of the virtual machine in memory (we need it // to update the database later): final VM vm = getVm(); final DbUser user = getCurrentUser(); vm.setConsoleUserId(user.getId()); vm.setConsoleCurrentUserName(getConsoleUserName()); // If the virtual machine has the allow reconnect flag or the user // needed additional permissions to connect to the console then we just // have to save the user id to the database, regardless of what was // there before and without locking. // // Note that the fact that the user needed permissions actually means // that it has them, otherwise we will not be here, performing the // operation. // // In any other situation we try to save the new user to the database // and proceed only if the previous user in the database is null. This // is needed to prevent races between different users trying to access // the console of the same virtual machine simultaneously. if (vm.getAllowConsoleReconnect() || neededPermissions) { vmDynamicDao.update(vm.getDynamicData()); sendTicket(); } else { final boolean saved = vmDynamicDao.updateConsoleUserWithOptimisticLocking(vm.getDynamicData()); if (saved) { sendTicket(); } else { dontSendTicket(); } } } /** * Don't send the ticket to the virtual machine and send a warning indicating * that two users are trying to connect to the console of the virtual machine * simultaneously. */ private void dontSendTicket() { // Send messages to the log explaining the situation: final VM vm = getVm(); final DbUser user = getCurrentUser(); log.warn("Can't give console of virtual machine '{}' to user '{}', it has probably been taken by another user.", vm.getId(), user.getId()); // Set the result messages indicating that the operation failed: addValidationMessage(EngineMessage.ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IN_USE_BY_OTHER_USER); // The command failed: setSucceeded(false); } /** * Send a previously generated ticket to the virtual machine. If sending * the ticket fails the command will be marked as failed. */ private void sendTicket() { // Send the ticket to the virtual machine: final DbUser user = getCurrentUser(); final boolean sent = runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.SetVmTicket, new SetVmTicketVDSCommandParameters(getVdsId(), getVmId(), ticket, getParameters().getValidTime(), user.getLoginName(), user.getId(), getParameters().getGraphicsType(), getVm().getConsoleDisconnectAction(), getVm().getCompatibilityVersion())).getSucceeded(); // Return the ticket only if sending it to the virtual machine succeeded: if (sent) { setActionReturnValue(ticket); } setSucceeded(sent); } @Override public AuditLogType getAuditLogTypeValue() { return getSucceeded() ? AuditLogType.VM_SET_TICKET : AuditLogType.VM_SET_TICKET_FAILED; } }