package org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.hostdeploy; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import org.junit.Test; import org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AbstractUserQueryTest; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.hostdeploy.RegisterVdsParameters; /** * A test case for {@link RegisterVdsQuery}. */ public class RegisterVdsQueryTest extends AbstractUserQueryTest<RegisterVdsParameters, RegisterVdsQuery<RegisterVdsParameters>> { /** * A test for checking whether {@link RegisterVdsQuery#getStrippedVdsUniqueId()} method returns a valid VDS id which * contains only the valid characters. ^ is used as invalid character as defined in RegisterVdsQuery. */ @Test public void testGetStrippedVdsUniqueIdWithUnacceptedChars() { String result = this.gerStrippedVdsUniqueId("Test_123"); assertEquals("Vds id doesn't equal to the expected value", "Test_123", result); } /** * A test for checking whether {@link RegisterVdsQuery#getStrippedVdsUniqueId()} method returns a valid VDS id when * containing no invalid characters. */ @Test public void testGetStrippedVdsUniqueIdOnlyAllowrdChars() { String result = this.gerStrippedVdsUniqueId("Test_123"); assertEquals("Vds id doesn't equal to the expected value", "Test_123", result); } /** * A test for checking whether {@link RegisterVdsQuery#getStrippedVdsUniqueId()} method returns an empty VDS id when * containing only invalid characters. */ @Test public void testGetStrippedVdsUniqueIdWithoutValidChars() { String result = this.gerStrippedVdsUniqueId("^%^"); assertEquals("Vds id is not empty as expected", "", result); } private String gerStrippedVdsUniqueId(String vdsId) { RegisterVdsParameters paramsMock = getQueryParameters(); when(paramsMock.getVdsUniqueId()).thenReturn(vdsId); return getQuery().getStrippedVdsUniqueId(); } }