/* * Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.psi.infos; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.JavaSdkVersion; import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.JavaVersionService; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable; import com.intellij.openapi.util.RecursionGuard; import com.intellij.openapi.util.RecursionManager; import com.intellij.pom.java.LanguageLevel; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.DefaultParameterTypeInferencePolicy; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.ParameterTypeInferencePolicy; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil; import com.intellij.util.ThreeState; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.Map; /** * @author ik, dsl */ public class MethodCandidateInfo extends CandidateInfo{ public static final RecursionGuard ourOverloadGuard = RecursionManager.createGuard("overload.guard"); public static final ThreadLocal<Map<PsiElement, CurrentCandidateProperties>> CURRENT_CANDIDATE = new ThreadLocal<>(); @ApplicabilityLevelConstant private volatile int myApplicabilityLevel; @ApplicabilityLevelConstant private volatile int myPertinentApplicabilityLevel; private final PsiElement myArgumentList; private final PsiType[] myArgumentTypes; private final PsiType[] myTypeArguments; private PsiSubstitutor myCalcedSubstitutor; private volatile String myInferenceError; private final ThreadLocal<String> myApplicabilityError = new ThreadLocal<>(); private final LanguageLevel myLanguageLevel; public MethodCandidateInfo(@NotNull PsiElement candidate, PsiSubstitutor substitutor, boolean accessProblem, boolean staticsProblem, PsiElement argumentList, PsiElement currFileContext, @Nullable PsiType[] argumentTypes, PsiType[] typeArguments) { this(candidate, substitutor, accessProblem, staticsProblem, argumentList, currFileContext, argumentTypes, typeArguments, PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(argumentList)); } public MethodCandidateInfo(@NotNull PsiElement candidate, @NotNull PsiSubstitutor substitutor, boolean accessProblem, boolean staticsProblem, PsiElement argumentList, PsiElement currFileContext, @Nullable PsiType[] argumentTypes, PsiType[] typeArguments, @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) { super(candidate, substitutor, accessProblem, staticsProblem, currFileContext); myArgumentList = argumentList; myArgumentTypes = argumentTypes; myTypeArguments = typeArguments; myLanguageLevel = languageLevel; } /** * To use during overload resolution to choose if method can be applicable by strong/loose invocation. * * @return true only for java 8+ varargs methods. */ public boolean isVarargs() { return false; } public boolean isApplicable(){ return getPertinentApplicabilityLevel() != ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE; } @ApplicabilityLevelConstant private int getApplicabilityLevelInner() { final PsiType[] argumentTypes = getArgumentTypes(); if (argumentTypes == null) return ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE; int level = PsiUtil.getApplicabilityLevel(getElement(), getSubstitutor(), argumentTypes, myLanguageLevel); if (level > ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE && !isTypeArgumentsApplicable()) level = ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE; return level; } @ApplicabilityLevelConstant public int getApplicabilityLevel() { int result = myApplicabilityLevel; if (result == 0) { result = getApplicabilityLevelInner(); myApplicabilityLevel = result; } return result; } @ApplicabilityLevelConstant public int getPertinentApplicabilityLevel() { int result = myPertinentApplicabilityLevel; if (result == 0) { myPertinentApplicabilityLevel = result = getPertinentApplicabilityLevelInner(); } return result; } /** * Identify Matching Arity Methods Applicable by Strict Invocation */ @ApplicabilityLevelConstant public int getPertinentApplicabilityLevelInner() { if (myArgumentList == null || !PsiUtil.isLanguageLevel8OrHigher(myArgumentList)) { return getApplicabilityLevel(); } final PsiMethod method = getElement(); if (isToInferApplicability()) { if (!isOverloadCheck()) { //ensure applicability check is performed getSubstitutor(false); } //already performed checks, so if inference failed, error message should be saved if (myApplicabilityError.get() != null || isPotentiallyCompatible() != ThreeState.YES) { return ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE; } return isVarargs() ? ApplicabilityLevel.VARARGS : ApplicabilityLevel.FIXED_ARITY; } final PsiSubstitutor substitutor = getSubstitutor(false); @ApplicabilityLevelConstant int level = computeForOverloadedCandidate(() -> { //arg types are calculated here without additional constraints: //non-pertinent to applicability arguments of arguments would be skipped PsiType[] argumentTypes = getArgumentTypes(); if (argumentTypes == null) { return ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE; } int level1 = PsiUtil.getApplicabilityLevel(method, substitutor, argumentTypes, myLanguageLevel); if (!isVarargs() && level1 < ApplicabilityLevel.FIXED_ARITY) { return ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE; } return level1; }, substitutor, isVarargs(), true); if (level > ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE && !isTypeArgumentsApplicable(() -> substitutor)) { level = ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE; } return level; } //If m is a generic method and the method invocation does not provide explicit type //arguments, then the applicability of the method is inferred as specified in p18.5.1 public boolean isToInferApplicability() { return myTypeArguments == null && getElement().hasTypeParameters() && !isRawSubstitution(); } /** * Identify Potentially Applicable Methods */ public ThreeState isPotentiallyCompatible() { if (myArgumentList instanceof PsiExpressionList) { final PsiMethod method = getElement(); final PsiParameter[] parameters = method.getParameterList().getParameters(); final PsiExpression[] expressions = ((PsiExpressionList)myArgumentList).getExpressions(); if (!isVarargs() && myLanguageLevel.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8)) { if (expressions.length != parameters.length) { return ThreeState.NO; } } else { if (expressions.length < parameters.length - 1) { return ThreeState.NO; } if (parameters.length == 0 && expressions.length != parameters.length) { return ThreeState.NO; } } boolean unsure = false; for (int i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) { final PsiExpression expression = expressions[i]; PsiType formalParameterType = i < parameters.length ? parameters[i].getType() : parameters[parameters.length - 1].getType(); if (formalParameterType instanceof PsiEllipsisType && isVarargs()) { formalParameterType = ((PsiEllipsisType)formalParameterType).getComponentType(); } ThreeState compatible = isPotentialCompatible(expression, getSiteSubstitutor().substitute(formalParameterType), method); if (compatible == ThreeState.NO) { return ThreeState.NO; } if (compatible == ThreeState.UNSURE) { unsure = true; } } if (unsure) return ThreeState.UNSURE; if (method.hasTypeParameters() && myTypeArguments != null) { return ThreeState.fromBoolean(method.getTypeParameters().length == myTypeArguments.length); //todo } } return ThreeState.YES; } private static ThreeState isPotentialCompatible(PsiExpression expression, PsiType formalType, PsiMethod method) { if (expression instanceof PsiFunctionalExpression) { final PsiClass targetTypeParameter = PsiUtil.resolveClassInClassTypeOnly(formalType); if (targetTypeParameter instanceof PsiTypeParameter && method.equals(((PsiTypeParameter)targetTypeParameter).getOwner())) { return ThreeState.YES; } if (!LambdaUtil.isFunctionalType(formalType)) { return ThreeState.NO; } if (!((PsiFunctionalExpression)expression).isPotentiallyCompatible(formalType)) { return ThreeState.UNSURE; } } else if (expression instanceof PsiParenthesizedExpression) { return isPotentialCompatible(((PsiParenthesizedExpression)expression).getExpression(), formalType, method); } else if (expression instanceof PsiConditionalExpression) { ThreeState thenCompatible = isPotentialCompatible(((PsiConditionalExpression)expression).getThenExpression(), formalType, method); ThreeState elseCompatible = isPotentialCompatible(((PsiConditionalExpression)expression).getElseExpression(), formalType, method); if (thenCompatible == ThreeState.NO || elseCompatible == ThreeState.NO) { return ThreeState.NO; } if (thenCompatible == ThreeState.UNSURE || elseCompatible == ThreeState.UNSURE) { return ThreeState.UNSURE; } } return ThreeState.YES; } private <T> T computeForOverloadedCandidate(final Computable<T> computable, final PsiSubstitutor substitutor, boolean varargs, boolean applicabilityCheck) { Map<PsiElement, CurrentCandidateProperties> map = CURRENT_CANDIDATE.get(); if (map == null) { map = ContainerUtil.createConcurrentWeakMap(); CURRENT_CANDIDATE.set(map); } final PsiElement argumentList = getMarkerList(); final CurrentCandidateProperties alreadyThere = map.put(argumentList, new CurrentCandidateProperties(this, substitutor, varargs, applicabilityCheck)); try { return computable.compute(); } finally { if (alreadyThere == null) { map.remove(argumentList); } else { map.put(argumentList, alreadyThere); } } } @NotNull public PsiSubstitutor getSiteSubstitutor() { PsiSubstitutor incompleteSubstitutor = super.getSubstitutor(); if (myTypeArguments != null) { PsiMethod method = getElement(); PsiTypeParameter[] typeParams = method.getTypeParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < myTypeArguments.length && i < typeParams.length; i++) { incompleteSubstitutor = incompleteSubstitutor.put(typeParams[i], myTypeArguments[i]); } } return incompleteSubstitutor; } @NotNull @Override public PsiSubstitutor getSubstitutor() { return getSubstitutor(true); } @NotNull public PsiSubstitutor getSubstitutor(boolean includeReturnConstraint) { PsiSubstitutor substitutor = myCalcedSubstitutor; if (substitutor == null || !includeReturnConstraint && myLanguageLevel.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8) || isOverloadCheck()) { PsiSubstitutor incompleteSubstitutor = super.getSubstitutor(); PsiMethod method = getElement(); if (myTypeArguments == null) { final RecursionGuard.StackStamp stackStamp = PsiDiamondType.ourDiamondGuard.markStack(); myApplicabilityError.remove(); try { final PsiSubstitutor inferredSubstitutor = inferTypeArguments(DefaultParameterTypeInferencePolicy.INSTANCE, includeReturnConstraint); if (!stackStamp.mayCacheNow() || isOverloadCheck() || !includeReturnConstraint && myLanguageLevel.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8) || getMarkerList() != null && PsiResolveHelper.ourGraphGuard.currentStack().contains(getMarkerList().getParent()) || LambdaUtil.isLambdaParameterCheck() ) { return inferredSubstitutor; } myInferenceError = myApplicabilityError.get(); myCalcedSubstitutor = substitutor = inferredSubstitutor; } finally { //includeReturnConstraint == true, means that it's not an applicability check and it won't be used //Case when clear of error is required: //for foo(bar()) where foo is overloaded but doesn't have type parameters, start from {bar()}.getSubstitutor() //1. perform overload resolution for foo : evaluate {bar()}.getType() under overload lock - // at least one applicability error for {bar()} candidate, when the last overloaded method leads to error but first was ok: //2. {bar()}.getSubstitutor() would preserve error from wrong {foo} candidate => when the error was cleared - everything ok if (includeReturnConstraint) { myApplicabilityError.remove(); } } } else { PsiTypeParameter[] typeParams = method.getTypeParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < myTypeArguments.length && i < typeParams.length; i++) { incompleteSubstitutor = incompleteSubstitutor.put(typeParams[i], myTypeArguments[i]); } myCalcedSubstitutor = substitutor = incompleteSubstitutor; } } return substitutor; } public static boolean isOverloadCheck() { return !ourOverloadGuard.currentStack().isEmpty(); } public boolean isTypeArgumentsApplicable() { return isTypeArgumentsApplicable(() -> getSubstitutor(false)); } private boolean isTypeArgumentsApplicable(Computable<PsiSubstitutor> computable) { final PsiMethod psiMethod = getElement(); PsiTypeParameter[] typeParams = psiMethod.getTypeParameters(); if (myTypeArguments != null && typeParams.length != myTypeArguments.length && !PsiUtil.isLanguageLevel7OrHigher(psiMethod)){ return typeParams.length == 0 && JavaVersionService.getInstance().isAtLeast(psiMethod, JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_7); } return GenericsUtil.isTypeArgumentsApplicable(typeParams, computable.compute(), getParent()); } protected PsiElement getParent() { return myArgumentList != null ? myArgumentList.getParent() : null; } @Override public boolean isValidResult(){ return super.isValidResult() && isApplicable(); } @NotNull @Override public PsiMethod getElement(){ return (PsiMethod)super.getElement(); } @NotNull public PsiSubstitutor inferTypeArguments(@NotNull ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy, boolean includeReturnConstraint) { return inferTypeArguments(policy, myArgumentList instanceof PsiExpressionList ? ((PsiExpressionList)myArgumentList).getExpressions() : PsiExpression.EMPTY_ARRAY, includeReturnConstraint); } public PsiSubstitutor inferSubstitutorFromArgs(@NotNull ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy, final PsiExpression[] arguments) { if (myTypeArguments == null) { return inferTypeArguments(policy, arguments, true); } else { return getSiteSubstitutor(); } } /** * If iterated through all candidates, should be called under {@link #ourOverloadGuard} guard so results won't be cached on the top level call */ @NotNull public PsiSubstitutor inferTypeArguments(@NotNull final ParameterTypeInferencePolicy policy, @NotNull final PsiExpression[] arguments, boolean includeReturnConstraint) { return computeForOverloadedCandidate(() -> { final PsiMethod method = this.getElement(); PsiTypeParameter[] typeParameters = method.getTypeParameters(); if (this.isRawSubstitution()) { return JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(method.getProject()).getElementFactory().createRawSubstitutor(mySubstitutor, typeParameters); } final PsiElement parent = this.getParent(); if (parent == null) return PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY; Project project = method.getProject(); JavaPsiFacade javaPsiFacade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project); return javaPsiFacade.getResolveHelper() .inferTypeArguments(typeParameters, method.getParameterList().getParameters(), arguments, mySubstitutor, parent, policy, myLanguageLevel); }, super.getSubstitutor(), policy.isVarargsIgnored() || isVarargs(), !includeReturnConstraint); } public boolean isRawSubstitution() { final PsiMethod method = getElement(); if (!method.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) { final PsiClass containingClass = method.getContainingClass(); if (containingClass != null && PsiUtil.isRawSubstitutor(containingClass, mySubstitutor)) { return true; } } return false; } protected PsiElement getMarkerList() { return myArgumentList; } public boolean isInferencePossible() { return myArgumentList != null && myArgumentList.isValid(); } public static CurrentCandidateProperties getCurrentMethod(PsiElement context) { final Map<PsiElement, CurrentCandidateProperties> currentMethodCandidates = CURRENT_CANDIDATE.get(); return currentMethodCandidates != null ? currentMethodCandidates.get(context) : null; } public static void updateSubstitutor(PsiElement context, PsiSubstitutor newSubstitutor) { CurrentCandidateProperties candidateProperties = getCurrentMethod(context); if (candidateProperties != null) { candidateProperties.setSubstitutor(newSubstitutor); } } @Nullable public PsiType[] getArgumentTypes() { return myArgumentTypes; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return super.equals(o) && isVarargs() == ((MethodCandidateInfo)o).isVarargs(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 * super.hashCode() + (isVarargs() ? 1 : 0); } /** * Should be invoked on the top level call expression candidate only */ public void setApplicabilityError(String applicabilityError) { myApplicabilityError.set(applicabilityError); } public String getInferenceErrorMessage() { getSubstitutor(); return myInferenceError; } public String getInferenceErrorMessageAssumeAlreadyComputed() { return myInferenceError; } public CurrentCandidateProperties createProperties() { return new CurrentCandidateProperties(this, getSiteSubstitutor(), isVarargs(), false); } public static class CurrentCandidateProperties { private final MethodCandidateInfo myMethod; private PsiSubstitutor mySubstitutor; private boolean myVarargs; private boolean myApplicabilityCheck; private CurrentCandidateProperties(MethodCandidateInfo info, PsiSubstitutor substitutor, boolean varargs, boolean applicabilityCheck) { myMethod = info; mySubstitutor = substitutor; myVarargs = varargs; myApplicabilityCheck = applicabilityCheck; } public PsiMethod getMethod() { return myMethod.getElement(); } public MethodCandidateInfo getInfo() { return myMethod; } public PsiSubstitutor getSubstitutor() { return mySubstitutor; } public void setSubstitutor(PsiSubstitutor substitutor) { mySubstitutor = substitutor; } public boolean isVarargs() { return myVarargs; } public void setVarargs(boolean varargs) { myVarargs = varargs; } public boolean isApplicabilityCheck() { return myApplicabilityCheck; } public void setApplicabilityCheck(boolean applicabilityCheck) { myApplicabilityCheck = applicabilityCheck; } } public static class ApplicabilityLevel { public static final int NOT_APPLICABLE = 1; public static final int VARARGS = 2; public static final int FIXED_ARITY = 3; } @MagicConstant(intValues = {ApplicabilityLevel.NOT_APPLICABLE, ApplicabilityLevel.VARARGS, ApplicabilityLevel.FIXED_ARITY}) public @interface ApplicabilityLevelConstant { } }