package org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.resource; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.Action; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.CreationStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.api.model.Job; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.ErrorMessageHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.ExpectationHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.LinkHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.util.ParametersHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.HasCorrelationId; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.RunAsyncActionParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcActionParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcActionType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcReturnValueBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.ConfigCommon; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.interfaces.BackendLocal; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.interfaces.SearchType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.ConfigurationValues; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.GetConfigurationValueParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.SearchParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.VdcQueryParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.VdcQueryReturnValue; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.VdcQueryType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class BackendResource extends BaseBackendResource { protected static final int NO_LIMIT = -1; private static final String CORRELATION_ID = "correlation_id"; private static final String ASYNC_CONSTRAINT = "async"; public static final String FORCE_CONSTRAINT = "force"; protected static final String MAX = "max"; private static final String NON_BLOCKING_EXPECTATION = "202-accepted"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BackendResource.class); public static final String POPULATE = "All-Content"; public static final String JOB_ID_CONSTRAINT = "JobId"; public static final String STEP_ID_CONSTRAINT = "StepId"; private <T> T castQueryResultToEntity(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryReturnValue result, String constraint) throws BackendFailureException { T entity; if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clz) && result.getReturnValue() instanceof List) { entity = clz.cast(result.getReturnValue()); } else { List<T> list = asCollection(clz, result.getReturnValue()); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(constraint); } entity = clz.cast(list.get(0)); } return entity; } @Deprecated protected <T> T getEntity(Class<T> clz, SearchType searchType, String constraint) { try { VdcQueryReturnValue result = runQuery(VdcQueryType.Search, createSearchParameters(searchType, constraint)); if (!result.getSucceeded()) { backendFailure(result.getExceptionString()); } return castQueryResultToEntity(clz, result, constraint); } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(clz, e, false); } } public VdcQueryReturnValue runQuery(VdcQueryType queryType, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams) { BackendLocal backend = getBackend(); setCorrelationId(queryParams); queryParams.setFiltered(isFiltered()); return backend.runQuery(queryType, sessionize(queryParams)); } protected SearchParameters createSearchParameters(SearchType searchType, String constraint) { return new SearchParameters(constraint, searchType); } protected <T> T getEntity(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams, String identifier) { return getEntity(clz, query, queryParams, identifier, false); } public <T> T getEntity(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams, String identifier, boolean notFoundAs404) { return getEntity(clz, query, queryParams, identifier, notFoundAs404, true); } public <T> T getOptionalEntity(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams, String identifier, boolean notFoundAs404) { return getEntity(clz, query, queryParams, identifier, notFoundAs404, false); } public <T> T getEntity(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams, String identifier, boolean notFoundAs404, boolean isMandatory) { try { return doGetEntity(clz, query, queryParams, identifier, isMandatory); } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(clz, e, notFoundAs404); } } protected <T> T doGetEntity(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams, String identifier) throws BackendFailureException { return doGetEntity(clz, query, queryParams, identifier, true); } protected <T> T doGetEntity(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams, String identifier, boolean isMandatory) throws BackendFailureException { VdcQueryReturnValue result = runQuery(query, queryParams); if (!result.getSucceeded() || (isMandatory && result.getReturnValue() == null)) { if (result.getExceptionString() != null) { backendFailure(result.getExceptionString()); } else { throw new EntityNotFoundException(identifier); } } else { if (result.getReturnValue() == null) { return null; } } return castQueryResultToEntity(clz, result, identifier); } protected <T> List<T> getBackendCollection(Class<T> clz, VdcQueryType query, VdcQueryParametersBase queryParams) { try { List<T> results = asCollection(clz, new ArrayList<T>()); VdcQueryReturnValue result = runQuery(query, queryParams); if (result!=null ) { if (!result.getSucceeded()) { backendFailure(result.getExceptionString()); } results = asCollection(clz, result.getReturnValue()); int max = ParametersHelper.getIntegerParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, MAX, NO_LIMIT, NO_LIMIT); if (max != NO_LIMIT && max < results.size()) { results = results.subList(0, max); } } return results; } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(e, false); } } public Response performAction(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase params, Action action) { return performAction(task, params, action, false); } public Response performAction(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase params) { return performAction(task, params, null, false); } protected Response performAction(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase params, Action action, boolean getEntityWhenDone) { try { if (isAsync() || expectNonBlocking()) { return performNonBlockingAction(task, params, action); } else { VdcReturnValueBase actionResult = doAction(task, params); if (action == null) { action = new Action(); } if (actionResult.getJobId() != null) { setJobLink(action, actionResult); } action.setStatus(CreationStatus.COMPLETE.value()); if (getEntityWhenDone) { setActionItem(action, getEntity()); } return Response.ok().entity(action).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(Response.class, e, false); } } protected void setJobLink(final Action action, VdcReturnValueBase actionResult) { Job job = new Job(); job.setId(actionResult.getJobId().toString()); LinkHelper.addLinks(job, null, false); action.setJob(job); } protected boolean isAsync() { return ParametersHelper.getBooleanParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, ASYNC_CONSTRAINT, true, false); } protected boolean isForce() { return ParametersHelper.getBooleanParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, FORCE_CONSTRAINT, true, false); } protected void badRequest(String message) { throw new WebFaultException(null, message, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } protected boolean expectNonBlocking() { Set<String> expectations = ExpectationHelper.getExpectations(httpHeaders); return expectations.contains(NON_BLOCKING_EXPECTATION); } protected Response performNonBlockingAction(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase params, Action action) { try { doNonBlockingAction(task, params); if (action!=null) { action.setStatus(CreationStatus.IN_PROGRESS.value()); return Response.status(Response.Status.ACCEPTED).entity(action).build(); } else { return Response.status(Response.Status.ACCEPTED).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(Response.class, e, false); } } protected <T> T performAction(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase params, Class<T> resultType) { try { return resultType.cast(doAction(task, params).getActionReturnValue()); } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(resultType, e, false); } } protected VdcReturnValueBase doAction(VdcActionType task, VdcActionParametersBase params) throws BackendFailureException { BackendLocal backend = getBackend(); setJobOrStepId(params); setCorrelationId(params); VdcReturnValueBase result = backend.runAction(task, sessionize(params)); if (result != null && !result.isValid()) { backendFailure(result.getValidationMessages()); } else if (result != null && !result.getSucceeded()) { backendFailure(result.getExecuteFailedMessages()); } assert result != null; return result; } protected void doNonBlockingAction(final VdcActionType task, final VdcActionParametersBase params) { BackendLocal backend = getBackend(); setCorrelationId(params); setJobOrStepId(params); backend.runAction(VdcActionType.RunAsyncAction, sessionize(new RunAsyncActionParameters(task, sessionize(params)))); } private void setJobOrStepId(VdcActionParametersBase params) { String jobId = ParametersHelper.getParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, JOB_ID_CONSTRAINT); if (jobId != null) { params.setJobId(asGuid(jobId)); } String stepId = ParametersHelper.getParameter(httpHeaders, uriInfo, STEP_ID_CONSTRAINT); if (stepId != null) { params.setJobId(asGuid(stepId)); } } private void setCorrelationId(HasCorrelationId params) { String correlationId = getCurrent().getParameters().get(CORRELATION_ID); if (correlationId != null) { params.setCorrelationId(correlationId); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> T getConfigurationValueDefault(ConfigurationValues config) { VdcQueryReturnValue result = runQuery( VdcQueryType.GetConfigurationValue, new GetConfigurationValueParameters(config, ConfigCommon.defaultConfigurationVersion) ); if (result.getSucceeded()) { return (T) result.getReturnValue(); } return null; } /** * @return true if request header contains [All-Content='true'] */ protected boolean isPopulate() { List<String> populates = httpHeaders.getRequestHeader(POPULATE); if (populates != null && populates.size() > 0) { return Boolean.valueOf(populates.get(0)).booleanValue(); } else { return false; } } /** * Runs implementation of the @GET annotated method of this resource (get() for single entity resources, and list() * for collection resources). * * @return The result of the @GET annotated method, an entity or list of entities. */ protected Object getEntity() { try { Method m = resolveGet(); if (m == null) { return null; } Object entity = m.invoke(this); return getEntityWithIdAndHref(entity); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Getting resource after action failed.", e); return null; } } private Method resolveGet() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { Method methodSignature = findGetSignature(this.getClass()); if (methodSignature == null) { return null; } Method methodImplementation = this.getClass().getMethod(methodSignature.getName(), methodSignature.getParameterTypes()); return methodImplementation; } private static Method findGetSignature(Class<?> clazz) { Class<?> currentAncestor = clazz; while (currentAncestor != null) { Class<?>[] interfaces = currentAncestor.getInterfaces(); for (Class<?> ifc : interfaces) { Method m = find(ifc); if (m != null) { return m; } } currentAncestor = currentAncestor.getSuperclass(); } return null; } private static Method find(Class<?> ifc) { Class<?> currentAncestor = ifc; while (currentAncestor != null) { for (Method m : currentAncestor.getMethods()) { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(GET.class)) { return m; } } currentAncestor = currentAncestor.getSuperclass(); } return null; } protected Object getEntityWithIdAndHref(Object entity) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { Object newEntity = entity.getClass().newInstance(); setEntityValue(newEntity, "setId", getEntityValue(entity, "getId")); setEntityValue(newEntity, "setHref", getEntityValue(entity, "getHref")); return entity; } private void setEntityValue(Object entity, String methodName, Object value) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { Method method = entity.getClass().getMethod(methodName); method.invoke(entity, value); } private Object getEntityValue(Object entity, String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { Object nullObj = null; Method method = entity.getClass().getMethod(methodName); return method.invoke(entity, nullObj); } protected Response actionStatus(CreationStatus status, Action action, Object result) { setActionItem(action, result); action.setStatus(status.value()); return Response.ok().entity(action).build(); } protected void setActionItem(Action action, Object result) { if (result == null) { return; } String name = result.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); for (Method m : action.getClass().getMethods()) { if (m.getName().startsWith("set") && m.getName().replace("set", "").toLowerCase().equals(name)) { try { m.invoke(action, result); break; } catch (Exception e) { // should not happen log.error("Resource to action assignment failure.", e); break; } } } } protected void backendFailure(String msg) throws BackendFailureException { throw new BackendFailureException(localize(msg), ErrorMessageHelper.getErrorStatus(msg)); } protected void backendFailure(List<String> messages) throws BackendFailureException { throw new BackendFailureException(localize(messages), ErrorMessageHelper.getErrorStatus(messages)); } }