package pkg; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This illustrates a bug in fernflower as of 20170421. Decompiled output of this class does not compile back. */ public class TestSwitchOnEnum { int myInt; public int testSOE(TimeUnit t) { // This creates anonymous SwitchMap inner class. switch (t) { case MICROSECONDS: return 2; case SECONDS: return 1; } return 0; } static class Example { enum A { A1, A2} enum B { B1, B2} void test(A a, B b){ switch (a){ case A1: System.out.println("A1"); break; case A2: System.out.println("A2"); break; } switch (b){ case B1: System.out.println("B1"); break; case B2: System.out.println("B2"); break; } } } }