// "Add on demand static import for 'test.Bar'" "true" package test; import static test.Bar.*; class Bar { public static final void f() { } } public class Foo { { f(); // invoke 'add on demand static import' for Bar class here. The call is now done to other method. } static class D { public static final void f(int i) { } { Bar.f(); // invoke 'add on demand static import' for Bar class here. The call is now done to other method. } } { f(); // invoke 'add on demand static import' for Bar class here. The call is now done to other method. } { f(); // invoke 'add on demand static import' for Bar class here. The call is now done to other method. } { f(); // invoke 'add on demand static import' for Bar class here. The call is now done to other method. } }