package org.ovirt.engine.core.uutils.ssh; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Command tests. */ public class CommandTest extends TestCommon { static final int softTimeout = 10 * 1000; static final int hardTimeout = 40 * 1000; SSHClient client; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { client = new SSHClient(); client.setSoftTimeout(softTimeout); client.setHardTimeout(hardTimeout); client.setHost(, TestCommon.port); client.setUser(TestCommon.user); client.setPassword(TestCommon.password); client.connect(); client.authenticate(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { if (client != null) { client.close(); client = null; } } @Test public void testCommandZero() throws Exception { client.executeCommand("true", null, null, null); } @Test(expected = IOException.class) public void testCommandNonZero() throws Exception { client.executeCommand("false", null, null, null); } @Test(expected = IOException.class) public void testCommandSignal() throws Exception { client.executeCommand("kill $$ ; sleep 10", null, null, null); } @Test public void testEchoStdout() throws Exception { String content = "hello\nworld!\nother\ndata"; try ( final InputStream stdin = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("UTF-8")); final ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ByteArrayOutputStream stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { client.executeCommand("cat", stdin, stdout, stderr); assertEquals(content, new String(stdout.toByteArray(), "UTF-8")); assertEquals(0, stderr.size()); } } @Test public void testEchoStderr() throws Exception { String content = "hello\nworld!\nother\ndata"; try ( final InputStream stdin = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("UTF-8")); final ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ByteArrayOutputStream stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { client.executeCommand("cat >&2", stdin, stdout, stderr); assertEquals(content, new String(stderr.toByteArray(), "UTF-8")); assertEquals(0, stdout.size()); } } @Test public void testEchoBoth() throws Exception { String content = "hello\nworld!\nother\ndata"; try ( final InputStream stdin = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("UTF-8")); final ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ByteArrayOutputStream stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { client.executeCommand("cat | tee /proc/self/fd/2", stdin, stdout, stderr); assertEquals(content, new String(stdout.toByteArray(), "UTF-8")); assertEquals(content, new String(stderr.toByteArray(), "UTF-8")); } } /* Expected harmless exception of sshd (if used) */ @Test public void testSoftTimeout() throws Exception { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { client.executeCommand(String.format("sleep %d", softTimeout / 1000 * 4), null, null, null); } catch (TimeLimitExceededException e) { assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - start >= softTimeout); assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - start < softTimeout * 3 / 2); } } /* Expected harmless exception of sshd (if used) */ @Test(timeout = 120 * 1000) public void testHardTimeout() throws Exception { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { client.executeCommand( String.format("while true; do echo sleeping; sleep %d; done", softTimeout / 1000 / 2), null, null, null); } catch (TimeLimitExceededException e) { assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - start >= hardTimeout); assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - start < hardTimeout * 3 / 2); } } }