package com.jetbrains.python.debugger.pydev; import; import; import; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.xdebugger.breakpoints.SuspendPolicy; import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.XValueChildrenList; import com.jetbrains.python.console.pydev.PydevCompletionVariant; import com.jetbrains.python.debugger.*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; /** * @author traff */ public class ClientModeMultiProcessDebugger implements ProcessDebugger { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(ClientModeMultiProcessDebugger.class); private final IPyDebugProcess myDebugProcess; @NotNull private final String myHost; private final int myPort; @NotNull private final RemoteDebugger myMainDebugger; private final Object myOtherDebuggersObject = new Object(); private final List<RemoteDebugger> myOtherDebuggers = Lists.newArrayList(); private ThreadRegistry myThreadRegistry = new ThreadRegistry(); public ClientModeMultiProcessDebugger(@NotNull final IPyDebugProcess debugProcess, @NotNull String host, int port) { myDebugProcess = debugProcess; myHost = host; myPort = port; myMainDebugger = createDebugger(); myOtherDebuggers.add(myMainDebugger); } @NotNull private RemoteDebugger createDebugger() { return new RemoteDebugger(myDebugProcess, myHost, myPort) { @Override protected void onProcessCreatedEvent() throws PyDebuggerException { ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(ClientModeMultiProcessDebugger.this::connectToSubprocess); } }; } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return getOtherDebuggers().stream().anyMatch(RemoteDebugger::isConnected); } @Override public void waitForConnect() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(500L); myMainDebugger.waitForConnect(); } private void connectToSubprocess() { try { RemoteDebugger debugger = createDebugger(); debugger.waitForConnect(); addDebugger(debugger); myDebugProcess.init();; return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.warn(e); } catch (Exception ignored) { } try { //noinspection BusyWait Thread.sleep(50L); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } LOG.debug("Could not connect to subprocess"); } @Override public void close() { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.close(); } } private List<RemoteDebugger> allDebuggers() { List<RemoteDebugger> result = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (myOtherDebuggersObject) { result.addAll(myOtherDebuggers); } return result; } @Override public void disconnect() { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.disconnect(); } } @Override public String handshake() throws PyDebuggerException { return myMainDebugger.handshake(); } @Override public PyDebugValue evaluate(String threadId, String frameId, String expression, boolean execute) throws PyDebuggerException { return debugger(threadId).evaluate(threadId, frameId, expression, execute); } @Override public PyDebugValue evaluate(String threadId, String frameId, String expression, boolean execute, boolean trimResult) throws PyDebuggerException { return debugger(threadId).evaluate(threadId, frameId, expression, execute, trimResult); } @Override public void consoleExec(String threadId, String frameId, String expression, PyDebugCallback<String> callback) { debugger(threadId).consoleExec(threadId, frameId, expression, callback); } @Override public XValueChildrenList loadFrame(String threadId, String frameId) throws PyDebuggerException { return debugger(threadId).loadFrame(threadId, frameId); } @Override public XValueChildrenList loadVariable(String threadId, String frameId, PyDebugValue var) throws PyDebuggerException { return debugger(threadId).loadVariable(threadId, frameId, var); } public ArrayChunk loadArrayItems(String threadId, String frameId, PyDebugValue var, int rowOffset, int colOffset, int rows, int cols, String format) throws PyDebuggerException { return debugger(threadId).loadArrayItems(threadId, frameId, var, rowOffset, colOffset, rows, cols, format); } @Override public void loadReferrers(String threadId, String frameId, PyReferringObjectsValue var, PyDebugCallback<XValueChildrenList> callback) { debugger(threadId).loadReferrers(threadId, frameId, var, callback); } @NotNull private ProcessDebugger debugger(@NotNull String threadId) { ProcessDebugger debugger = myThreadRegistry.getDebugger(threadId); if (debugger != null) { return debugger; } else { // thread is not found in registry - lets search for it in attached debuggers for (ProcessDebugger d : getOtherDebuggers()) { for (PyThreadInfo thread : d.getThreads()) { if (threadId.equals(thread.getId())) { return d; } } } //if not found then return main debugger return myMainDebugger; } } @Override public PyDebugValue changeVariable(String threadId, String frameId, PyDebugValue var, String value) throws PyDebuggerException { return debugger(threadId).changeVariable(threadId, frameId, var, value); } @Override public String loadSource(String path) { return myMainDebugger.loadSource(path); } private static class ThreadRegistry { private Map<String, RemoteDebugger> myThreadIdToDebugger = Maps.newHashMap(); public void register(String id, RemoteDebugger debugger) { myThreadIdToDebugger.put(id, debugger); } public RemoteDebugger getDebugger(String threadId) { return myThreadIdToDebugger.get(threadId); } public static String threadName(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String id) { int indx = id.indexOf("_", id.indexOf("_") + 1); if (indx != -1) { id = id.substring(0, indx); } return name + "(" + id + ")"; } } @Override public Collection<PyThreadInfo> getThreads() { cleanOtherDebuggers(); List<PyThreadInfo> threads = collectAllThreads(); if (!isOtherDebuggersEmpty()) { //here we add process id to thread name in case there are more then one process return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Collections2.transform(threads, t -> { String threadName = ThreadRegistry.threadName(t.getName(), t.getId()); PyThreadInfo newThread = new PyThreadInfo(t.getId(), threadName, t.getFrames(), t.getStopReason(), t.getMessage()); newThread.updateState(t.getState(), t.getFrames()); return newThread; })); } else { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(threads); } } private List<PyThreadInfo> collectAllThreads() { List<PyThreadInfo> result = Lists.newArrayList(); result.addAll(myMainDebugger.getThreads()); //collect threads and add them to registry to faster access //we don't register mainDebugger as it is default if there is no mapping for (RemoteDebugger d : myOtherDebuggers) { result.addAll(d.getThreads()); for (PyThreadInfo t : d.getThreads()) { myThreadRegistry.register(t.getId(), d); } } return result; } private void cleanOtherDebuggers() { removeDisconnected(getOtherDebuggers()); } private void removeDisconnected(ArrayList<RemoteDebugger> debuggers) { boolean allConnected = true; for (RemoteDebugger d : debuggers) { if (!d.isConnected()) { allConnected = false; } } if (!allConnected) { List<RemoteDebugger> newList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (RemoteDebugger d : debuggers) { if (d.isConnected()) { newList.add(d); } } synchronized (myOtherDebuggersObject) { myOtherDebuggers.clear(); myOtherDebuggers.addAll(newList); } } } private ArrayList<RemoteDebugger> getOtherDebuggers() { synchronized (myOtherDebuggersObject) { return Lists.newArrayList(myOtherDebuggers); } } private boolean isOtherDebuggersEmpty() { synchronized (myOtherDebuggersObject) { return myOtherDebuggers.isEmpty(); } } @Override public void execute(@NotNull AbstractCommand command) { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.execute(command); } } @Override public void suspendAllThreads() { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.suspendAllThreads(); } } @Override public void suspendThread(String threadId) { debugger(threadId).suspendThread(threadId); } @Override public void run() throws PyDebuggerException {; } @Override public void smartStepInto(String threadId, String functionName) { debugger(threadId).smartStepInto(threadId, functionName); } @Override public void resumeOrStep(String threadId, ResumeOrStepCommand.Mode mode) { debugger(threadId).resumeOrStep(threadId, mode); } @Override public void setTempBreakpoint(@NotNull String type, @NotNull String file, int line) { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.setTempBreakpoint(type, file, line); } } @Override public void removeTempBreakpoint(@NotNull String file, int line) { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.removeTempBreakpoint(file, line); } } @Override public void setBreakpoint(@NotNull String typeId, @NotNull String file, int line, @Nullable String condition, @Nullable String logExpression, @Nullable String funcName, @NotNull SuspendPolicy policy) { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.setBreakpoint(typeId, file, line, condition, logExpression, funcName, policy); } } @Override public void removeBreakpoint(@NotNull String typeId, @NotNull String file, int line) { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.removeBreakpoint(typeId, file, line); } } @Override public void setShowReturnValues(boolean isShowReturnValues) { for (ProcessDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.setShowReturnValues(isShowReturnValues); } } private void addDebugger(RemoteDebugger debugger) { synchronized (myOtherDebuggersObject) { myOtherDebuggers.add(debugger); } } public void addCloseListener(RemoteDebuggerCloseListener listener) { myMainDebugger.addCloseListener(listener); } @Override public List<PydevCompletionVariant> getCompletions(String threadId, String frameId, String prefix) { return debugger(threadId).getCompletions(threadId, frameId, prefix); } @Override public String getDescription(String threadId, String frameId, String cmd) { return debugger(threadId).getDescription(threadId, frameId, cmd); } @Override public void addExceptionBreakpoint(ExceptionBreakpointCommandFactory factory) { for (RemoteDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.execute(factory.createAddCommand(d)); } } @Override public void removeExceptionBreakpoint(ExceptionBreakpointCommandFactory factory) { for (RemoteDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { d.execute(factory.createRemoveCommand(d)); } } @Override public void suspendOtherThreads(PyThreadInfo thread) { for (RemoteDebugger d : allDebuggers()) { // we should notify the debugger in each process about suspending all threads d.suspendOtherThreads(thread); } } }