package org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.gluster; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.interfaces.BackendInternal; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.job.ExecutionHandler; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.AuditLogType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.SetNonOperationalVdsParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcActionType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.VdcReturnValueBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.gluster.GlusterVolumeActionParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.Cluster; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.ExternalStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.NonOperationalReason; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VDS; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VDSStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.BrickDetails; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.BrickProperties; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterBrickEntity; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterServer; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterServerInfo; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterVolumeEntity; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterVolumeOptionEntity; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.PeerStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.TransportType; import; import; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.Config; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.ConfigValues; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.constants.gluster.GlusterConstants; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.gluster.GlusterFeatureSupported; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.utils.gluster.GlusterCoreUtil; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.RemoveVdsVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSCommandType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSReturnValue; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VdsIdVDSCommandParametersBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.gluster.AddGlusterServerVDSParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.gluster.GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetailsVDSParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.gluster.GlusterVolumeVDSParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.gluster.GlusterVolumesListVDSParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.TransactionScopeOption; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AlertDirector; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogableBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.gluster.GlusterDBUtils; import org.ovirt.engine.core.di.Injector; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.lock.EngineLock; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.OnTimerMethodAnnotation; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.transaction.TransactionSupport; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class is responsible for keeping the Gluster related data of engine in sync with the actual data retrieved from * GlusterFS. This helps to make sure that any changes done on Gluster servers using the Gluster CLI are propagated to * engine as well. */ @Singleton public class GlusterSyncJob extends GlusterJob { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GlusterSyncJob.class); @Inject private AuditLogDirector auditLogDirector; @Inject private BackendInternal backend; @Inject private GlusterDBUtils glusterDBUtils; @Inject private AlertDirector alertDirector; @Override public Collection<GlusterJobSchedulingDetails> getSchedulingDetails() { return Arrays.asList( new GlusterJobSchedulingDetails( "refreshLightWeightData", getRefreshRate(ConfigValues.GlusterRefreshRateLight)), new GlusterJobSchedulingDetails( "refreshHeavyWeightData", getRefreshRate(ConfigValues.GlusterRefreshRateHeavy)), new GlusterJobSchedulingDetails( "refreshSelfHealInfo", getRefreshRate(ConfigValues.GlusterRefreshRateHealInfo)) ); } /** * Refreshes details of all volume across all clusters being managed in the engine. It can end up doing the * following in engine DB to make sure that the volume details in engine DB are in sync with GlusterFS:<br> * <li>Insert volumes</li><li>Delete volumes</li><li>Update properties of volume e.g. status, volume type</li><li> * Add / remove bricks to / from volumes</li><li>Set / Unset volume options</li><br> * These are all fetched using the 'volume info' command on gluster CLI, which is relatively lightweight, and hence * this method is scheduled more frequently as compared to the other method <code>refreshHeavyWeightData</code>, * which uses 'volume status' to fetch and update status of volume bricks. */ @OnTimerMethodAnnotation("refreshLightWeightData") public void refreshLightWeightData() { log.debug("Refreshing Gluster Data [lightweight]"); List<Cluster> clusters = clusterDao.getAll(); for (Cluster cluster : clusters) { if (cluster.supportsGlusterService()) { try { refreshClusterData(cluster); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while refreshing Gluster lightweight data of cluster '{}': {}", cluster.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } } } private void refreshClusterData(Cluster cluster) { log.debug("Refreshing Gluster lightweight Data for cluster '{}'", cluster.getName()); List<VDS> existingServers = vdsDao.getAllForCluster(cluster.getId()); VDS upServer = glusterUtil.getUpServer(cluster.getId()); if (upServer == null) { log.debug("No server UP in cluster '{}'. Can't refresh it's data at this point.", cluster.getName()); return; } refreshServerData(cluster, upServer, existingServers); refreshVolumeData(cluster, upServer, existingServers); } /** * If any servers have been added to the Gluster cluster directly from the Gluster CLI, we still don't add them * automatically to the engine DB, as addition of servers requires user approval from the GUI. If the cluster is a * gluster-only cluster, and one or more servers have been removed directly from the Gluster CLI, we remove them * from the engine DB, and also invoke the corresponding VDS command. */ private void refreshServerData(Cluster cluster, VDS upServer, List<VDS> existingServers) { acquireLock(cluster.getId()); log.debug("Refreshing Gluster Server data for cluster '{}' using server '{}'", cluster.getName(), upServer.getName()); try { List<GlusterServerInfo> fetchedServers = fetchServers(cluster, upServer, existingServers); if (fetchedServers != null) { syncServers(cluster, existingServers, fetchedServers); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error while refreshing server data for cluster '{}' from database: {}", cluster.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } finally { releaseLock(cluster.getId()); } } private void syncServers(Cluster cluster, List<VDS> existingServers, List<GlusterServerInfo> fetchedServers) { log.debug("Existing servers list returned '{}' comparing with fetched servers '{}'", existingServers, fetchedServers); boolean serverRemoved = false; Network glusterNetwork = findGlusterNetwork(cluster.getId()); for (VDS server : existingServers) { GlusterServerInfo glusterServer = findGlusterServer(server, fetchedServers); if (isSyncableStatus(server.getStatus())) { if (glusterServer == null) { if (cluster.supportsVirtService()) { // If the cluster supports virt service as well, we should not be removing any servers from it, even // if they have been removed from the Gluster cluster using the Gluster cli, as they could // potentially be // used for running VMs. Will mark this server status as DISCONNECTED instead log.debug("As cluster '{}' supports virt service as well, server '{}' detected as removed from glusterfs will not be removed from engine", cluster.getName(), server.getHostName()); setNonOperational(server); continue; } "Server '{}' has been removed directly using the gluster CLI. Removing it from engine as well.", server.getName()); logUtil.logServerMessage(server, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_SERVER_REMOVED_FROM_CLI); try (EngineLock lock = glusterUtil.acquireGlusterLockWait(server.getId())) { removeServerFromDb(server); // if last but one server, reset alternate probed address for last server checkAndResetKnownAddress(existingServers, server); // remove the server from resource manager runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.RemoveVds, new RemoveVdsVDSCommandParameters(server.getId())); serverRemoved = true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while removing server '{}' from database: {}", server.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } else if (server.getStatus() == VDSStatus.Up && glusterServer.getStatus() == PeerStatus.DISCONNECTED) { // check gluster is running, if down then move the host to Non-Operational VDSReturnValue returnValue = runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.GlusterServersList, new VdsIdVDSCommandParametersBase(server.getId())); if (!returnValue.getSucceeded()) { setNonOperational(server); } } else { // update correct status and check if all interfaces with gluster network have been peer probed. updateStatusAndpeerProbeOtherIface(glusterNetwork, server, glusterServer); } } } if (serverRemoved) {"Servers detached using gluster CLI is removed from engine after inspecting the Gluster servers" + " list returned '{}' - comparing with db servers '{}'", fetchedServers, existingServers); } } // Check if only 1 host remaining in cluster, if so reset it's known address so that new host will // be peer probed with this alternate address private void checkAndResetKnownAddress(List<VDS> servers, VDS removedServer) { if (servers.size() == 2) { for (VDS server : servers) { // set the known address on the remaining server. if (!Objects.equals(server.getId(), removedServer.getId())) { serverDao.updateKnownAddresses(server.getId(), null); } } } } private void updateStatusAndpeerProbeOtherIface(Network glusterNetwork, VDS host, GlusterServerInfo fetchedServerInfo) { GlusterServer glusterServer = serverDao.get(host.getId()); if (glusterServer == null) { return; } if (glusterServer.getPeerStatus() == PeerStatus.DISCONNECTED && fetchedServerInfo.getStatus() == PeerStatus.CONNECTED) { //change the status to indicate that host is now part of cluster serverDao.updatePeerStatus(host.getId(), PeerStatus.CONNECTED); } if (glusterNetwork == null || host.getStatus() != VDSStatus.Up) { return; } List<VdsNetworkInterface> interfaces = interfaceDao.getAllInterfacesForVds(host.getId()); for (VdsNetworkInterface iface : interfaces) { if (glusterNetwork.getName().equals(iface.getNetworkName()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(iface.getIpv4Address()) && !glusterServer.getKnownAddresses().contains(iface.getIpv4Address())) { // get another server in the cluster VDS upServer = getAlternateUpServerInCluster(host.getClusterId(), host.getId()); if (upServer != null) { boolean peerProbed = glusterPeerProbeAdditionalInterface(upServer.getId(), iface.getIpv4Address()); if (peerProbed) { serverDao.addKnownAddress(host.getId(), iface.getIpv4Address()); } } else { log.warn("probe could not be done for server '{}' as no alternate UP server found", host.getHostName()); } } } } private Network findGlusterNetwork(Guid clusterId) { List<Network> allNetworksInCluster = networkDao.getAllForCluster(clusterId); for (Network network : allNetworksInCluster) { if (network.getCluster().isGluster()) { return network; } } return null; } private VDS getAlternateUpServerInCluster(Guid clusterId, Guid vdsId) { List<VDS> vdsList = vdsDao.getAllForClusterWithStatusAndPeerStatus(clusterId, VDSStatus.Up, PeerStatus.CONNECTED); // If the cluster already having Gluster servers, get an up server if (vdsList.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (VDS vds : vdsList) { if (!vdsId.equals(vds.getId()) && vds.getExternalStatus() == ExternalStatus.Ok) { return vds; } } return null; } private boolean glusterPeerProbeAdditionalInterface(Guid upServerId, String newServerName) { try { VDSReturnValue returnValue = runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.AddGlusterServer, new AddGlusterServerVDSParameters(upServerId, newServerName)); if (!returnValue.getSucceeded()) { AuditLogableBase logable = Injector.injectMembers(new AuditLogableBase(upServerId)); logable.updateCallStackFromThrowable(returnValue.getExceptionObject()); auditLogDirector.log(logable, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_SERVER_ADD_FAILED); } return returnValue.getSucceeded(); } catch (Exception e) {"Exception in peer probing alernate name '{}' on host with id '{}'", newServerName, upServerId); log.debug("Exception", e); return false; } } private void removeServerFromDb(final VDS server) { TransactionSupport.executeInNewTransaction(() -> { removeVdsStatisticsFromDb(server); removeVdsDynamicFromDb(server); removeVdsStaticFromDb(server); return null; }); } /** * We need to be particularly careful about what servers we remove from the DB. A newly added (bootstrapped) server * gets peer probed after it's first reboot, and we don't want to accidentally remove such legitimate servers just * before they are probed. */ private boolean isSyncableStatus(VDSStatus status) { return status == VDSStatus.Up || status == VDSStatus.Down; } /** * Returns the equivalent GlusterServer from the list of fetched servers. */ private GlusterServerInfo findGlusterServer(VDS server, List<GlusterServerInfo> fetchedServers) { // compare gluster host uuid stored in server with the ones fetched from list GlusterServer glusterServer = serverDao.getByServerId(server.getId()); for (GlusterServerInfo fetchedServer : fetchedServers) { if (fetchedServer.getUuid().equals(glusterServer.getGlusterServerUuid())) { return fetchedServer; } } return null; } private List<GlusterServerInfo> fetchServers(Cluster cluster, VDS upServer, List<VDS> existingServers) { // Create a copy of the existing servers as the fetchServer method can potentially remove elements from it List<VDS> tempServers = new ArrayList<>(existingServers); List<GlusterServerInfo> fetchedServers = fetchServers(upServer, tempServers); if (fetchedServers == null) { log.error("gluster peer status command failed on all servers of the cluster '{}'." + "Can't refresh it's data at this point.", cluster.getName()); return null; } if (fetchedServers.size() == 1 && existingServers.size() > 2) {"Gluster servers list fetched from server '{}' has only one server", upServer.getName()); // It's possible that the server we are using to get list of servers itself has been removed from the // cluster, and hence is returning a single server (itself) GlusterServerInfo server = fetchedServers.iterator().next(); if (isSameServer(upServer, server)) { // Find a different UP server, and get servers list from it tempServers.remove(upServer); upServer = getNewUpServer(tempServers, upServer); if (upServer == null) { log.warn("The only UP server in cluster '{}' seems to have been removed from it using gluster CLI. " + "Can't refresh it's data at this point.", cluster.getName()); return null; } fetchedServers = fetchServers(upServer, tempServers); if (fetchedServers == null) { log.warn("The only UP server in cluster '{}' (or the only one on which gluster peer status " + "command is working) seems to have been removed from it using gluster CLI. " + "Can't refresh it's data at this point.", cluster.getName()); return null; } } } return fetchedServers; } private boolean isSameServer(VDS upServer, GlusterServerInfo server) { GlusterServer glusterUpServer = serverDao.getByServerId(upServer.getId()); return glusterUpServer.getGlusterServerUuid().equals(server.getUuid()); } /** * Fetches list of gluster servers by executing the gluster peer status command on the given UP server. If the * gluster command fails, tries on other UP servers from the list of existing Servers recursively. Returns null if * the command fails on all the servers. */ private List<GlusterServerInfo> fetchServers(VDS upServer, List<VDS> existingServers) { List<GlusterServerInfo> fetchedServers = null; while (fetchedServers == null && !existingServers.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Fetching gluster servers list from server '{}'", upServer.getName()); fetchedServers = fetchServers(upServer); if (fetchedServers == null) {"Gluster servers list failed in server '{}' moving it to NonOperational", upServer.getName()); logUtil.logServerMessage(upServer, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_SERVERS_LIST_FAILED); // Couldn't fetch servers from the up server. Mark it as non-operational setNonOperational(upServer); existingServers.remove(upServer); upServer = getNewUpServer(existingServers, upServer); } } return fetchedServers; } private void setNonOperational(VDS server) { Cluster cluster = clusterDao.get(server.getClusterId()); if (!cluster.supportsVirtService()) { SetNonOperationalVdsParameters nonOpParams = new SetNonOperationalVdsParameters(server.getId(), NonOperationalReason.GLUSTER_COMMAND_FAILED, Collections.singletonMap(GlusterConstants.COMMAND, "gluster peer status")); backend.runInternalAction(VdcActionType.SetNonOperationalVds, nonOpParams, ExecutionHandler.createInternalJobContext()); } serverDao.updatePeerStatus(server.getId(), PeerStatus.DISCONNECTED); logUtil.logServerMessage(server, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_SERVER_STATUS_DISCONNECTED); } /** * Returns an UP server from given list of servers, provided it is not same as the given server. */ private VDS getNewUpServer(List<VDS> servers, VDS exceptServer) { for (VDS server : servers) { if (server.getStatus() == VDSStatus.Up && !server.getId().equals(exceptServer.getId())) { return server; } } return null; } private void refreshVolumeData(Cluster cluster, VDS upServer, List<VDS> existingServers) { acquireLock(cluster.getId()); try { // Pass a copy of the existing servers as the fetchVolumes method can potentially remove elements from it Map<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity> volumesMap = fetchVolumes(upServer, new ArrayList<>(existingServers)); if (volumesMap == null) { log.error("gluster volume info command failed on all servers of the cluster '{}'." + "Can't refresh it's data at this point.", cluster.getName()); return; } // remove deleted volumes must happen before adding new ones, // to handle cases where user deleted a volume and created a // new one with same name in a very short time removeDeletedVolumes(cluster.getId(), volumesMap); updateExistingAndNewVolumes(cluster.getId(), volumesMap); } finally { releaseLock(cluster.getId()); } } /** * Fetches list of gluster volumes by executing the gluster volume info command on the given UP server. If the * gluster command fails, tries on other UP servers from the list of existing Servers recursively. Returns null if * the command fails on all the servers. */ private Map<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity> fetchVolumes(VDS upServer, List<VDS> existingServers) { Map<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity> fetchedVolumes = null; while (fetchedVolumes == null && existingServers.size() > 0) { fetchedVolumes = fetchVolumes(upServer); if (fetchedVolumes == null) { // Couldn't fetch volumes from the up server. Mark it as non-operational logUtil.logServerMessage(upServer, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_INFO_FAILED); setNonOperational(upServer); existingServers.remove(upServer); upServer = getNewUpServer(existingServers, upServer); } } return fetchedVolumes; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Map<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity> fetchVolumes(VDS upServer) { VDSReturnValue result = runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.GlusterVolumesList, new GlusterVolumesListVDSParameters(upServer.getId(), upServer.getClusterId())); return result.getSucceeded() ? (Map<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity>) result.getReturnValue() : null; } private void removeDeletedVolumes(Guid clusterId, Map<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity> volumesMap) { List<Guid> idsToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (GlusterVolumeEntity volume : volumeDao.getByClusterId(clusterId)) { if (!volumesMap.containsKey(volume.getId())) { idsToRemove.add(volume.getId()); log.debug("Volume '{}' has been removed directly using the gluster CLI. Removing it from engine as well.", volume.getName()); logUtil.logVolumeMessage(volume, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_DELETED_FROM_CLI); // Set the gluster cli schedule enabled flag back to true if (Config.<String> getValue(ConfigValues.GlusterMetaVolumeName).equalsIgnoreCase(volume.getName())) { Cluster cluster = clusterDao.get(clusterId); cluster.setGlusterCliBasedSchedulingOn(true); clusterDao.update(cluster); } } } if (!idsToRemove.isEmpty()) { try { volumeDao.removeAll(idsToRemove); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while removing volumes from database!", e); } } } private void updateExistingAndNewVolumes(Guid clusterId, Map<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity> volumesMap) { Cluster cluster = clusterDao.get(clusterId); for (Entry<Guid, GlusterVolumeEntity> entry : volumesMap.entrySet()) { GlusterVolumeEntity volume = entry.getValue(); log.debug("Analyzing volume '{}'", volume.getName()); GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume = volumeDao.getById(entry.getKey()); if (existingVolume == null) { try { createVolume(volume); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not save volume {} in database: {}", volume.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } // Set the CLI based snapshot scheduling flag accordingly disableCliSnapshotSchedulingFlag(cluster, volume); } else { try { log.debug("Volume '{}' exists in engine. Checking if it needs to be updated.", existingVolume.getName()); updateVolume(existingVolume, volume); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while updating volume '{}': {}", volume.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } } } private void disableCliSnapshotSchedulingFlag(Cluster cluster, GlusterVolumeEntity volume) { if (cluster.isGlusterCliBasedSchedulingOn() && Config.<String> getValue(ConfigValues.GlusterMetaVolumeName).equalsIgnoreCase(volume.getName())) { VdcReturnValueBase returnValue = backend.runInternalAction(VdcActionType.DisableGlusterCliSnapshotScheduleInternal, new GlusterVolumeActionParameters(volume.getId(), false), ExecutionHandler.createInternalJobContext()); if (!returnValue.getSucceeded()) { log.warn("Unbale to set volume snapshot scheduling flag to gluster CLI scheduler on cluster {}", cluster.getName()); } else { logUtil.logVolumeMessage(volume, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_CLI_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_DISABLED); } } } /** * Creates a new volume in engine */ private void createVolume(final GlusterVolumeEntity volume) { if (volume.getBricks() == null) { log.warn("Bricks of volume '{}' were not fetched. " + "Hence will not add it to engine at this point.", volume.getName()); return; } for (GlusterBrickEntity brick : volume.getBricks()) { if (brick == null) { log.warn("Volume '{}' contains a apparently corrupt brick(s). " + "Hence will not add it to engine at this point.", volume.getName()); return; } else if (brick.getServerId() == null) { log.warn("Volume '{}' contains brick(s) from unknown hosts. " + "Hence will not add it to engine at this point.", volume.getName()); return; } // Set initial brick status as similar to volume status. // As actual brick status is updated by another sync job, // till it happens, this gives better UI experience brick.setStatus(volume.getStatus()); } logUtil.logVolumeMessage(volume, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_CREATED_FROM_CLI); if (!volume.getVolumeType().isSupported()) { logUtil.logAuditMessage(volume.getClusterId(), volume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED, Collections.singletonMap(GlusterConstants.VOLUME_TYPE, volume.getVolumeType().toString())); } log.debug("Volume '{}' has been created directly using the gluster CLI. Creating it in engine as well.", volume.getName());; } private void updateVolume(GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, GlusterVolumeEntity fetchedVolume) { updateVolumeProperties(existingVolume, fetchedVolume); updateBricks(existingVolume, fetchedVolume); updateOptions(existingVolume, fetchedVolume); updateTransportTypes(existingVolume, fetchedVolume); } private void updateTransportTypes(GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, GlusterVolumeEntity fetchedVolume) { Set<TransportType> existingTransportTypes = existingVolume.getTransportTypes(); Set<TransportType> fetchedTransportTypes = fetchedVolume.getTransportTypes(); Collection<TransportType> addedTransportTypes = CollectionUtils.subtract(fetchedTransportTypes, existingTransportTypes); if (!addedTransportTypes.isEmpty()) {"Adding transport type(s) '{}' to volume '{}'", addedTransportTypes, existingVolume.getName()); volumeDao.addTransportTypes(existingVolume.getId(), addedTransportTypes); } Collection<TransportType> removedTransportTypes = CollectionUtils.subtract(existingTransportTypes, fetchedTransportTypes); if (!removedTransportTypes.isEmpty()) {"Removing transport type(s) '{}' from volume '{}'", removedTransportTypes, existingVolume.getName()); volumeDao.removeTransportTypes(existingVolume.getId(), removedTransportTypes); } } private void updateBricks(GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, GlusterVolumeEntity fetchedVolume) { List<GlusterBrickEntity> fetchedBricks = fetchedVolume.getBricks(); if (fetchedBricks == null) { log.warn("Bricks of volume '{}' were not fetched. " + "Hence will not try to update them in engine at this point.", fetchedVolume.getName()); return; } removeDeletedBricks(existingVolume, fetchedBricks); updateExistingAndNewBricks(existingVolume, fetchedBricks); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void removeDeletedBricks(GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, List<GlusterBrickEntity> fetchedBricks) { List<Guid> idsToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (final GlusterBrickEntity existingBrick : existingVolume.getBricks()) { if (!GlusterCoreUtil.containsBrick(fetchedBricks, existingBrick)) { idsToRemove.add(existingBrick.getId());"Detected brick '{}' removed from volume '{}'. Removing it from engine DB as well.", existingBrick.getQualifiedName(), existingVolume.getName()); logUtil.logAuditMessage(existingVolume.getClusterId(), existingVolume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICK_REMOVED_FROM_CLI, Collections.singletonMap(GlusterConstants.BRICK, existingBrick.getQualifiedName())); } } if (!idsToRemove.isEmpty()) { try { brickDao.removeAll(idsToRemove); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while removing bricks from database: {}", e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void updateExistingAndNewBricks(GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, List<GlusterBrickEntity> fetchedBricks) { for (final GlusterBrickEntity fetchedBrick : fetchedBricks) { GlusterBrickEntity existingBrick = GlusterCoreUtil.findBrick(existingVolume.getBricks(), fetchedBrick); if (existingBrick == null) { // server id could be null if the new brick resides on a server that is not yet added in the engine // adding such servers to engine required manual approval by user, and hence can't be automated. if (fetchedBrick.getServerId() != null) {"New brick '{}' added to volume '{}' from gluster CLI. Updating engine DB accordingly.", fetchedBrick.getQualifiedName(), existingVolume.getName()); fetchedBrick.setStatus(existingVolume.isOnline() ? GlusterStatus.UP : GlusterStatus.DOWN);; logUtil.logAuditMessage(existingVolume.getClusterId(), existingVolume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_BRICK_ADDED_FROM_CLI, Collections.singletonMap(GlusterConstants.BRICK, fetchedBrick.getQualifiedName())); } } else { // brick found. update it if required. Only property that could be different is the brick order if (!Objects.equals(existingBrick.getBrickOrder(), fetchedBrick.getBrickOrder())) {"Brick order for brick '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}' because of direct CLI operations. Updating engine DB accordingly.", existingBrick.getQualifiedName(), existingBrick.getBrickOrder(), fetchedBrick.getBrickOrder()); brickDao.updateBrickOrder(existingBrick.getId(), fetchedBrick.getBrickOrder()); } // update network id, if different if (!Objects.equals(existingBrick.getNetworkId(), fetchedBrick.getNetworkId())) {"Network address for brick '{}' detected as '{}'. Updating engine DB accordingly.", existingBrick.getQualifiedName(), fetchedBrick.getNetworkAddress()); brickDao.updateBrickNetworkId(existingBrick.getId(), fetchedBrick.getNetworkId()); } } } } private void updateOptions(GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, GlusterVolumeEntity fetchedVolume) { Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> existingOptions = existingVolume.getOptions(); Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> fetchedOptions = fetchedVolume.getOptions(); updateExistingAndNewOptions(existingVolume, fetchedOptions); removeDeletedOptions(fetchedVolume, existingOptions); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void removeDeletedOptions(GlusterVolumeEntity fetchedVolume, Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> existingOptions) { List<Guid> idsToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (final GlusterVolumeOptionEntity existingOption : existingOptions) { if (fetchedVolume.getOption(existingOption.getKey()) == null) { idsToRemove.add(existingOption.getId());"Detected option '{}' reset on volume '{}'. Removing it from engine DB as well.", existingOption.getKey(), fetchedVolume.getName()); // The option "group" gets implicitly replaced with a set of options defined in the group file // Hence it is not required to log it as a removed option, as that would be misleading. if (!GlusterConstants.OPTION_GROUP.equals(existingOption.getKey())) { Map<String, String> customValues = new HashMap<>(); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_KEY, existingOption.getKey()); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_VALUE, existingOption.getValue()); logUtil.logAuditMessage(fetchedVolume.getClusterId(), fetchedVolume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_RESET_FROM_CLI, customValues); } } } if (!idsToRemove.isEmpty()) { try { optionDao.removeAll(idsToRemove); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while removing options of volume '{}' from database: {}", fetchedVolume.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } } private void updateExistingAndNewOptions(final GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> fetchedOptions) { Map<String, GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> existingOptions = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> newOptions = new HashMap<>(); for (final GlusterVolumeOptionEntity fetchedOption : fetchedOptions) { final GlusterVolumeOptionEntity existingOption = existingVolume.getOption(fetchedOption.getKey()); if (existingOption == null) { newOptions.put(fetchedOption.getKey(), fetchedOption); } else if (!existingOption.getValue().equals(fetchedOption.getValue())) { fetchedOption.setId(existingOption.getId()); existingOptions.put(fetchedOption.getKey(), fetchedOption); } } final List<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> newOptionsSortedList = new ArrayList<>(newOptions.values()); final List<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> existingOptionsSortedList = new ArrayList<>(existingOptions.values()); Collections.sort(newOptionsSortedList); Collections.sort(existingOptionsSortedList); // Insert the new options in a single transaction if (!newOptionsSortedList.isEmpty()) { TransactionSupport.executeInScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, () -> { saveNewOptions(existingVolume, newOptionsSortedList); return null; }); } // Update the existing options in a single transaction if (!existingOptionsSortedList.isEmpty()) { TransactionSupport.executeInScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, () -> { updateExistingOptions(existingVolume, existingOptionsSortedList); return null; }); } } private void saveNewOptions(GlusterVolumeEntity volume, Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> entities) { optionDao.saveAll(entities); for (final GlusterVolumeOptionEntity entity : entities) { Map<String, String> customValues = new HashMap<>(); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_KEY, entity.getKey()); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_VALUE, entity.getValue()); logUtil.logAuditMessage(volume.getClusterId(), volume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_SET_FROM_CLI, customValues);"New option '{}'='{}' set on volume '{}' from gluster CLI. Updating engine DB accordingly.", entity.getKey(), entity.getValue(), volume.getName()); } } private void updateExistingOptions(final GlusterVolumeEntity volume, Collection<GlusterVolumeOptionEntity> entities) { optionDao.updateAll("UpdateGlusterVolumeOption", entities); for (final GlusterVolumeOptionEntity entity : entities) { Map<String, String> customValues = new HashMap<>(); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_KEY, entity.getKey()); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_OLD_VALUE, volume.getOption(entity.getKey()).getValue()); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_NEW_VALUE, entity.getValue()); logUtil.logAuditMessage(volume.getClusterId(), volume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_OPTION_CHANGED_FROM_CLI, customValues);"Detected change in value of option '{}' of volume '{}' from '{}' to '{}'. Updating engine DB accordingly.", volume.getOption(entity.getKey()), volume.getName(), volume.getOption(entity.getKey()).getValue(), entity.getValue()); } } /** * Updates basic properties of the volume. Does not include bricks, options, and transport types * * @param existingVolume * Volume that is to be updated * @param fetchedVolume * Volume fetched from GlusterFS, containing latest properties */ @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") public void updateVolumeProperties(GlusterVolumeEntity existingVolume, final GlusterVolumeEntity fetchedVolume) { boolean changed = false; boolean volumeTypeUnSupported = false; if (existingVolume.getVolumeType() != fetchedVolume.getVolumeType()) { if(existingVolume.getVolumeType().isSupported() && !fetchedVolume.getVolumeType().isSupported()){ volumeTypeUnSupported= true; } existingVolume.setVolumeType(fetchedVolume.getVolumeType()); changed = true; } if (existingVolume.getVolumeType().isReplicatedType() && !Objects.equals(existingVolume.getReplicaCount(), fetchedVolume.getReplicaCount())) { existingVolume.setReplicaCount(fetchedVolume.getReplicaCount()); changed = true; } if (existingVolume.getVolumeType().isStripedType() && !Objects.equals(existingVolume.getStripeCount(), fetchedVolume.getStripeCount())) { existingVolume.setStripeCount(fetchedVolume.getStripeCount()); changed = true; } if (changed) {"Updating volume '{}' with fetched properties.", existingVolume.getName()); volumeDao.updateGlusterVolume(existingVolume); logUtil.logVolumeMessage(existingVolume, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_PROPERTIES_CHANGED_FROM_CLI); if (volumeTypeUnSupported) { logUtil.logAuditMessage(fetchedVolume.getClusterId(), fetchedVolume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED, Collections.singletonMap(GlusterConstants.VOLUME_TYPE, fetchedVolume.getVolumeType().toString())); } } if (existingVolume.getStatus() != fetchedVolume.getStatus()) { existingVolume.setStatus(fetchedVolume.getStatus()); glusterDBUtils.updateVolumeStatus(existingVolume.getId(), fetchedVolume.getStatus()); logUtil.logVolumeMessage(existingVolume, fetchedVolume.getStatus() == GlusterStatus.UP ? AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_STARTED_FROM_CLI : AuditLogType.GLUSTER_VOLUME_STOPPED_FROM_CLI); } } /** * Refreshes the brick statuses from GlusterFS. This method is scheduled less frequently as it uses the 'volume * status' command, that adds significant overhead on Gluster processes, and hence should not be invoked too * frequently. */ @OnTimerMethodAnnotation("refreshHeavyWeightData") public void refreshHeavyWeightData() { log.debug("Refreshing Gluster Data [heavyweight]"); for (Cluster cluster : clusterDao.getAll()) { if (cluster.supportsGlusterService()) { try { refreshClusterHeavyWeightData(cluster); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while refreshing Gluster heavyweight data of cluster '{}': {}", cluster.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } } } private void refreshClusterHeavyWeightData(Cluster cluster) { VDS upServer = glusterUtil.getRandomUpServer(cluster.getId()); if (upServer == null) { log.debug("No server UP in cluster '{}'. Can't refresh it's data at this point.", cluster.getName()); return; } for (GlusterVolumeEntity volume : volumeDao.getByClusterId(cluster.getId())) { log.debug("Refreshing brick statuses for volume '{}' of cluster '{}'", volume.getName(), cluster.getName()); // brick statuses can be fetched only for started volumes if (volume.isOnline()) { acquireLock(cluster.getId()); try { refreshVolumeDetails(upServer, volume); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while refreshing brick statuses for volume '{}' of cluster '{}': {}", volume.getName(), cluster.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } finally { releaseLock(cluster.getId()); } } } } public void refreshVolumeDetails(VDS upServer, GlusterVolumeEntity volume) { List<GlusterBrickEntity> bricksToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); List<GlusterBrickEntity> brickPropertiesToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); List<GlusterBrickEntity> brickPropertiesToAdd = new ArrayList<>(); GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails volumeAdvancedDetails = getVolumeAdvancedDetails(upServer, volume.getClusterId(), volume.getName()); if (volumeAdvancedDetails == null) { log.error("Error while refreshing brick statuses for volume '{}'. Failed to get volume advanced details ", volume.getName()); return; } if (volumeAdvancedDetails.getCapacityInfo() != null) { if (volume.getAdvancedDetails().getCapacityInfo() == null) { volumeDao.addVolumeCapacityInfo(volumeAdvancedDetails.getCapacityInfo()); } else { volumeDao.updateVolumeCapacityInfo(volumeAdvancedDetails.getCapacityInfo()); } } Map<Guid, BrickProperties> brickPropertiesMap = getBrickPropertiesMap(volumeAdvancedDetails); for (GlusterBrickEntity brick : volume.getBricks()) { BrickProperties brickProperties = brickPropertiesMap.get(brick.getId()); if (brickProperties != null) { if (brickProperties.getStatus() != brick.getStatus()) { logBrickStatusChange(volume, brick, brickProperties.getStatus()); brick.setStatus(brickProperties.getStatus()); bricksToUpdate.add(brick); } if (brick.getBrickProperties() == null) { BrickDetails brickDetails = new BrickDetails(); brickDetails.setBrickProperties(brickProperties); brick.setBrickDetails(brickDetails); brickPropertiesToAdd.add(brick); } else if (brickProperties.getTotalSize() != brick.getBrickProperties().getTotalSize() || brickProperties.getFreeSize() != brick.getBrickProperties().getFreeSize()) { brick.getBrickDetails().setBrickProperties(brickProperties); brickPropertiesToUpdate.add(brick); } } } if (!brickPropertiesToAdd.isEmpty()) { brickDao.addBrickProperties(brickPropertiesToAdd); } if (!brickPropertiesToUpdate.isEmpty()) { brickDao.updateBrickProperties(brickPropertiesToUpdate); } if (!bricksToUpdate.isEmpty()) { brickDao.updateBrickStatuses(bricksToUpdate); } } private void logBrickStatusChange(GlusterVolumeEntity volume, final GlusterBrickEntity brick, final GlusterStatus fetchedStatus) { log.debug("Detected that status of brick '{}' in volume '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}'", brick.getQualifiedName(), volume.getName(), brick.getStatus(), fetchedStatus); Map<String, String> customValues = new HashMap<>(); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.BRICK_PATH, brick.getQualifiedName()); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_OLD_VALUE, brick.getStatus().toString()); customValues.put(GlusterConstants.OPTION_NEW_VALUE, fetchedStatus.toString()); logUtil.logAuditMessage(volume.getClusterId(), volume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_BRICK_STATUS_CHANGED, customValues); if(fetchedStatus == GlusterStatus.DOWN){ logUtil.logAuditMessage(volume.getClusterId(), volume, null, AuditLogType.GLUSTER_BRICK_STATUS_DOWN, brick.getId(), brick.getQualifiedName()); }else if(fetchedStatus == GlusterStatus.UP){ alertDirector.removeAlertsByBrickIdLogType(brick.getId(), AuditLogType.GLUSTER_BRICK_STATUS_DOWN); } } private Map<Guid, BrickProperties> getBrickPropertiesMap(GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails volumeDetails) { Map<Guid, BrickProperties> brickStatusMap = new HashMap<>(); for (BrickDetails brickDetails : volumeDetails.getBrickDetails()) { if (brickDetails.getBrickProperties().getBrickId() != null) { brickStatusMap.put(brickDetails.getBrickProperties().getBrickId(), brickDetails.getBrickProperties()); } } return brickStatusMap; } protected GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails getVolumeAdvancedDetails(VDS upServer, Guid clusterId, String volumeName) { VDSReturnValue result = runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.GetGlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails, new GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetailsVDSParameters(upServer.getId(), clusterId, volumeName, null, false, true)); // Purposely returning returnValue as is without checking result.getSucceeded(), because // VolumeAdvancedDetails runs multiple commands internally and if the last one fails, getSucceeded() will be // false. But still we have the brick status details and we can update the brick status without any issue. return (GlusterVolumeAdvancedDetails) result.getReturnValue(); } private void removeVdsStatisticsFromDb(VDS server) { vdsStatisticsDao.remove(server.getId()); } private void removeVdsStaticFromDb(VDS server) { vdsStaticDao.remove(server.getId()); } private void removeVdsDynamicFromDb(VDS server) { vdsDynamicDao.remove(server.getId()); } /** * Refreshes self heal info from GlusterFS. This method is scheduled less frequently as it uses the 'volume * heal info' command, that adds significant overhead on Gluster processes, and hence should not be invoked too * frequently. */ @OnTimerMethodAnnotation("refreshSelfHealInfo") public void refreshSelfHealInfo() { log.debug("Refreshing Gluster Self Heal Data"); for (Cluster cluster : clusterDao.getAll()) { if (supportsGlusterSelfHealMonitoring(cluster)) { try { refreshSelfHealData(cluster); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while refreshing Gluster self heal data of cluster '{}': {}", cluster.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } } log.debug("Refreshing Gluster Self Heal data is completed"); } /** * Refresh self heal information for the given cluster. It is made public so that it can be called from BLL Command * directly. */ public void refreshSelfHealData(Cluster cluster) { VDS upServer = glusterUtil.getRandomUpServer(cluster.getId()); if (upServer == null) { log.debug("No server UP in cluster '{}'. Can't refresh self heal data at this point.", cluster.getName()); return; } for (GlusterVolumeEntity volume : volumeDao.getByClusterId(cluster.getId())) { log.debug("Refreshing self heal status for volume '{}' of cluster '{}'", volume.getName(), cluster.getName()); // self heal info can be fetched only for started volumes if (volume.isOnline()) { try { refreshSelfHealData(upServer, volume); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while refreshing brick statuses for volume '{}' of cluster '{}': {}", volume.getName(), cluster.getName(), e.getMessage()); log.debug("Exception", e); } } } } private void refreshSelfHealData(VDS upServer, GlusterVolumeEntity volume) { Integer usageHistoryLimit = Config.getValue(ConfigValues.GlusterUnSyncedEntriesHistoryLimit); Map<Guid, Integer> healInfo = getGlusterVolumeHealInfo(upServer, volume.getName()); for (GlusterBrickEntity brick : volume.getBricks()) { brick.setUnSyncedEntries(healInfo.get(brick.getId())); brick.setUnSyncedEntriesTrend( addToHistory(brick.getUnSyncedEntriesTrend(), healInfo.get(brick.getId()), usageHistoryLimit)); } brickDao.updateUnSyncedEntries(volume.getBricks()); } private List<Integer> addToHistory(List<Integer> current, Integer newValue, int limit) { if (newValue == null) { //Store -1 instead of Null so that we can maintain the fixed time interval between each entries. newValue = -1; } if (current == null || current.isEmpty()) { return Collections.singletonList(newValue); } if (limit == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>(current); res.add(newValue); if (limit >= res.size()) { return res; } return res.subList(res.size() - limit, res.size()); } private Map<Guid, Integer> getGlusterVolumeHealInfo(VDS upServer, String volumeName) { VDSReturnValue result = runVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.GetGlusterVolumeHealInfo, new GlusterVolumeVDSParameters(upServer.getId(), volumeName)); if(result.getSucceeded()){ return (Map<Guid, Integer>) result.getReturnValue(); }else{ return Collections.emptyMap(); } } private boolean supportsGlusterSelfHealMonitoring(Cluster cluster) { return cluster.supportsGlusterService() && GlusterFeatureSupported.glusterSelfHealMonitoring(cluster.getCompatibilityVersion()); } }