/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jetbrains.python.codeInsight; import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.Pass; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.DaemonCodeAnalyzerSettings; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.LineMarkerInfo; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.LineMarkerProvider; import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.util.CollectionQuery; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.Query; import com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet; import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap; import com.jetbrains.python.PyNames; import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyClass; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyFunction; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyTargetExpression; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyUtil; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.search.PyClassInheritorsSearch; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.search.PyOverridingMethodsSearch; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.search.PySuperMethodsSearch; import com.jetbrains.python.psi.types.TypeEvalContext; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @author yole */ public class PyLineMarkerProvider implements LineMarkerProvider, PyLineSeparatorUtil.Provider { private static class TooltipProvider implements Function<PsiElement, String> { private final String myText; private TooltipProvider(String text) { myText = text; } public String fun(PsiElement psiElement) { return myText; } } private static final Function<PyClass, String> ourSubclassTooltipProvider = pyClass -> { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("<html>Is subclassed by:"); final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); PyClassInheritorsSearch.search(pyClass, true).forEach(pyClass1 -> { if (count.incrementAndGet() >= 10) { builder.setLength(0); builder.append("Has subclasses"); return false; } builder.append("<br>  ").append(pyClass1.getName()); return true; }); return builder.toString(); }; private static final Function<PyFunction, String> ourOverridingMethodTooltipProvider = pyFunction -> { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("<html>Is overridden in:"); final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); PyClassInheritorsSearch.search(pyFunction.getContainingClass(), true).forEach(pyClass -> { if (count.incrementAndGet() >= 10) { builder.setLength(0); builder.append("Has overridden methods"); return false; } if (pyClass.findMethodByName(pyFunction.getName(), false, null) != null) { builder.append("<br>  ").append(pyClass.getName()); } return true; }); return builder.toString(); }; private static final PyLineMarkerNavigator<PsiElement> ourSuperMethodNavigator = new PyLineMarkerNavigator<PsiElement>() { protected String getTitle(final PsiElement elt) { return "Choose Super Method of " + ((PyFunction)elt.getParent()).getName(); } @Nullable protected Query<PsiElement> search(final PsiElement elt, @NotNull final TypeEvalContext context) { if (!(elt.getParent() instanceof PyFunction)) return null; return PySuperMethodsSearch.search((PyFunction)elt.getParent(), context); } }; private static final PyLineMarkerNavigator<PsiElement> ourSuperAttributeNavigator = new PyLineMarkerNavigator<PsiElement>() { protected String getTitle(final PsiElement elt) { return "Choose Super Attribute of " + ((PyTargetExpression)elt).getName(); } @Nullable protected Query<PsiElement> search(final PsiElement elt, @NotNull final TypeEvalContext context) { List<PsiElement> result = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(); PyClass containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(elt, PyClass.class); if (containingClass != null && elt instanceof PyTargetExpression) { for (PyClass ancestor : containingClass.getAncestorClasses(context)) { final PyTargetExpression attribute = ancestor.findClassAttribute(((PyTargetExpression)elt).getReferencedName(), false, context); if (attribute != null) { result.add(attribute); } } } return new CollectionQuery<PsiElement>(result); } }; private static final PyLineMarkerNavigator<PyClass> ourSubclassNavigator = new PyLineMarkerNavigator<PyClass>() { protected String getTitle(final PyClass elt) { return "Choose Subclass of " + elt.getName(); } protected Query<PyClass> search(final PyClass elt, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context) { return PyClassInheritorsSearch.search(elt, true); } }; private static final PyLineMarkerNavigator<PyFunction> ourOverridingMethodNavigator = new PyLineMarkerNavigator<PyFunction>() { protected String getTitle(final PyFunction elt) { return "Choose Overriding Method of " + elt.getName(); } protected Query<PyFunction> search(final PyFunction elt, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context) { return PyOverridingMethodsSearch.search(elt, true); } }; public LineMarkerInfo getLineMarkerInfo(@NotNull final PsiElement element) { final ASTNode node = element.getNode(); if (node != null && node.getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.IDENTIFIER && element.getParent() instanceof PyFunction) { final PyFunction function = (PyFunction)element.getParent(); return getMethodMarker(element, function); } if (element instanceof PyTargetExpression && PyUtil.isClassAttribute(element)) { return getAttributeMarker((PyTargetExpression)element); } if (DaemonCodeAnalyzerSettings.getInstance().SHOW_METHOD_SEPARATORS && isSeparatorAllowed(element)) { return PyLineSeparatorUtil.addLineSeparatorIfNeeded(this, element); } return null; } public boolean isSeparatorAllowed(PsiElement element) { return element instanceof PyFunction || element instanceof PyClass; } @Nullable private static LineMarkerInfo<PsiElement> getMethodMarker(final PsiElement element, final PyFunction function) { if (PyNames.INIT.equals(function.getName())) { return null; } final TypeEvalContext context = TypeEvalContext.codeAnalysis(element.getProject(), (function != null ? function.getContainingFile() : null)); final PsiElement superMethod = PySuperMethodsSearch.search(function, context).findFirst(); if (superMethod != null) { PyClass superClass = null; if (superMethod instanceof PyFunction) { superClass = ((PyFunction)superMethod).getContainingClass(); } // TODO: show "implementing" instead of "overriding" icon for Python implementations of Java interface methods return new LineMarkerInfo<PsiElement>(element, element.getTextRange().getStartOffset(), AllIcons.Gutter.OverridingMethod, Pass.LINE_MARKERS, superClass == null ? null : new TooltipProvider("Overrides method in " + superClass.getName()), ourSuperMethodNavigator); } return null; } @Nullable private static LineMarkerInfo<PsiElement> getAttributeMarker(PyTargetExpression element) { final String name = element.getReferencedName(); if (name == null) { return null; } PyClass containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PyClass.class); if (containingClass == null) return null; for (PyClass ancestor : containingClass .getAncestorClasses(TypeEvalContext.codeAnalysis(element.getProject(), element.getContainingFile()))) { final PyTargetExpression ancestorAttr = ancestor.findClassAttribute(name, false, null); if (ancestorAttr != null) { return new LineMarkerInfo<PsiElement>(element, element.getTextRange().getStartOffset(), AllIcons.Gutter.OverridingMethod, Pass.LINE_MARKERS, new TooltipProvider("Overrides attribute in " + ancestor.getName()), ourSuperAttributeNavigator); } } return null; } public void collectSlowLineMarkers(@NotNull final List<PsiElement> elements, @NotNull final Collection<LineMarkerInfo> result) { Set<PyFunction> functions = new HashSet<PyFunction>(); for (PsiElement element : elements) { if (element instanceof PyClass) { collectInheritingClasses((PyClass)element, result); } else if (element instanceof PyFunction) { functions.add((PyFunction)element); } } collectOverridingMethods(functions, result); } private static void collectInheritingClasses(final PyClass element, final Collection<LineMarkerInfo> result) { if (PyClassInheritorsSearch.search(element, false).findFirst() != null) { result .add(new LineMarkerInfo<PyClass>(element, element.getTextOffset(), AllIcons.Gutter.OverridenMethod, Pass.LINE_MARKERS, ourSubclassTooltipProvider, ourSubclassNavigator)); } } private static void collectOverridingMethods(final Set<PyFunction> functions, final Collection<LineMarkerInfo> result) { Set<PyClass> classes = new HashSet<PyClass>(); final MultiMap<PyClass, PyFunction> candidates = new MultiMap<PyClass, PyFunction>(); for (PyFunction function : functions) { PyClass pyClass = function.getContainingClass(); if (pyClass != null && function.getName() != null) { classes.add(pyClass); candidates.putValue(pyClass, function); } } final Set<PyFunction> overridden = new HashSet<PyFunction>(); for (final PyClass pyClass : classes) { PyClassInheritorsSearch.search(pyClass, true).forEach(inheritor -> { for (Iterator<PyFunction> it = candidates.get(pyClass).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { PyFunction func = it.next(); if (inheritor.findMethodByName(func.getName(), false, null) != null) { overridden.add(func); it.remove(); } } return !candidates.isEmpty(); }); if (candidates.isEmpty()) break; } for (PyFunction func : overridden) { result.add(new LineMarkerInfo<PyFunction>(func, func.getTextOffset(), AllIcons.Gutter.OverridenMethod, Pass.LINE_MARKERS, ourOverridingMethodTooltipProvider, ourOverridingMethodNavigator)); } } }