package com.siyeh.igtest.initialization.this_escaped_in_constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ThisEscapedInConstructorInspection{ private boolean foo =<warning descr="Escape of 'ThisEscapedInConstructorInspection.this' during object construction">ThisEscapedInConstructorInspection.this</warning>, <warning descr="Escape of 'this' during object construction">this</warning>); { final NoEscape escape = new NoEscape(this); // safe new NoEscape(null).field = this; // safe System.out.println(<warning descr="Escape of 'this' during object construction">this</warning>); } public ThisEscapedInConstructorInspection(){ super(); final List list = new ArrayList(3); list.add(<warning descr="Escape of 'this' during object construction">this</warning>); //escape new Testing().boom = <warning descr="Escape of 'this' during object construction">this</warning>; // escape Runnable r = () -> System.out.println(this); } private class NoEscape { Object field; NoEscape(Object o) { } } } class Testing { Object boom; public static boolean foo(Object val) { return true; } public static boolean foo(Object o1, Object o2) { return false; } }