package com.jetbrains.jsonSchema.impl; import com.intellij.json.psi.JsonObject; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.psi.SmartPointerManager; import com.intellij.psi.SmartPsiElementPointer; import com.intellij.util.Consumer; import com.intellij.util.containers.SLRUMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import; /** * @author Irina.Chernushina on 8/28/2015. */ public class JsonSchemaObject { private SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> myPeerPointer; private String myDefinitionAddress; private Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> myDefinitions; private SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> myDefinitionsPointer; private Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> myProperties; private Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> myPatternProperties; private final PatternCalculator myPatternCalculator = new PatternCalculator(); private final PatternCalculator myValuesPatternCalculator = new PatternCalculator(); private String myId; private String mySchema; private String myDescription; private String myTitle; private JsonSchemaType myType; private Object myDefault; private String myRef; private String myFormat; private List<JsonSchemaType> myTypeVariants; private Number myMultipleOf; private Number myMaximum; private boolean myExclusiveMaximum; private Number myMinimum; private boolean myExclusiveMinimum; private Integer myMaxLength; private Integer myMinLength; private String myPattern; private Boolean myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed; private JsonSchemaObject myAdditionalPropertiesSchema; private Boolean myAdditionalItemsAllowed; private JsonSchemaObject myAdditionalItemsSchema; private JsonSchemaObject myItemsSchema; private List<JsonSchemaObject> myItemsSchemaList; private Integer myMaxItems; private Integer myMinItems; private Boolean myUniqueItems; private Integer myMaxProperties; private Integer myMinProperties; private List<String> myRequired; private Map<String, List<String>> myPropertyDependencies; private Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> mySchemaDependencies; private List<Object> myEnum; private List<JsonSchemaObject> myAllOf; private List<JsonSchemaObject> myAnyOf; private List<JsonSchemaObject> myOneOf; private JsonSchemaObject myNot; private boolean myShouldValidateAgainstJSType; public JsonSchemaObject(@NotNull JsonObject object) { myProperties = new HashMap<>(); myPeerPointer = SmartPointerManager.getInstance(object.getProject()).createSmartPsiElementPointer(object); } // only for definitions public JsonSchemaObject(@Nullable SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> peerPointer) { myProperties = new HashMap<>(); myPeerPointer = peerPointer; } // full copy. allows to first apply properties for ref, then from definition itself, "in place" public void copyValues(JsonSchemaObject other) { myId = other.myId; mySchema = other.mySchema; myDescription = other.myDescription; myTitle = other.myTitle; myProperties = other.myProperties; myDefinitions = other.myDefinitions; myPatternProperties = other.myPatternProperties; myPatternCalculator.clear(); myValuesPatternCalculator.clear(); myType = other.myType; myDefault = other.myDefault; myRef = other.myRef; myFormat = other.myFormat; myTypeVariants = other.myTypeVariants; myMultipleOf = other.myMultipleOf; myMaximum = other.myMaximum; myExclusiveMaximum = other.myExclusiveMaximum; myMinimum = other.myMinimum; myExclusiveMinimum = other.myExclusiveMinimum; myMaxLength = other.myMaxLength; myMinLength = other.myMinLength; myPattern = other.myPattern; myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed = other.myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed; myAdditionalPropertiesSchema = other.myAdditionalPropertiesSchema; myAdditionalItemsAllowed = other.myAdditionalItemsAllowed; myAdditionalItemsSchema = other.myAdditionalItemsSchema; myItemsSchema = other.myItemsSchema; myItemsSchemaList = other.myItemsSchemaList; myMaxItems = other.myMaxItems; myMinItems = other.myMinItems; myUniqueItems = other.myUniqueItems; myMaxProperties = other.myMaxProperties; myMinProperties = other.myMinProperties; myRequired = other.myRequired; myPropertyDependencies = other.myPropertyDependencies; mySchemaDependencies = other.mySchemaDependencies; myEnum = other.myEnum; myAllOf = other.myAllOf; myAnyOf = other.myAnyOf; myOneOf = other.myOneOf; myNot = other.myNot; myDefinitionAddress = other.myDefinitionAddress; myPeerPointer = other.myPeerPointer; myShouldValidateAgainstJSType = other.myShouldValidateAgainstJSType; } // peer pointer is not merged! public void mergeValues(JsonSchemaObject other) { // we do not copy id, schema, title and description myProperties.putAll(other.myProperties); myDefinitions = copyMap(myDefinitions, other.myDefinitions); myPatternProperties = copyMap(myPatternProperties, other.myPatternProperties); myPatternCalculator.clear(); myValuesPatternCalculator.clear(); if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(other.myDescription)) { myDescription = other.myDescription; } if (other.myType != null) myType = other.myType; if (other.myDefault != null) myDefault = other.myDefault; if (other.myRef != null) myRef = other.myRef; if (other.myFormat != null) myFormat = other.myFormat; myTypeVariants = copyList(myTypeVariants, other.myTypeVariants); if (other.myMultipleOf != null) myMultipleOf = other.myMultipleOf; if (other.myMaximum != null) myMaximum = other.myMaximum; if (other.myExclusiveMaximum) myExclusiveMaximum = other.myExclusiveMaximum; if (other.myMinimum != null) myMinimum = other.myMinimum; if (other.myExclusiveMinimum) myExclusiveMinimum = other.myExclusiveMinimum; if (other.myMaxLength != null) myMaxLength = other.myMaxLength; if (other.myMinLength != null) myMinLength = other.myMinLength; if (other.myPattern != null) myPattern = other.myPattern; if (other.myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed != null) myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed = other.myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed; if (other.myAdditionalPropertiesSchema != null) myAdditionalPropertiesSchema = other.myAdditionalPropertiesSchema; if (other.myAdditionalItemsAllowed != null) myAdditionalItemsAllowed = other.myAdditionalItemsAllowed; if (other.myAdditionalItemsSchema != null) myAdditionalItemsSchema = other.myAdditionalItemsSchema; if (other.myItemsSchema != null) myItemsSchema = other.myItemsSchema; myItemsSchemaList = copyList(myItemsSchemaList, other.myItemsSchemaList); if (other.myMaxItems != null) myMaxItems = other.myMaxItems; if (other.myMinItems != null) myMinItems = other.myMinItems; if (other.myUniqueItems != null) myUniqueItems = other.myUniqueItems; if (other.myMaxProperties != null) myMaxProperties = other.myMaxProperties; if (other.myMinProperties != null) myMinProperties = other.myMinProperties; myRequired = copyList(myRequired, other.myRequired); myPropertyDependencies = copyMap(myPropertyDependencies, other.myPropertyDependencies); mySchemaDependencies = copyMap(mySchemaDependencies, other.mySchemaDependencies); if (other.myEnum != null) myEnum = other.myEnum; myAllOf = copyList(myAllOf, other.myAllOf); myAnyOf = copyList(myAnyOf, other.myAnyOf); myOneOf = copyList(myOneOf, other.myOneOf); if (other.myNot != null) myNot = other.myNot; myShouldValidateAgainstJSType |= other.myShouldValidateAgainstJSType; } public void shouldValidateAgainstJSType() { myShouldValidateAgainstJSType = true; } public boolean isShouldValidateAgainstJSType() { return myShouldValidateAgainstJSType; } private static <T> List<T> copyList(List<T> target, List<T> source) { if (source == null || source.isEmpty()) return target; if (target == null) target = new ArrayList<>(); target.addAll(source); return target; } private static <K, V> Map<K, V> copyMap(Map<K, V> target, Map<K, V> source) { if (source == null || source.isEmpty()) return target; if (target == null) target = new HashMap<>(); target.putAll(source); return target; } public SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> getPeerPointer() { return myPeerPointer; } public void setPeerPointer(SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> peerPointer) { myPeerPointer = peerPointer; } public SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> getDefinitionsPointer() { return myDefinitionsPointer; } public void setDefinitionsPointer(SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> definitionsPointer) { myDefinitionsPointer = definitionsPointer; } public Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> getDefinitions() { return myDefinitions; } public void setDefinitions(Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> definitions) { myDefinitions = definitions; } public Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> getProperties() { return myProperties; } public void setProperties(Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> properties) { myProperties = properties; } public Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> getPatternProperties() { return myPatternProperties; } public void setPatternProperties(@NotNull final Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> patternProperties) { myPatternProperties = new HashMap<>(); patternProperties.keySet().forEach(key -> myPatternProperties.put(StringUtil.unescapeBackSlashes(key), patternProperties.get(key))); myPatternCalculator.clear(); } public JsonSchemaType getType() { return myType; } public void setType(JsonSchemaType type) { myType = type; } public Number getMultipleOf() { return myMultipleOf; } public void setMultipleOf(Number multipleOf) { myMultipleOf = multipleOf; } public Number getMaximum() { return myMaximum; } public void setMaximum(Number maximum) { myMaximum = maximum; } public boolean isExclusiveMaximum() { return myExclusiveMaximum; } public void setExclusiveMaximum(boolean exclusiveMaximum) { myExclusiveMaximum = exclusiveMaximum; } public Number getMinimum() { return myMinimum; } public void setMinimum(Number minimum) { myMinimum = minimum; } public boolean isExclusiveMinimum() { return myExclusiveMinimum; } public void setExclusiveMinimum(boolean exclusiveMinimum) { myExclusiveMinimum = exclusiveMinimum; } public Integer getMaxLength() { return myMaxLength; } public void setMaxLength(Integer maxLength) { myMaxLength = maxLength; } public Integer getMinLength() { return myMinLength; } public void setMinLength(Integer minLength) { myMinLength = minLength; } public String getPattern() { return myPattern; } public void setPattern(String pattern) { myPattern = StringUtil.unescapeBackSlashes(pattern); myValuesPatternCalculator.clear(); } public Boolean getAdditionalPropertiesAllowed() { return myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed == null || myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed; } public void setAdditionalPropertiesAllowed(Boolean additionalPropertiesAllowed) { myAdditionalPropertiesAllowed = additionalPropertiesAllowed; } public JsonSchemaObject getAdditionalPropertiesSchema() { return myAdditionalPropertiesSchema; } public void setAdditionalPropertiesSchema(JsonSchemaObject additionalPropertiesSchema) { myAdditionalPropertiesSchema = additionalPropertiesSchema; } public Boolean getAdditionalItemsAllowed() { return myAdditionalItemsAllowed == null || myAdditionalItemsAllowed; } public void setAdditionalItemsAllowed(Boolean additionalItemsAllowed) { myAdditionalItemsAllowed = additionalItemsAllowed; } public JsonSchemaObject getAdditionalItemsSchema() { return myAdditionalItemsSchema; } public void setAdditionalItemsSchema(JsonSchemaObject additionalItemsSchema) { myAdditionalItemsSchema = additionalItemsSchema; } public JsonSchemaObject getItemsSchema() { return myItemsSchema; } public void setItemsSchema(JsonSchemaObject itemsSchema) { myItemsSchema = itemsSchema; } public List<JsonSchemaObject> getItemsSchemaList() { return myItemsSchemaList; } public void setItemsSchemaList(List<JsonSchemaObject> itemsSchemaList) { myItemsSchemaList = itemsSchemaList; } public Integer getMaxItems() { return myMaxItems; } public void setMaxItems(Integer maxItems) { myMaxItems = maxItems; } public Integer getMinItems() { return myMinItems; } public void setMinItems(Integer minItems) { myMinItems = minItems; } public boolean isUniqueItems() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(myUniqueItems); } public void setUniqueItems(boolean uniqueItems) { myUniqueItems = uniqueItems; } public Integer getMaxProperties() { return myMaxProperties; } public void setMaxProperties(Integer maxProperties) { myMaxProperties = maxProperties; } public Integer getMinProperties() { return myMinProperties; } public void setMinProperties(Integer minProperties) { myMinProperties = minProperties; } public List<String> getRequired() { return myRequired; } public void setRequired(List<String> required) { myRequired = required; } public Map<String, List<String>> getPropertyDependencies() { return myPropertyDependencies; } public void setPropertyDependencies(Map<String, List<String>> propertyDependencies) { myPropertyDependencies = propertyDependencies; } public Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> getSchemaDependencies() { return mySchemaDependencies; } public void setSchemaDependencies(Map<String, JsonSchemaObject> schemaDependencies) { mySchemaDependencies = schemaDependencies; } public List<Object> getEnum() { return myEnum; } public void setEnum(List<Object> anEnum) { myEnum = anEnum; } public List<JsonSchemaObject> getAllOf() { return myAllOf; } public void setAllOf(List<JsonSchemaObject> allOf) { myAllOf = allOf; } public List<JsonSchemaObject> getAnyOf() { return myAnyOf; } public void setAnyOf(List<JsonSchemaObject> anyOf) { myAnyOf = anyOf; } public List<JsonSchemaObject> getOneOf() { return myOneOf; } public void setOneOf(List<JsonSchemaObject> oneOf) { myOneOf = oneOf; } public JsonSchemaObject getNot() { return myNot; } public void setNot(JsonSchemaObject not) { myNot = not; } public List<JsonSchemaType> getTypeVariants() { return myTypeVariants; } public void setTypeVariants(List<JsonSchemaType> typeVariants) { myTypeVariants = typeVariants; } public String getRef() { return myRef; } public void setRef(String ref) { myRef = ref; } public Object getDefault() { if (JsonSchemaType._integer.equals(myType)) return myDefault instanceof Number ? ((Number)myDefault).intValue() : myDefault; return myDefault; } public void setDefault(Object aDefault) { myDefault = aDefault; } public String getFormat() { return myFormat; } public void setFormat(String format) { myFormat = format; } public String getId() { return myId; } public void setId(String id) { myId = id; } public String getSchema() { return mySchema; } public void setSchema(String schema) { mySchema = schema; } public String getDescription() { return myDescription; } public void setDescription(String description) { myDescription = description; } public String getTitle() { return myTitle; } public void setTitle(String title) { myTitle = title; } public boolean hasSpecifiedType() { return myType != null || (myTypeVariants != null && !myTypeVariants.isEmpty()); } public String getDefinitionAddress() { return myDefinitionAddress; } public void setDefinitionAddress(String definitionAddress) { myDefinitionAddress = definitionAddress; } @Nullable public JsonSchemaObject getMatchingPatternPropertySchema(@NotNull String name) { if (myPatternProperties == null) return null; final String pattern = myPatternCalculator.selectMatchingPattern(myPatternProperties.keySet(), name); return pattern == null ? null : myPatternProperties.get(pattern); } public boolean checkByPattern(@NotNull String value) { if (getPattern() == null) return true; return getPattern().equals(myValuesPatternCalculator.selectMatchingPattern(Collections.singletonList(getPattern()), value)); } public String getPatternError() { if (getPattern() != null) { myValuesPatternCalculator.ensureInit(Collections.singletonList(getPattern())); final Map<String, String> patterns = myValuesPatternCalculator.getInvalidPatterns(); if (patterns != null) { final String error = patterns.get(getPattern()); assert error != null; return error; } } return null; } public Map<SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject>, String> getInvalidPatternProperties() { if (myPatternProperties != null) { myPatternCalculator.ensureInit(myPatternProperties.keySet()); final Map<String, String> patterns = myPatternCalculator.getInvalidPatterns(); if (patterns == null) return null; return patterns.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> { final JsonSchemaObject object = myPatternProperties.get(entry.getKey()); assert object != null; final SmartPsiElementPointer<JsonObject> pointer = object.getPeerPointer(); if (pointer != null) return Pair.create(pointer, entry.getValue()); return null; }).filter(o -> o != null).collect(Collectors.toMap(o -> o.getFirst(), o -> o.getSecond())); } return null; } public static void iterateAllInnerSchemas(@NotNull final JsonSchemaObject object, @NotNull final SchemaConsumer schemaConsumer) { int control = 100000; final ArrayDeque<Pair<JsonSchemaObject, Map<String, String>>> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); queue.add(Pair.create(object, new HashMap<>())); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { if (--control == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("cyclic json schema search"); } final Pair<JsonSchemaObject, Map<String, String>> pair = queue.removeFirst(); final JsonSchemaObject current = pair.getFirst(); final Map<String, String> context = pair.getSecond(); final Ref<JsonSchemaObject> previous = new Ref<>(); final Ref<Map<String, String>> childContextRef = new Ref<>(context); schemaConsumer.process(current, item -> previous.set(item), context, childContext -> childContextRef.set(childContext)); if (!previous.isNull()) { queue.addFirst(Pair.create(current, context)); queue.addFirst(Pair.create(previous.get(), context)); continue; } final List<JsonSchemaObject> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (current.getDefinitions() != null) list.addAll(current.getDefinitions().values()); if (current.getProperties() != null) list.addAll(current.getProperties().values()); if (current.getPatternProperties() != null) list.addAll(current.getPatternProperties().values()); if (current.getAdditionalPropertiesSchema() != null) list.add(current.getAdditionalPropertiesSchema()); if (current.getAdditionalItemsSchema() != null) list.add(current.getAdditionalItemsSchema()); if (current.getItemsSchema() != null) list.add(current.getItemsSchema()); if (current.getItemsSchemaList() != null) list.addAll(current.getItemsSchemaList()); if (current.getSchemaDependencies() != null) list.addAll(current.getSchemaDependencies().values()); if (current.getAllOf() != null) list.addAll(current.getAllOf()); if (current.getAnyOf() != null) list.addAll(current.getAnyOf()); if (current.getOneOf() != null) list.addAll(current.getOneOf()); if (current.getNot() != null) list.add(current.getNot()); for (JsonSchemaObject schemaObject : list) { queue.addLast(Pair.create(schemaObject, childContextRef.get())); } } } public interface SchemaConsumer { void process(@NotNull JsonSchemaObject object, Consumer<JsonSchemaObject> queueInserter, @NotNull Map<String, String> context, @NotNull Consumer<Map<String, String>> contextChanger); } private static class PatternCalculator { private final Object myLock = new Object(); private Map<String, Pattern> myCachedPatterns; private SLRUMap<String, String> myCachedPatternProperties; private Map<String, String> myInvalidPatterns; @Nullable public String selectMatchingPattern(@Nullable final Collection<String> patterns, @NotNull final String name) { if (patterns == null || patterns.isEmpty()) return null; final Map<String, Pattern> cachedPatterns; final Map<String, String> invalidPatterns; synchronized (myLock) { initPatternCache(patterns); final String s = myCachedPatternProperties.get(name); if (s != null) return s; cachedPatterns = new HashMap<>(myCachedPatterns); invalidPatterns = myInvalidPatterns == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : new HashMap<>(myInvalidPatterns); } return matchPatternsToString(name, patterns, cachedPatterns, invalidPatterns); } public void ensureInit(@Nullable final Collection<String> patterns) { if (patterns == null || patterns.isEmpty()) return; synchronized (myLock) { initPatternCache(patterns); } } @Nullable public Map<String, String> getInvalidPatterns() { return myInvalidPatterns; } public void clear() { synchronized (myLock){ myCachedPatterns = null; myCachedPatternProperties = null; } } private String matchPatternsToString(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final Collection<String> patterns, @NotNull Map<String, Pattern> cachedPatterns, @Nullable Map<String, String> invalidPatterns) { final List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(patterns); Collections.sort(strings); for (final String pattern : strings) { if (invalidPatterns != null && invalidPatterns.containsKey(pattern)) continue; final Pattern compiledPattern = cachedPatterns.get(pattern); assert compiledPattern != null; try { final boolean matches = compiledPattern.matcher(StringUtil.newBombedCharSequence(name, 300)).matches(); if (matches) { synchronized (myLock) { if (myCachedPatterns.containsKey(pattern)) myCachedPatternProperties.put(name, pattern); } return pattern; } } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { //ignored } } synchronized (myLock) { if (myCachedPatterns.equals(cachedPatterns)) myCachedPatternProperties.put(name, ""); } return null; } private void initPatternCache(@NotNull final Collection<String> patterns) { if (myCachedPatterns == null) { myCachedPatterns = new HashMap<>(patterns.size()); myCachedPatternProperties = new SLRUMap<>(100, 100); } for (String pattern : patterns) { if (!myCachedPatterns.containsKey(pattern)) { try { final Pattern compiled = Pattern.compile(adaptSchemaPattern(pattern)); myCachedPatterns.put(pattern, compiled); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { if (myInvalidPatterns == null) myInvalidPatterns = new HashMap<>(); myInvalidPatterns.put(pattern, e.getMessage()); } } } } @NotNull private static String adaptSchemaPattern(String pattern) { pattern = pattern.startsWith("^") || pattern.startsWith("*") || pattern.startsWith(".") ? pattern : (".*" + pattern); pattern = pattern.endsWith("+") || pattern.endsWith("*") || pattern.endsWith("$") ? pattern : (pattern + ".*"); pattern = pattern.replace("\\\\", "\\"); return pattern; } } }