/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationInfoImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.MarkupIterator; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.RangeMarkerEx; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Getter; import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException; import com.intellij.util.Processor; import com.intellij.util.SmartList; import com.intellij.util.WalkingState; import com.intellij.util.concurrency.AtomicFieldUpdater; import gnu.trove.TLongHashSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; abstract class IntervalTreeImpl<T> extends RedBlackTree<T> implements IntervalTree<T> { static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.RangeMarkerTree"); static final boolean DEBUG = LOG.isDebugEnabled() || ApplicationManager.getApplication() != null && (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() || ApplicationManager.getApplication().isInternal()); private int keySize; // number of all intervals, counting all duplicates, some of them maybe gced final ReadWriteLock l = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); protected abstract int compareEqualStartIntervals(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> i1, @NotNull IntervalNode<T> i2); private final ReferenceQueue<T> myReferenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); private int deadReferenceCount; static class IntervalNode<E> extends RedBlackTree.Node<E> implements MutableInterval { private volatile int myStart; private volatile int myEnd; private static final byte ATTACHED_TO_TREE_FLAG = COLOR_MASK <<1; // true if the node is inserted to the tree final List<Getter<E>> intervals; int maxEnd; // max of all intervalEnd()s among all children. int delta; // delta of startOffset. getStartOffset() = myStartOffset + Sum of deltas up to root private volatile long cachedDeltaUpToRoot; // field (packed to long for atomicity) containing deltaUpToRoot, node modCount and allDeltasUpAreNull flag // fields are packed as following // private int modCount; // if it equals to the com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.RedBlackTree.modCount then deltaUpToRoot can be used, otherwise it is expired // private int deltaUpToRoot; // sum of all deltas up to the root (including this node' delta). Has valid value only if modCount == IntervalTreeImpl.this.modCount // private boolean allDeltasUpAreNull; // true if all deltas up the tree (including this node) are 0. Has valid value only if modCount == IntervalTreeImpl.this.modCount @NotNull private final IntervalTreeImpl<E> myIntervalTree; IntervalNode(@NotNull IntervalTreeImpl<E> intervalTree, @NotNull E key, int start, int end) { // maxEnd == 0 so to not disrupt existing maxes myIntervalTree = intervalTree; myStart = start; myEnd = end; intervals = new SmartList<>(createGetter(key)); setValid(true); } @Override public IntervalNode<E> getLeft() { return (IntervalNode<E>)left; } @Override public IntervalNode<E> getRight() { return (IntervalNode<E>)right; } @Override public IntervalNode<E> getParent() { return (IntervalNode<E>)parent; } @Override public boolean processAliveKeys(@NotNull Processor<? super E> processor) { //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0; i < intervals.size(); i++) { Getter<E> interval = intervals.get(i); E key = interval.get(); if (key != null && !processor.process(key)) return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean hasAliveKey(boolean purgeDead) { boolean hasAliveInterval = false; for (int i = intervals.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Getter<E> interval = intervals.get(i); if (interval.get() != null) { hasAliveInterval = true; if (purgeDead) { continue; } else { break; } } if (purgeDead) { myIntervalTree.assertUnderWriteLock(); removeIntervalInternal(i); } } return hasAliveInterval; } // removes interval and the node, if node became empty // returns true if node was removed private boolean removeInterval(@NotNull E key) { myIntervalTree.checkBelongsToTheTree(key, true); myIntervalTree.assertUnderWriteLock(); for (int i = intervals.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Getter<E> interval = intervals.get(i); E t = interval.get(); if (t == key) { removeIntervalInternal(i); if (intervals.isEmpty()) { myIntervalTree.removeNode(this); return true; } return false; } } assert false: "interval not found: "+key +"; "+ intervals; return false; } private boolean isAttachedToTree() { return isFlagSet(ATTACHED_TO_TREE_FLAG); } private void setAttachedToTree(boolean attached) { setFlag(ATTACHED_TO_TREE_FLAG, attached); } void removeIntervalInternal(int i) { intervals.remove(i); if (isAttachedToTree()) { // for detached node, do not update tree node count assert myIntervalTree.keySize > 0 : myIntervalTree.keySize; myIntervalTree.keySize--; } } void addInterval(@NotNull E interval) { myIntervalTree.assertUnderWriteLock(); intervals.add(createGetter(interval)); if (isAttachedToTree()) { // for detached node, do not update tree node count myIntervalTree.keySize++; myIntervalTree.setNode(interval, this); } } protected Getter<E> createGetter(@NotNull E interval) { return new WeakReferencedGetter<>(interval, myIntervalTree.myReferenceQueue); } private static class WeakReferencedGetter<T> extends WeakReference<T> implements Getter<T> { private WeakReferencedGetter(@NotNull T referent, @NotNull ReferenceQueue<? super T> q) { super(referent, q); } @NonNls @Override public String toString() { return "Ref: " + get(); } } int computeDeltaUpToRoot() { restart: while (true) { // have to restart on failure to update cached offsets in case of concurrent modification if (!isValid()) return 0; int treeModCount = myIntervalTree.modCount; long packedOffsets = cachedDeltaUpToRoot; if (modCount(packedOffsets) == treeModCount) { return deltaUpToRoot(packedOffsets); } try { myIntervalTree.l.readLock().lock(); IntervalNode<E> node = this; IntervalNode<E> treeRoot = myIntervalTree.getRoot(); if (treeRoot == null) return delta; // someone modified the tree in the meantime int deltaUp = 0; boolean allDeltasAreNull = true; int height = 0; long path = 0; // path to this node from the root; 0 bit means we choose left subtree, 1 bit means we choose right subtree while (node != treeRoot) { long nodePackedOffsets = node.cachedDeltaUpToRoot; if (node.isValid() && modCount(nodePackedOffsets) == treeModCount) { deltaUp = deltaUpToRoot(nodePackedOffsets) - node.delta; allDeltasAreNull = allDeltasUpAreNull(nodePackedOffsets); break; } IntervalNode<E> parent = node.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return deltaUp; // can happen when remove node and explicitly set valid to true (e.g. in RangeMarkerTree) } path = (path << 1) | (parent.getLeft() == node ? 0 : 1); node = parent; height++; } // path to this node fits to long assert height < 63 : height; // cache deltas in every node from the root down this while (true) { if (node.isValid()) { int nodeDelta = node.delta; deltaUp += nodeDelta; allDeltasAreNull &= nodeDelta == 0; if (!node.tryToSetCachedValues(deltaUp, allDeltasAreNull, treeModCount)) { continue restart; } } if (node == this) break; node = (path & 1) == 0 ? node.getLeft() : node.getRight(); path >>= 1; if (node == null) return deltaUp; // can only happen in case of concurrently modification } assert deltaUp == 0 || !allDeltasAreNull; return deltaUp; } finally { myIntervalTree.l.readLock().unlock(); } } } int changeDelta(int change) { if (change != 0) { setCachedValues(0, false, 0); // deltaUpToRoot is not valid anymore return delta += change; } return delta; } void clearDelta() { if (delta != 0) { setCachedValues(0, false, 0); // deltaUpToRoot is not valid anymore delta = 0; } } @Override public int setIntervalStart(int start) { return myStart = start; } @Override public int setIntervalEnd(int end) { return myEnd = end; } static final byte VALID_FLAG = ATTACHED_TO_TREE_FLAG << 1; @Override public boolean isValid() { return isFlagSet(VALID_FLAG); } @Override public boolean setValid(boolean value) { setFlag(VALID_FLAG, value); return value; } @Override public int intervalStart() { return myStart; } @Override public int intervalEnd() { return myEnd; } @NotNull public IntervalTreeImpl<E> getTree() { return myIntervalTree; } /** * packing/unpacking cachedDeltaUpToRoot field parts * Bits layout: * XXXXXXXXNMMMMMMMM where * XXXXXXXX - 31bit int containing cached delta up to root * N - 1bit flag. if set then all deltas up to root are null * MMMMMMMM - 32bit int containing this node modification count */ private static final AtomicFieldUpdater<IntervalNode, Long> cachedDeltaUpdater = AtomicFieldUpdater.forLongFieldIn(IntervalNode.class); private void setCachedValues(int deltaUpToRoot, boolean allDeltaUpToRootAreNull, int modCount) { cachedDeltaUpToRoot = packValues(deltaUpToRoot, allDeltaUpToRootAreNull, modCount); } private static long packValues(long deltaUpToRoot, boolean allDeltaUpToRootAreNull, int modCount) { return deltaUpToRoot << 33 | (allDeltaUpToRootAreNull ? 0x100000000L : 0) | modCount; } private boolean tryToSetCachedValues(int deltaUpToRoot, boolean allDeltasUpAreNull, int treeModCount) { if (myIntervalTree.modCount != treeModCount) return false; long newValue = packValues(deltaUpToRoot, allDeltasUpAreNull, treeModCount); long oldValue = cachedDeltaUpToRoot; return cachedDeltaUpdater.compareAndSetLong(this, oldValue, newValue); } private static boolean allDeltasUpAreNull(long packedOffsets) { return ((packedOffsets >> 32) & 1) != 0; } private static int modCount(long packedOffsets) { return (int)packedOffsets; } private static int deltaUpToRoot(long packedOffsets) { return (int)(packedOffsets >> 33); } // finds previous in the in-order traversal IntervalNode<E> previous() { IntervalNode<E> left = getLeft(); if (left != null) { while (left.getRight() != null) { left = left.getRight(); } return left; } IntervalNode<E> parent = getParent(); IntervalNode<E> prev = this; while (parent != null) { if (parent.getRight() == prev) break; prev = parent; parent = parent.getParent(); } return parent; } // finds next node in the in-order traversal IntervalNode<E> next() { IntervalNode<E> right = getRight(); if (right != null) { while (right.getLeft() != null) { right = right.getLeft(); } return right; } IntervalNode<E> parent = getParent(); IntervalNode<E> prev = this; while (parent != null) { if (parent.getLeft() == prev) break; prev = parent; parent = parent.getParent(); } return parent; } @NonNls @Override public String toString() { return "Node: " + intervals; } } private void assertUnderWriteLock() { if (DEBUG && !ApplicationInfoImpl.isInStressTest()) { assert isAcquired(l.writeLock()) : l.writeLock(); } } private static boolean isAcquired(@NotNull Lock l) { String s = l.toString(); return s.contains("Locked by thread"); } private void pushDeltaFromRoot(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> node) { if (node != null) { long packedOffsets = node.cachedDeltaUpToRoot; if (IntervalNode.allDeltasUpAreNull(packedOffsets) && node.isValid() && IntervalNode.modCount(packedOffsets) == modCount) return; pushDeltaFromRoot(node.getParent()); pushDelta(node); } } @NotNull protected abstract IntervalNode<T> createNewNode(@NotNull T key, int start, int end, boolean greedyToLeft, boolean greedyToRight, int layer); protected abstract IntervalNode<T> lookupNode(@NotNull T key); protected abstract void setNode(@NotNull T key, @Nullable IntervalNode<T> node); private int compareNodes(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> i1, int delta1, @NotNull IntervalNode<T> i2, int delta2, @NotNull List<IntervalNode<T>> invalid) { if (!i2.hasAliveKey(false)) { invalid.add(i2); //gced } int start1 = i1.intervalStart() + delta1; int start2 = i2.intervalStart() + delta2; if (start1 != start2) return start1 - start2; return compareEqualStartIntervals(i1, i2); } protected IntervalNode<T> getRoot() { return (IntervalNode<T>)root; } @Override public boolean processAll(@NotNull Processor<? super T> processor) { try { l.readLock().lock(); checkMax(true); return process(getRoot(), modCount, processor); } finally { l.readLock().unlock(); } } private boolean process(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, final int modCountBefore, @NotNull final Processor<? super T> processor) { if (root == null) return true; WalkingState.TreeGuide<IntervalNode<T>> guide = getGuide(); return WalkingState.processAll(root, guide, node -> { if (!node.processAliveKeys(processor)) return false; if (modCount != modCountBefore) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); return true; }); } @Override public boolean processOverlappingWith(int start, int end, @NotNull Processor<? super T> processor) { try { l.readLock().lock(); checkMax(true); return processOverlappingWith(getRoot(), start, end, modCount, 0, processor); } finally { l.readLock().unlock(); } } private boolean processOverlappingWith(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, int start, int end, int modCountBefore, int deltaUpToRootExclusive, @NotNull Processor<? super T> processor) { if (root == null) { return true; } assert root.isValid(); int delta = deltaUpToRootExclusive + root.delta; if (start > maxEndOf(root, deltaUpToRootExclusive)) { return true; // right of the rightmost interval in the subtree } if (!processOverlappingWith(root.getLeft(), start, end, modCountBefore, delta, processor)) return false; int myStartOffset = root.intervalStart() + delta; int myEndOffset = root.intervalEnd() + delta; boolean overlaps = Math.max(myStartOffset, start) <= Math.min(myEndOffset, end); if (overlaps) { if (!root.processAliveKeys(processor)) return false; if (modCount != modCountBefore) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } if (end < myStartOffset) { return true; // left of the root, cant be in the right subtree } return processOverlappingWith(root.getRight(), start, end, modCountBefore, delta, processor); } public boolean processOverlappingWithOutside(int start, int end, @NotNull Processor<? super T> processor) { try { l.readLock().lock(); checkMax(true); return processOverlappingWithOutside(getRoot(), start, end, modCount, 0, processor); } finally { l.readLock().unlock(); } } private boolean processOverlappingWithOutside(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, int start, int end, int modCountBefore, int deltaUpToRootExclusive, @NotNull Processor<? super T> processor) { if (root == null) { return true; } assert root.isValid(); int delta = deltaUpToRootExclusive + root.delta; int rootMaxEnd = maxEndOf(root, deltaUpToRootExclusive); int rootStartOffset = root.intervalStart() + delta; int rootEndOffset = root.intervalEnd() + delta; if (!processOverlappingWithOutside(root.getLeft(), start, end, modCountBefore, delta, processor)) return false; boolean toProcess = rootStartOffset < start || rootEndOffset > end; if (toProcess) { if (!root.processAliveKeys(processor)) return false; if (modCount != modCountBefore) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } if (rootStartOffset >= start && rootMaxEnd <= end) return true; // cant intersect outside return processOverlappingWithOutside(root.getRight(), start, end, modCountBefore, delta, processor); } @Override public boolean processContaining(int offset, @NotNull Processor<? super T> processor) { try { l.readLock().lock(); checkMax(true); return processContaining(getRoot(), offset, modCount, 0, processor); } finally { l.readLock().unlock(); } } private boolean processContaining(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, int offset, int modCountBefore, int deltaUpToRootExclusive, @NotNull Processor<? super T> processor) { if (root == null) { return true; } assert root.isValid(); int delta = deltaUpToRootExclusive + root.delta; if (offset > maxEndOf(root, deltaUpToRootExclusive)) { return true; // right of the rightmost interval in the subtree } if (!processContaining(root.getLeft(), offset, modCountBefore, delta, processor)) return false; int myStartOffset = root.intervalStart() + delta; int myEndOffset = root.intervalEnd() + delta; boolean overlaps = myStartOffset <= offset && offset < myEndOffset; if (overlaps) { if (!root.processAliveKeys(processor)) return false; if (modCount != modCountBefore) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } if (offset < myStartOffset) { return true; // left of the root, cant be in the right subtree } return processContaining(root.getRight(), offset, modCountBefore, delta, processor); } @NotNull private MarkupIterator<T> overlappingIterator(@NotNull final TextRangeInterval rangeInterval) { l.readLock().lock(); try { final int startOffset = rangeInterval.getStartOffset(); final int endOffset = rangeInterval.getEndOffset(); final IntervalNode<T> firstOverlap = findMinOverlappingWith(getRoot(), rangeInterval, modCount, 0); if (firstOverlap == null) { l.readLock().unlock(); //noinspection unchecked return MarkupIterator.EMPTY; } final int firstOverlapDelta = firstOverlap.computeDeltaUpToRoot(); final int firstOverlapStart = firstOverlap.intervalStart() + firstOverlapDelta; final int modCountBefore = modCount; return new MarkupIterator<T>() { private IntervalNode<T> currentNode = firstOverlap; private int deltaUpToRootExclusive = firstOverlapDelta-firstOverlap.delta; private int indexInCurrentList; private T current; @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (current != null) return true; if (currentNode == null) return false; if (modCount != modCountBefore) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); while (indexInCurrentList != currentNode.intervals.size()) { T t = currentNode.intervals.get(indexInCurrentList++).get(); if (t != null) { current = t; return true; } } indexInCurrentList = 0; while (true) { currentNode = nextNode(currentNode); if (currentNode == null) { return false; } if (overlaps(currentNode, rangeInterval, deltaUpToRootExclusive)) { assert currentNode.intervalStart() + deltaUpToRootExclusive + currentNode.delta >= firstOverlapStart; indexInCurrentList = 0; while (indexInCurrentList != currentNode.intervals.size()) { T t = currentNode.intervals.get(indexInCurrentList++).get(); if (t != null) { current = t; return true; } } indexInCurrentList = 0; } } } @Override public T next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); T t = current; current = null; return t; } @Override public T peek() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return current; } @Override public void remove() { throw new IncorrectOperationException(); } @Override public void dispose() { l.readLock().unlock(); } // next node in in-order traversal private IntervalNode<T> nextNode(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> root) { assert root.isValid() : root; int delta = deltaUpToRootExclusive + root.delta; int myMaxEnd = maxEndOf(root, deltaUpToRootExclusive); if (startOffset > myMaxEnd) return null; // tree changed // try to go right down IntervalNode<T> right = root.getRight(); if (right != null) { int rightMaxEnd = maxEndOf(right, delta); if (startOffset <= rightMaxEnd) { int rightDelta = delta + right.delta; while (right.getLeft() != null && startOffset <= maxEndOf(right.getLeft(), rightDelta)) { right = right.getLeft(); rightDelta += right.delta; } deltaUpToRootExclusive = rightDelta - right.delta; return right; } } // go up while (true) { IntervalNode<T> parent = root.getParent(); if (parent == null) return null; if (parent.intervalStart() + deltaUpToRootExclusive > endOffset) return null; // can't move right deltaUpToRootExclusive -= parent.delta; if (parent.getLeft() == root) { return parent; } root = parent; } } }; } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { l.readLock().unlock(); throw e; } } private boolean overlaps(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, @NotNull TextRangeInterval rangeInterval, int deltaUpToRootExclusive) { if (root == null) return false; int delta = root.delta + deltaUpToRootExclusive; int start = root.intervalStart() + delta; int end = root.intervalEnd() + delta; return rangeInterval.intersects(start, end); } @NotNull IntervalNode<T> findOrInsert(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> node) { assertUnderWriteLock(); node.setRed(); node.setParent(null); node.setValid(true); node.maxEnd = 0; node.clearDelta(); node.setLeft(null); node.setRight(null); List<IntervalNode<T>> gced = new SmartList<>(); if (root == null) { root = node; } else { IntervalNode<T> current = getRoot(); while (true) { pushDelta(current); int compResult = compareNodes(node, 0, current, 0, gced); if (compResult == 0) { return current; } if (compResult < 0) { if (current.getLeft() == null) { current.setLeft(node); break; } current = current.getLeft(); } else /*if (compResult > 0)*/ { if (current.getRight() == null) { current.setRight(node); break; } current = current.getRight(); } } node.setParent(current); } node.setCachedValues(0, true, modCount); correctMaxUp(node); onInsertNode(); keySize += node.intervals.size(); insertCase1(node); node.setAttachedToTree(true); verifyProperties(); deleteNodes(gced); return node; } private void deleteNodes(@NotNull List<IntervalNode<T>> collectedAway) { if (collectedAway.isEmpty()) return; try { l.writeLock().lock(); for (IntervalNode<T> node : collectedAway) { removeNode(node); } } finally { l.writeLock().unlock(); } } @NotNull public IntervalTreeImpl.IntervalNode<T> addInterval(@NotNull T interval, int start, int end, boolean greedyToLeft, boolean greedyToRight, int layer) { try { l.writeLock().lock(); if (firingBeforeRemove) { throw new IncorrectOperationException("Must not add rangemarker from within beforeRemoved listener"); } checkMax(true); processReferenceQueue(); modCount++; IntervalNode<T> newNode = createNewNode(interval, start, end, greedyToLeft, greedyToRight, layer); IntervalNode<T> insertedNode = findOrInsert(newNode); if (insertedNode == newNode) { setNode(interval, insertedNode); } else { // merged insertedNode.addInterval(interval); } checkMax(true); checkBelongsToTheTree(interval, true); return insertedNode; } finally { l.writeLock().unlock(); } } // returns true if all markers are valid boolean checkMax(boolean assertInvalid) { return VERIFY && doCheckMax(assertInvalid); } private boolean doCheckMax(boolean assertInvalid) { try { l.readLock().lock(); AtomicBoolean allValid = new AtomicBoolean(true); int[] keyCounter = new int[1]; int[] nodeCounter = new int[1]; TLongHashSet ids = new TLongHashSet(keySize); checkMax(getRoot(), 0, assertInvalid, allValid, keyCounter, nodeCounter, ids, true); if (assertInvalid) { assert nodeSize() == nodeCounter[0] : "node size: "+ nodeSize() +"; actual: "+nodeCounter[0]; assert keySize == keyCounter[0] : "key size: "+ keySize +"; actual: "+keyCounter[0]; assert keySize >= nodeSize() : keySize + "; "+nodeSize(); } return allValid.get(); } finally { l.readLock().unlock(); } } private static class IntTrinity { private final int first; private final int second; private final int third; private IntTrinity(int first, int second, int third) { this.first = first; this.second = second; this.third = third; } } // returns real (minStart, maxStart, maxEnd) private IntTrinity checkMax(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, int deltaUpToRootExclusive, boolean assertInvalid, @NotNull AtomicBoolean allValid, @NotNull int[] keyCounter, @NotNull int[] nodeCounter, @NotNull TLongHashSet ids, boolean allDeltasUpAreNull) { if (root == null) return new IntTrinity(Integer.MAX_VALUE,Integer.MIN_VALUE,Integer.MIN_VALUE); long packedOffsets = root.cachedDeltaUpToRoot; if (IntervalNode.modCount(packedOffsets) == modCount) { assert IntervalNode.allDeltasUpAreNull(packedOffsets) == (root.delta == 0 && allDeltasUpAreNull); assert IntervalNode.deltaUpToRoot(packedOffsets) == root.delta + deltaUpToRootExclusive; } T liveInterval = null; for (int i = root.intervals.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { T t = root.intervals.get(i).get(); if (t == null) continue; liveInterval = t; checkBelongsToTheTree(t, false); boolean added = ids.add(((RangeMarkerImpl)t).getId()); assert added : t; } if (assertInvalid && liveInterval != null) { checkBelongsToTheTree(liveInterval, true); } keyCounter[0]+= root.intervals.size(); nodeCounter[0]++; int delta = deltaUpToRootExclusive + (root.isValid() ? root.delta : 0); IntTrinity l = checkMax(root.getLeft(), delta, assertInvalid, allValid, keyCounter, nodeCounter, ids, root.delta == 0 && allDeltasUpAreNull); int minLeftStart = l.first; int maxLeftStart = l.second; int maxLeftEnd = l.third; IntTrinity r = checkMax(root.getRight(), delta, assertInvalid, allValid, keyCounter, nodeCounter, ids, root.delta == 0 && allDeltasUpAreNull); int maxRightEnd = r.third; int minRightStart = r.first; int maxRightStart = r.second; if (!root.isValid()) { allValid.set(false); if (assertInvalid) assert false : root; return new IntTrinity(Math.min(minLeftStart, minRightStart), Math.max(maxLeftStart, maxRightStart), Math.max(maxRightEnd, maxLeftEnd)); } IntervalNode<T> parent = root.getParent(); if (parent != null && assertInvalid && root.hasAliveKey(false)) { int c = compareNodes(root, delta, parent, delta - root.delta, new SmartList<>()); assert c != 0; assert c < 0 && parent.getLeft() == root || c > 0 && parent.getRight() == root; } assert delta + root.maxEnd == Math.max(maxLeftEnd, Math.max(maxRightEnd, delta + root.intervalEnd())); int myStartOffset = delta + root.intervalStart(); assert maxLeftStart <= myStartOffset; assert minRightStart >= myStartOffset; assert myStartOffset >= 0; assert minLeftStart == Integer.MAX_VALUE || minLeftStart <= myStartOffset; assert maxRightStart == Integer.MIN_VALUE || maxRightStart >= myStartOffset; int minStart = Math.min(minLeftStart, myStartOffset); int maxStart = Math.max(myStartOffset, Math.max(maxLeftStart, maxRightStart)); assert minStart <= maxStart; return new IntTrinity(minStart, maxStart, root.maxEnd + delta); } @NotNull @Override protected Node<T> maximumNode(@NotNull Node<T> n) { IntervalNode<T> root = (IntervalNode<T>)n; pushDelta(root.getParent()); pushDelta(root); while (root.getRight() != null) { root = root.getRight(); pushDelta(root); } return root; } protected void checkBelongsToTheTree(@NotNull T interval, boolean assertInvalid) { IntervalNode<T> root = lookupNode(interval); if (root == null) return; assert root.getTree() == this : root.getTree() +"; this: "+this; if (!VERIFY) return; if (assertInvalid) { assert !root.intervals.isEmpty(); boolean contains = false; for (int i = root.intervals.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { T key = root.intervals.get(i).get(); if (key == null) continue; contains |= key == interval; IntervalNode<T> node = lookupNode(key); assert node == root : node; assert node.getTree() == this : node; } assert contains : root.intervals + "; " + interval; } IntervalNode<T> e = root; while (e.getParent() != null) e = e.getParent(); assert e == getRoot(); // assert the node belongs to our tree } @Override public boolean removeInterval(@NotNull T interval) { if (!((RangeMarkerEx)interval).isValid()) return false; try { l.writeLock().lock(); modCount++; if (!((RangeMarkerEx)interval).isValid()) return false; checkBelongsToTheTree(interval, true); checkMax(true); processReferenceQueue(); IntervalNode<T> node = lookupNode(interval); if (node == null) return false; beforeRemove(interval, "Explicit Dispose"); node.removeInterval(interval); setNode(interval, null); checkMax(true); return true; } finally { l.writeLock().unlock(); } } // run under write lock void removeNode(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> node) { deleteNode(node); IntervalNode<T> parent = node.getParent(); correctMaxUp(parent); } @Override protected void deleteNode(@NotNull Node<T> n) { assertUnderWriteLock(); IntervalNode<T> node = (IntervalNode<T>)n; pushDeltaFromRoot(node); assertAllDeltasAreNull(node); super.deleteNode(n); keySize -= node.intervals.size(); assert keySize >= 0 : keySize; node.setAttachedToTree(false); } @Override public int size() { return keySize; } // returns true if all deltas involved are still 0 boolean pushDelta(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root) { if (root == null || !root.isValid()) return true; IntervalNode<T> parent = root.getParent(); assertAllDeltasAreNull(parent); int delta = root.delta; root.setCachedValues(0, true, 0); if (delta != 0) { root.setIntervalStart(root.intervalStart() + delta); root.setIntervalEnd(root.intervalEnd() + delta); root.maxEnd += delta; root.delta = 0; //noinspection NonShortCircuitBooleanExpression return incDelta(root.getLeft(), delta) & incDelta(root.getRight(), delta); } root.setCachedValues(0, true, modCount); return true; } // returns true if all deltas involved are still 0 private boolean incDelta(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, int delta) { if (root == null) return true; if (root.isValid()) { int newDelta = root.changeDelta(delta); return newDelta == 0; } else { //noinspection NonShortCircuitBooleanExpression return incDelta(root.getLeft(), delta) & incDelta(root.getRight(), delta); } } @Override @NotNull protected IntervalNode<T> swapWithMaxPred(@NotNull Node<T> root, @NotNull Node<T> maxPred) { checkMax(false); IntervalNode<T> a = (IntervalNode<T>)root; IntervalNode<T> d = (IntervalNode<T>)maxPred; boolean acolor = a.isBlack(); boolean dcolor = d.isBlack(); assert !a.isValid() || a.delta == 0 : a.delta; for (IntervalNode<T> n = a.getLeft(); n != null; n = n.getRight()) { assert !n.isValid() || n.delta == 0 : n.delta; } swapNodes(a, d); // set range of the key to be deleted so it wont disrupt maxes a.setValid(false); //a.key.setIntervalStart(d.key.intervalStart()); //a.key.setIntervalEnd(d.key.intervalEnd()); //correctMaxUp(a); a.setColor(dcolor); d.setColor(acolor); correctMaxUp(a); checkMax(false); assert a.delta == 0 : a.delta; assert d.delta == 0 : d.delta; return a; } private void swapNodes(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> n1, @NotNull IntervalNode<T> n2) { IntervalNode<T> l1 = n1.getLeft(); IntervalNode<T> r1 = n1.getRight(); IntervalNode<T> p1 = n1.getParent(); IntervalNode<T> l2 = n2.getLeft(); IntervalNode<T> r2 = n2.getRight(); IntervalNode<T> p2 = n2.getParent(); if (p1 != null) { if (p1.getLeft() == n1) p1.setLeft(n2); else p1.setRight(n2); } else { root = n2; } if (p2 != null) { if (p2.getLeft() == n2) p2.setLeft(p2 == n1 ? l2 : n1); else p2.setRight(p2 == n1 ? r2 : n1); } else { root = n1; } n1.setParent(p2 == n1 ? n2 : p2); n2.setParent(p1); n1.setLeft(l2); n2.setLeft(l1 == n2 ? n1 : l1); if (l1 != null) l1.setParent(n2 == l1 ? p1 : n2); if (r1 != null) r1.setParent(n2); n1.setRight(r2); n2.setRight(r1); if (l2 != null) l2.setParent(n1); if (r2 != null) r2.setParent(n1); } // returns real max endOffset of all intervals below private int maxEndOf(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> node, int deltaUpToRootExclusive) { if (node == null) { return 0; } if (node.isValid()) { return node.maxEnd + node.delta + deltaUpToRootExclusive; } // since node is invalid, ignore node.delta return Math.max(maxEndOf(node.getLeft(), deltaUpToRootExclusive), maxEndOf(node.getRight(), deltaUpToRootExclusive)); } // max of n.left's maxend, n.right's maxend and its own interval endOffset void correctMax(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> node, int deltaUpToRoot) { if (!node.isValid()) return; int realMax = Math.max(Math.max(maxEndOf(node.getLeft(), deltaUpToRoot), maxEndOf(node.getRight(), deltaUpToRoot)), deltaUpToRoot + node.intervalEnd()); node.maxEnd = realMax - deltaUpToRoot; } private void correctMaxUp(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> node) { int delta = node == null ? 0 : node.computeDeltaUpToRoot(); assert delta == 0 : delta; while (node != null) { if (node.isValid()) { int d = node.delta; correctMax(node, delta); delta -= d; } node = node.getParent(); } assert delta == 0 : delta; } @Override protected void rotateRight(@NotNull Node<T> n) { checkMax(false); IntervalNode<T> node1 = (IntervalNode<T>)n; IntervalNode<T> node2 = node1.getLeft(); IntervalNode<T> node3 = node1.getRight(); IntervalNode<T> parent = node1.getParent(); int deltaUp = parent == null ? 0 : parent.computeDeltaUpToRoot(); pushDelta(node1); pushDelta(node2); pushDelta(node3); super.rotateRight(node1); if (node3 != null) { correctMax(node3, deltaUp); } correctMax(node1, deltaUp); correctMax(node2, deltaUp); assertAllDeltasAreNull(node1); assertAllDeltasAreNull(node2); assertAllDeltasAreNull(node3); checkMax(false); } @Override protected void rotateLeft(@NotNull Node<T> n) { checkMax(false); IntervalNode<T> node1 = (IntervalNode<T>)n; IntervalNode<T> node2 = node1.getLeft(); IntervalNode<T> node3 = node1.getRight(); IntervalNode<T> parent = node1.getParent(); int deltaUp = parent == null ? 0 : parent.computeDeltaUpToRoot(); pushDelta(node1); pushDelta(node2); pushDelta(node3); checkMax(false); super.rotateLeft(node1); if (node2 != null) { correctMax(node2, deltaUp); } correctMax(node1, deltaUp); correctMax(node3, deltaUp); assertAllDeltasAreNull(node1); assertAllDeltasAreNull(node2); assertAllDeltasAreNull(node3); checkMax(false); } @Override protected void replaceNode(@NotNull Node<T> node, Node<T> child) { IntervalNode<T> myNode = (IntervalNode<T>)node; pushDelta(myNode); pushDelta((IntervalNode<T>)child); super.replaceNode(node, child); if (child != null && myNode.isValid()) { ((IntervalNode<T>)child).changeDelta(myNode.delta); //todo correct max up to root?? } } private void assertAllDeltasAreNull(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> node) { if (node == null) return; if (!node.isValid()) return; assert node.delta == 0; long packedOffsets = node.cachedDeltaUpToRoot; assert IntervalNode.modCount(packedOffsets) != modCount || IntervalNode.allDeltasUpAreNull(packedOffsets); } private IntervalNode<T> findMinOverlappingWith(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, @NotNull Interval interval, int modCountBefore, int deltaUpToRootExclusive) { if (root == null) { return null; } assert root.isValid(); int delta = deltaUpToRootExclusive + root.delta; if (interval.intervalStart() > maxEndOf(root, deltaUpToRootExclusive)) { return null; // right of the rightmost interval in the subtree } IntervalNode<T> inLeft = findMinOverlappingWith(root.getLeft(), interval, modCountBefore, delta); if (inLeft != null) return inLeft; int myStartOffset = root.intervalStart() + delta; int myEndOffset = root.intervalEnd() + delta; boolean overlaps = Math.max(myStartOffset, interval.intervalStart()) <= Math.min(myEndOffset, interval.intervalEnd()); if (overlaps) return root; if (modCount != modCountBefore) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); if (interval.intervalEnd() < myStartOffset) { return null; // left of the root, cant be in the right subtree } return findMinOverlappingWith(root.getRight(), interval, modCountBefore, delta); } void changeData(@NotNull T interval, int start, int end, boolean greedyToLeft, boolean greedyToRight, int layer) { try { l.writeLock().lock(); IntervalNode<T> node = lookupNode(interval); if (node == null) return; int before = size(); boolean nodeRemoved = node.removeInterval(interval); assert nodeRemoved || !node.intervals.isEmpty(); IntervalNode<T> insertedNode = addInterval(interval, start, end, greedyToLeft, greedyToRight, layer); assert node != insertedNode; int after = size(); // can be gced assert before >= after : before +";" + after; checkBelongsToTheTree(interval, true); checkMax(true); } finally { l.writeLock().unlock(); } } // called under write lock private void processReferenceQueue() { int dead = 0; while (myReferenceQueue.poll() != null) { dead++; } deadReferenceCount += dead; if (deadReferenceCount > Math.max(1, size() / 3)) { purgeDeadNodes(); deadReferenceCount = 0; } } private void purgeDeadNodes() { assertUnderWriteLock(); List<IntervalNode<T>> gced = new SmartList<>(); collectGced(getRoot(), gced); deleteNodes(gced); checkMax(true); } @Override public void clear() { l.writeLock().lock(); processAll(t -> { beforeRemove(t, "Clear all"); return true; }); try { super.clear(); keySize = 0; } finally { l.writeLock().unlock(); } } private void collectGced(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root, @NotNull List<IntervalNode<T>> gced) { if (root == null) return; if (!root.hasAliveKey(true)) { gced.add(root); } collectGced(root.getLeft(), gced); collectGced(root.getRight(), gced); } private void printSorted() { printSorted(getRoot());} private void printSorted(@Nullable IntervalNode<T> root) { if (root == null) return; printSorted(root.getLeft()); System.out.println(root); printSorted(root.getRight()); } void fireBeforeRemoved(@NotNull T markerEx, @NotNull @NonNls Object reason) { } private boolean firingBeforeRemove; // accessed under l.writeLock() only // must be called under l.writeLock() void beforeRemove(@NotNull T markerEx, @NonNls @NotNull Object reason) { if (firingBeforeRemove) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } firingBeforeRemove = true; try { fireBeforeRemoved(markerEx, reason); } finally { firingBeforeRemove = false; } } private static class IntervalTreeGuide<T extends MutableInterval> implements WalkingState.TreeGuide<IntervalNode<T>> { @Override public IntervalNode<T> getNextSibling(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> element) { IntervalNode<T> parent = element.getParent(); if (parent == null) return null; return parent.getLeft() == element ? parent.getRight() : null; } @Override public IntervalNode<T> getPrevSibling(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> element) { IntervalNode<T> parent = element.getParent(); if (parent == null) return null; return parent.getRight() == element ? parent.getLeft() : null; } @Override public IntervalNode<T> getFirstChild(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> element) { IntervalNode<T> left = element.getLeft(); return left == null ? element.getRight() : left; } @Override public IntervalNode<T> getParent(@NotNull IntervalNode<T> element) { return element.getParent(); } } private static final IntervalTreeGuide INTERVAL_TREE_GUIDE_INSTANCE = new IntervalTreeGuide(); @NotNull private static <T> WalkingState.TreeGuide<IntervalNode<T>> getGuide() { //noinspection unchecked return (WalkingState.TreeGuide)INTERVAL_TREE_GUIDE_INSTANCE; } public int maxHeight() { return maxHeight(root); } private int maxHeight(@Nullable Node<T> root) { return root == null ? 0 : 1 + Math.max(maxHeight(root.left), maxHeight(root.right)); } // combines iterators for two trees in one using specified comparator @NotNull static <T> MarkupIterator<T> mergingOverlappingIterator(@NotNull IntervalTreeImpl<T> tree1, @NotNull TextRangeInterval tree1Range, @NotNull IntervalTreeImpl<T> tree2, @NotNull TextRangeInterval tree2Range, @NotNull Comparator<? super T> comparator) { MarkupIterator<T> exact = tree1.overlappingIterator(tree1Range); MarkupIterator<T> lines = tree2.overlappingIterator(tree2Range); return MarkupIterator.mergeIterators(exact, lines, comparator); } T findRangeMarkerAfter(@NotNull T marker) { l.readLock().lock(); try { IntervalNode<T> node = lookupNode(marker); boolean foundMarker = false; while (node != null) { List<Getter<T>> intervals = node.intervals; //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0; i < intervals.size(); i++) { Getter<T> interval = intervals.get(i); T m = interval.get(); if (m == null) continue; if (m == marker) { foundMarker = true; } else if (foundMarker) { // found next to marker return m; } } node = node.next(); foundMarker = true; // protection against sudden removal of marker } return null; } finally { l.readLock().unlock(); } } T findRangeMarkerBefore(@NotNull T marker) { l.readLock().lock(); try { IntervalNode<T> node = lookupNode(marker); boolean foundMarker = false; while (node != null) { List<Getter<T>> intervals = node.intervals; for (int i = intervals.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Getter<T> interval = intervals.get(i); T m = interval.get(); if (m == null) continue; if (m == marker) { foundMarker = true; } else if (foundMarker) { // found next to marker return m; } } node = node.previous(); foundMarker = true; // protection against sudden removal of marker } return null; } finally { l.readLock().unlock(); } } }