/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.uiDesigner.radComponents; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ActionGroup; import com.intellij.uiDesigner.GridChangeUtil; import com.intellij.uiDesigner.UIFormXmlConstants; import com.intellij.uiDesigner.XmlWriter; import com.intellij.uiDesigner.FormEditingUtil; import com.intellij.uiDesigner.core.GridConstraints; import com.intellij.uiDesigner.designSurface.*; import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.awt.*; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author yole */ public abstract class RadAbstractGridLayoutManager extends RadLayoutManager { protected final Map<RadComponent, MyPropertyChangeListener> myListenerMap = new HashMap<>(); @Override public boolean isGrid() { return true; } public abstract int getGridRowCount(RadContainer container); public abstract int getGridColumnCount(RadContainer container); public int getGridCellCount(RadContainer container, boolean isRow) { return isRow ? getGridRowCount(container) : getGridColumnCount(container); } public int getGridRowAt(RadContainer container, int y) { return getGridCellAt(container, y, true); } public int getGridColumnAt(RadContainer container, int x) { return getGridCellAt(container, x, false); } private int getGridCellAt(final RadContainer container, final int coord, final boolean isRow) { int[] coords = getGridCellCoords(container, isRow); int[] sizes = getGridCellSizes(container, isRow); for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { if (coords[i] <= coord && coord <= coords[i] + sizes[i]) { return i; } } return -1; } public abstract int[] getHorizontalGridLines(RadContainer container); public abstract int[] getVerticalGridLines(RadContainer container); public abstract int[] getGridCellCoords(RadContainer container, boolean isRow); public abstract int[] getGridCellSizes(RadContainer container, boolean isRow); @Nullable public CustomPropertiesPanel getRowColumnPropertiesPanel(RadContainer container, boolean isRow, int[] selectedIndices) { return null; } @Nullable public static RadComponent getComponentAtGrid(RadContainer container, final int row, final int column) { // If the target cell is not empty does not allow drop. for(int i=0; i<container.getComponentCount(); i++){ final RadComponent component = container.getComponent(i); if (component.isDragging()) { continue; } final GridConstraints constraints=component.getConstraints(); if( constraints.getRow() <= row && row < constraints.getRow()+constraints.getRowSpan() && constraints.getColumn() <= column && column < constraints.getColumn()+constraints.getColSpan() ){ return component; } } return null; } public int getGridLineNear(RadContainer container, boolean isRow, Point pnt, int epsilon) { int coord = isRow ? pnt.y : pnt.x; int[] gridLines = isRow ? getHorizontalGridLines(container) : getVerticalGridLines(container); for(int col = 1; col <gridLines.length; col++) { if (coord < gridLines [col]) { if (coord - gridLines [col-1] < epsilon) { return col-1; } if (gridLines [col] - coord < epsilon) { return col; } return -1; } } if (coord - gridLines [gridLines.length-1] < epsilon) { return gridLines.length-1; } return -1; } public Rectangle getGridCellRangeRect(RadContainer container, int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol) { int[] xs = getGridCellCoords(container, false); int[] ys = getGridCellCoords(container, true); int[] widths = getGridCellSizes(container, false); int[] heights = getGridCellSizes(container, true); return new Rectangle(xs[startCol], ys[startRow], xs[endCol] + widths[endCol] - xs[startCol], ys[endRow] + heights[endRow] - ys[startRow]); } public boolean canCellGrow(RadContainer container, boolean isRow, int i) { return false; } @Nullable public ActionGroup getCaptionActions() { return null; } public void paintCaptionDecoration(final RadContainer container, final boolean isRow, final int i, final Graphics2D g, final Rectangle rc) { if (canCellGrow(container, isRow, i)) { drawGrowMarker(isRow, g, rc); } } /** * @return the number of inserted rows or columns */ public int insertGridCells(final RadContainer grid, final int cellIndex, final boolean isRow, final boolean isBefore, final boolean grow) { GridChangeUtil.insertRowOrColumn(grid, cellIndex, isRow, isBefore); return 1; } public void copyGridCells(RadContainer source, final RadContainer destination, final boolean isRow, int cellIndex, int cellCount, int targetIndex) { for(int i=0; i< cellCount; i++) { insertGridCells(destination, cellIndex, isRow, false, false); } } /** * @return the number of deleted rows or columns */ public int deleteGridCells(final RadContainer grid, final int cellIndex, final boolean isRow) { GridChangeUtil.deleteCell(grid, cellIndex, isRow); return 1; } public void processCellsMoved(final RadContainer container, final boolean isRow, final int[] cells, final int targetCell) { GridChangeUtil.moveCells(container, isRow, cells, targetCell); } public int getGapCellCount() { return 0; } public int getGapCellSize(final RadContainer container, boolean isRow) { return 0; } public boolean isGapCell(RadContainer grid, boolean isRow, int cellIndex) { return false; } public int getCellIndexBase() { return 0; } public boolean canSpanningAllowed() { return true; } public boolean canResizeCells() { return true; } @Nullable public String getCellResizeTooltip(RadContainer container, boolean isRow, int cell, int newSize) { return null; } public void processCellResized(RadContainer container, final boolean isRow, final int cell, final int newSize) { } public abstract void copyGridSection(final RadContainer source, final RadContainer destination, final Rectangle rc); public LayoutManager copyLayout(LayoutManager layout, int rowDelta, int columnDelta) { return layout; } /** * Returns true if the dimensions of the grid in the container are defined by the coordinates of the components * in the grid (and therefore it must not be validated that an inserted component fits the grid bounds). */ public boolean isGridDefinedByComponents() { return false; } protected static void writeGridConstraints(final XmlWriter writer, final RadComponent child) { // Constraints in Grid layout writer.startElement("grid"); try { final GridConstraints constraints = child.getConstraints(); writer.addAttribute("row",constraints.getRow()); writer.addAttribute("column",constraints.getColumn()); writer.addAttribute("row-span",constraints.getRowSpan()); writer.addAttribute("col-span",constraints.getColSpan()); writer.addAttribute("vsize-policy",constraints.getVSizePolicy()); writer.addAttribute("hsize-policy",constraints.getHSizePolicy()); writer.addAttribute("anchor",constraints.getAnchor()); writer.addAttribute("fill",constraints.getFill()); writer.addAttribute(UIFormXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_INDENT, constraints.getIndent()); writer.addAttribute(UIFormXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_USE_PARENT_LAYOUT, constraints.isUseParentLayout()); // preferred size writer.writeDimension(constraints.myMinimumSize,"minimum-size"); writer.writeDimension(constraints.myPreferredSize,"preferred-size"); writer.writeDimension(constraints.myMaximumSize,"maximum-size"); } finally { writer.endElement(); // grid } } @Override @NotNull public ComponentDropLocation getDropLocation(RadContainer container, @Nullable final Point location) { if (container.getGridRowCount() == 1 && container.getGridColumnCount() == 1 && getComponentAtGrid(container, 0, 0) == null) { final Rectangle rc = getGridCellRangeRect(container, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (location == null) { return new FirstComponentInsertLocation(container, rc, 0, 0); } return new FirstComponentInsertLocation(container, location, rc); } if (location == null) { if (getComponentAtGrid(container, 0, 0) == null) { return new GridDropLocation(container, 0, 0); } return new GridInsertLocation(container, getLastNonSpacerRow(container), 0, GridInsertMode.RowAfter); } int[] xs = getGridCellCoords(container, false); int[] ys = getGridCellCoords(container, true); int[] widths = getGridCellSizes(container, false); int[] heights = getGridCellSizes(container, true); int[] horzGridLines = getHorizontalGridLines(container); int[] vertGridLines = getVerticalGridLines(container); int row=ys.length-1; int col=xs.length-1; for(int i=0; i<xs.length; i++) { if (location.x < xs[i] + widths[i]) { col=i; break; } } for(int i=0; i<ys.length; i++) { if (location.getY() < ys [i]+heights [i]) { row=i; break; } } GridInsertMode mode = null; int EPSILON = 4; int dy = (int)(location.getY() - ys [row]); if (dy < EPSILON) { mode = GridInsertMode.RowBefore; } else if (heights [row] - dy < EPSILON) { mode = GridInsertMode.RowAfter; } int dx = location.x - xs[col]; if (dx < EPSILON) { mode = GridInsertMode.ColumnBefore; } else if (widths [col] - dx < EPSILON) { mode = GridInsertMode.ColumnAfter; } boolean spanInsertMode = canSpanningAllowed() && mode == null; boolean normalize = true; final int cellWidth = vertGridLines[col + 1] - vertGridLines[col]; final int cellHeight = horzGridLines[row + 1] - horzGridLines[row]; if (mode == null) { RadComponent component = getComponentAtGrid(container, row, col); if (component != null) { Rectangle rc = component.getBounds(); rc.translate(-xs [col], -ys [row]); int right = rc.x + rc.width + GridInsertLocation.INSERT_RECT_MIN_SIZE; int bottom = rc.y + rc.height + GridInsertLocation.INSERT_RECT_MIN_SIZE; if (dy < rc.y - GridInsertLocation.INSERT_RECT_MIN_SIZE) { mode = GridInsertMode.RowBefore; } else if (dy > bottom && dy < cellHeight) { mode = GridInsertMode.RowAfter; } if (dx < rc.x - GridInsertLocation.INSERT_RECT_MIN_SIZE) { mode = GridInsertMode.ColumnBefore; } else if (dx > right && dx < cellWidth) { mode = GridInsertMode.ColumnAfter; } normalize = false; } } if (mode != null) { GridInsertLocation dropLocation = new GridInsertLocation(container, row, col, mode); dropLocation.setSpanInsertMode(spanInsertMode); return normalize ? dropLocation.normalize() : dropLocation; } if (getComponentAtGrid(container, row, col) instanceof RadVSpacer || getComponentAtGrid(container, row, col) instanceof RadHSpacer) { return new GridReplaceDropLocation(container, row, col); } return new GridDropLocation(container, row, col); } private int getLastNonSpacerRow(final RadContainer container) { int lastRow = getGridRowCount(container)-1; for(int col=0; col<getGridColumnCount(container); col++) { RadComponent c = getComponentAtGrid(container, lastRow, col); if (c != null && !(c instanceof RadHSpacer) && !(c instanceof RadVSpacer)) { return lastRow; } } return lastRow-1; } protected static void drawGrowMarker(final boolean isRow, final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle rc) { g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); if (!isRow) { int maxX = (int) rc.getMaxX(); int midY = (int) rc.getCenterY()+3; final int xStart = Math.max(maxX - 10, rc.x + 2); final int xEnd = maxX - 2; g2d.drawLine(xStart, midY, xEnd, midY); g2d.drawLine(xStart, midY, xStart+2, midY-2); g2d.drawLine(xStart, midY, xStart+2, midY+2); g2d.drawLine(xEnd, midY, xEnd-2, midY-2); g2d.drawLine(xEnd, midY, xEnd-2, midY+2); } else { int maxY = (int) rc.getMaxY(); int midX = (int) rc.getCenterX()+3; final int yStart = Math.max(maxY - 10, rc.y + 2); final int yEnd = maxY - 2; g2d.drawLine(midX, yStart, midX, yEnd); g2d.drawLine(midX, yStart, midX-2, yStart+2); g2d.drawLine(midX, yStart, midX+2, yStart+2); g2d.drawLine(midX, yEnd, midX-2, yEnd-2); g2d.drawLine(midX, yEnd, midX+2, yEnd-2); } } @Override public void changeContainerLayout(RadContainer container) throws IncorrectOperationException { if (container.getLayoutManager().isGrid()) { RadAbstractGridLayoutManager grid = container.getGridLayoutManager(); List<Boolean> canRowsGrow = collectCanCellsGrow(grid, container, true); List<Boolean> canColumnsGrow = collectCanCellsGrow(grid, container, false); List<RadComponent> contents = collectComponents(container); changeLayoutFromGrid(container, contents, canRowsGrow, canColumnsGrow); int oldGapMultiplier = grid.getGapCellCount()+1; int gapMultiplier = getGapCellCount()+1; for(RadComponent c: contents) { GridConstraints gc = c.getConstraints(); gc.setRow(gc.getRow() * gapMultiplier / oldGapMultiplier); gc.setColumn(gc.getColumn() * gapMultiplier / oldGapMultiplier); container.addComponent(c); } } else if (container.getLayoutManager().isIndexed()) { List<RadComponent> components = collectComponents(container); changeLayoutFromIndexed(container, components); int gapMultiplier = getGapCellCount()+1; for(int i=0; i<components.size(); i++) { GridConstraints gc = components.get(i).getConstraints(); gc.setRow(0); gc.setColumn(i*gapMultiplier); gc.setRowSpan(1); gc.setColSpan(1); container.addComponent(components.get(i)); } } else if (container.getComponentCount() == 0) { container.setLayoutManager(this); } else { throw new IncorrectOperationException("Cannot change from " + container.getLayout() + " to grid layout"); } } protected void changeLayoutFromGrid(final RadContainer container, final List<RadComponent> contents, final List<Boolean> canRowsGrow, final List<Boolean> canColumnsGrow) { container.setLayoutManager(this); } protected void changeLayoutFromIndexed(final RadContainer container, final List<RadComponent> components) { container.setLayoutManager(this); } private static List<Boolean> collectCanCellsGrow(final RadAbstractGridLayoutManager grid, final RadContainer container, final boolean isRow) { List<Boolean> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i<grid.getGridCellCount(container, isRow); i++) { if (!grid.isGapCell(container, isRow, i)) { result.add(grid.canCellGrow(container, isRow, i)); } } return result; } private static List<RadComponent> collectComponents(final RadContainer container) { List<RadComponent> contents = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=container.getComponentCount()-1; i >= 0; i--) { final RadComponent component = container.getComponent(i); if (!(component instanceof RadHSpacer) && !(component instanceof RadVSpacer)) { contents.add(0, component); } container.removeComponent(component); } return contents; } public boolean canMoveComponent(RadComponent c, int rowDelta, int colDelta, final int rowSpanDelta, final int colSpanDelta) { final int newRow = getNewRow(c, rowDelta); final int newCol = getNewColumn(c, colDelta); final int newRowSpan = getNewRowSpan(c, rowSpanDelta); final int newColSpan = getNewColSpan(c, colSpanDelta); if (newRow < 0 || newCol < 0 || newRowSpan < 1 || newColSpan < 1 || newRow + newRowSpan > c.getParent().getGridRowCount() || newCol + newColSpan > c.getParent().getGridColumnCount()) { return false; } c.setDragging(true); final RadComponent overlap = c.getParent().findComponentInRect(newRow, newCol, newRowSpan, newColSpan); c.setDragging(false); if (overlap != null) { return false; } return true; } private static int getNewRow(final RadComponent c, final int rowDelta) { return FormEditingUtil.adjustForGap(c.getParent(), c.getConstraints().getRow() + rowDelta, true, rowDelta); } private static int getNewColumn(final RadComponent c, final int colDelta) { return FormEditingUtil.adjustForGap(c.getParent(), c.getConstraints().getColumn() + colDelta, false, colDelta); } private static int getNewRowSpan(final RadComponent c, final int rowSpanDelta) { int gapCount = c.getParent().getGridLayoutManager().getGapCellCount(); return c.getConstraints().getRowSpan() + rowSpanDelta * (gapCount+1); } private static int getNewColSpan(final RadComponent c, final int colSpanDelta) { int gapCount = c.getParent().getGridLayoutManager().getGapCellCount(); return c.getConstraints().getColSpan() + colSpanDelta * (gapCount+1); } @Override public void moveComponent(RadComponent c, int rowDelta, int colDelta, final int rowSpanDelta, final int colSpanDelta) { GridConstraints constraints = c.getConstraints(); GridConstraints oldConstraints = (GridConstraints)constraints.clone(); constraints.setRow(getNewRow(c, rowDelta)); constraints.setColumn(getNewColumn(c, colDelta)); constraints.setRowSpan(getNewRowSpan(c, rowSpanDelta)); constraints.setColSpan(getNewColSpan(c, colSpanDelta)); c.fireConstraintsChanged(oldConstraints); } public int getMinCellCount() { return 1; } @Override public void addComponentToContainer(RadContainer container, RadComponent component, int index) { MyPropertyChangeListener listener = new MyPropertyChangeListener(component); myListenerMap.put(component, listener); component.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } @Override public void removeComponentFromContainer(final RadContainer container, final RadComponent component) { final MyPropertyChangeListener listener = myListenerMap.get(component); if (listener != null) { component.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); myListenerMap.remove(component); } super.removeComponentFromContainer(container, component); } protected void updateConstraints(RadComponent component) { component.getParent().revalidate(); } private class MyPropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { private final RadComponent myComponent; public MyPropertyChangeListener(final RadComponent component) { myComponent = component; } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(RadComponent.PROP_CONSTRAINTS)) { updateConstraints(myComponent); } } } }