package org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.view; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.common.presenter.ScrollableTabBarPresenterWidget; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ScrollableTabBarView extends AbstractView implements ScrollableTabBarPresenterWidget.ViewDef { public interface ViewUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, ScrollableTabBarView> { ViewUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(ViewUiBinder.class); } /** * element style name of 'min-width' that gets manipulated in the view. */ private static final String MIN_WIDTH_STYLE = "minWidth"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * element style name of 'max-width' that gets manipulated in the view. */ private static final String MAX_WIDTH_STYLE = "maxWidth"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * element style name of 'margin-top' that gets manipulated in the view. */ private static final String MARGIN_TOP = "marginTop"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The CSS styles available to be modified inside the view. */ interface Style extends CssResource { /** * The style associated with each drop down item. * * @return The style name as a string regardless of obfuscation level. */ String dropdownItem(); /** * The style of the outer item container. * @return The style name as a string regardless of obfuscation level. */ String dropdownItemContainer(); } /** * The style object using the UI-binder. */ @UiField Style style; /** * The tab bar. */ @UiField FlowPanel widgetBar; /** * The panel that is scrolled. */ @UiField FlowPanel scrollPanel; /** * The left scroll button. */ @UiField RepeatingPushButton scrollLeftButton; /** * The right scroll button. */ @UiField RepeatingPushButton scrollRightButton; /** * The drop-down button for the menu list. */ @UiField PushButton dropdownButton; /** * The drop-down menu list. */ @UiField FlowPanel dropdownPanel; /** * The pop-up panel containing the drop-down menu list. */ @UiField PopupPanel dropdownPopupPanel; /** * The minimum width needed to display all the widgets. */ private int widgetMinWidth; /** * The number of pixels to scroll when clicking the left/right scroll buttons. */ private int scrollDistance; /** * Constructor. */ public ScrollableTabBarView() { initWidget(ViewUiBinder.uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); configureAutoHidePartners(); asWidget().addAttachHandler(event -> Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(() -> { recalculateSize(); showScrollButtons(); })); } /** * Configure the auto hide partner of the menu drop down button. */ private void configureAutoHidePartners() { dropdownPopupPanel.addAutoHidePartner(dropdownButton.getElement()); } @Override public void addTabWidget(IsWidget tabWidget, int index) { Widget listWidget = copyWidgetAsDropdownItem(tabWidget); if (listWidget != null) { widgetBar.insert(tabWidget, index); dropdownPanel.insert(listWidget, index); recalculateWidgetBarMinWidth(); showScrollButtons(); } } @Override public void removeTabWidget(IsWidget tabWidget) { int widgetIndex = widgetBar.getWidgetIndex(tabWidget); widgetBar.remove(tabWidget); dropdownPanel.remove(widgetIndex); recalculateWidgetBarMinWidth(); showScrollButtons(); } /** * Copy the passed in widget WITHOUT the event handlers. Then add a click handler to the new widget * and add the 'dropdownItem' style to them. The new widget is created from the original passed in widget * without the original style sheet. New style sheets are added to make it look proper in the drop down * list. * * @param widget The original widget, which is unchanged after this call. * @return The new widget with click handler and dropdownItems style. */ private Widget copyWidgetAsDropdownItem(final IsWidget widget) { HTML newWidget = null; if (widget != null) { newWidget = new HTML(); newWidget.setHTML(widget.asWidget().getElement().getString().replaceAll("class=\".*?\"", //$NON-NLS-1$ "class=\"" + style.dropdownItem() + "\"")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ newWidget.addClickHandler(event -> { dropdownPopupPanel.hide(); widget.asWidget().getElement().scrollIntoView(); adjustButtons(); }); newWidget.addStyleName(style.dropdownItemContainer()); } return newWidget; } /** * Set the scroll distance in pixels. * * @param distance * The distance to scroll. */ @Override public void setScrollDistance(int distance) { this.scrollDistance = distance; } /** * Calculate the minimum width needed to display all the tabs on the bar. This works even if there are some * right floating tabs. */ private void recalculateWidgetBarMinWidth() { widgetBar.getElement().getStyle().setProperty(MIN_WIDTH_STYLE, calculateWidgetMinWidthNeeded(), Unit.PX); } /** * Retrieve the cached minimum width needed. This is purely for performance reasons so we don't have to keep * calculating the needed with based on the width of all the tabs. * @return The current minimum width needed. */ private int getWidgetMinWidthNeeded() { return widgetMinWidth; } /** * Calculate the actual width needed based on the number and width of the tabs. This iterates over the tabs * and collects the width of each. This method also caches the value so we don't have to iterate each time. * The cached value can be retrieved with getWidgetMinWidthNeeded(). * @return The minimum width needed to display all the tabs. */ private int calculateWidgetMinWidthNeeded() { int minWidth = 0; if (widgetBar.getWidgetCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < widgetBar.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget widget = widgetBar.getWidget(i); if (widget.isVisible()) { minWidth += widget.getElement().getOffsetWidth(); } } } // Add 1 for browsers that don't report width properly. minWidth++; // Store this in a variable so we don't have to calculate it all the time. // This assumes that when resizes/etc happen this gets called to recalculate everything. widgetMinWidth = minWidth; return minWidth; } /** * Calculate the maximum width of the scrolling panel (the panel that contains the panel that has the buttons). * The logic to determine the width of the scrolling panel: * <ol> * <li>Determine the width of the buttons. The width is 0 if they are not displayed.</li> * <li>Determine the width of the panel containing the scrolling panel.</li> * <li>The width needed is the width of the panel - the width of the buttons</li> * </ol> */ private void recalculateScrollPanelMaxWidth() { int leftArrowWidth = scrollLeftButton.isVisible() ? scrollLeftButton.getOffsetWidth() : 0; int rightArrowWidth = scrollRightButton.isVisible() ? scrollRightButton.getOffsetWidth() : 0; int dropdownWidth = dropdownButton.isVisible() ? dropdownButton.getOffsetWidth() : 0; int maxScrollPanelWidth = asWidget().getOffsetWidth() - leftArrowWidth - rightArrowWidth - dropdownWidth; if (maxScrollPanelWidth > 0) { scrollPanel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty(MAX_WIDTH_STYLE, maxScrollPanelWidth, Unit.PX); } else { scrollPanel.getElement().getStyle().clearProperty(MAX_WIDTH_STYLE); } } /** * Position the scroll buttons to be properly positioned in the container. */ private void positionScrollButtons() { // Calculate how far from the top the button needs to be to be centered. int marginTop = (asWidget().getOffsetHeight() - scrollLeftButton.getOffsetHeight()) / 2; scrollLeftButton.getElement().getStyle().setProperty(MARGIN_TOP, marginTop, Unit.PX); scrollRightButton.getElement().getStyle().setProperty(MARGIN_TOP, marginTop, Unit.PX); dropdownButton.getElement().getStyle().setProperty(MARGIN_TOP, marginTop, Unit.PX); } /** * Left scroll bar button click handler. * @param event The click event. */ @UiHandler("scrollLeftButton") void handleLeftClick(ClickEvent event) { adjustScroll(-scrollDistance); } /** * Right scroll bar button click handler. * @param event The click event. */ @UiHandler("scrollRightButton") void handleRightClick(ClickEvent event) { adjustScroll(scrollDistance); } /** * Drop-down button click handler. * @param event The click event. */ @UiHandler("dropdownButton") void handleDropdownClick(ClickEvent event) { if (!dropdownPopupPanel.isShowing()) { for (int i = 0; i < widgetBar.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (widgetBar.getWidget(i) instanceof AbstractCompositeTab) { dropdownPanel.getWidget(i).setVisible(((AbstractCompositeTab) widgetBar.getWidget(i)).isAccessible()); } } dropdownPanel.setVisible(true); dropdownPopupPanel.showRelativeTo(dropdownButton); } else { dropdownPanel.setVisible(false); dropdownPopupPanel.hide(); } } @Override public void showScrollButtons() { boolean isScrolling = isScrollingNecessary(); scrollRightButton.setVisible(isScrolling); scrollLeftButton.setVisible(isScrolling); dropdownButton.setVisible(isScrolling); if (isScrolling) { recalculateSize(); positionScrollButtons(); } else { scrollTo(0); scrollPanel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty(MAX_WIDTH_STYLE, asWidget().getOffsetWidth(), Unit.PX); widgetBar.getElement() .getStyle() .setProperty(MIN_WIDTH_STYLE, asWidget().getElement().getOffsetWidth(), Unit.PX); } } /** * Determine if the scroll buttons should be visible. * @return {@code true} if scrolling is necessary, false otherwise. */ private boolean isScrollingNecessary() { int currentWidth = asWidget().getOffsetWidth(); int minWidth = getWidgetMinWidthNeeded(); return minWidth > 0 && currentWidth > 0 && currentWidth <= minWidth; } /** * Adjust the scroll by a number of pixels. The value can be positive or negative. * @param adjustment The number of pixels to adjust. */ private void adjustScroll(int adjustment) { scrollTo(scrollPanel.getElement().getScrollLeft() + adjustment); } /** * Scroll to a specific position. * @param pos The position to scroll to. */ private void scrollTo(int pos) { scrollPanel.getElement().setScrollLeft(pos); adjustButtons(); } /** * Adjust the state of the scroll buttons based on the position of scroll panel. If you can't scroll more to the * left, disable the left button, if you can't scroll to the right disable the right button. */ void adjustButtons() { if (scrollPanel.getElement().getScrollLeft() <= 0) { scrollLeftButton.setEnabled(false); } else { scrollLeftButton.setEnabled(true); } if ((scrollPanel.getElement().getScrollLeft() > 0 || (widgetBar.getOffsetWidth() - scrollPanel.getOffsetWidth()) > 0) && scrollPanel.getElement().getScrollLeft() >= (widgetBar.getOffsetWidth() - scrollPanel.getOffsetWidth())) { scrollRightButton.setEnabled(false); } else { scrollRightButton.setEnabled(true); } } @Override public void recalculateSize() { recalculateScrollPanelMaxWidth(); recalculateWidgetBarMinWidth(); } @Override public void setOffset(int left, boolean wantsLeft) { if (wantsLeft) { asWidget().getElement().getStyle().setLeft(left, Unit.PX); } asWidget().getElement().getStyle().setWidth(Window.getClientWidth() - left, Unit.PX); recalculateSize(); showScrollButtons(); } }