import java.util.*; class a { public void printList(List<?> list) { for (Iterator<?> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { System.out.println(; } } } class b<<warning descr="Type parameter 'T' is never used">T</warning>> { public interface Lst <E, Self extends Lst<E, Self>> { Self subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex); } public static Lst<?, ?> foo(Lst<?, ?> lst) { Lst<?, ?> myl = lst.subList(0, 2); return myl; } } class ThingUser <V> { V v; { new ThingUser<<error descr="Wildcard type '?' cannot be instantiated directly">?</error>>() { }; } } class SuperWildcardTest { static void method(List<?> list) { <error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.util.List<capture<?>>', required: 'java.util.List<? super java.lang.String>'">List<? super String> l = list;</error> l.size(); } } class IdeaDev4166 { Map<String, Object> f( Map<String, ?> fieldsTemplate) { return new HashMap<String, Object>( fieldsTemplate); } } //IDEADEV-5816 class TwoD { int x, y; TwoD(int a, int b) { x = a; y = b; } } // Three-dimensional coordinates. class ThreeD extends TwoD { int z; ThreeD(int a, int b, int c) { super(a, b); z = c; } } // Four-dimensional coordinates. class FourD extends ThreeD { int t; FourD(int a, int b, int c, int d) { super(a, b, c); t = d; } } // This class holds an array of coordinate objects. class Coords<T extends TwoD> { T[] coords; Coords(T[] o) { coords = o; } } // Demonstrate a bounded wildcard. class BoundedWildcard { static void showXY(Coords<? extends TwoD> c) { System.out.println("X Y Coordinates:"); for(int i=0; i < c.coords.length; i++) { System.out.println(c.coords[i].x + " " + c.coords[i].y); } System.out.println(); } static void showXYZ(Coords<? extends ThreeD> c) { System.out.println("X Y Z Coordinates:"); for(int i=0; i < c.coords.length; i++) System.out.println(c.coords[i].x + " " + c.coords[i].y + " " + c.coords[i].z); System.out.println(); } static void showAll(Coords<? extends FourD> c) { System.out.println("X Y Z T Coordinates:"); for(int i=0; i < c.coords.length; i++) System.out.println(c.coords[i].x + " " + c.coords[i].y + " " + c.coords[i].z + " " + c.coords[i].t); System.out.println(); } public static void main(String args[]) { TwoD td[] = { new TwoD(0, 0), new TwoD(7, 9), new TwoD(18, 4), new TwoD(-1, -23) }; Coords<TwoD> tdlocs = new Coords<TwoD>(td); System.out.println("Contents of tdlocs."); showXY(tdlocs); // OK, is a TwoD showXYZ<error descr="'showXYZ(Coords<? extends ThreeD>)' in 'BoundedWildcard' cannot be applied to '(Coords<TwoD>)'">(tdlocs)</error>; showAll<error descr="'showAll(Coords<? extends FourD>)' in 'BoundedWildcard' cannot be applied to '(Coords<TwoD>)'">(tdlocs)</error>; // Now, create some FourD objects. FourD fd[] = { new FourD(1, 2, 3, 4), new FourD(6, 8, 14, 8), new FourD(22, 9, 4, 9), new FourD(3, -2, -23, 17) }; Coords<FourD> fdlocs = new Coords<FourD>(fd); System.out.println("Contents of fdlocs."); // These are all OK. showXY(fdlocs); showXYZ(fdlocs); showAll(fdlocs); } } //end of IDEADEV-5816 interface I33 {} class Q<T extends I33> { T t; <V extends I33> List<V> foo(Q<V> v) { v.hashCode(); return null; } List<? extends I33> g (Q<?> q) { return foo(q); } } //IDEADEV-16628 class CollectionHelper { public static <A> Collection<A> convertDown(Collection<? super A> collection) { return collection == null ? null : null; } public static <A> Collection<A> convertUp(Collection<? extends A> collection) { return collection == null ? null : null; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Downcast examples final Collection<Number> numbers1 = new ArrayList<Number>(1); Collection<Integer> integers1 = CollectionHelper.convertDown(numbers1); integers1.hashCode(); // Upcast example final Collection<Integer> integers4 = new ArrayList<Integer>(1); final Collection<Number> numbers4 = CollectionHelper.<Number>convertUp(integers4); numbers4.hashCode(); } } //IDEA-62529 class My<T> { private Class<? super T> getSuperclass(){ return null; } public void test() { if (getSuperclass() == List.class); } } class IDEA75178 { void test(Set<String> labels) { final Matcher<? super Object> empty = isEmpty(); assertThat(labels, empty); assertAlsoThat(empty, labels); } public static <T> void assertThat(T actual, Matcher<T> matcher) { throw new AssertionError(actual.toString() + matcher.toString());} public static <T> void assertAlsoThat(Matcher<T> matcher, T actual) { throw new AssertionError(actual.toString() + matcher.toString());} public static <T> Matcher<? super T> isEmpty() { return null; } static class Matcher<<warning descr="Type parameter 'T' is never used">T</warning>>{} class Foo {} void testComment() { Set<Foo> foos = Collections.emptySet(); assertThatComment(foos, hasSize(0)); } <E> Matcher<? super Collection<? extends E>> hasSize(int size) {return size == 0 ? null : null;} <T> void assertThatComment(T actual, Matcher<? super T> matcher){ throw new AssertionError(actual.toString() + matcher.toString());} } class IDEA66750 { public void test() { List<List<String>> data = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<List<?>> y = <error descr="Inconvertible types; cannot cast 'java.util.List<java.util.List<java.lang.String>>' to 'java.util.List<java.util.List<?>>'">(List<List<?>>)data</error>; System.out.println(y); ArrayList<Number> al = <error descr="Inconvertible types; cannot cast 'java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>' to 'java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Number>'">(ArrayList<Number>) new ArrayList<Integer>(1)</error>; System.out.println(al); } } class IDEA73377 { public Iterator<Map.Entry<Map.Entry<?, ?>, ?>> iterator(Map<?, ?> map) { //noinspection unchecked return <error descr="Inconvertible types; cannot cast 'java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<capture<?>,capture<?>>>' to 'java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<java.util.Map.Entry<?,?>,?>>'">(Iterator<Map.Entry<Map.Entry<?, ?>, ?>>)map.entrySet().iterator()</error>; } } class IDEA91481 { void bar(){ BeanBuilder<? extends DirectBean> builder = <warning descr="Unchecked cast: 'IDEA91481.BeanBuilder<capture<? extends IDEA91481.Bean>>' to 'IDEA91481.BeanBuilder<? extends IDEA91481.DirectBean>'">(BeanBuilder<? extends DirectBean>) builder()</warning>; System.out.println(builder); } BeanBuilder<? extends Bean> builder() { return null; } class BeanBuilder<<warning descr="Type parameter 'T' is never used">T</warning>> {} class Bean {} class DirectBean extends Bean {} } class IDEA89640 { interface X {} class Y<<warning descr="Type parameter 'T' is never used">T</warning> extends X> {} public static void main(String[] args) { Y<? extends X> a = null; Y<? extends X> b = null; boolean flag = a != b; System.out.println(flag); } }