package; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class JDBCExecuteWithNonConstantString { private static final String CREATE_TABLE_FILTERS; static { CREATE_TABLE_FILTERS = "CREATE TABLE filters ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + " field VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL," + " value varchar(256) NOT NULL," + " CONSTRAINT filter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (field, value) )"; } public JDBCExecuteWithNonConstantString() { } public void foo() throws IOException, SQLException { Statement statement = null; statement.executeQuery("foo" ); statement.<warning descr="Call to 'Statement.executeQuery()' with non-constant argument">executeQuery</warning>("foo" + bar()); statement.<warning descr="Call to 'Statement.addBatch()' with non-constant argument">addBatch</warning>("foo" + bar()); statement.execute(CREATE_TABLE_FILTERS); } private String bar() { return "bar"; } }