package org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.hostdeploy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.utils.EngineSSHDialog; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VDS; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.Config; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.ConfigValues; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.EngineLocalConfig; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.archivers.tar.CachedTar; import org.ovirt.engine.core.uutils.ssh.SSHDialog; import org.ovirt.otopi.constants.BaseEnv; import org.ovirt.otopi.constants.CoreEnv; import org.ovirt.otopi.constants.Queries; import org.ovirt.otopi.constants.SysEnv; import org.ovirt.otopi.dialog.Event; import org.ovirt.otopi.dialog.MachineDialogParser; import org.ovirt.otopi.dialog.SoftError; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class VdsDeployBase implements SSHDialog.Sink, Closeable { public enum DeployStatus {Complete, Incomplete, Failed, Reboot} private static final int THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000; // milliseconds private static final String BOOTSTRAP_CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_HOLDER = "@ENVIRONMENT@"; private static final String BOOTSTRAP_ENTRY_PLACE_HOLDER = "@ENTRY@"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VdsDeployBase.class); private static volatile CachedTar s_deployPackage; private static final Map<Event.Log.Severity, Level> SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL = new HashMap<>(); static { SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL.put(Event.Log.Severity.INFO, Level.INFO); SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL.put(Event.Log.Severity.WARNING, Level.WARNING); SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL.put(Event.Log.Severity.ERROR, Level.SEVERE); SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL.put(Event.Log.Severity.CRITICAL, Level.SEVERE); SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL.put(Event.Log.Severity.FATAL, Level.SEVERE); } /** * Customization vector. * This is tick based vector, every event execute the next * tick. */ private final List<Callable<Boolean>> CUSTOMIZATION_DIALOG_PROLOG = Arrays.asList( new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { userVisibleLog( Level.INFO, String.format( "Logs at host located at: '%1$s'", _parser.cliEnvironmentGet( CoreEnv.LOG_FILE_NAME ) ) ); return true; }}, new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { _parser.cliEnvironmentSet( "OVIRT_ENGINE/correlationId", _correlationId ); return true; }} ); private final List<Callable<Boolean>> CUSTOMIZATION_DIALOG_EPILOG = new ArrayList<>( Collections.singletonList(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { _parser.cliInstall(); return true; }} )); /** * Termination vector. * This is tick based vector, every event execute the next * tick. */ private final List<Callable<Boolean>> TERMINATION_DIALOG_EPILOG = Arrays.asList( new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { _resultError = (Boolean)_parser.cliEnvironmentGet( BaseEnv.ERROR ); return true; }}, new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { _installIncomplete = (Boolean)_parser.cliEnvironmentGet( org.ovirt.ovirt_host_deploy.constants.CoreEnv.INSTALL_INCOMPLETE ); return true; }}, new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { _goingToReboot = (Boolean)_parser.cliEnvironmentGet( SysEnv.REBOOT ); if (_goingToReboot) { userVisibleLog( Level.INFO, "Reboot scheduled" ); } return true; }}, new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { if (_resultError || !_installIncomplete) { _parser.cliNoop(); } else { String[] msgs = (String[])_parser.cliEnvironmentGet( org.ovirt.ovirt_host_deploy.constants.CoreEnv.INSTALL_INCOMPLETE_REASONS ); userVisibleLog( Level.WARNING, "Installation is incomplete, manual intervention is required" ); for (String m : msgs) { userVisibleLog( Level.WARNING, m ); } } return true; }}, new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { File logFile = new File( EngineLocalConfig.getInstance().getLogDir(), String.format( "%1$s%2$s%3$s-%4$s-%5$s-%6$s.log", "host-deploy", File.separator, _logPrefix, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format( Calendar.getInstance().getTime() ), _vds.getHostName(), _correlationId ) ); userVisibleLog( Level.INFO, String.format( "Retrieving installation logs to: '%1$s'", logFile ) ); try (final OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(logFile)) { _parser.cliDownloadLog(os); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unexpected exception", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return true; }}, new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { _parser.cliEnvironmentSet( CoreEnv.LOG_REMOVE_AT_EXIT, true ); return true; }}, new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { _parser.cliQuit(); return true; }} ); private final List<VdsDeployUnit> _units = new ArrayList<>(); private SSHDialog.Control _control; private Thread _thread; private EngineSSHDialog _dialog; private final String _logPrefix; private final String _entryPoint; private MachineDialogParser _parser; private VDS _vds; private String _correlationId; private Exception _failException = null; private boolean _resultError = false; private boolean _installIncomplete = false; private boolean _goingToReboot = false; /* * Customization dialog. */ /** * A set of conditions under which the conditional customizations should run. */ private Set<String> _customizationConditions = new HashSet<>(); /** * Customization tick. */ private int _customizationIndex = 0; /** * Customization aborting. */ private boolean _customizationShouldAbort = false; private List<Callable<Boolean>> _customizationDialog = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Execute the next customization vector entry. */ private void nextCustomizationEntry() throws Exception { try { if (_customizationShouldAbort) { _parser.cliAbort(); } else { boolean skip = false; Callable<Boolean> customizationStep = _customizationDialog.get(_customizationIndex); Method callMethod = customizationStep.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("call"); if (callMethod != null) { VdsDeployUnit.CallWhen ann = callMethod.getAnnotation(VdsDeployUnit.CallWhen.class); skip = ann != null && !_customizationConditions.containsAll(Arrays.asList(ann.value())); } if (skip) { _customizationIndex++; _parser.cliNoop(); } else { if ( { _customizationIndex++; } } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Protocol violation", e); } catch (SoftError e) { log.error( "Soft error during host {} customization dialog: {}", _vds.getHostName(), e.getMessage() ); log.debug("Exception", e); _failException = e; _customizationShouldAbort = true; } } /* * Termination dialog. */ /** * Termination dialog tick. */ private int _terminationIndex = 0; private final List<Callable<Boolean>> _terminationDialog = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Execute the next termination vector entry. */ private void nextTerminationEntry() throws Exception { try { if (_terminationDialog.get(_terminationIndex).call()) { _terminationIndex++; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Protocol violation", e); } } /** * Dialog implementation. * Handle events incoming from host. */ private void threadMain() { try { boolean terminate = false; while(!terminate) { Event.Base bevent = _parser.nextEvent(); log.debug( "Installation of {}: Event {}", _vds.getHostName(), bevent ); boolean unknown = true; if (bevent instanceof Event.Terminate) { terminate = true; unknown = false; } if (unknown) { unknown = processEvent(bevent); } if (bevent instanceof Event.Confirm) { Event.Confirm event = (Event.Confirm)bevent; if (unknown) { log.warn( "Installation of {}: Not confirming {}: {}", _vds.getHostName(), event.what, event.description ); } _parser.sendResponse(event); } else if (bevent instanceof Event.QueryValue) { Event.QueryValue event = (Event.QueryValue)bevent; if (unknown) { event.abort = true; } _parser.sendResponse(event); } else if (bevent instanceof Event.QueryMultiString) { Event.QueryMultiString event = (Event.QueryMultiString)bevent; if (unknown) { event.abort = true; } _parser.sendResponse(event); } if (unknown) { throw new SoftError( String.format( "Unexpected event '%1$s'", bevent ) ); } } } catch (Exception e) { _failException = e; log.error("Error during deploy dialog", e); try { _control.close(); } catch (IOException ee) { log.error("Error during close", e); } } } /* * Constructor. * @param vds vds to install. */ public VdsDeployBase(String logPrefix, String entryPoint, VDS vds) { _logPrefix = logPrefix; _entryPoint = entryPoint; _vds = vds; _dialog = new EngineSSHDialog(); _parser = new MachineDialogParser(); _thread = new Thread( this::threadMain, "VdsDeploy" ); if (s_deployPackage == null) { s_deployPackage = new CachedTar( new File( EngineLocalConfig.getInstance().getCacheDir(), Config.getValue(ConfigValues.BootstrapPackageName) ), new File(Config.<String> getValue(ConfigValues.BootstrapPackageDirectory)) ); } } /** * Destructor. */ @Override protected void finalize() { try { close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Exception during finalize", e); } } /** * Release resources. */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { stop(); if (_dialog != null) { _dialog.close(); _dialog = null; } } public void userVisibleLog(Level level, String message) { if (Level.SEVERE.equals(level)) { log.error(message); } else if (Level.WARNING.equals(level)) { log.warn(message); } else if (Level.INFO.equals(level)) {; } else { log.debug(message); } } /** * Set user. * @param user user. */ public void setUser(String user) { _dialog.setUser(user); } /** * Use engine default key pairs. */ public void useDefaultKeyPair() throws KeyStoreException { _dialog.useDefaultKeyPair(); } /** * Set password. * @param password password. */ public void setPassword(String password) { _dialog.setPassword(password); } public void addUnit(VdsDeployUnit... units) { _units.addAll(Arrays.asList(units)); for (VdsDeployUnit unit : units) { unit.setVdsDeploy(this); } } public void addCustomizationCondition(String... cond) { _customizationConditions.addAll(Arrays.asList(cond)); } public void removeCustomizationCondition(String cond) { _customizationConditions.remove(cond); } public void addCustomizationDialog(List<Callable<Boolean>> dialog) { _customizationDialog.addAll(dialog); } public void addTerminationDialog(List<Callable<Boolean>> dialog) { _terminationDialog.addAll(dialog); } public MachineDialogParser getParser() { return _parser; } public void setCorrelationId(String correlationId) { _correlationId = correlationId; } public String getCorrelationId() { return _correlationId; } public VDS getVds() { return _vds; } /** * Returns the installation status * * @return the installation status */ public DeployStatus getDeployStatus() { if (_goingToReboot) { return DeployStatus.Reboot; } else if (_installIncomplete) { return DeployStatus.Incomplete; } else { return DeployStatus.Complete; } } /** * Main method. * Execute the command and initiate the dialog. */ public void execute() throws Exception { _customizationDialog.addAll(CUSTOMIZATION_DIALOG_PROLOG); for (VdsDeployUnit unit : _units) { unit.init(); } _customizationDialog.addAll(CUSTOMIZATION_DIALOG_EPILOG); _terminationDialog.addAll(TERMINATION_DIALOG_EPILOG); try { _dialog.setVds(_vds); _dialog.connect(); userVisibleLog( Level.INFO, String.format( "Connected to host %1$s with SSH key fingerprint: %2$s", _vds.getHostName(), _dialog.getHostFingerprint() ) ); _dialog.authenticate(); String command = Config.<String> getValue(ConfigValues.BootstrapCommand).replace( BOOTSTRAP_ENTRY_PLACE_HOLDER, _entryPoint ).replace( // in future we should set here LANG, LC_ALL BOOTSTRAP_CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT_PLACE_HOLDER, "" ); "Installation of {}. Executing command via SSH {} < {}", _vds.getHostName(), command, s_deployPackage.getFileNoUse() ); try (final InputStream in = new FileInputStream(s_deployPackage.getFile())) { _dialog.executeCommand( this, command, new InputStream[] {in} ); } if (_failException != null) { throw _failException; } if (_resultError) { // This is unlikeley as the ssh command will exit with failure. throw new RuntimeException( "Installation failed, please refer to installation logs" ); } } catch (TimeLimitExceededException e){ log.error( "Timeout during host {} install: {}", _vds.getHostName(), e.getMessage() ); log.debug("Exception", e); userVisibleLog( Level.SEVERE, "Processing stopped due to timeout" ); throw e; } catch(Exception e) { log.error( "Error during host {} install", _vds.getHostName(), e ); if (_failException == null) { throw e; } else { userVisibleLog( Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage() ); log.error( "Error during host {} install, prefering first exception: {}", _vds.getHostName(), _failException.getMessage() ); log.debug("Exception", _failException); throw _failException; } } } protected boolean processEvent(Event.Base bevent) throws Exception { boolean unknown = true; if (bevent instanceof Event.Log) { Event.Log event = (Event.Log)bevent; Level level = SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL.get(event.severity); if (level == null) { level = Level.SEVERE; } userVisibleLog(level, event.record); unknown = false; } else if (bevent instanceof Event.QueryString) { Event.QueryString event = (Event.QueryString)bevent; if (Queries.CUSTOMIZATION_COMMAND.equals( { nextCustomizationEntry(); unknown = false; } else if (Queries.TERMINATION_COMMAND.equals( { nextTerminationEntry(); unknown = false; } } else if (bevent instanceof Event.QueryValue) { Event.QueryValue event = (Event.QueryValue)bevent; if (Queries.TIME.equals( { userVisibleLog( Level.INFO, "Setting time" ); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssZ"); format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); event.value = format.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); unknown = false; } } if (unknown) { for (VdsDeployUnit unit : _units) { unknown = unit.processEvent(bevent); if (!unknown) { break; } } } return unknown; } /* * SSHDialog.Sink */ @Override public void setControl(SSHDialog.Control control) { _control = control; } @Override public void setStreams(InputStream incoming, OutputStream outgoing) { _parser.setStreams(incoming, outgoing); } @Override public void start() { _thread.start(); } @Override public void stop() { if (_thread != null) { /* * We cannot just interrupt the thread as the * implementation of jboss connection pooling * drops the connection when interrupted. * As we may have log events pending to be written * to database, we wait for some time for thread * complete before interrupting. */ try { _thread.join(THREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("interrupted", e); } if (_thread.isAlive()) { _thread.interrupt(); while(true) { try { _thread.join(); break; } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {} } } _thread = null; } } }