package; public enum BondMode { BOND0("0", "balance-rr", "(Mode 0) Round-robin", false), BOND1("1", "active-backup", "(Mode 1) Active-Backup", true), BOND2("2", "balance-xor", "(Mode 2) Load balance (balance-xor)", true), BOND3("3", "broadcast", "(Mode 3) Broadcast", true), BOND4("4", "802.3ad", "(Mode 4) Dynamic link aggregation (802.3ad)", true), BOND5("5", "balance-tlb", "(Mode 5) Adaptive transmit load balancing (balance-tlb)", false), BOND6("6", "balance-alb", "(Mode 6) Adaptive load balancing (balance-alb)", false); public static final String MODE = "mode="; private static final String DEFAULT_MIIMON_VALUE = "100"; private static final String BOND_XMIT_POLICY_LAYER23 = "2"; private String value; private String stringValue; private String description; private boolean isValidForVmNetwork; BondMode(String value, String stringValue, String description, boolean isValidForVmNetwork){ this.value = value; this.stringValue = stringValue; this.description = description; this.isValidForVmNetwork = isValidForVmNetwork; } public String getValue(){ return value; } public String getStringValue(){ return stringValue; } public String getDescription(){ return description; } public String getConfigurationValue(){ return getConfigurationValue(DEFAULT_MIIMON_VALUE); } public String getConfigurationValue(String miimonValue){ String extraOption; if (value.equals(BondMode.BOND4.value)) { extraOption = " xmit_hash_policy=" + BOND_XMIT_POLICY_LAYER23; } else { extraOption = ""; } return MODE + value + " miimon=" + miimonValue + extraOption; } public boolean isBondModeValidForVmNetwork(){ return isValidForVmNetwork; } public static BondMode parseBondMode(String bondOptions){ return bondOptions == null ? null : getBondMode(findMode(bondOptions)); } public static BondMode getBondMode(String bondModeValue){ if (bondModeValue == null) { return null; } for (BondMode bondMode : BondMode.values()){ if (bondMode.getStringValue().equals(bondModeValue) || bondMode.getValue().equals(bondModeValue)) { return bondMode; } } return null; } private static final String MODE_FOR_SEARCH = "mode"; // Why we don't use regexp instead of this method? // This code is used both in the backend and in the UI. The UI is using GWT, // and does not support some features like regexp or the Character.isWhitespace // method. Using the ovirt compat package would also not work, as the regexp used // here would be a java regexp, and in the UI it would be used the javascript // regex engine. private static String findMode(String bondOptions){ char[] bondOptionsChars = bondOptions.toCharArray(); int length = bondOptions.length(); // Find the start index for "mode" int index = 0; if (!bondOptions.startsWith(MODE_FOR_SEARCH)){ if ((index = bondOptions.indexOf(" " + MODE_FOR_SEARCH)) == -1){ return null; } index++; // compensate for the extra space in front of "mode" } index = index + MODE_FOR_SEARCH.length(); // find "=" if (index >= length || bondOptionsChars[index] != '='){ return null; } index++; if (index==length || Character.isSpace(bondOptionsChars[index])) { return null; } int startIndex = index; while(index < length && !Character.isSpace(bondOptionsChars[index])){ index++; } // GWT complains about Arrays.copyOfRange, using System.arraycopy instead char[] modeChars = new char[index - startIndex]; System.arraycopy(bondOptionsChars, startIndex, modeChars, 0, index - startIndex); return new String(modeChars); } public static boolean isBondModeValidForVmNetwork(String bondOptions){ BondMode bondMode = BondMode.parseBondMode(bondOptions); if (bondMode == null){ return false; } return bondMode.isBondModeValidForVmNetwork(); } }