/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.cvsSupport2.cvsoperations.cvsContent; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.CvsUtil; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.application.CvsEntriesManager; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.connections.CvsEnvironment; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.connections.CvsRootProvider; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.cvsoperations.common.CvsExecutionEnvironment; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.cvsoperations.common.LocalPathIndifferentOperation; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.cvsoperations.dateOrRevision.RevisionOrDate; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.cvsoperations.dateOrRevision.RevisionOrDateImpl; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.errorHandling.CannotFindCvsRootException; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.history.CvsRevisionNumber; import com.intellij.cvsSupport2.util.CvsVfsUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.FilePath; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.admin.Entry; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.Command; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.checkout.CheckoutCommand; import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.file.FileObject; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; @SuppressWarnings({"FieldAccessedSynchronizedAndUnsynchronized"}) public class GetFileContentOperation extends LocalPathIndifferentOperation { @NonNls private static final String VERS_PREFIX = "VERS:"; public static class FileContentReader { private ByteArrayOutputStream myContent = null; private byte[] myBinaryContent = null; @NonNls private static final String TEXT_MESSAGE_TAG = "text"; private boolean myLastTagIsText = false; public boolean isEmpty() { return myContent == null && myBinaryContent == null; } public byte[] getReadContent() { if (myBinaryContent != null) { return myBinaryContent; } else { if (!myLastTagIsText && myContent.size() > 0) { myContent.write('\n'); } return myContent.toByteArray(); } } public void messageSent(final byte[] byteMessage, final boolean tagged) { if (myContent == null) myContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); myLastTagIsText = false; if (tagged) { String tagType = readTagTypeFrom(byteMessage); if (tagType != null) { if (TEXT_MESSAGE_TAG.equals(tagType)) { final int textStartPosition = tagType.length(); if (myContent.size() > 0) { myContent.write('\n'); } myContent.write(byteMessage, textStartPosition + 1, byteMessage.length - textStartPosition - 1); myLastTagIsText = true; } } } else { if (myContent.size() > 0) { myContent.write('\n'); } myContent.write(byteMessage, 0, byteMessage.length); } } private static String readTagTypeFrom(final byte[] byteMessage) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (byte b : byteMessage) { if (b == ' ') return result.toString(); result.append((char)b); } return null; } public void binaryMessageSent(final byte[] bytes) { myBinaryContent = bytes; } } private static final byte NOT_LOADED = 0; private static final byte FILE_NOT_FOUND = 1; private static final byte DELETED = 2; private static final byte SUCCESSFULLY_LOADED = 3; private static final byte LOADING = 4; private byte myState = NOT_LOADED; private final FileContentReader myReader = new FileContentReader(); private byte[] myFileBytes = null; private String myRevision; private final String myModuleName; private final CvsRootProvider myRoot; private CvsRevisionNumber myCvsRevisionNumber; private final RevisionOrDate myRevisionOrDate; public static GetFileContentOperation createForFile(VirtualFile file, RevisionOrDate revisionOrDate) throws CannotFindCvsRootException { File ioFile = CvsVfsUtil.getFileFor(file); return new GetFileContentOperation(new File(getPathInRepository(file)), CvsRootProvider.createOn(ioFile), revisionOrDate ); } public static GetFileContentOperation createForFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file) throws CannotFindCvsRootException { return createForFile(file, RevisionOrDateImpl.createOn(file)); } public static GetFileContentOperation createForFile(FilePath filePath) throws CannotFindCvsRootException { String pathInRepository = CvsEntriesManager.getInstance().getRepositoryFor(filePath.getVirtualFileParent()) + "/" + filePath.getName(); return new GetFileContentOperation(new File(pathInRepository), CvsRootProvider.createOn(filePath.getIOFile()), RevisionOrDateImpl.createOn(filePath.getVirtualFileParent(), filePath.getName())); } public GetFileContentOperation(File cvsFile, CvsEnvironment environment, @NotNull RevisionOrDate revisionOrDate) { super(environment); myRevisionOrDate = revisionOrDate; myRoot = CvsRootProvider.createOn(null, environment); myModuleName = cvsFile.getPath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); myCvsRevisionNumber = myRevisionOrDate.getCvsRevisionNumber(); } private static String getPathInRepository(VirtualFile file) { return CvsUtil.getModuleName(file); } @SuppressWarnings({"RefusedBequest"}) protected Collection<CvsRootProvider> getAllCvsRoots() { return Collections.singleton(myRoot); } public CvsRootProvider getRoot() { return myRoot; } protected Command createCommand(CvsRootProvider root, CvsExecutionEnvironment cvsExecutionEnvironment) { myState = LOADING; myRoot.changeAdminRootTo(new File(".")); myRoot.changeLocalRootTo(new File(".")); CheckoutCommand command = new CheckoutCommand(null); command.setRecursive(false); command.addModule(myModuleName); command.setPrintToOutput(true); myRevisionOrDate.setForCommand(command); return command; } public String getRevision() { if (!isLoaded()) { return myRevisionOrDate.getRevision(); } else { return myRevision; } } public synchronized byte[] getFileBytes() { if (myFileBytes == null) { if (myState == DELETED) return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; myFileBytes = loadFileBytes(); } return myFileBytes; } @Nullable public synchronized byte[] tryGetFileBytes() { if (myFileBytes == null && myState == LOADING) { myFileBytes = loadFileBytes(); } return myFileBytes; } public boolean isDeleted() { if (myState == LOADING) { getFileBytes(); } return myState == DELETED; } private synchronized byte[] loadFileBytes() { if (myState != LOADING) { LOG.error("state = " + String.valueOf(myState)); } if (myReader.isEmpty()) { myState = DELETED; return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } else { myState = SUCCESSFULLY_LOADED; return myReader.getReadContent(); } } public void gotEntry(FileObject abstractFileObject, Entry entry) { super.gotEntry(abstractFileObject, entry); if (entry == null) { myState = DELETED; myFileBytes = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } else { myRevision = entry.getRevision(); myCvsRevisionNumber = new CvsRevisionNumber(myRevision); } } public boolean fileNotFound() { tryGetFileBytes(); return myState == FILE_NOT_FOUND; } public boolean isLoaded() { return myState != NOT_LOADED; } public CvsRevisionNumber getRevisionNumber() { LOG.assertTrue(myCvsRevisionNumber != null); return myCvsRevisionNumber; } protected String getOperationName() { return "checkout"; } public void messageSent(String message, final byte[] byteMessage, boolean error, boolean tagged) { super.messageSent(message, byteMessage, error, tagged); if (!error) { myReader.messageSent(byteMessage, tagged); } else if (message.startsWith(VERS_PREFIX)) { final String version = message.substring(5).trim(); myRevision = version; myCvsRevisionNumber = new CvsRevisionNumber(version); } } public void binaryMessageSent(final byte[] bytes) { super.binaryMessageSent(bytes); myReader.binaryMessageSent(bytes); } @Override public boolean runInReadThread() { return false; } protected boolean runInExclusiveLock() { return false; } }