package org.jetbrains.idea.svn; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed.ChangesBunch; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.versionBrowser.CommittedChangeList; import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.CodeInsightFixtureTestCase; import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history.*; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision; import java.util.*; public class SvnCachingRevisionsTest extends CodeInsightFixtureTestCase { private SvnRepositoryLocation myLocation; private LoadedRevisionsCache myInternalManager; private final static String URL = "file:///C:/repo/trunk"; private final static SVNURL ROOT = SvnUtil.parseUrl("file:///C:/repo"); private final static String AUTHOR = "author"; private final static int PAGE = 5; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); myLocation = new SvnRepositoryLocation(URL); myInternalManager = LoadedRevisionsCache.getInstance(myFixture.getProject()); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { myInternalManager = null; myLocation = null; FileUtil.delete(SvnApplicationSettings.getLoadedRevisionsDir(myFixture.getProject())); super.tearDown(); } private SvnChangeList createList(final long revision) { LogEntry entry = new LogEntry.Builder().setRevision(revision).setAuthor(AUTHOR).setDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).setMessage("").build(); return new SvnChangeList(null, myLocation, entry, ROOT.toDecodedString()); } private class MockSvnLogLoader implements SvnLogLoader { private final List<Long> myRevisions; private MockSvnLogLoader(final List<Long> revisions) { myRevisions = revisions; } @Override public List<CommittedChangeList> loadInterval(final SVNRevision fromIncluding, final SVNRevision toIncluding, final int maxCount, final boolean includingYoungest, final boolean includeOldest) throws VcsException { long young = fromIncluding.getNumber(); young = (young == -1) ? myRevisions.get(myRevisions.size() - 1) : young; final long old = toIncluding.getNumber(); final List<CommittedChangeList> result = new ArrayList<>(); int cnt = -1; // from back for (int i = myRevisions.size() - 1; i >= 0; -- i) { final Long current = myRevisions.get(i); if ((cnt == -1) && (current <= young)) { cnt = 0; } if (cnt >= 0) { ++ cnt; } if ((young > current) || (includingYoungest && (young == current))) { if ((old < current) || (includeOldest && (old == current))) { result.add(createList(current)); } } if (cnt == maxCount) { break; } } return result; } } private LiveProvider createLiveProvider(final List<Long> liveRevisions) { return new LiveProvider(null, myLocation, liveRevisions.get(liveRevisions.size() - 1), new MockSvnLogLoader(liveRevisions), ROOT); } private void checkBounds(final Pair<Long, Long> bounds, final long startRevision, final int step) { assert (bounds.first - startRevision) % step == 0; assert (bounds.second - startRevision) % step == 0; } private class MockCachedProvider extends CachedProvider { private MockCachedProvider(final Iterator<ChangesBunch> iterator, final Origin origin) { super(iterator, origin); } @Override public void doCacheUpdate(final List<List<Fragment>> fragments) { assert false; } } private Iterator<ChangesBunch> createCommittedIterator(final int bunchSize, final List<Long> revisions) { final List<ChangesBunch> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = revisions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i -= bunchSize) { final int j = (bunchSize > i) ? -1 : (i - bunchSize); final List<CommittedChangeList> subList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int k = i; k > j; -- k) { subList.add(createList(revisions.get(k))); } list.add(new ChangesBunch(subList, (j != -1))); if (j == -1) { break; } } return list.iterator(); } private void performTest(final long startRevision, final int step, final Pair<Long, Long> committedBounds, final List<Pair<Long, Long>> internalBounds, final long endRevision) throws Exception { assert ((endRevision - startRevision) % step) == 0; if (committedBounds != null) { checkBounds(committedBounds, startRevision, step); } for (Pair<Long, Long> bound : internalBounds) { checkBounds(bound, startRevision, step); } final List<Long> liveRevisions = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Long> committedRevisions = new ArrayList<>(); for (long i = startRevision; i <= endRevision; i += step) { liveRevisions.add(i); if (committedBounds != null) { if ((committedBounds.first <= i) && (committedBounds.second >= i)) { committedRevisions.add(i); } } } // each pair corresponds to interval final List<Long> internalRevisions = new ArrayList<>(); LoadedRevisionsCache.Bunch bindTo = null; for (int i = 0; i < internalBounds.size(); i++) { final Pair<Long, Long> bound = internalBounds.get(i); final boolean consistent = (i != 0) && (internalBounds.get(i - 1).second + step == bound.first); final List<Long> revisions = new ArrayList<>(); for (long j = bound.first; j <= bound.second; j += step) { revisions.add(j); internalRevisions.add(j); } bindTo = putToInternalCache(revisions, consistent, bindTo); } assert Collections.disjoint(committedRevisions, internalRevisions); final LiveProvider liveProvider = createLiveProvider(liveRevisions); final CachedProvider committedProvider = committedRevisions.isEmpty() ? null : new MockCachedProvider(createCommittedIterator(PAGE, committedRevisions), Origin.VISUAL); final CachedProvider internalProvider = internalRevisions.isEmpty() ? null : new MockCachedProvider(myInternalManager.iterator(myLocation.getURL()), Origin.INTERNAL); final BunchFactory factory = new BunchFactory(internalProvider, committedProvider, liveProvider); Ref<Boolean> myYoungestRead = new Ref<>(Boolean.FALSE); long i = endRevision; for (; i >= startRevision; i -= step * PAGE) { assert (! Boolean.TRUE.equals(myYoungestRead.get())); final List<Fragment> fragments = factory.goBack(PAGE, myYoungestRead); debugFragments(i, fragments); checkFragments(i, internalRevisions, committedRevisions, fragments, step); } // otherwise end of live stream is not jet detected (additional request is required) assert (! (i + step < startRevision) ^ Boolean.TRUE.equals(myYoungestRead.get())); } private void checkFragments(final long earlyRevision, final List<Long> internally, final List<Long> committed, final List<Fragment> fragments, final int step) { final List<Long> expectedRevisions = new ArrayList<>(); for (long i = earlyRevision; i > (earlyRevision - PAGE * step); i -= step) { expectedRevisions.add(i); } for (Fragment fragment : fragments) { final Origin currentOrigin = fragment.getOrigin(); for (CommittedChangeList list : fragment.getList()) { assert ! expectedRevisions.isEmpty(); final long expected = expectedRevisions.remove(0); assert expected == list.getNumber(); assert (Origin.INTERNAL.equals(currentOrigin) && (internally.contains(expected))) || (Origin.VISUAL.equals(currentOrigin) && (committed.contains(expected))) || (Origin.LIVE.equals(currentOrigin) && (! internally.contains(expected)) && (! committed.contains(expected))); } } } private void debugFragments(final long earlyRevision, final List<Fragment> fragments) { //System.out.println("Loaded for start revision: " + earlyRevision); //for (Fragment fragment : fragments) { // System.out.println(fragment.getOrigin().toString() + " from: " + fragment.getList().get(0).getNumber() + // " to: " + fragment.getList().get(fragment.getList().size() - 1).getNumber()); //} //System.out.println(); } private List<CommittedChangeList> revisionsToLists(final List<Long> revisions) { final List<CommittedChangeList> lists = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long revision : revisions) { lists.add(createList(revision)); } return lists; } private LoadedRevisionsCache.Bunch putToInternalCache(final List<Long> revisions, final boolean consistent, final LoadedRevisionsCache.Bunch bindTo) { final List<CommittedChangeList> lists = revisionsToLists(revisions); Collections.reverse(lists); return myInternalManager.put(lists, consistent, bindTo); } public void testJustLiveProvider() throws Exception { performTest(11, 2, null, Collections.emptyList(), 121); } public void testLiveAndSimpleInternalProvider() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PAGE; i+=2) { performTest(11, 2, null, Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(109L, 117L)), 121 + i); } } public void testLiveAndSimpleCommittedProvider() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PAGE; i+=2) { performTest(11, 2, new Pair<>(19L, 117L), Collections.emptyList(), 121 + i); } } public void testLiveAndTwoInternalsProvider() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PAGE; i+=2) { performTest(11, 2, null, Arrays.asList(new Pair<>(101L, 111L), new Pair<>(113L, 117L)), 121 + i); } } public void testCommittedAndSeveralInternalsProvider() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PAGE; i+=2) { performTest(11, 2, new Pair<>(11L, 17L), Arrays.asList(new Pair<>(19L, 23L), new Pair<>(25L, 37L + i)), 37 + i); } } public void testAllThreeProviders() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PAGE; i+=2) { performTest(11, 2, new Pair<>(11L, 17L), Arrays.asList(new Pair<>(23L, 37L), new Pair<>(45L, 57L)), 87 + i); } } public void testShift() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 2 * PAGE; i+=2) { performTest(11, 2, new Pair<>(11L, 15L), Arrays.asList(new Pair<>(17L, 25L), new Pair<>(27L, 35L)), 37 + i); } } public void testShortLive() throws Exception { performTest(11, 2, null, Collections.emptyList(), 13); } public void testShortInternal() throws Exception { performTest(11, 2, null, Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(11L, 15L)), 15); } public void testShortCommitted() throws Exception { performTest(11, 2, new Pair<>(11L, 15L), Collections.emptyList(), 15); } public void testThreeByOne() throws Exception { performTest(11, 2, new Pair<>(11L, 11L), Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(13L, 13L)), 15); } }