/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.graphInference; import com.intellij.psi.PsiType; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import java.util.*; public class InferenceVariablesOrder { public static List<InferenceVariable> resolveOrder(Collection<InferenceVariable> vars, InferenceSession session) { return resolveOrderIterator(vars, session).next(); } public static Iterator<List<InferenceVariable>> resolveOrderIterator(Collection<InferenceVariable> vars, InferenceSession session) { Map<InferenceVariable, InferenceGraphNode<InferenceVariable>> nodes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (InferenceVariable var : vars) { nodes.put(var, new InferenceGraphNode<>(var)); } for (InferenceVariable var : vars) { if (var.getInstantiation() != PsiType.NULL) continue; final InferenceGraphNode<InferenceVariable> node = nodes.get(var); final Set<InferenceVariable> dependencies = var.getDependencies(session); for (InferenceVariable dependentVariable : dependencies) { final InferenceGraphNode<InferenceVariable> dependency = nodes.get(dependentVariable); if (dependency != null) { node.addDependency(dependency); } } } final ArrayList<InferenceGraphNode<InferenceVariable>> acyclicNodes = initNodes(nodes.values()); return ContainerUtil.map(acyclicNodes, node -> node.getValue()).iterator(); } public static <T> List<List<InferenceGraphNode<T>>> tarjan(Collection<InferenceGraphNode<T>> nodes) { final ArrayList<List<InferenceGraphNode<T>>> result = new ArrayList<>(); final Stack<InferenceGraphNode<T>> currentStack = new Stack<>(); int index = 0; for (InferenceGraphNode<T> node : nodes) { if (node.index == -1) { index += InferenceGraphNode.strongConnect(node, index, currentStack, result); } } return result; } public static <T> ArrayList<InferenceGraphNode<T>> initNodes(Collection<InferenceGraphNode<T>> allNodes) { final List<List<InferenceGraphNode<T>>> nodes = tarjan(allNodes); final ArrayList<InferenceGraphNode<T>> acyclicNodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<InferenceGraphNode<T>> cycle : nodes) { acyclicNodes.add(InferenceGraphNode.merge(cycle, allNodes)); } return acyclicNodes; } public static class InferenceGraphNode<T> { private final List<T> myValue = new ArrayList<>(); private final Set<InferenceGraphNode<T>> myDependencies = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private int index = -1; private int lowlink; public InferenceGraphNode(T value) { myValue.add(value); } public List<T> getValue() { return myValue; } public Set<InferenceGraphNode<T>> getDependencies() { return myDependencies; } public void addDependency(InferenceGraphNode<T> node) { myDependencies.add(node); } private static <T> InferenceGraphNode<T> merge(final List<InferenceGraphNode<T>> cycle, final Collection<InferenceGraphNode<T>> allNodes) { assert !cycle.isEmpty(); final InferenceGraphNode<T> root = cycle.get(0); if (cycle.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < cycle.size(); i++) { final InferenceGraphNode<T> cycleNode = cycle.get(i); root.copyFrom(cycleNode); root.filterInterCycleDependencies(); for (InferenceGraphNode<T> node : allNodes) { if (node.myDependencies.remove(cycleNode)) { node.myDependencies.add(root); } } } } return root; } private void filterInterCycleDependencies() { boolean includeSelfDependency = false; for (Iterator<InferenceGraphNode<T>> iterator = myDependencies.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { InferenceGraphNode<T> d = iterator.next(); assert d.myValue.size() >= 1; final T initialNodeValue = d.myValue.get(0); if (myValue.contains(initialNodeValue)) { includeSelfDependency = true; iterator.remove(); } } if (includeSelfDependency) { myDependencies.add(this); } } private void copyFrom(final InferenceGraphNode<T> cycleNode) { myValue.addAll(cycleNode.myValue); myDependencies.addAll(cycleNode.myDependencies); } private static <T> int strongConnect(InferenceGraphNode<T> currentNode, int index, Stack<InferenceGraphNode<T>> currentStack, ArrayList<List<InferenceGraphNode<T>>> result) { currentNode.index = index; currentNode.lowlink = index; index++; currentStack.push(currentNode); for (InferenceGraphNode<T> dependantNode : currentNode.getDependencies()) { if (dependantNode.index == -1) { strongConnect(dependantNode, index, currentStack, result); currentNode.lowlink = Math.min(currentNode.lowlink, dependantNode.lowlink); } else if (currentStack.contains(dependantNode)) { currentNode.lowlink = Math.min(currentNode.lowlink, dependantNode.index); } } if (currentNode.lowlink == currentNode.index) { final ArrayList<InferenceGraphNode<T>> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); InferenceGraphNode<T> cyclicNode; do { cyclicNode = currentStack.pop(); arrayList.add(cyclicNode); } while (cyclicNode != currentNode); result.add(arrayList); } return index; } } }