package org.jetbrains.yaml.parser; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ex.PathManagerEx; import com.intellij.testFramework.ParsingTestCase; import org.jetbrains.yaml.YAMLParserDefinition; import; /** * @author oleg */ public class YAMLParserTest extends ParsingTestCase { public YAMLParserTest() { super("", "yml", new YAMLParserDefinition()); } protected String getTestDataPath() { return PathManagerEx.getCommunityHomePath() + "/plugins/yaml/testSrc/org/jetbrains/yaml/parser/data/"; } public void test2docs() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("# Ranking of 1998 home runs\n" + "---\n" + "- Mark McGwire\n" + "- Sammy Sosa\n" + "- Ken Griffey\n" + "\n" + "# Team ranking\n" + "---\n" + "- Chicago Cubs\n" + "- St Louis Cardinals"); } public void testIndentation() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("name: Mark McGwire\n" + "accomplishment: >\n" + " Mark set a major league\n" + " home run record in 1998.\n" + "stats: |\n" + " 65 Home Runs\n" + " 0.278 Batting Average"); } public void testMap_between_seq() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("?\n" + " - Detroit Tigers\n" + " - Chicago cubs\n" + ":\n" + " - 2001-07-23\n" + "\n" + "? [ New York Yankees,\n" + " Atlanta Braves ]\n" + ": [ 2001-07-02, 2001-08-12,\n" + " 2001-08-14 ]"); } public void testMap_map() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278}\n" + "Sammy Sosa: {\n" + " hr: 63,\n" + " avg: 0.288\n" + " }"); } public void testSample_log() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("Stack:\n" + " - file:\n" + " line: 23\n" + " code: |\n" + " x = MoreObject(\"345\\n\")\n" + " - file:\n" + " line: 58\n" + " code: |-\n" + " foo = bar"); } public void testSeq_seq() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("- [name , hr, avg ]\n" + "- [Mark McGwire, 65, 0.278]\n" + "- [Sammy Sosa , 63, 0.288]"); } public void testSequence_mappings() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("-\n" + " name: Mark McGwire\n" + " hr: 65\n" + " avg: 0.278\n" + "-\n" + " name: Sammy Sosa\n" + " hr: 63\n" + " avg: 0.288"); } public void testBalance() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("runningTime: 150000\n" + "scenarios:\n" + " voice_bundle_change: {\n" + " dataCycling: true\n" + " }\n" + " smart_overview: {\n" + " dataCycling: true\n" + " }"); } public void testInterpolation() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("en:\n foo: bar %{baz}"); } public void testValue_injection() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("key:\n" + " one: 1 text\n" + " other: some {{count}} text"); } public void testSequence_idea76804() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("server:\n" + "- a\n" + "- b\n" + "\n" + "server:\n" + " - a\n" + " - b"); } public void testMultiline_ruby16796() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("code:\n" + " src=\"keys/{{item}}\"\n" + " mode=0600\n" + "with_items:\n" + " - \"\"\n"); } public void testRuby17389() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("---\n" + "foo: {}\n" + "bar: \"baz\""); } public void testRuby19105() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("'Fn::Join':\n" + " - ''\n" + " - - Ref: hostedZoneName\n" + " - a"); } public void testRuby15345() throws IOException { doCodeTest("- !\n" + " propertyOne: bla bla\n" + " propertyWithOneSequence:\n" + " - first value\n" + " nextPropertyWithOneSequence:\n" + " - first value of another sequence"); } public void testHonestMultiline() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("---\n" + "foo: >\n" + " first text line\n" + " second text line\n" + "\n" + " baz: clazz\n" + " - this is text\n" + " - but looks like a list\n" + " - indent tells.\n" + "bar: zoo"); } public void testEmptyMultiline() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("---\n" + "foo: >\n" + "bar:\n" + " abc: def\n" + " ghi: >\n" + " jkl: mno\n" + "baz: qwe"); } public void testIncompleteKey() throws Throwable { doCodeTest("logging:\n" + " config: bla\n" + " index"); } public void testStringWithTag() throws IOException { doCodeTest("foo: ! \"tratata\""); } public void testIncompleteKeyWithWhitespace() throws IOException { doCodeTest("logging:\n" + " config:\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n"); } public void testExplicitMaps() { doTest(true); } public void testSpec2_27() { doTest(true); } public void testAnsibleRoleElkInit() { doTest(true); } public void testAnsibleRoleElkMain() { doTest(true); } public void testBlockMapping() { doTest(true); } public void testIncompleteKeyInHierarchy() { doTest(true); } public void testKeyValueWithEmptyLineAhead() { doTest(true); } public void testMultipleDocsWithMappings() { doTest(true); } public void testScalarsWithNewlines() { doTest(true); } }