import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.*; public class LongRangeKnownMethods { void testIndexOf(String s) { int idx = s.indexOf("xyz"); if(idx >= 0) { System.out.println("Found"); } else if(<warning descr="Condition 'idx == -1' is always 'true'">idx == -1</warning>) { System.out.println("Not found"); } } void testLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime ldt) { if(<warning descr="Condition 'ldt.getHour() == 24' is always 'false'">ldt.getHour() == 24</warning>) System.out.println(1); if(<warning descr="Condition 'ldt.getMinute() >= 0' is always 'true'">ldt.getMinute() >= 0</warning>) System.out.println(2); if(<warning descr="Condition 'ldt.getSecond() >= 60' is always 'false'">ldt.getSecond() >= 60</warning>) System.out.println(3); } private static int twiceIndexOf(String text, int start, int end) { int paragraphStart = text.lastIndexOf("\n\n", start); int paragraphEnd = text.indexOf("\n\n", end); if (paragraphStart >= paragraphEnd) { return text.length(); } return (paragraphStart >= 0 ? paragraphStart + 2 : 0) + (<warning descr="Condition 'paragraphEnd < 0' is always 'false' when reached">paragraphEnd < 0</warning> ? text.length() : paragraphEnd); } void test(String s) { if (<warning descr="Condition 's.isEmpty() && s.length() > 2' is always 'false'">s.isEmpty() && <warning descr="Condition 's.length() > 2' is always 'false' when reached">s.length() > 2</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Never"); } } void test2(String s) { if (s.isEmpty() && <warning descr="Condition 's.length() == 0' is always 'true' when reached">s.length() == 0</warning>) { System.out.println("Ok"); } } void test3(String s) { if (<warning descr="Condition 's.startsWith(\"xyz\") && s.length() < 3' is always 'false'">s.startsWith("xyz") && <warning descr="Condition 's.length() < 3' is always 'false' when reached">s.length() < 3</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testEmpty(String s) { if (<warning descr="Condition 's.isEmpty() && s.startsWith(\"xyz\")' is always 'false'">s.isEmpty() && <warning descr="Condition 's.startsWith(\"xyz\")' is always 'false' when reached">s.startsWith("xyz")</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testOk(String s) { if (s.length() <= 3 && s.endsWith("xyz")) { System.out.println("Possible"); } } void testInterfere(String s, String s2) { if (!s.isEmpty() && s2.startsWith(s)) { if(<warning descr="Condition 's2.isEmpty()' is always 'false'">s2.isEmpty()</warning>) { System.out.println(); } } } void test4() { String s = "abcd"; if (<warning descr="Condition 's.startsWith(\"efg\")' is always 'false'">s.startsWith("efg")</warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testEquals(boolean b, boolean c) { String s1 = b ? "x" : "y"; String s2 = c ? "x" : "b"; if(s1.equals(s2) && <warning descr="Condition 'b' is always 'true' when reached">b</warning>) { System.out.println("B is always true"); } } void testEqualsIgnoreCase(String s) { if(<warning descr="Condition 's.equalsIgnoreCase(\"xyz\") && s.isEmpty()' is always 'false'">s.equalsIgnoreCase("xyz") && <warning descr="Condition 's.isEmpty()' is always 'false' when reached">s.isEmpty()</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Never"); } } void testIndexOfUpperBound(String s) { int idx = "abcdefgh".indexOf(s); if(<warning descr="Condition 'idx > 8' is always 'false'">idx > 8</warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testMax(int x) { x = Math.max(x, 0); if (<warning descr="Condition 'x > -1' is always 'true'">x > -1</warning>) { System.out.println("Always"); } if (x > 0) { System.out.println("Not always"); } } void testMin(long x, long y) { if (x < 10 && y > 10) { y = Long.min(x, y); if (<warning descr="Condition 'y > 20' is always 'false'">y > 20</warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } if (y > 20) { System.out.println("Possible"); } } void testMinMax(List<String> rows) { int start = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int end = -1; for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { String row = rows.get(i); if (!row.isEmpty()) { start = Math.min(start, i); end = Math.max(end, i); } } if(end >= 0 && <warning descr="Condition 'start < Integer.MAX_VALUE' is always 'true' when reached">start < Integer.MAX_VALUE</warning>) { System.out.println("Ok"); } } void testAbs(long x, int y) { x = Math.abs(x); y = Math.abs(y); if (x == Long.MIN_VALUE) { System.out.println("possible"); } if (<warning descr="Condition 'x == Long.MIN_VALUE + 1' is always 'false'">x == Long.MIN_VALUE + 1</warning>) { System.out.println("impossible"); } if (<warning descr="Condition 'x == Integer.MIN_VALUE' is always 'false'">x == Integer.MIN_VALUE</warning>) { System.out.println("impossible"); } if (y == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { System.out.println("possible"); } else if(<warning descr="Condition 'y < 0' is always 'false'">y < 0</warning>) { System.out.println("impossible"); } } void testStringComparison(String name) { // Parentheses misplaced -- found in AndroidStudio if (!(name.equals("layout_width") && <warning descr="Condition '!(name.equals(\"layout_height\"))' is always 'true'">!(name.equals("layout_height"))</warning> && <warning descr="Condition '!(name.equals(\"id\"))' is always 'true'">!(name.equals("id"))</warning>)) { System.out.println("ok"); } } void testFlush(MyReader r) { if(r.getValue().equals("abc")) { r.readNext(); if(r.getValue().equals("abcd")) { System.out.println("ok"); } } } void testNoFlush(MyReader r) { if(r.getValue().equals("abc")) { if(<warning descr="Condition 'r.getValue().equals(\"abcd\")' is always 'false'">r.getValue().equals("abcd")</warning>) { System.out.println("ok"); } } } static class MyReader { private String value = ""; final String getValue() { return value; } void readNext() { value = new Scanner(; } } void testEmptyList(List<String> list) { if (<warning descr="Condition 'list.get(0).isEmpty() && list.isEmpty()' is always 'false'">list.get(0).isEmpty() && <warning descr="Condition 'list.isEmpty()' is always 'false' when reached">list.isEmpty()</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("impossible"); } } void testEmptyListGet(List<String> list) { if (list.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(list.<warning descr="The call to 'get' always fails, according to its method contracts">get</warning>(0)); } } void testBoundError(List<String> list) { if (list.size() < 10) { System.out.println(list.<warning descr="The call to 'get' always fails, according to its method contracts">get</warning>(10)); } } void testCollectionArray(Set<Object> currentElements, Object[] elements) { if(!currentElements.isEmpty() && elements.length == currentElements.size()) { if (<warning descr="Condition 'elements.length > 0' is always 'true'">elements.length > 0</warning>) { System.out.println("Yes"); } } } public String getOrThrow(int index, List<String> localVariables) { if (index < localVariables.size()) { return localVariables.get(index); } else if (<warning descr="Condition 'index < 0' is always 'false'">index < 0</warning>) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else return ""; } void testSetFirst(TreeSet<Integer> set) { if (set.first() == 0 && <warning descr="Condition 'set.size() > 0' is always 'true' when reached">set.size() > 0</warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testMap(HashMap<String, Integer> map) { if(<warning descr="Condition 'map.isEmpty() && map.containsKey(\"xyz\")' is always 'false'">map.isEmpty() && <warning descr="Condition 'map.containsKey(\"xyz\")' is always 'false' when reached">map.containsKey("xyz")</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testMapContainsValue(TreeMap<String, Integer> map) { if(<warning descr="Condition 'map.containsValue(1) && map.size() < 1' is always 'false'">map.containsValue(1) && <warning descr="Condition 'map.size() < 1' is always 'false' when reached">map.size() < 1</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testMapEquals(Map<String, String> map, Map<String, String> otherMap) { if(<warning descr="Condition 'map.isEmpty() && otherMap.equals(map) && otherMap.containsValue(\"xyz\")' is always 'false'">map.isEmpty() && otherMap.equals(map) && <warning descr="Condition 'otherMap.containsValue(\"xyz\")' is always 'false'">otherMap.containsValue("xyz")</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testListIndexOf(List<String> list) { if(<warning descr="Condition 'list.size() == 10 && list.indexOf(\"xyz\") == 15' is always 'false'">list.size() == 10 && <warning descr="Condition 'list.indexOf(\"xyz\") == 15' is always 'false' when reached">list.indexOf("xyz") == 15</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } void testGetUnknown(List<String> list, int index) { if(<warning descr="Condition 'list.get(index).isEmpty() && list.isEmpty()' is always 'false'">list.get(index).isEmpty() && <warning descr="Condition 'list.isEmpty()' is always 'false' when reached">list.isEmpty()</warning></warning>) { System.out.println("Impossible"); } } }