package; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentListener; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.event.DocumentEventImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Listens changes in study files and updates * coordinates of all the windows in current task file */ public class EduDocumentListener implements DocumentListener { private final TaskFile myTaskFile; private final boolean myTrackLength; private final List<AnswerPlaceholderWrapper> myAnswerPlaceholders = new ArrayList<>(); public EduDocumentListener(TaskFile taskFile) { myTaskFile = taskFile; myTrackLength = true; } public EduDocumentListener(TaskFile taskFile, boolean trackLength) { myTaskFile = taskFile; myTrackLength = trackLength; } @Override public void beforeDocumentChange(DocumentEvent e) { if (!myTaskFile.isTrackChanges()) { return; } myTaskFile.setHighlightErrors(true); myAnswerPlaceholders.clear(); for (AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholder : myTaskFile.getAnswerPlaceholders()) { int twStart = answerPlaceholder.getOffset(); int length = answerPlaceholder.getRealLength(); int twEnd = twStart + length; myAnswerPlaceholders.add(new AnswerPlaceholderWrapper(answerPlaceholder, twStart, twEnd)); } } @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { if (!myTaskFile.isTrackChanges()) { return; } if (myAnswerPlaceholders.isEmpty()) return; if (e instanceof DocumentEventImpl) { DocumentEventImpl event = (DocumentEventImpl)e; Document document = e.getDocument(); int offset = e.getOffset(); int change = event.getNewLength() - event.getOldLength(); for (AnswerPlaceholderWrapper answerPlaceholderWrapper : myAnswerPlaceholders) { int twStart = answerPlaceholderWrapper.getTwStart(); if (twStart > offset) { twStart += change; } int twEnd = answerPlaceholderWrapper.getTwEnd(); if (twEnd >= offset) { twEnd += change; } AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholder = answerPlaceholderWrapper.getAnswerPlaceholder(); int length = twEnd - twStart; answerPlaceholder.setOffset(twStart); if (myTrackLength) { if (answerPlaceholder.getUseLength()) { answerPlaceholder.setLength(length); } else { if (answerPlaceholder.isActive() && myTaskFile.isTrackLengths()) { answerPlaceholder.setPossibleAnswer(document.getText(TextRange.create(twStart, twStart + length))); } } } } } } private static class AnswerPlaceholderWrapper { public AnswerPlaceholder myAnswerPlaceholder; public int myTwStart; public int myTwEnd; public AnswerPlaceholderWrapper(AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholder, int twStart, int twEnd) { myAnswerPlaceholder = answerPlaceholder; myTwStart = twStart; myTwEnd = twEnd; } public int getTwStart() { return myTwStart; } public int getTwEnd() { return myTwEnd; } public AnswerPlaceholder getAnswerPlaceholder() { return myAnswerPlaceholder; } } }